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path: root/src/RegisterPage.cpp
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authorNicolas Werner <>2021-09-18 00:22:33 +0200
committerNicolas Werner <>2021-09-18 00:45:50 +0200
commitcfca7157b98c9dc8e0852fe6484bc3f75008af7d (patch)
tree32b92340908a9374214ec7b84c1fac7ea338f56d /src/RegisterPage.cpp
parentMerge pull request #728 from Thulinma/goto (diff)
Change indentation to 4 spaces
Diffstat (limited to 'src/RegisterPage.cpp')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/src/RegisterPage.cpp b/src/RegisterPage.cpp
index fb6a1b97..0204a307 100644
--- a/src/RegisterPage.cpp
+++ b/src/RegisterPage.cpp
@@ -33,496 +33,483 @@ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(mtx::user_interactive::Auth)
 RegisterPage::RegisterPage(QWidget *parent)
   : QWidget(parent)
-        qRegisterMetaType<mtx::user_interactive::Unauthorized>();
-        qRegisterMetaType<mtx::user_interactive::Auth>();
-        top_layout_ = new QVBoxLayout();
-        back_layout_ = new QHBoxLayout();
-        back_layout_->setSpacing(0);
-        back_layout_->setContentsMargins(5, 5, -1, -1);
-        back_button_ = new FlatButton(this);
-        back_button_->setMinimumSize(QSize(30, 30));
-        QIcon icon;
-        icon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/angle-pointing-to-left.png");
-        back_button_->setIcon(icon);
-        back_button_->setIconSize(QSize(32, 32));
-        back_layout_->addWidget(back_button_, 0, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
-        back_layout_->addStretch(1);
-        QIcon logo;
-        logo.addFile(":/logos/register.png");
-        logo_ = new QLabel(this);
-        logo_->setPixmap(logo.pixmap(128));
-        logo_layout_ = new QHBoxLayout();
-        logo_layout_->setMargin(0);
-        logo_layout_->addWidget(logo_, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_wrapper_ = new QHBoxLayout();
-        form_widget_  = new QWidget();
-        form_widget_->setMinimumSize(QSize(350, 300));
-        form_layout_ = new QVBoxLayout();
-        form_layout_->setSpacing(20);
-        form_layout_->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 40);
-        form_widget_->setLayout(form_layout_);
-        form_wrapper_->addStretch(1);
-        form_wrapper_->addWidget(form_widget_);
-        form_wrapper_->addStretch(1);
-        username_input_ = new TextField();
-        username_input_->setLabel(tr("Username"));
-        username_input_->setRegexp(QRegularExpression("[a-z0-9._=/-]+"));
-        username_input_->setToolTip(tr("The username must not be empty, and must contain only the "
-                                       "characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /."));
-        password_input_ = new TextField();
-        password_input_->setLabel(tr("Password"));
-        password_input_->setRegexp(QRegularExpression("^.{8,}$"));
-        password_input_->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
-        password_input_->setToolTip(tr("Please choose a secure password. The exact requirements "
-                                       "for password strength may depend on your server."));
-        password_confirmation_ = new TextField();
-        password_confirmation_->setLabel(tr("Password confirmation"));
-        password_confirmation_->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
-        server_input_ = new TextField();
-        server_input_->setLabel(tr("Homeserver"));
-        server_input_->setRegexp(QRegularExpression(".+"));
-        server_input_->setToolTip(
-          tr("A server that allows registration. Since matrix is decentralized, you need to first "
-             "find a server you can register on or host your own."));
-        error_username_label_ = new QLabel(this);
-        error_username_label_->setWordWrap(true);
-        error_username_label_->hide();
-        error_password_label_ = new QLabel(this);
-        error_password_label_->setWordWrap(true);
-        error_password_label_->hide();
-        error_password_confirmation_label_ = new QLabel(this);
-        error_password_confirmation_label_->setWordWrap(true);
-        error_password_confirmation_label_->hide();
-        error_server_label_ = new QLabel(this);
-        error_server_label_->setWordWrap(true);
-        error_server_label_->hide();
-        form_layout_->addWidget(username_input_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(error_username_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(password_input_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(error_password_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(password_confirmation_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(error_password_confirmation_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(server_input_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        form_layout_->addWidget(error_server_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        button_layout_ = new QHBoxLayout();
-        button_layout_->setSpacing(0);
-        button_layout_->setMargin(0);
-        error_label_ = new QLabel(this);
-        error_label_->setWordWrap(true);
-        register_button_ = new RaisedButton(tr("REGISTER"), this);
-        register_button_->setMinimumSize(350, 65);
-        register_button_->setFontSize(conf::btn::fontSize);
-        register_button_->setCornerRadius(conf::btn::cornerRadius);
-        button_layout_->addStretch(1);
-        button_layout_->addWidget(register_button_);
-        button_layout_->addStretch(1);
-        top_layout_->addLayout(back_layout_);
-        top_layout_->addLayout(logo_layout_);
-        top_layout_->addLayout(form_wrapper_);
-        top_layout_->addStretch(1);
-        top_layout_->addLayout(button_layout_);
-        top_layout_->addWidget(error_label_, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter);
-        top_layout_->addStretch(1);
-        setLayout(top_layout_);
-        connect(back_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onBackButtonClicked()));
-        connect(register_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onRegisterButtonClicked()));
-        connect(username_input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
-        connect(username_input_, &TextField::editingFinished, this, &RegisterPage::checkUsername);
-        connect(password_input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
-        connect(password_input_, &TextField::editingFinished, this, &RegisterPage::checkPassword);
-        connect(password_confirmation_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
-        connect(password_confirmation_,
-                &TextField::editingFinished,
-                this,
-                &RegisterPage::checkPasswordConfirmation);
-        connect(server_input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
-        connect(server_input_, &TextField::editingFinished, this, &RegisterPage::checkServer);
-        connect(
-          this,
-          &RegisterPage::serverError,
-          this,
-          [this](const QString &msg) {
-                  server_input_->setValid(false);
-                  showError(error_server_label_, msg);
-          },
-          Qt::QueuedConnection);
-        connect(this, &RegisterPage::wellKnownLookup, this, &RegisterPage::doWellKnownLookup);
-        connect(this, &RegisterPage::versionsCheck, this, &RegisterPage::doVersionsCheck);
-        connect(this, &RegisterPage::registration, this, &RegisterPage::doRegistration);
-        connect(this, &RegisterPage::UIA, this, &RegisterPage::doUIA);
-        connect(
-          this, &RegisterPage::registrationWithAuth, this, &RegisterPage::doRegistrationWithAuth);
+    qRegisterMetaType<mtx::user_interactive::Unauthorized>();
+    qRegisterMetaType<mtx::user_interactive::Auth>();
+    top_layout_ = new QVBoxLayout();
+    back_layout_ = new QHBoxLayout();
+    back_layout_->setSpacing(0);
+    back_layout_->setContentsMargins(5, 5, -1, -1);
+    back_button_ = new FlatButton(this);
+    back_button_->setMinimumSize(QSize(30, 30));
+    QIcon icon;
+    icon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/angle-pointing-to-left.png");
+    back_button_->setIcon(icon);
+    back_button_->setIconSize(QSize(32, 32));
+    back_layout_->addWidget(back_button_, 0, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
+    back_layout_->addStretch(1);
+    QIcon logo;
+    logo.addFile(":/logos/register.png");
+    logo_ = new QLabel(this);
+    logo_->setPixmap(logo.pixmap(128));
+    logo_layout_ = new QHBoxLayout();
+    logo_layout_->setMargin(0);
+    logo_layout_->addWidget(logo_, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_wrapper_ = new QHBoxLayout();
+    form_widget_  = new QWidget();
+    form_widget_->setMinimumSize(QSize(350, 300));
+    form_layout_ = new QVBoxLayout();
+    form_layout_->setSpacing(20);
+    form_layout_->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 40);
+    form_widget_->setLayout(form_layout_);
+    form_wrapper_->addStretch(1);
+    form_wrapper_->addWidget(form_widget_);
+    form_wrapper_->addStretch(1);
+    username_input_ = new TextField();
+    username_input_->setLabel(tr("Username"));
+    username_input_->setRegexp(QRegularExpression("[a-z0-9._=/-]+"));
+    username_input_->setToolTip(tr("The username must not be empty, and must contain only the "
+                                   "characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /."));
+    password_input_ = new TextField();
+    password_input_->setLabel(tr("Password"));
+    password_input_->setRegexp(QRegularExpression("^.{8,}$"));
+    password_input_->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
+    password_input_->setToolTip(tr("Please choose a secure password. The exact requirements "
+                                   "for password strength may depend on your server."));
+    password_confirmation_ = new TextField();
+    password_confirmation_->setLabel(tr("Password confirmation"));
+    password_confirmation_->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
+    server_input_ = new TextField();
+    server_input_->setLabel(tr("Homeserver"));
+    server_input_->setRegexp(QRegularExpression(".+"));
+    server_input_->setToolTip(
+      tr("A server that allows registration. Since matrix is decentralized, you need to first "
+         "find a server you can register on or host your own."));
+    error_username_label_ = new QLabel(this);
+    error_username_label_->setWordWrap(true);
+    error_username_label_->hide();
+    error_password_label_ = new QLabel(this);
+    error_password_label_->setWordWrap(true);
+    error_password_label_->hide();
+    error_password_confirmation_label_ = new QLabel(this);
+    error_password_confirmation_label_->setWordWrap(true);
+    error_password_confirmation_label_->hide();
+    error_server_label_ = new QLabel(this);
+    error_server_label_->setWordWrap(true);
+    error_server_label_->hide();
+    form_layout_->addWidget(username_input_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(error_username_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(password_input_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(error_password_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(password_confirmation_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(error_password_confirmation_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(server_input_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    form_layout_->addWidget(error_server_label_, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    button_layout_ = new QHBoxLayout();
+    button_layout_->setSpacing(0);
+    button_layout_->setMargin(0);
+    error_label_ = new QLabel(this);
+    error_label_->setWordWrap(true);
+    register_button_ = new RaisedButton(tr("REGISTER"), this);
+    register_button_->setMinimumSize(350, 65);
+    register_button_->setFontSize(conf::btn::fontSize);
+    register_button_->setCornerRadius(conf::btn::cornerRadius);
+    button_layout_->addStretch(1);
+    button_layout_->addWidget(register_button_);
+    button_layout_->addStretch(1);
+    top_layout_->addLayout(back_layout_);
+    top_layout_->addLayout(logo_layout_);
+    top_layout_->addLayout(form_wrapper_);
+    top_layout_->addStretch(1);
+    top_layout_->addLayout(button_layout_);
+    top_layout_->addWidget(error_label_, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    top_layout_->addStretch(1);
+    setLayout(top_layout_);
+    connect(back_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onBackButtonClicked()));
+    connect(register_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onRegisterButtonClicked()));
+    connect(username_input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
+    connect(username_input_, &TextField::editingFinished, this, &RegisterPage::checkUsername);
+    connect(password_input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
+    connect(password_input_, &TextField::editingFinished, this, &RegisterPage::checkPassword);
+    connect(password_confirmation_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
+    connect(password_confirmation_,
+            &TextField::editingFinished,
+            this,
+            &RegisterPage::checkPasswordConfirmation);
+    connect(server_input_, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), register_button_, SLOT(click()));
+    connect(server_input_, &TextField::editingFinished, this, &RegisterPage::checkServer);
+    connect(
+      this,
+      &RegisterPage::serverError,
+      this,
+      [this](const QString &msg) {
+          server_input_->setValid(false);
+          showError(error_server_label_, msg);
+      },
+      Qt::QueuedConnection);
+    connect(this, &RegisterPage::wellKnownLookup, this, &RegisterPage::doWellKnownLookup);
+    connect(this, &RegisterPage::versionsCheck, this, &RegisterPage::doVersionsCheck);
+    connect(this, &RegisterPage::registration, this, &RegisterPage::doRegistration);
+    connect(this, &RegisterPage::UIA, this, &RegisterPage::doUIA);
+    connect(this, &RegisterPage::registrationWithAuth, this, &RegisterPage::doRegistrationWithAuth);
-        emit backButtonClicked();
+    emit backButtonClicked();
 RegisterPage::showError(const QString &msg)
-        emit errorOccurred();
-        auto rect  = QFontMetrics(font()).boundingRect(msg);
-        int width  = rect.width();
-        int height = rect.height();
-        error_label_->setFixedHeight(qCeil(width / 200.0) * height);
-        error_label_->setText(msg);
+    emit errorOccurred();
+    auto rect  = QFontMetrics(font()).boundingRect(msg);
+    int width  = rect.width();
+    int height = rect.height();
+    error_label_->setFixedHeight(qCeil(width / 200.0) * height);
+    error_label_->setText(msg);
 RegisterPage::showError(QLabel *label, const QString &msg)
-        emit errorOccurred();
-        auto rect  = QFontMetrics(font()).boundingRect(msg);
-        int width  = rect.width();
-        int height = rect.height();
-        label->setFixedHeight((int)qCeil(width / 200.0) * height);
-        label->setText(msg);
-        label->show();
+    emit errorOccurred();
+    auto rect  = QFontMetrics(font()).boundingRect(msg);
+    int width  = rect.width();
+    int height = rect.height();
+    label->setFixedHeight((int)qCeil(width / 200.0) * height);
+    label->setText(msg);
+    label->show();
 RegisterPage::checkOneField(QLabel *label, const TextField *t_field, const QString &msg)
-        if (t_field->isValid()) {
-                label->hide();
-                return true;
-        } else {
-                showError(label, msg);
-                return false;
-        }
+    if (t_field->isValid()) {
+        label->hide();
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        showError(label, msg);
+        return false;
+    }
-        return checkOneField(error_username_label_,
-                             username_input_,
-                             tr("The username must not be empty, and must contain only the "
-                                "characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /."));
+    return checkOneField(error_username_label_,
+                         username_input_,
+                         tr("The username must not be empty, and must contain only the "
+                            "characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /."));
-        return checkOneField(
-          error_password_label_, password_input_, tr("Password is not long enough (min 8 chars)"));
+    return checkOneField(
+      error_password_label_, password_input_, tr("Password is not long enough (min 8 chars)"));
-        if (password_input_->text() == password_confirmation_->text()) {
-                error_password_confirmation_label_->hide();
-                password_confirmation_->setValid(true);
-                return true;
-        } else {
-                showError(error_password_confirmation_label_, tr("Passwords don't match"));
-                password_confirmation_->setValid(false);
-                return false;
-        }
+    if (password_input_->text() == password_confirmation_->text()) {
+        error_password_confirmation_label_->hide();
+        password_confirmation_->setValid(true);
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        showError(error_password_confirmation_label_, tr("Passwords don't match"));
+        password_confirmation_->setValid(false);
+        return false;
+    }
-        // This doesn't check that the server is reachable,
-        // just that the input is not obviously wrong.
-        return checkOneField(error_server_label_, server_input_, tr("Invalid server name"));
+    // This doesn't check that the server is reachable,
+    // just that the input is not obviously wrong.
+    return checkOneField(error_server_label_, server_input_, tr("Invalid server name"));
-        if (checkUsername() && checkPassword() && checkPasswordConfirmation() && checkServer()) {
-                auto server = server_input_->text().toStdString();
-                http::client()->set_server(server);
-                http::client()->verify_certificates(
-                  !UserSettings::instance()->disableCertificateValidation());
-                // This starts a chain of `emit`s which ends up doing the
-                // registration. Signals are used rather than normal function
-                // calls so that the dialogs used in UIA work correctly.
-                //
-                // The sequence of events looks something like this:
-                //
-                // dowellKnownLookup
-                //   v
-                // doVersionsCheck
-                //   v
-                // doRegistration
-                //   v
-                // doUIA <-----------------+
-                //   v					   | More auth required
-                // doRegistrationWithAuth -+
-                //                         | Success
-                // 						   v
-                //                     registering
-                emit wellKnownLookup();
-                emit registering();
-        }
+    if (checkUsername() && checkPassword() && checkPasswordConfirmation() && checkServer()) {
+        auto server = server_input_->text().toStdString();
+        http::client()->set_server(server);
+        http::client()->verify_certificates(
+          !UserSettings::instance()->disableCertificateValidation());
+        // This starts a chain of `emit`s which ends up doing the
+        // registration. Signals are used rather than normal function
+        // calls so that the dialogs used in UIA work correctly.
+        //
+        // The sequence of events looks something like this:
+        //
+        // dowellKnownLookup
+        //   v
+        // doVersionsCheck
+        //   v
+        // doRegistration
+        //   v
+        // doUIA <-----------------+
+        //   v					   | More auth required
+        // doRegistrationWithAuth -+
+        //                         | Success
+        // 						   v
+        //                     registering
+        emit wellKnownLookup();
+        emit registering();
+    }
-        http::client()->well_known(
-          [this](const mtx::responses::WellKnown &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
-                  if (err) {
-                          if (err->status_code == 404) {
-                                  nhlog::net()->info("Autodiscovery: No .well-known.");
-                                  // Check that the homeserver can be reached
-                                  emit versionsCheck();
-                                  return;
-                          }
-                          if (!err->parse_error.empty()) {
-                                  emit serverError(
-                                    tr("Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response."));
-                                  nhlog::net()->error(
-                                    "Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.");
-                                  return;
-                          }
-                          emit serverError(tr("Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when "
-                                              "requesting .well-known."));
-                          nhlog::net()->error("Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when "
-                                              "requesting .well-known. {} {}",
-                                              err->status_code,
-                                              err->error_code);
-                          return;
-                  }
-                  nhlog::net()->info("Autodiscovery: Discovered '" + res.homeserver.base_url + "'");
-                  http::client()->set_server(res.homeserver.base_url);
+    http::client()->well_known(
+      [this](const mtx::responses::WellKnown &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+          if (err) {
+              if (err->status_code == 404) {
+                  nhlog::net()->info("Autodiscovery: No .well-known.");
                   // Check that the homeserver can be reached
                   emit versionsCheck();
-          });
+                  return;
+              }
+              if (!err->parse_error.empty()) {
+                  emit serverError(tr("Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response."));
+                  nhlog::net()->error("Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.");
+                  return;
+              }
+              emit serverError(tr("Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when "
+                                  "requesting .well-known."));
+              nhlog::net()->error("Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when "
+                                  "requesting .well-known. {} {}",
+                                  err->status_code,
+                                  err->error_code);
+              return;
+          }
+          nhlog::net()->info("Autodiscovery: Discovered '" + res.homeserver.base_url + "'");
+          http::client()->set_server(res.homeserver.base_url);
+          // Check that the homeserver can be reached
+          emit versionsCheck();
+      });
-        // Make a request to /_matrix/client/versions to check the address
-        // given is a Matrix homeserver.
-        http::client()->versions(
-          [this](const mtx::responses::Versions &, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
-                  if (err) {
-                          if (err->status_code == 404) {
-                                  emit serverError(
-                                    tr("The required endpoints were not found. Possibly "
-                                       "not a Matrix server."));
-                                  return;
-                          }
-                          if (!err->parse_error.empty()) {
-                                  emit serverError(
-                                    tr("Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver "
-                                       "domain is valid."));
-                                  return;
-                          }
-                          emit serverError(tr("An unknown error occured. Make sure the "
-                                              "homeserver domain is valid."));
-                          return;
-                  }
-                  // Attempt registration without an `auth` dict
-                  emit registration();
-          });
+    // Make a request to /_matrix/client/versions to check the address
+    // given is a Matrix homeserver.
+    http::client()->versions([this](const mtx::responses::Versions &, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+        if (err) {
+            if (err->status_code == 404) {
+                emit serverError(tr("The required endpoints were not found. Possibly "
+                                    "not a Matrix server."));
+                return;
+            }
+            if (!err->parse_error.empty()) {
+                emit serverError(tr("Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver "
+                                    "domain is valid."));
+                return;
+            }
+            emit serverError(tr("An unknown error occured. Make sure the "
+                                "homeserver domain is valid."));
+            return;
+        }
+        // Attempt registration without an `auth` dict
+        emit registration();
+    });
-        // These inputs should still be alright, but check just in case
-        if (checkUsername() && checkPassword() && checkPasswordConfirmation()) {
-                auto username = username_input_->text().toStdString();
-                auto password = password_input_->text().toStdString();
-                http::client()->registration(username, password, registrationCb());
-        }
+    // These inputs should still be alright, but check just in case
+    if (checkUsername() && checkPassword() && checkPasswordConfirmation()) {
+        auto username = username_input_->text().toStdString();
+        auto password = password_input_->text().toStdString();
+        http::client()->registration(username, password, registrationCb());
+    }
 RegisterPage::doRegistrationWithAuth(const mtx::user_interactive::Auth &auth)
-        // These inputs should still be alright, but check just in case
-        if (checkUsername() && checkPassword() && checkPasswordConfirmation()) {
-                auto username = username_input_->text().toStdString();
-                auto password = password_input_->text().toStdString();
-                http::client()->registration(username, password, auth, registrationCb());
-        }
+    // These inputs should still be alright, but check just in case
+    if (checkUsername() && checkPassword() && checkPasswordConfirmation()) {
+        auto username = username_input_->text().toStdString();
+        auto password = password_input_->text().toStdString();
+        http::client()->registration(username, password, auth, registrationCb());
+    }
-        // Return a function to be used as the callback when an attempt at
-        // registration is made.
-        return [this](const mtx::responses::Register &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
-                if (!err) {
-                        http::client()->set_user(res.user_id);
-                        http::client()->set_access_token(res.access_token);
-                        emit registerOk();
-                        return;
-                }
-                // The server requires registration flows.
-                if (err->status_code == 401) {
-                        if (err->matrix_error.unauthorized.flows.empty()) {
-                                nhlog::net()->warn("failed to retrieve registration flows: "
-                                                   "status_code({}), matrix_error({}) ",
-                                                   static_cast<int>(err->status_code),
-                                                   err->matrix_error.error);
-                                showError(QString::fromStdString(err->matrix_error.error));
-                                return;
-                        }
-                        // Attempt to complete a UIA stage
-                        emit UIA(err->matrix_error.unauthorized);
-                        return;
-                }
-                nhlog::net()->error("failed to register: status_code ({}), matrix_error({})",
-                                    static_cast<int>(err->status_code),
-                                    err->matrix_error.error);
+    // Return a function to be used as the callback when an attempt at
+    // registration is made.
+    return [this](const mtx::responses::Register &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) {
+        if (!err) {
+            http::client()->set_user(res.user_id);
+            http::client()->set_access_token(res.access_token);
+            emit registerOk();
+            return;
+        }
+        // The server requires registration flows.
+        if (err->status_code == 401) {
+            if (err->matrix_error.unauthorized.flows.empty()) {
+                nhlog::net()->warn("failed to retrieve registration flows: "
+                                   "status_code({}), matrix_error({}) ",
+                                   static_cast<int>(err->status_code),
+                                   err->matrix_error.error);
-        };
+                return;
+            }
+            // Attempt to complete a UIA stage
+            emit UIA(err->matrix_error.unauthorized);
+            return;
+        }
+        nhlog::net()->error("failed to register: status_code ({}), matrix_error({})",
+                            static_cast<int>(err->status_code),
+                            err->matrix_error.error);
+        showError(QString::fromStdString(err->matrix_error.error));
+    };
 RegisterPage::doUIA(const mtx::user_interactive::Unauthorized &unauthorized)
-        auto completed_stages = unauthorized.completed;
-        auto flows            = unauthorized.flows;
-        auto session =
-          unauthorized.session.empty() ? http::client()->generate_txn_id() : unauthorized.session;
-        nhlog::ui()->info("Completed stages: {}", completed_stages.size());
-        if (!completed_stages.empty()) {
-                // Get rid of all flows which don't start with the sequence of
-                // stages that have already been completed.
-                flows.erase(
-                  std::remove_if(flows.begin(),
-                                 flows.end(),
-                                 [completed_stages](auto flow) {
-                                         if (completed_stages.size() > flow.stages.size())
-                                                 return true;
-                                         for (size_t f = 0; f < completed_stages.size(); f++)
-                                                 if (completed_stages[f] != flow.stages[f])
-                                                         return true;
-                                         return false;
-                                 }),
-                  flows.end());
-        }
+    auto completed_stages = unauthorized.completed;
+    auto flows            = unauthorized.flows;
+    auto session =
+      unauthorized.session.empty() ? http::client()->generate_txn_id() : unauthorized.session;
+    nhlog::ui()->info("Completed stages: {}", completed_stages.size());
+    if (!completed_stages.empty()) {
+        // Get rid of all flows which don't start with the sequence of
+        // stages that have already been completed.
+        flows.erase(std::remove_if(flows.begin(),
+                                   flows.end(),
+                                   [completed_stages](auto flow) {
+                                       if (completed_stages.size() > flow.stages.size())
+                                           return true;
+                                       for (size_t f = 0; f < completed_stages.size(); f++)
+                                           if (completed_stages[f] != flow.stages[f])
+                                               return true;
+                                       return false;
+                                   }),
+                    flows.end());
+    }
+    if (flows.empty()) {
+        nhlog::ui()->error("No available registration flows!");
+        showError(tr("No supported registration flows!"));
+        return;
+    }
+    auto current_stage = flows.front();
+    if (current_stage == mtx::user_interactive::auth_types::recaptcha) {
+        auto captchaDialog = new dialogs::ReCaptcha(QString::fromStdString(session), this);
-        if (flows.empty()) {
-                nhlog::ui()->error("No available registration flows!");
-                showError(tr("No supported registration flows!"));
-                return;
-        }
+        connect(
+          captchaDialog, &dialogs::ReCaptcha::confirmation, this, [this, session, captchaDialog]() {
+              captchaDialog->close();
+              captchaDialog->deleteLater();
+              doRegistrationWithAuth(
+                mtx::user_interactive::Auth{session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::Fallback{}});
+          });
-        auto current_stage = flows.front();
-        if (current_stage == mtx::user_interactive::auth_types::recaptcha) {
-                auto captchaDialog = new dialogs::ReCaptcha(QString::fromStdString(session), this);
-                connect(captchaDialog,
-                        &dialogs::ReCaptcha::confirmation,
-                        this,
-                        [this, session, captchaDialog]() {
-                                captchaDialog->close();
-                                captchaDialog->deleteLater();
-                                doRegistrationWithAuth(mtx::user_interactive::Auth{
-                                  session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::Fallback{}});
-                        });
-                connect(
-                  captchaDialog, &dialogs::ReCaptcha::cancel, this, &RegisterPage::errorOccurred);
-                QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [captchaDialog]() { captchaDialog->show(); });
-        } else if (current_stage == mtx::user_interactive::auth_types::dummy) {
-                doRegistrationWithAuth(
-                  mtx::user_interactive::Auth{session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::Dummy{}});
-        } else if (current_stage == mtx::user_interactive::auth_types::registration_token) {
-                bool ok;
-                QString token =
-                  QInputDialog::getText(this,
-                                        tr("Registration token"),
-                                        tr("Please enter a valid registration token."),
-                                        QLineEdit::Normal,
-                                        QString(),
-                                        &ok);
-                if (ok) {
-                        emit registrationWithAuth(mtx::user_interactive::Auth{
-                          session,
-                          mtx::user_interactive::auth::RegistrationToken{token.toStdString()}});
-                } else {
-                        emit errorOccurred();
-                }
-        } else {
-                // use fallback
-                auto dialog = new dialogs::FallbackAuth(
-                  QString::fromStdString(current_stage), QString::fromStdString(session), this);
+        connect(captchaDialog, &dialogs::ReCaptcha::cancel, this, &RegisterPage::errorOccurred);
-                connect(
-                  dialog, &dialogs::FallbackAuth::confirmation, this, [this, session, dialog]() {
-                          dialog->close();
-                          dialog->deleteLater();
-                          emit registrationWithAuth(mtx::user_interactive::Auth{
-                            session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::Fallback{}});
-                  });
+        QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [captchaDialog]() { captchaDialog->show(); });
-                connect(dialog, &dialogs::FallbackAuth::cancel, this, &RegisterPage::errorOccurred);
+    } else if (current_stage == mtx::user_interactive::auth_types::dummy) {
+        doRegistrationWithAuth(
+          mtx::user_interactive::Auth{session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::Dummy{}});
-                dialog->show();
+    } else if (current_stage == mtx::user_interactive::auth_types::registration_token) {
+        bool ok;
+        QString token = QInputDialog::getText(this,
+                                              tr("Registration token"),
+                                              tr("Please enter a valid registration token."),
+                                              QLineEdit::Normal,
+                                              QString(),
+                                              &ok);
+        if (ok) {
+            emit registrationWithAuth(mtx::user_interactive::Auth{
+              session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::RegistrationToken{token.toStdString()}});
+        } else {
+            emit errorOccurred();
+    } else {
+        // use fallback
+        auto dialog = new dialogs::FallbackAuth(
+          QString::fromStdString(current_stage), QString::fromStdString(session), this);
+        connect(dialog, &dialogs::FallbackAuth::confirmation, this, [this, session, dialog]() {
+            dialog->close();
+            dialog->deleteLater();
+            emit registrationWithAuth(
+              mtx::user_interactive::Auth{session, mtx::user_interactive::auth::Fallback{}});
+        });
+        connect(dialog, &dialogs::FallbackAuth::cancel, this, &RegisterPage::errorOccurred);
+        dialog->show();
+    }
 RegisterPage::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
-        QStyleOption opt;
-        opt.init(this);
-        QPainter p(this);
-        style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
+    QStyleOption opt;
+    opt.init(this);
+    QPainter p(this);
+    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);