diff --git a/synapse/storage/event_federation.py b/synapse/storage/event_federation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 47cc10d32a..0000000000
--- a/synapse/storage/event_federation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import itertools
-import logging
-import random
-from six.moves import range
-from six.moves.queue import Empty, PriorityQueue
-from unpaddedbase64 import encode_base64
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
-from synapse.metrics.background_process_metrics import run_as_background_process
-from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore, make_in_list_sql_clause
-from synapse.storage.events_worker import EventsWorkerStore
-from synapse.storage.signatures import SignatureWorkerStore
-from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class EventFederationWorkerStore(EventsWorkerStore, SignatureWorkerStore, SQLBaseStore):
- def get_auth_chain(self, event_ids, include_given=False):
- """Get auth events for given event_ids. The events *must* be state events.
- Args:
- event_ids (list): state events
- include_given (bool): include the given events in result
- Returns:
- list of events
- """
- return self.get_auth_chain_ids(
- event_ids, include_given=include_given
- ).addCallback(self.get_events_as_list)
- def get_auth_chain_ids(self, event_ids, include_given=False):
- """Get auth events for given event_ids. The events *must* be state events.
- Args:
- event_ids (list): state events
- include_given (bool): include the given events in result
- Returns:
- list of event_ids
- """
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_auth_chain_ids", self._get_auth_chain_ids_txn, event_ids, include_given
- )
- def _get_auth_chain_ids_txn(self, txn, event_ids, include_given):
- if include_given:
- results = set(event_ids)
- else:
- results = set()
- base_sql = "SELECT auth_id FROM event_auth WHERE "
- front = set(event_ids)
- while front:
- new_front = set()
- front_list = list(front)
- chunks = [front_list[x : x + 100] for x in range(0, len(front), 100)]
- for chunk in chunks:
- clause, args = make_in_list_sql_clause(
- txn.database_engine, "event_id", chunk
- )
- txn.execute(base_sql + clause, list(args))
- new_front.update([r[0] for r in txn])
- new_front -= results
- front = new_front
- results.update(front)
- return list(results)
- def get_oldest_events_in_room(self, room_id):
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_oldest_events_in_room", self._get_oldest_events_in_room_txn, room_id
- )
- def get_oldest_events_with_depth_in_room(self, room_id):
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_oldest_events_with_depth_in_room",
- self.get_oldest_events_with_depth_in_room_txn,
- room_id,
- )
- def get_oldest_events_with_depth_in_room_txn(self, txn, room_id):
- sql = (
- "SELECT b.event_id, MAX(e.depth) FROM events as e"
- " INNER JOIN event_edges as g"
- " ON g.event_id = e.event_id"
- " INNER JOIN event_backward_extremities as b"
- " ON g.prev_event_id = b.event_id"
- " WHERE b.room_id = ? AND g.is_state is ?"
- " GROUP BY b.event_id"
- )
- txn.execute(sql, (room_id, False))
- return dict(txn)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_max_depth_of(self, event_ids):
- """Returns the max depth of a set of event IDs
- Args:
- event_ids (list[str])
- Returns
- Deferred[int]
- """
- rows = yield self._simple_select_many_batch(
- table="events",
- column="event_id",
- iterable=event_ids,
- retcols=("depth",),
- desc="get_max_depth_of",
- )
- if not rows:
- return 0
- else:
- return max(row["depth"] for row in rows)
- def _get_oldest_events_in_room_txn(self, txn, room_id):
- return self._simple_select_onecol_txn(
- txn,
- table="event_backward_extremities",
- keyvalues={"room_id": room_id},
- retcol="event_id",
- )
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_prev_events_for_room(self, room_id):
- """
- Gets a subset of the current forward extremities in the given room.
- Limits the result to 10 extremities, so that we can avoid creating
- events which refer to hundreds of prev_events.
- Args:
- room_id (str): room_id
- Returns:
- Deferred[list[(str, dict[str, str], int)]]
- for each event, a tuple of (event_id, hashes, depth)
- where *hashes* is a map from algorithm to hash.
- """
- res = yield self.get_latest_event_ids_and_hashes_in_room(room_id)
- if len(res) > 10:
- # Sort by reverse depth, so we point to the most recent.
- res.sort(key=lambda a: -a[2])
- # we use half of the limit for the actual most recent events, and
- # the other half to randomly point to some of the older events, to
- # make sure that we don't completely ignore the older events.
- res = res[0:5] + random.sample(res[5:], 5)
- return res
- def get_latest_event_ids_and_hashes_in_room(self, room_id):
- """
- Gets the current forward extremities in the given room
- Args:
- room_id (str): room_id
- Returns:
- Deferred[list[(str, dict[str, str], int)]]
- for each event, a tuple of (event_id, hashes, depth)
- where *hashes* is a map from algorithm to hash.
- """
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_latest_event_ids_and_hashes_in_room",
- self._get_latest_event_ids_and_hashes_in_room,
- room_id,
- )
- def get_rooms_with_many_extremities(self, min_count, limit, room_id_filter):
- """Get the top rooms with at least N extremities.
- Args:
- min_count (int): The minimum number of extremities
- limit (int): The maximum number of rooms to return.
- room_id_filter (iterable[str]): room_ids to exclude from the results
- Returns:
- Deferred[list]: At most `limit` room IDs that have at least
- `min_count` extremities, sorted by extremity count.
- """
- def _get_rooms_with_many_extremities_txn(txn):
- where_clause = "1=1"
- if room_id_filter:
- where_clause = "room_id NOT IN (%s)" % (
- ",".join("?" for _ in room_id_filter),
- )
- sql = """
- SELECT room_id FROM event_forward_extremities
- WHERE %s
- GROUP BY room_id
- HAVING count(*) > ?
- ORDER BY count(*) DESC
- """ % (
- where_clause,
- )
- query_args = list(itertools.chain(room_id_filter, [min_count, limit]))
- txn.execute(sql, query_args)
- return [room_id for room_id, in txn]
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_rooms_with_many_extremities", _get_rooms_with_many_extremities_txn
- )
- @cached(max_entries=5000, iterable=True)
- def get_latest_event_ids_in_room(self, room_id):
- return self._simple_select_onecol(
- table="event_forward_extremities",
- keyvalues={"room_id": room_id},
- retcol="event_id",
- desc="get_latest_event_ids_in_room",
- )
- def _get_latest_event_ids_and_hashes_in_room(self, txn, room_id):
- sql = (
- "SELECT e.event_id, e.depth FROM events as e "
- "INNER JOIN event_forward_extremities as f "
- "ON e.event_id = f.event_id "
- "AND e.room_id = f.room_id "
- "WHERE f.room_id = ?"
- )
- txn.execute(sql, (room_id,))
- results = []
- for event_id, depth in txn.fetchall():
- hashes = self._get_event_reference_hashes_txn(txn, event_id)
- prev_hashes = {
- k: encode_base64(v) for k, v in hashes.items() if k == "sha256"
- }
- results.append((event_id, prev_hashes, depth))
- return results
- def get_min_depth(self, room_id):
- """ For hte given room, get the minimum depth we have seen for it.
- """
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_min_depth", self._get_min_depth_interaction, room_id
- )
- def _get_min_depth_interaction(self, txn, room_id):
- min_depth = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
- txn,
- table="room_depth",
- keyvalues={"room_id": room_id},
- retcol="min_depth",
- allow_none=True,
- )
- return int(min_depth) if min_depth is not None else None
- def get_forward_extremeties_for_room(self, room_id, stream_ordering):
- """For a given room_id and stream_ordering, return the forward
- extremeties of the room at that point in "time".
- Throws a StoreError if we have since purged the index for
- stream_orderings from that point.
- Args:
- room_id (str):
- stream_ordering (int):
- Returns:
- deferred, which resolves to a list of event_ids
- """
- # We want to make the cache more effective, so we clamp to the last
- # change before the given ordering.
- last_change = self._events_stream_cache.get_max_pos_of_last_change(room_id)
- # We don't always have a full stream_to_exterm_id table, e.g. after
- # the upgrade that introduced it, so we make sure we never ask for a
- # stream_ordering from before a restart
- last_change = max(self._stream_order_on_start, last_change)
- # provided the last_change is recent enough, we now clamp the requested
- # stream_ordering to it.
- if last_change > self.stream_ordering_month_ago:
- stream_ordering = min(last_change, stream_ordering)
- return self._get_forward_extremeties_for_room(room_id, stream_ordering)
- @cached(max_entries=5000, num_args=2)
- def _get_forward_extremeties_for_room(self, room_id, stream_ordering):
- """For a given room_id and stream_ordering, return the forward
- extremeties of the room at that point in "time".
- Throws a StoreError if we have since purged the index for
- stream_orderings from that point.
- """
- if stream_ordering <= self.stream_ordering_month_ago:
- raise StoreError(400, "stream_ordering too old")
- sql = """
- SELECT event_id FROM stream_ordering_to_exterm
- SELECT room_id, MAX(stream_ordering) AS stream_ordering
- FROM stream_ordering_to_exterm
- WHERE stream_ordering <= ? GROUP BY room_id
- ) AS rms USING (room_id, stream_ordering)
- WHERE room_id = ?
- """
- def get_forward_extremeties_for_room_txn(txn):
- txn.execute(sql, (stream_ordering, room_id))
- return [event_id for event_id, in txn]
- return self.runInteraction(
- "get_forward_extremeties_for_room", get_forward_extremeties_for_room_txn
- )
- def get_backfill_events(self, room_id, event_list, limit):
- """Get a list of Events for a given topic that occurred before (and
- including) the events in event_list. Return a list of max size `limit`
- Args:
- txn
- room_id (str)
- event_list (list)
- limit (int)
- """
- return (
- self.runInteraction(
- "get_backfill_events",
- self._get_backfill_events,
- room_id,
- event_list,
- limit,
- )
- .addCallback(self.get_events_as_list)
- .addCallback(lambda l: sorted(l, key=lambda e: -e.depth))
- )
- def _get_backfill_events(self, txn, room_id, event_list, limit):
- logger.debug(
- "_get_backfill_events: %s, %s, %s", room_id, repr(event_list), limit
- )
- event_results = set()
- # We want to make sure that we do a breadth-first, "depth" ordered
- # search.
- query = (
- "SELECT depth, prev_event_id FROM event_edges"
- " INNER JOIN events"
- " ON prev_event_id = events.event_id"
- " WHERE event_edges.event_id = ?"
- " AND event_edges.is_state = ?"
- " LIMIT ?"
- )
- queue = PriorityQueue()
- for event_id in event_list:
- depth = self._simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
- txn,
- table="events",
- keyvalues={"event_id": event_id, "room_id": room_id},
- retcol="depth",
- allow_none=True,
- )
- if depth:
- queue.put((-depth, event_id))
- while not queue.empty() and len(event_results) < limit:
- try:
- _, event_id = queue.get_nowait()
- except Empty:
- break
- if event_id in event_results:
- continue
- event_results.add(event_id)
- txn.execute(query, (event_id, False, limit - len(event_results)))
- for row in txn:
- if row[1] not in event_results:
- queue.put((-row[0], row[1]))
- return event_results
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_missing_events(self, room_id, earliest_events, latest_events, limit):
- ids = yield self.runInteraction(
- "get_missing_events",
- self._get_missing_events,
- room_id,
- earliest_events,
- latest_events,
- limit,
- )
- events = yield self.get_events_as_list(ids)
- return events
- def _get_missing_events(self, txn, room_id, earliest_events, latest_events, limit):
- seen_events = set(earliest_events)
- front = set(latest_events) - seen_events
- event_results = []
- query = (
- "SELECT prev_event_id FROM event_edges "
- "WHERE room_id = ? AND event_id = ? AND is_state = ? "
- "LIMIT ?"
- )
- while front and len(event_results) < limit:
- new_front = set()
- for event_id in front:
- txn.execute(
- query, (room_id, event_id, False, limit - len(event_results))
- )
- new_results = set(t[0] for t in txn) - seen_events
- new_front |= new_results
- seen_events |= new_results
- event_results.extend(new_results)
- front = new_front
- # we built the list working backwards from latest_events; we now need to
- # reverse it so that the events are approximately chronological.
- event_results.reverse()
- return event_results
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_successor_events(self, event_ids):
- """Fetch all events that have the given events as a prev event
- Args:
- event_ids (iterable[str])
- Returns:
- Deferred[list[str]]
- """
- rows = yield self._simple_select_many_batch(
- table="event_edges",
- column="prev_event_id",
- iterable=event_ids,
- retcols=("event_id",),
- desc="get_successor_events",
- )
- return [row["event_id"] for row in rows]
-class EventFederationStore(EventFederationWorkerStore):
- """ Responsible for storing and serving up the various graphs associated
- with an event. Including the main event graph and the auth chains for an
- event.
- Also has methods for getting the front (latest) and back (oldest) edges
- of the event graphs. These are used to generate the parents for new events
- and backfilling from another server respectively.
- """
- EVENT_AUTH_STATE_ONLY = "event_auth_state_only"
- def __init__(self, db_conn, hs):
- super(EventFederationStore, self).__init__(db_conn, hs)
- self.register_background_update_handler(
- self.EVENT_AUTH_STATE_ONLY, self._background_delete_non_state_event_auth
- )
- hs.get_clock().looping_call(
- self._delete_old_forward_extrem_cache, 60 * 60 * 1000
- )
- def _update_min_depth_for_room_txn(self, txn, room_id, depth):
- min_depth = self._get_min_depth_interaction(txn, room_id)
- if min_depth and depth >= min_depth:
- return
- self._simple_upsert_txn(
- txn,
- table="room_depth",
- keyvalues={"room_id": room_id},
- values={"min_depth": depth},
- )
- def _handle_mult_prev_events(self, txn, events):
- """
- For the given event, update the event edges table and forward and
- backward extremities tables.
- """
- self._simple_insert_many_txn(
- txn,
- table="event_edges",
- values=[
- {
- "event_id": ev.event_id,
- "prev_event_id": e_id,
- "room_id": ev.room_id,
- "is_state": False,
- }
- for ev in events
- for e_id in ev.prev_event_ids()
- ],
- )
- self._update_backward_extremeties(txn, events)
- def _update_backward_extremeties(self, txn, events):
- """Updates the event_backward_extremities tables based on the new/updated
- events being persisted.
- This is called for new events *and* for events that were outliers, but
- are now being persisted as non-outliers.
- Forward extremities are handled when we first start persisting the events.
- """
- events_by_room = {}
- for ev in events:
- events_by_room.setdefault(ev.room_id, []).append(ev)
- query = (
- "INSERT INTO event_backward_extremities (event_id, room_id)"
- " SELECT 1 FROM event_backward_extremities"
- " WHERE event_id = ? AND room_id = ?"
- " )"
- " SELECT 1 FROM events WHERE event_id = ? AND room_id = ? "
- " AND outlier = ?"
- " )"
- )
- txn.executemany(
- query,
- [
- (e_id, ev.room_id, e_id, ev.room_id, e_id, ev.room_id, False)
- for ev in events
- for e_id in ev.prev_event_ids()
- if not ev.internal_metadata.is_outlier()
- ],
- )
- query = (
- "DELETE FROM event_backward_extremities"
- " WHERE event_id = ? AND room_id = ?"
- )
- txn.executemany(
- query,
- [
- (ev.event_id, ev.room_id)
- for ev in events
- if not ev.internal_metadata.is_outlier()
- ],
- )
- def _delete_old_forward_extrem_cache(self):
- def _delete_old_forward_extrem_cache_txn(txn):
- # Delete entries older than a month, while making sure we don't delete
- # the only entries for a room.
- sql = """
- DELETE FROM stream_ordering_to_exterm
- room_id IN (
- SELECT room_id
- FROM stream_ordering_to_exterm
- WHERE stream_ordering > ?
- ) AND stream_ordering < ?
- """
- txn.execute(
- sql, (self.stream_ordering_month_ago, self.stream_ordering_month_ago)
- )
- return run_as_background_process(
- "delete_old_forward_extrem_cache",
- self.runInteraction,
- "_delete_old_forward_extrem_cache",
- _delete_old_forward_extrem_cache_txn,
- )
- def clean_room_for_join(self, room_id):
- return self.runInteraction(
- "clean_room_for_join", self._clean_room_for_join_txn, room_id
- )
- def _clean_room_for_join_txn(self, txn, room_id):
- query = "DELETE FROM event_forward_extremities WHERE room_id = ?"
- txn.execute(query, (room_id,))
- txn.call_after(self.get_latest_event_ids_in_room.invalidate, (room_id,))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _background_delete_non_state_event_auth(self, progress, batch_size):
- def delete_event_auth(txn):
- target_min_stream_id = progress.get("target_min_stream_id_inclusive")
- max_stream_id = progress.get("max_stream_id_exclusive")
- if not target_min_stream_id or not max_stream_id:
- txn.execute("SELECT COALESCE(MIN(stream_ordering), 0) FROM events")
- rows = txn.fetchall()
- target_min_stream_id = rows[0][0]
- txn.execute("SELECT COALESCE(MAX(stream_ordering), 0) FROM events")
- rows = txn.fetchall()
- max_stream_id = rows[0][0]
- min_stream_id = max_stream_id - batch_size
- sql = """
- DELETE FROM event_auth
- WHERE event_id IN (
- SELECT event_id FROM events
- LEFT JOIN state_events USING (room_id, event_id)
- WHERE ? <= stream_ordering AND stream_ordering < ?
- AND state_key IS null
- )
- """
- txn.execute(sql, (min_stream_id, max_stream_id))
- new_progress = {
- "target_min_stream_id_inclusive": target_min_stream_id,
- "max_stream_id_exclusive": min_stream_id,
- }
- self._background_update_progress_txn(
- txn, self.EVENT_AUTH_STATE_ONLY, new_progress
- )
- return min_stream_id >= target_min_stream_id
- result = yield self.runInteraction(
- self.EVENT_AUTH_STATE_ONLY, delete_event_auth
- )
- if not result:
- yield self._end_background_update(self.EVENT_AUTH_STATE_ONLY)
- return batch_size