diff --git a/src/encryption/DeviceVerificationFlow.cpp b/src/encryption/DeviceVerificationFlow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2481d4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/encryption/DeviceVerificationFlow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "DeviceVerificationFlow.h"
+#include "Cache.h"
+#include "Cache_p.h"
+#include "ChatPage.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+#include "timeline/TimelineModel.h"
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <iostream>
+static constexpr int TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes
+namespace msgs = mtx::events::msg;
+static mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationMac
+key_verification_mac(mtx::crypto::SAS *sas,
+ mtx::identifiers::User sender,
+ const std::string &senderDevice,
+ mtx::identifiers::User receiver,
+ const std::string &receiverDevice,
+ const std::string &transactionId,
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> keys);
+DeviceVerificationFlow::DeviceVerificationFlow(QObject *,
+ DeviceVerificationFlow::Type flow_type,
+ TimelineModel *model,
+ QString userID,
+ QString deviceId_)
+ : sender(false)
+ , type(flow_type)
+ , deviceId(deviceId_)
+ , model_(model)
+ timeout = new QTimer(this);
+ timeout->setSingleShot(true);
+ this->sas = olm::client()->sas_init();
+ this->isMacVerified = false;
+ auto user_id = userID.toStdString();
+ this->toClient = mtx::identifiers::parse<mtx::identifiers::User>(user_id);
+ cache::client()->query_keys(
+ user_id, [user_id, this](const UserKeyCache &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+ if (err) {
+ nhlog::net()->warn("failed to query device keys: {},{}",
+ mtx::errors::to_string(err->matrix_error.errcode),
+ static_cast<int>(err->status_code));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this->deviceId.isEmpty() &&
+ (res.device_keys.find(deviceId.toStdString()) == res.device_keys.end())) {
+ nhlog::net()->warn("no devices retrieved {}", user_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ this->their_keys = res;
+ });
+ cache::client()->query_keys(
+ http::client()->user_id().to_string(),
+ [this](const UserKeyCache &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+ if (err) {
+ nhlog::net()->warn("failed to query device keys: {},{}",
+ mtx::errors::to_string(err->matrix_error.errcode),
+ static_cast<int>(err->status_code));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (res.master_keys.keys.empty())
+ return;
+ if (auto status = cache::verificationStatus(http::client()->user_id().to_string());
+ status && status->user_verified == crypto::Trust::Verified)
+ this->our_trusted_master_key = res.master_keys.keys.begin()->second;
+ });
+ if (model) {
+ connect(
+ this->model_, &TimelineModel::updateFlowEventId, this, [this](std::string event_id_) {
+ this->relation.rel_type = mtx::common::RelationType::Reference;
+ this->relation.event_id = event_id_;
+ this->transaction_id = event_id_;
+ });
+ }
+ connect(timeout, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this]() {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: timeout");
+ if (state_ != Success && state_ != Failed)
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::Timeout);
+ });
+ connect(ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationStart,
+ this,
+ &DeviceVerificationFlow::handleStartMessage);
+ connect(ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationAccept,
+ this,
+ [this](const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationAccept &msg) {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: received accept");
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((msg.key_agreement_protocol == "curve25519-hkdf-sha256") &&
+ (msg.hash == "sha256") &&
+ (msg.message_authentication_code == "hkdf-hmac-sha256")) {
+ this->commitment = msg.commitment;
+ if (std::find(msg.short_authentication_string.begin(),
+ msg.short_authentication_string.end(),
+ mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji) !=
+ msg.short_authentication_string.end()) {
+ this->method = mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji;
+ } else {
+ this->method = mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal;
+ }
+ this->mac_method = msg.message_authentication_code;
+ this->sendVerificationKey();
+ } else {
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::UnknownMethod);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationCancel,
+ this,
+ [this](const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationCancel &msg) {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: received cancel");
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ }
+ error_ = User;
+ emit errorChanged();
+ setState(Failed);
+ });
+ connect(
+ ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationKey,
+ this,
+ [this](const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationKey &msg) {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: received key");
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sender) {
+ if (state_ != WaitingForOtherToAccept) {
+ this->cancelVerification(OutOfOrder);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (state_ != WaitingForKeys) {
+ this->cancelVerification(OutOfOrder);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this->sas->set_their_key(msg.key);
+ std::string info;
+ if (this->sender == true) {
+ info = "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_SAS|" + http::client()->user_id().to_string() + "|" +
+ http::client()->device_id() + "|" + this->sas->public_key() + "|" +
+ this->toClient.to_string() + "|" + this->deviceId.toStdString() + "|" +
+ msg.key + "|" + this->transaction_id;
+ } else {
+ info = "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_SAS|" + this->toClient.to_string() + "|" +
+ this->deviceId.toStdString() + "|" + msg.key + "|" +
+ http::client()->user_id().to_string() + "|" + http::client()->device_id() +
+ "|" + this->sas->public_key() + "|" + this->transaction_id;
+ }
+ nhlog::ui()->info("Info is: '{}'", info);
+ if (this->sender == false) {
+ this->sendVerificationKey();
+ } else {
+ if (this->commitment != mtx::crypto::bin2base64_unpadded(mtx::crypto::sha256(
+ msg.key + this->canonical_json.dump()))) {
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::MismatchedCommitment);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this->method == mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji) {
+ this->sasList = this->sas->generate_bytes_emoji(info);
+ setState(CompareEmoji);
+ } else if (this->method == mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal) {
+ this->sasList = this->sas->generate_bytes_decimal(info);
+ setState(CompareNumber);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(
+ ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationMac,
+ this,
+ [this](const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationMac &msg) {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: received mac");
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> key_list;
+ std::string key_string;
+ for (const auto &mac : msg.mac) {
+ for (const auto &[deviceid, key] : their_keys.device_keys) {
+ (void)deviceid;
+ if (key.keys.count(mac.first))
+ key_list[mac.first] = key.keys.at(mac.first);
+ }
+ if (their_keys.master_keys.keys.count(mac.first))
+ key_list[mac.first] = their_keys.master_keys.keys[mac.first];
+ if (their_keys.user_signing_keys.keys.count(mac.first))
+ key_list[mac.first] = their_keys.user_signing_keys.keys[mac.first];
+ if (their_keys.self_signing_keys.keys.count(mac.first))
+ key_list[mac.first] = their_keys.self_signing_keys.keys[mac.first];
+ }
+ auto macs = key_verification_mac(sas.get(),
+ toClient,
+ this->deviceId.toStdString(),
+ http::client()->user_id(),
+ http::client()->device_id(),
+ this->transaction_id,
+ key_list);
+ for (const auto &[key, mac] : macs.mac) {
+ if (mac != msg.mac.at(key)) {
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::KeyMismatch);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg.keys == macs.keys) {
+ mtx::requests::KeySignaturesUpload req;
+ if (utils::localUser().toStdString() == this->toClient.to_string()) {
+ // self verification, sign master key with device key, if we
+ // verified it
+ for (const auto &mac : msg.mac) {
+ if (their_keys.master_keys.keys.count(mac.first)) {
+ json j = their_keys.master_keys;
+ j.erase("signatures");
+ j.erase("unsigned");
+ mtx::crypto::CrossSigningKeys master_key = j;
+ master_key.signatures[utils::localUser().toStdString()]
+ ["ed25519:" + http::client()->device_id()] =
+ olm::client()->sign_message(j.dump());
+ req.signatures[utils::localUser().toStdString()]
+ [master_key.keys.at(mac.first)] = master_key;
+ } else if (mac.first == "ed25519:" + this->deviceId.toStdString()) {
+ // Sign their device key with self signing key
+ auto device_id = this->deviceId.toStdString();
+ if (their_keys.device_keys.count(device_id)) {
+ json j = their_keys.device_keys.at(device_id);
+ j.erase("signatures");
+ j.erase("unsigned");
+ auto secret = cache::secret(
+ mtx::secret_storage::secrets::cross_signing_self_signing);
+ if (!secret)
+ continue;
+ auto ssk = mtx::crypto::PkSigning::from_seed(*secret);
+ mtx::crypto::DeviceKeys dev = j;
+ dev.signatures[utils::localUser().toStdString()]
+ ["ed25519:" + ssk.public_key()] = ssk.sign(j.dump());
+ req.signatures[utils::localUser().toStdString()][device_id] = dev;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Sign their master key with user signing key
+ for (const auto &mac : msg.mac) {
+ if (their_keys.master_keys.keys.count(mac.first)) {
+ json j = their_keys.master_keys;
+ j.erase("signatures");
+ j.erase("unsigned");
+ auto secret =
+ cache::secret(mtx::secret_storage::secrets::cross_signing_user_signing);
+ if (!secret)
+ continue;
+ auto usk = mtx::crypto::PkSigning::from_seed(*secret);
+ mtx::crypto::CrossSigningKeys master_key = j;
+ master_key.signatures[utils::localUser().toStdString()]
+ ["ed25519:" + usk.public_key()] = usk.sign(j.dump());
+ req.signatures[toClient.to_string()][master_key.keys.at(mac.first)] =
+ master_key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!req.signatures.empty()) {
+ http::client()->keys_signatures_upload(
+ req,
+ [](const mtx::responses::KeySignaturesUpload &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+ if (err) {
+ nhlog::net()->error("failed to upload signatures: {},{}",
+ mtx::errors::to_string(err->matrix_error.errcode),
+ static_cast<int>(err->status_code));
+ }
+ for (const auto &[user_id, tmp] : res.errors)
+ for (const auto &[key_id, e] : tmp)
+ nhlog::net()->error("signature error for user {} and key "
+ "id {}: {}, {}",
+ user_id,
+ key_id,
+ mtx::errors::to_string(e.errcode),
+ e.error);
+ });
+ }
+ this->isMacVerified = true;
+ this->acceptDevice();
+ } else {
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::KeyMismatch);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationReady,
+ this,
+ [this](const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationReady &msg) {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: received ready");
+ if (!sender) {
+ if (msg.from_device != http::client()->device_id()) {
+ error_ = User;
+ emit errorChanged();
+ setState(Failed);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ else {
+ this->deviceId = QString::fromStdString(msg.from_device);
+ }
+ }
+ this->startVerificationRequest();
+ });
+ connect(ChatPage::instance(),
+ &ChatPage::receivedDeviceVerificationDone,
+ this,
+ [this](const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationDone &msg) {
+ nhlog::crypto()->info("verification: received done");
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ }
+ nhlog::ui()->info("Flow done on other side");
+ });
+ timeout->start(TIMEOUT);
+ switch (state_) {
+ case PromptStartVerification:
+ return "PromptStartVerification";
+ case CompareEmoji:
+ return "CompareEmoji";
+ case CompareNumber:
+ return "CompareNumber";
+ case WaitingForKeys:
+ return "WaitingForKeys";
+ case WaitingForOtherToAccept:
+ return "WaitingForOtherToAccept";
+ case WaitingForMac:
+ return "WaitingForMac";
+ case Success:
+ return "Success";
+ case Failed:
+ return "Failed";
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+ if (sender) {
+ switch (state_) {
+ case PromptStartVerification:
+ sendVerificationRequest();
+ break;
+ case CompareEmoji:
+ case CompareNumber:
+ sendVerificationMac();
+ break;
+ case WaitingForKeys:
+ case WaitingForOtherToAccept:
+ case WaitingForMac:
+ case Success:
+ case Failed:
+ nhlog::db()->error("verification: Invalid state transition!");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (state_) {
+ case PromptStartVerification:
+ if (canonical_json.is_null())
+ sendVerificationReady();
+ else // legacy path without request and ready
+ acceptVerificationRequest();
+ break;
+ case CompareEmoji:
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case CompareNumber:
+ sendVerificationMac();
+ break;
+ case WaitingForKeys:
+ case WaitingForOtherToAccept:
+ case WaitingForMac:
+ case Success:
+ case Failed:
+ nhlog::db()->error("verification: Invalid state transition!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return QString::fromStdString(this->toClient.to_string());
+ return this->deviceId;
+ return this->sender;
+ return this->sasList;
+DeviceVerificationFlow::isSelfVerification() const
+ return this->toClient.to_string() == http::client()->user_id().to_string();
+DeviceVerificationFlow::setEventId(std::string event_id_)
+ this->relation.rel_type = mtx::common::RelationType::Reference;
+ this->relation.event_id = event_id_;
+ this->transaction_id = event_id_;
+DeviceVerificationFlow::handleStartMessage(const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationStart &msg,
+ std::string)
+ if (msg.transaction_id.has_value()) {
+ if (msg.transaction_id.value() != this->transaction_id)
+ return;
+ } else if (msg.relations.references()) {
+ if (msg.relations.references() != this->relation.event_id)
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((std::find(msg.key_agreement_protocols.begin(),
+ msg.key_agreement_protocols.end(),
+ "curve25519-hkdf-sha256") != msg.key_agreement_protocols.end()) &&
+ (std::find(msg.hashes.begin(), msg.hashes.end(), "sha256") != msg.hashes.end()) &&
+ (std::find(msg.message_authentication_codes.begin(),
+ msg.message_authentication_codes.end(),
+ "hkdf-hmac-sha256") != msg.message_authentication_codes.end())) {
+ if (std::find(msg.short_authentication_string.begin(),
+ msg.short_authentication_string.end(),
+ mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji) !=
+ msg.short_authentication_string.end()) {
+ this->method = mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji;
+ } else if (std::find(msg.short_authentication_string.begin(),
+ msg.short_authentication_string.end(),
+ mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal) !=
+ msg.short_authentication_string.end()) {
+ this->method = mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal;
+ } else {
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::UnknownMethod);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!sender)
+ this->canonical_json = nlohmann::json(msg);
+ else {
+ if (utils::localUser().toStdString() < this->toClient.to_string()) {
+ this->canonical_json = nlohmann::json(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (state_ != PromptStartVerification)
+ this->acceptVerificationRequest();
+ } else {
+ this->cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::UnknownMethod);
+ }
+//! accepts a verification
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationAccept req;
+ req.method = mtx::events::msg::VerificationMethods::SASv1;
+ req.key_agreement_protocol = "curve25519-hkdf-sha256";
+ req.hash = "sha256";
+ req.message_authentication_code = "hkdf-hmac-sha256";
+ if (this->method == mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji)
+ req.short_authentication_string = {mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji};
+ else if (this->method == mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal)
+ req.short_authentication_string = {mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal};
+ req.commitment = mtx::crypto::bin2base64_unpadded(
+ mtx::crypto::sha256(this->sas->public_key() + this->canonical_json.dump()));
+ send(req);
+ setState(WaitingForKeys);
+//! responds verification request
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationReady req;
+ req.from_device = http::client()->device_id();
+ req.methods = {mtx::events::msg::VerificationMethods::SASv1};
+ send(req);
+ setState(WaitingForKeys);
+//! accepts a verification
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationDone req;
+ send(req);
+//! starts the verification flow
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationStart req;
+ req.from_device = http::client()->device_id();
+ req.method = mtx::events::msg::VerificationMethods::SASv1;
+ req.key_agreement_protocols = {"curve25519-hkdf-sha256"};
+ req.hashes = {"sha256"};
+ req.message_authentication_codes = {"hkdf-hmac-sha256"};
+ req.short_authentication_string = {mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Decimal,
+ mtx::events::msg::SASMethods::Emoji};
+ if (this->type == DeviceVerificationFlow::Type::ToDevice) {
+ mtx::requests::ToDeviceMessages<mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationStart> body;
+ req.transaction_id = this->transaction_id;
+ this->canonical_json = nlohmann::json(req);
+ } else if (this->type == DeviceVerificationFlow::Type::RoomMsg && model_) {
+ req.relations.relations.push_back(this->relation);
+ // Set synthesized to surpress the nheko relation extensions
+ req.relations.synthesized = true;
+ this->canonical_json = nlohmann::json(req);
+ }
+ send(req);
+ setState(WaitingForOtherToAccept);
+//! sends a verification request
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationRequest req;
+ req.from_device = http::client()->device_id();
+ req.methods = {mtx::events::msg::VerificationMethods::SASv1};
+ if (this->type == DeviceVerificationFlow::Type::ToDevice) {
+ QDateTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+ req.timestamp = (uint64_t)currentTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch();
+ } else if (this->type == DeviceVerificationFlow::Type::RoomMsg && model_) {
+ req.to = this->toClient.to_string();
+ req.msgtype = "m.key.verification.request";
+ req.body = "User is requesting to verify keys with you. However, your client does "
+ "not support this method, so you will need to use the legacy method of "
+ "key verification.";
+ }
+ send(req);
+ setState(WaitingForOtherToAccept);
+//! cancels a verification flow
+DeviceVerificationFlow::cancelVerification(DeviceVerificationFlow::Error error_code)
+ if (state_ == State::Success || state_ == State::Failed)
+ return;
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationCancel req;
+ if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::UnknownMethod) {
+ req.code = "m.unknown_method";
+ req.reason = "unknown method received";
+ } else if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::MismatchedCommitment) {
+ req.code = "m.mismatched_commitment";
+ req.reason = "commitment didn't match";
+ } else if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::MismatchedSAS) {
+ req.code = "m.mismatched_sas";
+ req.reason = "sas didn't match";
+ } else if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::KeyMismatch) {
+ req.code = "m.key_match";
+ req.reason = "keys did not match";
+ } else if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::Timeout) {
+ req.code = "m.timeout";
+ req.reason = "timed out";
+ } else if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::User) {
+ req.code = "m.user";
+ req.reason = "user cancelled the verification";
+ } else if (error_code == DeviceVerificationFlow::Error::OutOfOrder) {
+ req.code = "m.unexpected_message";
+ req.reason = "received messages out of order";
+ }
+ this->error_ = error_code;
+ emit errorChanged();
+ this->setState(Failed);
+ send(req);
+//! sends the verification key
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationKey req;
+ req.key = this->sas->public_key();
+ send(req);
+key_verification_mac(mtx::crypto::SAS *sas,
+ mtx::identifiers::User sender,
+ const std::string &senderDevice,
+ mtx::identifiers::User receiver,
+ const std::string &receiverDevice,
+ const std::string &transactionId,
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> keys)
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationMac req;
+ std::string info = "MATRIX_KEY_VERIFICATION_MAC" + sender.to_string() + senderDevice +
+ receiver.to_string() + receiverDevice + transactionId;
+ std::string key_list;
+ bool first = true;
+ for (const auto &[key_id, key] : keys) {
+ req.mac[key_id] = sas->calculate_mac(key, info + key_id);
+ if (!first)
+ key_list += ",";
+ key_list += key_id;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ req.keys = sas->calculate_mac(key_list, info + "KEY_IDS");
+ return req;
+//! sends the mac of the keys
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> key_list;
+ key_list["ed25519:" + http::client()->device_id()] = olm::client()->identity_keys().ed25519;
+ // send our master key, if we trust it
+ if (!this->our_trusted_master_key.empty())
+ key_list["ed25519:" + our_trusted_master_key] = our_trusted_master_key;
+ mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationMac req = key_verification_mac(sas.get(),
+ http::client()->user_id(),
+ http::client()->device_id(),
+ this->toClient,
+ this->deviceId.toStdString(),
+ this->transaction_id,
+ key_list);
+ send(req);
+ setState(WaitingForMac);
+ acceptDevice();
+//! Completes the verification flow
+ if (!isMacVerified) {
+ setState(WaitingForMac);
+ } else if (state_ == WaitingForMac) {
+ cache::markDeviceVerified(this->toClient.to_string(), this->deviceId.toStdString());
+ this->sendVerificationDone();
+ setState(Success);
+ // Request secrets. We should probably check somehow, if a device knowns about the
+ // secrets.
+ if (utils::localUser().toStdString() == this->toClient.to_string() &&
+ (!cache::secret(mtx::secret_storage::secrets::cross_signing_self_signing) ||
+ !cache::secret(mtx::secret_storage::secrets::cross_signing_user_signing))) {
+ olm::request_cross_signing_keys();
+ }
+ }
+ cache::markDeviceUnverified(this->toClient.to_string(), this->deviceId.toStdString());
+ emit refreshProfile();
+DeviceVerificationFlow::NewInRoomVerification(QObject *parent_,
+ TimelineModel *timelineModel_,
+ const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationRequest &msg,
+ QString other_user_,
+ QString event_id_)
+ QSharedPointer<DeviceVerificationFlow> flow(
+ new DeviceVerificationFlow(parent_,
+ Type::RoomMsg,
+ timelineModel_,
+ other_user_,
+ QString::fromStdString(msg.from_device)));
+ flow->setEventId(event_id_.toStdString());
+ if (std::find(msg.methods.begin(),
+ msg.methods.end(),
+ mtx::events::msg::VerificationMethods::SASv1) == msg.methods.end()) {
+ flow->cancelVerification(UnknownMethod);
+ }
+ return flow;
+DeviceVerificationFlow::NewToDeviceVerification(QObject *parent_,
+ const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationRequest &msg,
+ QString other_user_,
+ QString txn_id_)
+ QSharedPointer<DeviceVerificationFlow> flow(new DeviceVerificationFlow(
+ parent_, Type::ToDevice, nullptr, other_user_, QString::fromStdString(msg.from_device)));
+ flow->transaction_id = txn_id_.toStdString();
+ if (std::find(msg.methods.begin(),
+ msg.methods.end(),
+ mtx::events::msg::VerificationMethods::SASv1) == msg.methods.end()) {
+ flow->cancelVerification(UnknownMethod);
+ }
+ return flow;
+DeviceVerificationFlow::NewToDeviceVerification(QObject *parent_,
+ const mtx::events::msg::KeyVerificationStart &msg,
+ QString other_user_,
+ QString txn_id_)
+ QSharedPointer<DeviceVerificationFlow> flow(new DeviceVerificationFlow(
+ parent_, Type::ToDevice, nullptr, other_user_, QString::fromStdString(msg.from_device)));
+ flow->transaction_id = txn_id_.toStdString();
+ flow->handleStartMessage(msg, "");
+ return flow;
+DeviceVerificationFlow::InitiateUserVerification(QObject *parent_,
+ TimelineModel *timelineModel_,
+ QString userid)
+ QSharedPointer<DeviceVerificationFlow> flow(
+ new DeviceVerificationFlow(parent_, Type::RoomMsg, timelineModel_, userid, ""));
+ flow->sender = true;
+ return flow;
+DeviceVerificationFlow::InitiateDeviceVerification(QObject *parent_, QString userid, QString device)
+ QSharedPointer<DeviceVerificationFlow> flow(
+ new DeviceVerificationFlow(parent_, Type::ToDevice, nullptr, userid, device));
+ flow->sender = true;
+ flow->transaction_id = http::client()->generate_txn_id();
+ return flow;