summary refs log tree commit diff
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authorErik Johnston <>2022-09-04 18:40:32 +0100
committerErik Johnston <>2022-09-09 15:10:51 +0100
commit18b6ccadd2f9290573d64ccf54f61e3a5a547814 (patch)
parentUse an upsert for `receipts_graph`. (#13752) (diff)
Implement the push evaluator in Rust
6 files changed, 810 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/rust/Cargo.toml b/rust/Cargo.toml
index 0a9760cafc..fd4bdfe8e7 100644
--- a/rust/Cargo.toml
+++ b/rust/Cargo.toml
@@ -18,4 +18,12 @@ crate-type = ["cdylib"]
 name = "synapse.synapse_rust"
-pyo3 = { version = "0.16.5", features = ["extension-module", "macros", "abi3", "abi3-py37"] }
+anyhow = "1.0.63"
+lazy_static = "1.4.0"
+log = "0.4.17"
+pyo3 = { version = "0.17.1", features = ["extension-module", "macros", "anyhow", "abi3", "abi3-py37"] }
+pyo3-log = "0.7.0"
+pythonize = "0.17.0"
+regex = "1.6.0"
+serde = { version = "1.0.144", features = ["derive"] }
+serde_json = "1.0.85"
diff --git a/rust/src/ b/rust/src/
index 142fc2ed93..2bd76c1aa8 100644
--- a/rust/src/
+++ b/rust/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 use pyo3::prelude::*;
+pub mod push;
 /// Formats the sum of two numbers as string.
 #[pyo3(text_signature = "(a, b, /)")]
@@ -9,8 +11,12 @@ fn sum_as_string(a: usize, b: usize) -> PyResult<String> {
 /// The entry point for defining the Python module.
-fn synapse_rust(_py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
+fn synapse_rust(py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
+    pyo3_log::init();
     m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(sum_as_string, m)?)?;
+    push::register_module(py, m)?;
diff --git a/rust/src/ b/rust/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11df9c2657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
+use anyhow::{Context, Error};
+use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+use log::{debug, info};
+use pyo3::prelude::*;
+use pythonize::pythonize;
+use regex::Regex;
+use serde::de::Error as _;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde_json::Value;
+lazy_static! {
+    static ref INEQUALITY_EXPR: Regex = Regex::new(r"^([=<>]*)([0-9]*)$").expect("valid regex");
+pub fn register_module(py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
+    let child_module = PyModule::new(py, "push")?;
+    child_module.add_class::<PushRule>()?;
+    child_module.add_class::<PushRules>()?;
+    child_module.add_class::<PushRuleEvaluator>()?;
+    child_module.add_class::<FilteredPushRules>()?;
+    m.add_submodule(child_module)?;
+    py.import("sys")?
+        .getattr("modules")?
+        .set_item("synapse.synapse_rust.push", child_module)?;
+    Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct PushRule {
+    pub rule_id: Cow<'static, str>,
+    #[pyo3(get)]
+    pub priority_class: i32,
+    pub conditions: Cow<'static, [Condition]>,
+    pub actions: Cow<'static, [Action]>,
+    #[pyo3(get)]
+    pub default: bool,
+    #[pyo3(get)]
+    pub default_enabled: bool,
+impl PushRule {
+    #[staticmethod]
+    pub fn from_db(
+        rule_id: String,
+        priority_class: i32,
+        conditions: &str,
+        actions: &str,
+    ) -> Result<PushRule, Error> {
+        let conditions = serde_json::from_str(conditions).context("parsing conditions")?;
+        let actions = serde_json::from_str(actions).context("parsing actions")?;
+        Ok(PushRule {
+            rule_id: Cow::Owned(rule_id),
+            priority_class,
+            conditions,
+            actions,
+            default: false,
+            default_enabled: true,
+        })
+    }
+    #[getter]
+    fn rule_id(&self) -> &str {
+        &self.rule_id
+    }
+    #[getter]
+    fn actions(&self) -> Vec<Action> {
+        self.actions.clone().into_owned()
+    }
+    #[getter]
+    fn conditions(&self) -> Vec<Condition> {
+        self.conditions.clone().into_owned()
+    }
+    fn __repr__(&self) -> String {
+        format!(
+            "<PushRule rule_id={}, conditions={:?}, actions={:?}>",
+            self.rule_id, self.conditions, self.actions
+        )
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Action {
+    DontNotify,
+    Notify,
+    Coalesce,
+    SetTweak(SetTweak),
+impl IntoPy<PyObject> for Action {
+    fn into_py(self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyObject {
+        pythonize(py, &self).expect("valid action")
+    }
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct SetTweak {
+    set_tweak: Cow<'static, str>,
+    value: Option<TweakValue>,
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum TweakValue {
+    String(Cow<'static, str>),
+    Other(Value),
+impl Serialize for Action {
+    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+    where
+        S: serde::Serializer,
+    {
+        match self {
+            Action::DontNotify => serializer.serialize_str("dont_notify"),
+            Action::Notify => serializer.serialize_str("notify"),
+            Action::Coalesce => serializer.serialize_str("coalesce"),
+            Action::SetTweak(tweak) => tweak.serialize(serializer),
+        }
+    }
+enum ActionDeserializeHelper {
+    Str(String),
+    SetTweak(SetTweak),
+impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Action {
+    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+    where
+        D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
+    {
+        let helper: ActionDeserializeHelper = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?;
+        match helper {
+            ActionDeserializeHelper::Str(s) => match &*s {
+                "dont_notify" => Ok(Action::DontNotify),
+                "notify" => Ok(Action::Notify),
+                "coalesce" => Ok(Action::Coalesce),
+                _ => Err(D::Error::custom("unrecognized action")),
+            },
+            ActionDeserializeHelper::SetTweak(set_tweak) => Ok(Action::SetTweak(set_tweak)),
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
+#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
+#[serde(tag = "kind")]
+pub enum Condition {
+    EventMatch(EventMatchCondition),
+    ContainsDisplayName,
+    RoomMemberCount {
+        #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+        is: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
+    },
+    SenderNotificationPermission {
+        key: Cow<'static, str>,
+    },
+    #[serde(rename = "org.matrix.msc3772.relation_match")]
+    RelationMatch,
+impl IntoPy<PyObject> for Condition {
+    fn into_py(self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyObject {
+        pythonize(py, &self).expect("valid condition")
+    }
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct EventMatchCondition {
+    key: Cow<'static, str>,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pattern: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
+    pattern_type: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+struct PushRules {
+    overridden_base_rules: HashMap<Cow<'static, str>, PushRule>,
+    override_rules: Vec<PushRule>,
+    content: Vec<PushRule>,
+    room: Vec<PushRule>,
+    sender: Vec<PushRule>,
+    underride: Vec<PushRule>,
+impl PushRules {
+    #[new]
+    fn new(rules: Vec<PushRule>) -> PushRules {
+        let mut push_rules: PushRules = Default::default();
+        for rule in rules {
+            if let Some(o) = BASE_RULES_BY_ID.get(&*rule.rule_id) {
+                push_rules.overridden_base_rules.insert(
+                    rule.rule_id.clone(),
+                    PushRule {
+                        actions: o.actions.clone(),
+                        ..rule
+                    },
+                );
+                continue;
+            }
+            match rule.priority_class {
+                5 => push_rules.override_rules.push(rule),
+                4 => push_rules.content.push(rule),
+                3 =>,
+                2 => push_rules.sender.push(rule),
+                1 => push_rules.underride.push(rule),
+                _ => {
+                    todo!()
+                } // TODO: log
+            }
+        }
+        push_rules
+    }
+    fn rules(&self) -> Vec<PushRule> {
+        self.iter().cloned().collect()
+    }
+impl PushRules {
+    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &PushRule> {
+            .iter()
+            .chain(self.override_rules.iter())
+            .chain(BASE_APPEND_OVERRIDE_RULES.iter())
+            .chain(self.content.iter())
+            .chain(BASE_APPEND_CONTENT_RULES.iter())
+            .chain(
+            .chain(self.sender.iter())
+            .chain(self.underride.iter())
+            .chain(BASE_APPEND_UNDERRIDE_RULES.iter())
+            .map(|rule| {
+                self.overridden_base_rules
+                    .get(&*rule.rule_id)
+                    .unwrap_or(rule)
+            })
+    }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct FilteredPushRules {
+    push_rules: PushRules,
+    enabled_map: BTreeMap<String, bool>,
+impl FilteredPushRules {
+    #[new]
+    fn py_new(push_rules: PushRules, enabled_map: BTreeMap<String, bool>) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            push_rules,
+            enabled_map,
+        }
+    }
+    fn rules(&self) -> Vec<(PushRule, bool)> {
+        self.iter().map(|(r, e)| (r.clone(), e)).collect()
+    }
+impl FilteredPushRules {
+    fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&PushRule, bool)> {
+        self.push_rules.iter().map(|r| {
+            let enabled = *self
+                .enabled_map
+                .get(&*r.rule_id)
+                .unwrap_or(&r.default_enabled);
+            (r, enabled)
+        })
+    }
+pub struct PushRuleEvaluator {
+    flattened_keys: BTreeMap<String, String>,
+    split_body: HashSet<String>,
+    room_member_count: u64,
+    power_levels: BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<String, u64>>,
+    relations: BTreeMap<String, BTreeSet<(String, String)>>,
+    relation_match_enabled: bool,
+    sender_power_level: u64,
+impl PushRuleEvaluator {
+    #[new]
+    fn py_new(
+        flattened_keys: BTreeMap<String, String>,
+        room_member_count: u64,
+        sender_power_level: u64,
+        power_levels: BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<String, u64>>,
+    ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+        let split_body = flattened_keys
+            .get("content.body")
+            .map(|s| &**s)
+            .unwrap_or_default()
+            .split_whitespace()
+            .map(|s| s.to_owned())
+            .collect();
+        // TODO
+        let relations = BTreeMap::new();
+        let relation_match_enabled = false;
+        Ok(PushRuleEvaluator {
+            flattened_keys,
+            split_body,
+            room_member_count,
+            power_levels,
+            relations,
+            relation_match_enabled,
+            sender_power_level,
+        })
+    }
+    fn run(
+        &self,
+        push_rules: &FilteredPushRules,
+        user_id: Option<&str>,
+        display_name: Option<&str>,
+    ) -> Vec<Action> {
+        let mut actions = Vec::new();
+        'outer: for (push_rule, enabled) in push_rules.iter() {
+            if !enabled {
+                continue;
+            }
+            for condition in push_rule.conditions.iter() {
+                if !self.match_condition(condition, user_id, display_name) {
+                    continue 'outer;
+                }
+            }
+            actions.extend(
+                push_rule
+                    .actions
+                    .iter()
+                    // .filter(|a| **a != Action::DontNotify)
+                    .cloned(),
+            );
+            return actions;
+        }
+        actions
+    }
+impl PushRuleEvaluator {
+    pub fn match_condition(
+        &self,
+        condition: &Condition,
+        user_id: Option<&str>,
+        display_name: Option<&str>,
+    ) -> bool {
+        let result = match condition {
+            Condition::EventMatch(event_match) => self
+                .match_event_match(event_match, user_id)
+                .unwrap_or(false),
+            Condition::ContainsDisplayName => {
+                if let Some(dn) = display_name {
+                    self.split_body.contains(dn)
+                } else {
+                    false
+                }
+            }
+            Condition::RoomMemberCount { is } => {
+                if let Some(is) = is {
+                    self.match_member_count(is).unwrap_or(false)
+                } else {
+                    false
+                }
+            }
+            Condition::SenderNotificationPermission { key } => {
+                let required_level = self
+                    .power_levels
+                    .get("notifications")
+                    .and_then(|m| m.get(key.as_ref()))
+                    .copied()
+                    .unwrap_or(50);
+                self.sender_power_level >= required_level
+            }
+            Condition::RelationMatch => {
+                // TODO
+                false
+            }
+        };
+        result
+    }
+    fn match_event_match(
+        &self,
+        event_match: &EventMatchCondition,
+        user_id: Option<&str>,
+    ) -> Result<bool, Error> {
+        let pattern = if let Some(pattern) = &event_match.pattern {
+            pattern
+        } else if let Some(pattern_type) = &event_match.pattern_type {
+            let user_id = if let Some(user_id) = user_id {
+                user_id
+            } else {
+                return Ok(false);
+            };
+            match &**pattern_type {
+                "user_id" => user_id,
+                "user_localpart" => user_id, // TODO
+                _ => return Ok(false),
+            }
+        } else {
+            return Ok(false);
+        };
+        let pattern = pattern.to_ascii_lowercase();
+        if event_match.key == "content.body" {
+            // TODO: Handle globs
+            Ok(self.split_body.contains(&pattern))
+        } else if let Some(value) = self.flattened_keys.get(&*event_match.key) {
+            // TODO: Handle globs.
+            Ok(value.contains(&pattern))
+        } else {
+            Ok(false)
+        }
+    }
+    fn match_member_count(&self, is: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
+        let captures = INEQUALITY_EXPR.captures(is).context("bad is clause")?;
+        let ineq = captures.get(1).map(|m| m.as_str()).unwrap_or("==");
+        let rhs: u64 = captures
+            .get(2)
+            .context("missing number")?
+            .as_str()
+            .parse()?;
+        let matches = match ineq {
+            "" | "==" => self.room_member_count == rhs,
+            "<" => self.room_member_count < rhs,
+            ">" => self.room_member_count > rhs,
+            ">=" => self.room_member_count >= rhs,
+            "<=" => self.room_member_count <= rhs,
+            _ => false,
+        };
+        Ok(matches)
+    }
+const HIGHLIGHT_ACTION: Action = Action::SetTweak(SetTweak {
+    set_tweak: Cow::Borrowed("highlight"),
+    value: None,
+const HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION: Action = Action::SetTweak(SetTweak {
+    set_tweak: Cow::Borrowed("highlight"),
+    value: Some(TweakValue::Other(Value::Bool(false))),
+const SOUND_ACTION: Action = Action::SetTweak(SetTweak {
+    set_tweak: Cow::Borrowed("sound"),
+    value: Some(TweakValue::String(Cow::Borrowed("default"))),
+const RING_ACTION: Action = Action::SetTweak(SetTweak {
+    set_tweak: Cow::Borrowed("sound"),
+    value: Some(TweakValue::String(Cow::Borrowed("ring"))),
+pub const BASE_PREPEND_OVERRIDE_RULES: &[PushRule] = &[PushRule {
+    rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.master"),
+    priority_class: 5,
+    conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[]),
+    actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::DontNotify]),
+    default: true,
+    default_enabled: false,
+pub const BASE_APPEND_OVERRIDE_RULES: &[PushRule] = &[
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.suppress_notices"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+            key: Cow::Borrowed("content.msgtype"),
+            pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("m.notice")),
+            pattern_type: None,
+        })]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::DontNotify]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.invite_for_me"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("content.membership"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("invite")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("state_key"),
+                pattern: None,
+                pattern_type: Some(Cow::Borrowed("user_id")),
+            }),
+        ]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION, SOUND_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.member_event"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+            key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+            pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+            pattern_type: None,
+        })]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::DontNotify]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.contains_display_name"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::ContainsDisplayName]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_ACTION, SOUND_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.roomnotif"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[
+            Condition::SenderNotificationPermission {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("room"),
+            },
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("content.body"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("@room")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+        ]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_ACTION, SOUND_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.tombstone"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("state_key"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+        ]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.reaction"),
+        priority_class: 5,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+            key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+            pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("m.reaction")),
+            pattern_type: None,
+        })]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::DontNotify]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    // TODO:
+pub const BASE_APPEND_CONTENT_RULES: &[PushRule] = &[PushRule {
+    rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.contains_user_name"),
+    priority_class: 4,
+    conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+        key: Cow::Borrowed("content.body"),
+        pattern: None,
+        pattern_type: Some(Cow::Borrowed("user_localpart")),
+    })]),
+    actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_ACTION, SOUND_ACTION]),
+    default: true,
+    default_enabled: true,
+pub const BASE_APPEND_UNDERRIDE_RULES: &[PushRule] = &[
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/"),
+        priority_class: 1,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+            key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+            pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+            pattern_type: None,
+        })]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, RING_ACTION, HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.room_one_to_one"),
+        priority_class: 1,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::RoomMemberCount {
+                is: Some(Cow::Borrowed("2")),
+            },
+        ]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, SOUND_ACTION, HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.encrypted_room_one_to_one"),
+        priority_class: 1,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::RoomMemberCount {
+                is: Some(Cow::Borrowed("2")),
+            },
+        ]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, SOUND_ACTION, HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    // TODO: org.matrix.msc3772.thread_reply
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.message"),
+        priority_class: 1,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+            key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+            pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+            pattern_type: None,
+        })]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.encrypted"),
+        priority_class: 1,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+            key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+            pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("")),
+            pattern_type: None,
+        })]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::Notify, HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+    PushRule {
+        rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.im.vector.jitsi"),
+        priority_class: 1,
+        conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("type"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("im.vector.modular.widgets")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("content.type"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("jitsi")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+            Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+                key: Cow::Borrowed("state_key"),
+                pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("*")),
+                pattern_type: None,
+            }),
+        ]),
+        actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[HIGHLIGHT_FALSE_ACTION]),
+        default: true,
+        default_enabled: true,
+    },
+lazy_static! {
+    static ref BASE_RULES_BY_ID: HashMap<&'static str, &'static PushRule> =
+            .iter()
+            .chain(BASE_APPEND_OVERRIDE_RULES.iter())
+            .chain(BASE_APPEND_CONTENT_RULES.iter())
+            .chain(BASE_APPEND_UNDERRIDE_RULES.iter())
+            .map(|rule| { (&*rule.rule_id, rule) })
+            .collect();
+fn test_erialize_condition() {
+    let condition = Condition::EventMatch(EventMatchCondition {
+        key: "content.body".into(),
+        pattern: Some("coffee".into()),
+        pattern_type: None,
+    });
+    let json = serde_json::to_string(&condition).unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(
+        json,
+        r#"{"kind":"event_match","key":"content.body","pattern":"coffee"}"#
+    )
+fn test_deserialize_condition() {
+    let json = r#"{"kind":"event_match","key":"content.body","pattern":"coffee"}"#;
+    let _: Condition = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
+fn test_deserialize_action() {
+    let _: Action = serde_json::from_str(r#""notify""#).unwrap();
+    let _: Action = serde_json::from_str(r#""dont_notify""#).unwrap();
+    let _: Action = serde_json::from_str(r#""coalesce""#).unwrap();
+    let _: Action = serde_json::from_str(r#"{"set_tweak": "highlight"}"#).unwrap();
+fn push_rule_evaluator() {
+    let mut flattened_keys = BTreeMap::new();
+    flattened_keys.insert("content.body".to_string(), "foo bar bob hello".to_string());
+    let evaluator = PushRuleEvaluator::py_new(flattened_keys, 10, 0, BTreeMap::new()).unwrap();
+    let result =, None, Some("bob"));
+    assert_eq!(result.len(), 3);
diff --git a/synapse/push/ b/synapse/push/
index d1caf8a0f7..e150eaf111 100644
--- a/synapse/push/
+++ b/synapse/push/
@@ -34,16 +34,15 @@ from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, Membership, RelationTypes
 from synapse.event_auth import auth_types_for_event, get_user_power_level
 from import EventBase, relation_from_event
 from import EventContext
+from synapse.push.push_rule_evaluator import _flatten_dict
 from synapse.state import POWER_KEY
 from import EventIdMembership
 from import StateFilter
+from synapse.synapse_rust.push import FilteredPushRules, PushRule, PushRuleEvaluator
 from synapse.util.caches import register_cache
 from synapse.util.metrics import measure_func
 from synapse.visibility import filter_event_for_clients_with_state
-from .baserules import FilteredPushRules, PushRule
-from .push_rule_evaluator import PushRuleEvaluatorForEvent
     from synapse.server import HomeServer
@@ -160,14 +159,14 @@ class BulkPushRuleEvaluator:
         rules_by_user = await
-        logger.debug("Users in room: %s", local_users)
+        # logger.debug("Users in room: %s", local_users)
-        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
-            logger.debug(
-                "Returning push rules for %r %r",
-                event.room_id,
-                list(rules_by_user.keys()),
-            )
+        # if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
+        #     logger.debug(
+        #         "Returning push rules for %r %r",
+        #         event.room_id,
+        #         list(rules_by_user.keys()),
+        #     )
         return rules_by_user
@@ -285,13 +284,16 @@ class BulkPushRuleEvaluator:
             event, itertools.chain(*rules_by_user.values())
-        evaluator = PushRuleEvaluatorForEvent(
-            event,
+"Flatten map: %s", _flatten_dict(event))
+"room_member_count: %s", room_member_count)
+        evaluator = PushRuleEvaluator(
+            _flatten_dict(event),
-            power_levels,
-            relations,
-            self._relations_match_enabled,
+            # power_levels,
+            {},  # TODO
+            # relations,
+            # self._relations_match_enabled,
         users = rules_by_user.keys()
@@ -333,17 +335,7 @@ class BulkPushRuleEvaluator:
                 # current user, it'll be added to the dict later.
                 actions_by_user[uid] = []
-            for rule, enabled in rules:
-                if not enabled:
-                    continue
-                matches = evaluator.check_conditions(rule.conditions, uid, display_name)
-                if matches:
-                    actions = [x for x in rule.actions if x != "dont_notify"]
-                    if actions and "notify" in actions:
-                        # Push rules say we should notify the user of this event
-                        actions_by_user[uid] = actions
-                    break
+            actions_by_user[uid] =, uid, display_name)
         # Mark in the DB staging area the push actions for users who should be
         # notified for this event. (This will then get handled when we persist
diff --git a/synapse/push/ b/synapse/push/
index 73618d9234..a293d4dbb6 100644
--- a/synapse/push/
+++ b/synapse/push/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def format_push_rules_for_user(
     rules["global"] = _add_empty_priority_class_arrays(rules["global"])
-    for r, enabled in ruleslist:
+    for r, enabled in ruleslist.rules():
         template_name = _priority_class_to_template_name(r.priority_class)
         rulearray = rules["global"][template_name]
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/
index 5079edd1e0..665e2ccf91 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ from typing import (
 from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
 from synapse.config.homeserver import ExperimentalConfig
-from synapse.push.baserules import FilteredPushRules, PushRule, compile_push_rules
 from import SlavedIdTracker
 from import SQLBaseStore, db_to_json
 from import (
@@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ from import (
+from synapse.synapse_rust.push import FilteredPushRules, PushRule, PushRules
 from synapse.types import JsonDict
 from synapse.util import json_encoder
 from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached, cachedList
@@ -72,18 +72,19 @@ def _load_rules(
     ruleslist = [
-        PushRule(
+        PushRule.from_db(
-            conditions=db_to_json(rawrule["conditions"]),
-            actions=db_to_json(rawrule["actions"]),
+            conditions=rawrule["conditions"],
+            actions=rawrule["actions"],
         for rawrule in rawrules
-    push_rules = compile_push_rules(ruleslist)
+    push_rules = PushRules(ruleslist)
-    filtered_rules = FilteredPushRules(push_rules, enabled_map, experimental_config)
+    # TODO: Experimental config
+    filtered_rules = FilteredPushRules(push_rules, enabled_map)
     return filtered_rules