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path: root/ExampleBots/ModerationBot/PolicyEngine.cs
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authorEmma [it/its]@Rory& <root@rory.gay>2023-11-23 05:42:33 +0100
committerEmma [it/its]@Rory& <root@rory.gay>2023-11-23 05:42:33 +0100
commit3e934eee892f69a8f78b94950993000522702769 (patch)
tree6aa0d3d26c9a07a7a3e097fe28abb785400bfbd6 /ExampleBots/ModerationBot/PolicyEngine.cs
parentAdd license retroactively, matching where the code originated from (MatrixRoo... (diff)
Moderation bot work
Diffstat (limited to 'ExampleBots/ModerationBot/PolicyEngine.cs')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ExampleBots/ModerationBot/PolicyEngine.cs b/ExampleBots/ModerationBot/PolicyEngine.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5311637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ExampleBots/ModerationBot/PolicyEngine.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Security.Cryptography;
+using System.Text.Json;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
+using LibMatrix;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
+using LibMatrix.Helpers;
+using LibMatrix.Homeservers;
+using LibMatrix.Interfaces;
+using LibMatrix.RoomTypes;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
+using ModerationBot.AccountData;
+using ModerationBot.StateEventTypes;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using ModerationBot.StateEventTypes.Policies;
+using ModerationBot.StateEventTypes.Policies.Implementations;
+namespace ModerationBot;
+public class PolicyEngine(AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric hs, ILogger<ModerationBot> logger, ModerationBotConfiguration configuration, HomeserverResolverService hsResolver) {
+    private Dictionary<string, PolicyList> PolicyListAccountData { get; set; } = new();
+    public List<PolicyList> ActivePolicyLists { get; set; } = new();
+    public List<BasePolicy> ActivePolicies { get; set; } = new();
+    public Dictionary<string, List<BasePolicy>> ActivePoliciesByType { get; set; } = new();
+    private GenericRoom? _logRoom;
+    private GenericRoom? _controlRoom;
+    public async Task ReloadActivePolicyLists() {
+        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
+        var botData = await hs.GetAccountDataAsync<BotData>("gay.rory.moderation_bot_data");
+        _logRoom ??= hs.GetRoom(botData.LogRoom ?? botData.ControlRoom);
+        _controlRoom ??= hs.GetRoom(botData.ControlRoom);
+        await _controlRoom?.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess("Reloading policy lists!"))!;
+        await _logRoom?.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess("Reloading policy lists!"))!;
+        var progressMessage = await _logRoom?.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess("0/? policy lists loaded"))!;
+        var policyLists = new List<PolicyList>();
+        try {
+            PolicyListAccountData = await hs.GetAccountDataAsync<Dictionary<string, PolicyList>>("gay.rory.moderation_bot.policy_lists");
+        }
+        catch (MatrixException e) {
+            if (e is not { ErrorCode: "M_NOT_FOUND" }) throw;
+        }
+        if (!PolicyListAccountData.ContainsKey(botData.DefaultPolicyRoom)) {
+            PolicyListAccountData.Add(botData.DefaultPolicyRoom, new PolicyList() {
+                Trusted = true
+            });
+            await hs.SetAccountDataAsync("gay.rory.moderation_bot.policy_lists", PolicyListAccountData);
+        }
+        var loadTasks = new List<Task<PolicyList>>();
+        foreach (var (roomId, policyList) in PolicyListAccountData) {
+            var room = hs.GetRoom(roomId);
+            loadTasks.Add(LoadPolicyListAsync(room, policyList));
+        }
+        await foreach (var policyList in loadTasks.ToAsyncEnumerable()) {
+            policyLists.Add(policyList);
+            if (policyList.Policies.Count >= 256 || policyLists.Count == PolicyListAccountData.Count) {
+                var progressMsgContent = MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"{policyLists.Count}/{PolicyListAccountData.Count} policy lists loaded, " +
+                                                                        $"{policyLists.Sum(x => x.Policies.Count)} policies total, {sw.Elapsed} elapsed.")
+                    .SetReplaceRelation<RoomMessageEventContent>(progressMessage.EventId);
+                _logRoom?.SendMessageEventAsync(progressMsgContent);
+            }
+        }
+        // Console.WriteLine($"Reloaded policy list data in {sw.Elapsed}");
+        // await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Done fetching {policyLists.Count} policy lists in {sw.Elapsed}!"));
+        ActivePolicyLists = policyLists;
+        ActivePolicies = await GetActivePolicies();
+    }
+    private async Task<PolicyList> LoadPolicyListAsync(GenericRoom room, PolicyList policyList) {
+        policyList.Room = room;
+        policyList.Policies.Clear();
+        var stateEvents = room.GetFullStateAsync();
+        await foreach (var stateEvent in stateEvents) {
+            if (stateEvent != null && (
+                    stateEvent.GetType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(BasePolicy))
+                    || stateEvent.GetType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(PolicyRuleEventContent))
+                )) {
+                policyList.Policies.Add(stateEvent);
+            }
+        }
+        // if (policyList.Policies.Count >= 1)
+        // await _logRoom?.SendMessageEventAsync(
+        // MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Loaded {policyList.Policies.Count} policies for {MessageFormatter.HtmlFormatMention(room.RoomId)}!"))!;
+        return policyList;
+    }
+    public async Task ReloadActivePolicyListById(string roomId) {
+        if (!ActivePolicyLists.Any(x => x.Room.RoomId == roomId)) return;
+        await LoadPolicyListAsync(hs.GetRoom(roomId), ActivePolicyLists.Single(x => x.Room.RoomId == roomId));
+        ActivePolicies = await GetActivePolicies();
+    }
+    public async Task<List<BasePolicy>> GetActivePolicies() {
+        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
+        List<BasePolicy> activePolicies = new();
+        foreach (var activePolicyList in ActivePolicyLists) {
+            foreach (var policyEntry in activePolicyList.Policies) {
+                // TODO: implement rule translation
+                BasePolicy policy = policyEntry.TypedContent is BasePolicy ? policyEntry.TypedContent as BasePolicy : policyEntry.RawContent.Deserialize<UnknownPolicy>();
+                if (policy.Entity is null) continue;
+                policy.PolicyList = activePolicyList;
+                policy.OriginalEvent = policyEntry;
+                activePolicies.Add(policy);
+            }
+        }
+        Console.WriteLine($"Translated policy list data in {sw.Elapsed}");
+        ActivePoliciesByType = activePolicies.GroupBy(x => x.GetType().Name).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
+        await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Translated policy list data in {sw.GetElapsedAndRestart()}"));
+        // await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(MessageFormatter.FormatSuccess($"Built policy type map in {sw.GetElapsedAndRestart()}"));
+        var summary = SummariseStateTypeCounts(activePolicies.Select(x => x.OriginalEvent).ToList());
+        await _logRoom?.SendMessageEventAsync(new RoomMessageEventContent() {
+            Body = summary.Raw,
+            FormattedBody = summary.Html,
+            Format = "org.matrix.custom.html"
+        })!;
+        return activePolicies;
+    }
+    public async Task<List<BasePolicy>> GetMatchingPolicies(StateEventResponse @event) {
+        List<BasePolicy> matchingPolicies = new();
+        if (@event.Sender == @hs.UserId) return matchingPolicies; //ignore self at all costs
+        if (ActivePoliciesByType.TryGetValue(nameof(ServerPolicyRuleEventContent), out var serverPolicies)) {
+            var userServer = @event.Sender.Split(':', 2)[1];
+            matchingPolicies.AddRange(serverPolicies.Where(x => x.Entity == userServer));
+        }
+        if (ActivePoliciesByType.TryGetValue(nameof(UserPolicyRuleEventContent), out var userPolicies)) {
+            matchingPolicies.AddRange(userPolicies.Where(x => x.Entity == @event.Sender));
+        }
+        if (@event.TypedContent is RoomMessageEventContent msgContent) {
+            matchingPolicies.AddRange(await CheckMessageContent(@event));
+            if (msgContent.MessageType == "m.text" || msgContent.MessageType == "m.notice") ; //TODO: implement word etc. filters
+            if (msgContent.MessageType == "m.image" || msgContent.MessageType == "m.file" || msgContent.MessageType == "m.audio" || msgContent.MessageType == "m.video")
+                matchingPolicies.AddRange(await CheckMedia(@event));
+        }
+        return matchingPolicies;
+    }
+#region Policy matching
+    private async Task<List<BasePolicy>> CheckMessageContent(StateEventResponse @event) {
+        var matchedRules = new List<BasePolicy>();
+        var msgContent = @event.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent;
+        if (ActivePoliciesByType.TryGetValue(nameof(MessagePolicyContainsText), out var messageContainsPolicies))
+            foreach (var policy in messageContainsPolicies) {
+                if((@msgContent?.Body?.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(policy.Entity.ToLowerInvariant()) ?? false) || (@msgContent?.FormattedBody?.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(policy.Entity.ToLowerInvariant()) ?? false))
+                    matchedRules.Add(policy);
+            }
+        return matchedRules;
+    }
+    private async Task<List<BasePolicy>> CheckMedia(StateEventResponse @event) {
+        var matchedRules = new List<BasePolicy>();
+        var hashAlgo = SHA3_256.Create();
+        var mxcUri = @event.RawContent["url"].GetValue<string>();
+        //check server policies before bothering with hashes
+        if (ActivePoliciesByType.TryGetValue(nameof(MediaPolicyHomeserver), out var mediaHomeserverPolicies))
+            foreach (var policy in mediaHomeserverPolicies) {
+                logger.LogInformation("Checking rule {rule}: {data}", policy.OriginalEvent.StateKey, policy.OriginalEvent.TypedContent.ToJson(ignoreNull: true, indent: false));
+                policy.Entity = policy.Entity.Replace("\\*", ".*").Replace("\\?", ".");
+                var regex = new Regex($"mxc://({policy.Entity})/.*", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+                if (regex.IsMatch(@event.RawContent["url"]!.GetValue<string>())) {
+                    logger.LogInformation("{url} matched rule {rule}", @event.RawContent["url"], policy.ToJson(ignoreNull: true));
+                    matchedRules.Add(policy);
+                    // continue;
+                }
+            }
+        var resolvedUri = await hsResolver.ResolveMediaUri(mxcUri.Split('/')[2], mxcUri);
+        var uriHash = hashAlgo.ComputeHash(mxcUri.AsBytes().ToArray());
+        byte[]? fileHash = null;
+        try {
+            fileHash = await hashAlgo.ComputeHashAsync(await hs.ClientHttpClient.GetStreamAsync(resolvedUri));
+        }
+        catch (Exception ex) {
+            await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(
+                MessageFormatter.FormatException($"Error calculating file hash for {mxcUri} via {mxcUri.Split('/')[2]} ({resolvedUri}), retrying via {hs.BaseUrl}...",
+                    ex));
+            try {
+                resolvedUri = await hsResolver.ResolveMediaUri(hs.BaseUrl, mxcUri);
+                fileHash = await hashAlgo.ComputeHashAsync(await hs.ClientHttpClient.GetStreamAsync(resolvedUri));
+            }
+            catch (Exception ex2) {
+                await _logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync(
+                    MessageFormatter.FormatException($"Error calculating file hash via {hs.BaseUrl} ({resolvedUri})!", ex2));
+            }
+        }
+        logger.LogInformation("Checking media {url} with hash {hash}", resolvedUri, fileHash);
+        if (ActivePoliciesByType.ContainsKey(nameof(MediaPolicyFile)))
+            foreach (MediaPolicyFile policy in ActivePoliciesByType[nameof(MediaPolicyFile)]) {
+                logger.LogInformation("Checking rule {rule}: {data}", policy.OriginalEvent.StateKey, policy.OriginalEvent.TypedContent.ToJson(ignoreNull: true, indent: false));
+                if (policy.Entity is not null && Convert.ToBase64String(uriHash).SequenceEqual(policy.Entity)) {
+                    logger.LogInformation("{url} matched rule {rule} by uri hash", @event.RawContent["url"], policy.ToJson(ignoreNull: true));
+                    matchedRules.Add(policy);
+                    // continue;
+                }
+                else logger.LogInformation("uri hash {uriHash} did not match rule's {ruleUriHash}", Convert.ToHexString(uriHash), policy.Entity);
+                if (policy.FileHash is not null && fileHash is not null && policy.FileHash == Convert.ToBase64String(fileHash)) {
+                    logger.LogInformation("{url} matched rule {rule} by file hash", @event.RawContent["url"], policy.ToJson(ignoreNull: true));
+                    matchedRules.Add(policy);
+                    // continue;
+                }
+                else logger.LogInformation("file hash {fileHash} did not match rule's {ruleFileHash}", Convert.ToBase64String(fileHash), policy.FileHash);
+                //check pixels every 10% of the way through the image using ImageSharp
+                // var image = Image.Load(await _hs._httpClient.GetStreamAsync(resolvedUri));
+            }
+        else logger.LogInformation("No active media file policies");        
+        // logger.LogInformation("{url} did not match any rules", @event.RawContent["url"]);
+        return matchedRules;
+    }
+#region Internal code
+#region Summarisation
+    private static (string Raw, string Html) SummariseStateTypeCounts(IList<StateEventResponse> states) {
+        string raw = "Count | State type | Mapped type", html = "<table><tr><th>Count</th><th>State type</th><th>Mapped type</th></tr>";
+        var groupedStates = states.GroupBy(x => x.Type).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList()).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Count);
+        foreach (var (type, stateGroup) in groupedStates) {
+            raw += $"{stateGroup.Count} | {type} | {stateGroup[0].GetType.Name}";
+            html += $"<tr><td>{stateGroup.Count}</td><td>{type}</td><td>{stateGroup[0].GetType.Name}</td></tr>";
+        }
+        html += "</table>";
+        return (raw, html);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file