diff --git a/crypto/src/crypto/tls/TlsRsaKeyExchange.cs b/crypto/src/crypto/tls/TlsRsaKeyExchange.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c214196a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/src/crypto/tls/TlsRsaKeyExchange.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Utilities;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Math;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
+namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Tls
+ public static class TlsRsaKeyExchange
+ {
+ public static byte[] DecryptPreMasterSecret(byte[] encryptedPreMasterSecret, RsaKeyParameters privateKey,
+ int protocolVersion, SecureRandom secureRandom)
+ {
+ if (Arrays.IsNullOrEmpty(encryptedPreMasterSecret))
+ throw new ArgumentException("cannot be null or empty", nameof(encryptedPreMasterSecret));
+ if (!privateKey.IsPrivate)
+ throw new ArgumentException("must be an RSA private key", nameof(privateKey));
+ BigInteger modulus = privateKey.Modulus;
+ int bitLength = modulus.BitLength;
+ if (bitLength < 512)
+ throw new ArgumentException("must be at least 512 bits", nameof(privateKey));
+ if ((protocolVersion & 0xFFFF) != protocolVersion)
+ throw new ArgumentException("must be a 16 bit value", nameof(protocolVersion));
+ secureRandom = CryptoServicesRegistrar.GetSecureRandom(secureRandom);
+ /*
+ * Generate 48 random bytes we can use as a Pre-Master-Secret if the decrypted value is invalid.
+ */
+ byte[] result = new byte[48];
+ secureRandom.NextBytes(result);
+ try
+ {
+ BigInteger input = ConvertInput(modulus, encryptedPreMasterSecret);
+ byte[] encoding = RsaBlinded(privateKey, input, secureRandom);
+ int pkcs1Length = (bitLength - 1) / 8;
+ int plainTextOffset = encoding.Length - 48;
+ int badEncodingMask = CheckPkcs1Encoding2(encoding, pkcs1Length, 48);
+ int badVersionMask = -(Pack.BE_To_UInt16(encoding, plainTextOffset) ^ protocolVersion) >> 31;
+ int fallbackMask = badEncodingMask | badVersionMask;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 48; ++i)
+ {
+ result[i] = (byte)((result[i] & fallbackMask) | (encoding[plainTextOffset + i] & ~fallbackMask));
+ }
+ Arrays.Fill(encoding, 0x00);
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Decryption should never throw an exception; return a random value instead.
+ *
+ * In any case, a TLS server MUST NOT generate an alert if processing an RSA-encrypted premaster
+ * secret message fails, or the version number is not as expected. Instead, it MUST continue the
+ * handshake with a randomly generated premaster secret.
+ */
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private static int CAddTo(int len, int cond, byte[] x, byte[] z)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(cond == 0 || cond == -1);
+ int c = 0;
+ for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ c += z[i] + (x[i] & cond);
+ z[i] = (byte)c;
+ c >>= 8;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check the argument is a valid encoding with type 2 of a plaintext with the given length. Returns 0 if
+ * valid, or -1 if invalid.
+ */
+ private static int CheckPkcs1Encoding2(byte[] buf, int pkcs1Length, int plaintextLength)
+ {
+ // The header should be at least 10 bytes
+ int errorSign = pkcs1Length - plaintextLength - 10;
+ int firstPadPos = buf.Length - pkcs1Length;
+ int lastPadPos = buf.Length - 1 - plaintextLength;
+ // Any leading bytes should be zero
+ for (int i = 0; i < firstPadPos; ++i)
+ {
+ errorSign |= -buf[i];
+ }
+ // The first byte should be 0x02
+ errorSign |= -(buf[firstPadPos] ^ 0x02);
+ // All pad bytes before the last one should be non-zero
+ for (int i = firstPadPos + 1; i < lastPadPos; ++i)
+ {
+ errorSign |= buf[i] - 1;
+ }
+ // Last pad byte should be zero
+ errorSign |= -buf[lastPadPos];
+ return errorSign >> 31;
+ }
+ private static BigInteger ConvertInput(BigInteger modulus, byte[] input)
+ {
+ int inputLimit = (modulus.BitLength + 7) / 8;
+ if (input.Length <= inputLimit)
+ {
+ BigInteger result = new BigInteger(1, input);
+ if (result.CompareTo(modulus) < 0)
+ return result;
+ }
+ throw new DataLengthException("input too large for RSA cipher.");
+ }
+ private static BigInteger Rsa(RsaKeyParameters privateKey, BigInteger input)
+ {
+ return input.ModPow(privateKey.Exponent, privateKey.Modulus);
+ }
+ private static byte[] RsaBlinded(RsaKeyParameters privateKey, BigInteger input, SecureRandom secureRandom)
+ {
+ BigInteger modulus = privateKey.Modulus;
+ int resultSize = (modulus.BitLength + 7) / 8;
+ if (!(privateKey is RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters crtKey))
+ return BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(resultSize, Rsa(privateKey, input));
+ BigInteger e = crtKey.PublicExponent;
+ Debug.Assert(e != null);
+ BigInteger r = BigIntegers.CreateRandomInRange(BigInteger.One, modulus.Subtract(BigInteger.One),
+ secureRandom);
+ BigInteger blind = r.ModPow(e, modulus);
+ BigInteger unblind = BigIntegers.ModOddInverse(modulus, r);
+ BigInteger blindedInput = blind.ModMultiply(input, modulus);
+ BigInteger blindedResult = RsaCrt(crtKey, blindedInput);
+ BigInteger offsetResult = unblind.Add(BigInteger.One).ModMultiply(blindedResult, modulus);
+ /*
+ * BigInteger conversion time is not constant, but is only done for blinded or public values.
+ */
+ byte[] blindedResultBytes = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(resultSize, blindedResult);
+ byte[] modulusBytes = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(resultSize, modulus);
+ byte[] resultBytes = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(resultSize, offsetResult);
+ /*
+ * A final modular subtraction is done without timing dependencies on the final result.
+ */
+ int carry = SubFrom(resultSize, blindedResultBytes, resultBytes);
+ CAddTo(resultSize, carry, modulusBytes, resultBytes);
+ return resultBytes;
+ }
+ private static BigInteger RsaCrt(RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters crtKey, BigInteger input)
+ {
+ //
+ // we have the extra factors, use the Chinese Remainder Theorem - the author
+ // wishes to express his thanks to Dirk Bonekaemper at rtsffm.com for
+ // advice regarding the expression of this.
+ //
+ BigInteger e = crtKey.PublicExponent;
+ Debug.Assert(e != null);
+ BigInteger p = crtKey.P;
+ BigInteger q = crtKey.Q;
+ BigInteger dP = crtKey.DP;
+ BigInteger dQ = crtKey.DQ;
+ BigInteger qInv = crtKey.QInv;
+ // mP = ((input mod p) ^ dP)) mod p
+ BigInteger mP = input.Remainder(p).ModPow(dP, p);
+ // mQ = ((input mod q) ^ dQ)) mod q
+ BigInteger mQ = input.Remainder(q).ModPow(dQ, q);
+ // h = qInv * (mP - mQ) mod p
+ BigInteger h = mP.Subtract(mQ).ModMultiply(qInv, p);
+ // m = h * q + mQ
+ BigInteger m = h.Multiply(q).Add(mQ);
+ // defence against Arjen Lenstra’s CRT attack
+ BigInteger check = m.ModPow(e, crtKey.Modulus);
+ if (!check.Equals(input))
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("RSA engine faulty decryption/signing detected");
+ return m;
+ }
+ private static int SubFrom(int len, byte[] x, byte[] z)
+ {
+ int c = 0;
+ for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ c += z[i] - x[i];
+ z[i] = (byte)c;
+ c >>= 8;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/src/tls/crypto/impl/bc/BcDefaultTlsCredentialedDecryptor.cs b/crypto/src/tls/crypto/impl/bc/BcDefaultTlsCredentialedDecryptor.cs
index 6f4d10c78..d7d9f7595 100644
--- a/crypto/src/tls/crypto/impl/bc/BcDefaultTlsCredentialedDecryptor.cs
+++ b/crypto/src/tls/crypto/impl/bc/BcDefaultTlsCredentialedDecryptor.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
using System;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
-using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Encodings;
-using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
-using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
-using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.Crypto.Impl.BC
@@ -40,15 +36,12 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.Crypto.Impl.BC
throw new ArgumentException("'privateKey' type not supported: " + privateKey.GetType().FullName);
- this.m_crypto = crypto;
- this.m_certificate = certificate;
- this.m_privateKey = privateKey;
+ m_crypto = crypto;
+ m_certificate = certificate;
+ m_privateKey = privateKey;
- public virtual Certificate Certificate
- {
- get { return m_certificate; }
- }
+ public virtual Certificate Certificate => m_certificate;
public virtual TlsSecret Decrypt(TlsCryptoParameters cryptoParams, byte[] ciphertext)
@@ -63,55 +56,10 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.Crypto.Impl.BC
protected virtual TlsSecret SafeDecryptPreMasterSecret(TlsCryptoParameters cryptoParams,
RsaKeyParameters rsaServerPrivateKey, byte[] encryptedPreMasterSecret)
- SecureRandom secureRandom = m_crypto.SecureRandom;
- /*
- * RFC 5246
- */
ProtocolVersion expectedVersion = cryptoParams.RsaPreMasterSecretVersion;
- /*
- * Generate 48 random bytes we can use as a Pre-Master-Secret, if the PKCS1 padding check should fail.
- */
- byte[] fallback = new byte[48];
- secureRandom.NextBytes(fallback);
- byte[] M = Arrays.Clone(fallback);
- try
- {
- Pkcs1Encoding encoding = new Pkcs1Encoding(new RsaBlindedEngine(), fallback);
- encoding.Init(false, new ParametersWithRandom(rsaServerPrivateKey, secureRandom));
- M = encoding.ProcessBlock(encryptedPreMasterSecret, 0, encryptedPreMasterSecret.Length);
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- /*
- * This should never happen since the decryption should never throw an exception and return a random
- * value instead.
- *
- * In any case, a TLS server MUST NOT generate an alert if processing an RSA-encrypted premaster secret
- * message fails, or the version number is not as expected. Instead, it MUST continue the handshake with
- * a randomly generated premaster secret.
- */
- }
- /*
- * Compare the version number in the decrypted Pre-Master-Secret with the legacy_version field from the
- * ClientHello. If they don't match, continue the handshake with the randomly generated 'fallback' value.
- *
- * NOTE: The comparison and replacement must be constant-time.
- */
- int mask = (expectedVersion.MajorVersion ^ M[0])
- | (expectedVersion.MinorVersion ^ M[1]);
- // 'mask' will be all 1s if the versions matched, or else all 0s.
- mask = (mask - 1) >> 31;
- for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++)
- {
- M[i] = (byte)((M[i] & mask) | (fallback[i] & ~mask));
- }
+ byte[] M = Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Tls.TlsRsaKeyExchange.DecryptPreMasterSecret(encryptedPreMasterSecret,
+ rsaServerPrivateKey, expectedVersion.FullVersion, m_crypto.SecureRandom);
return m_crypto.CreateSecret(M);