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path: root/MatrixContentFilter/Services/ConfigurationService.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'MatrixContentFilter/Services/ConfigurationService.cs')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MatrixContentFilter/Services/ConfigurationService.cs b/MatrixContentFilter/Services/ConfigurationService.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f83c89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MatrixContentFilter/Services/ConfigurationService.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
+using LibMatrix;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
+using LibMatrix.Helpers;
+using LibMatrix.Homeservers;
+using LibMatrix.Responses;
+using LibMatrix.RoomTypes;
+using LibMatrix.Utilities;
+using MatrixContentFilter.EventTypes;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace MatrixContentFilter.Services;
+public class ConfigurationService(ILogger<ConfigurationService> logger, AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric hs, AsyncMessageQueue msgQueue) : BackgroundService {
+    public BotEnvironmentConfiguration EnvironmentConfiguration { get; private set; }
+    public FilterConfiguration DefaultConfiguration { get; private set; }
+    public Dictionary<string, FilterConfiguration> RoomConfigurationOverrides { get; } = new();
+    public Dictionary<string, FilterConfiguration> FinalRoomConfigurations { get; } = new();
+    public GenericRoom LogRoom { get; private set; } = null!;
+    public GenericRoom ControlRoom { get; private set; } = null!;
+    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) {
+        var syncHelper = new SyncHelper(hs, logger) {
+            NamedFilterName = CommonSyncFilters.GetAccountDataWithRooms
+        };
+        await foreach (var sync in syncHelper.EnumerateSyncAsync(stoppingToken).WithCancellation(stoppingToken)) {
+            if (sync is { AccountData: null, Rooms: null }) continue;
+            logger.LogInformation("Received configuration update: {syncData}", sync.ToJson(ignoreNull: true));
+            await OnSyncReceived(sync);
+        }
+    }
+    public async Task OnSyncReceived(SyncResponse sync) {
+        if (sync.AccountData?.Events?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == BotEnvironmentConfiguration.EventId) is { } envEvent) {
+            EnvironmentConfiguration = envEvent.TypedContent as BotEnvironmentConfiguration;
+            msgQueue.EnqueueMessageAsync(LogRoom, new MessageBuilder("m.notice")
+                .WithColoredBody("#FF0088", "Environment configuration updated from sync.").WithNewline()
+                .WithCollapsibleSection("JSON data:", msb => msb.WithCodeBlock(EnvironmentConfiguration.ToJson(), "json"))
+                // .WithCollapsibleSection("Full event JSON", _msb => _msb.WithCodeBlock(envEvent.ToJson(), "json"))
+                .Build());
+            LogRoom = hs.GetRoom(EnvironmentConfiguration.LogRoomId!);
+            ControlRoom = hs.GetRoom(EnvironmentConfiguration.ControlRoomId!);
+        }
+        if (sync.AccountData?.Events?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == FilterConfiguration.EventId) is { } filterEvent) {
+            DefaultConfiguration = filterEvent.TypedContent as FilterConfiguration;
+            msgQueue.EnqueueMessageAsync(LogRoom, new MessageBuilder("m.notice")
+                .WithColoredBody("#00FF88", "Default filter configuration updated from sync.").WithNewline()
+                .WithCollapsibleSection("JSON data:", msb => msb.WithCodeBlock(DefaultConfiguration.ToJson(), "json"))
+                // .WithCollapsibleSection("Full event JSON", _msb => _msb.WithCodeBlock(filterEvent.ToJson(), "json"))
+                .Build());
+        }
+        await Parallel.ForEachAsync(sync.Rooms?.Join ?? [], async (syncRoom, ct) => {
+            var (roomId, roomData) = syncRoom;
+            if (roomId == LogRoom!.RoomId || roomId == ControlRoom!.RoomId) return;
+            var room = hs.GetRoom(roomId);
+            if (roomData.AccountData?.Events?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == FilterConfiguration.EventId) is { } roomFilterEvent) {
+                RoomConfigurationOverrides[roomId] = roomFilterEvent.TypedContent as FilterConfiguration;
+                var roomName = await room.GetNameOrFallbackAsync();
+                msgQueue.EnqueueMessageAsync(LogRoom, new MessageBuilder("m.notice")
+                    .WithColoredBody("#00FF88", msb => msb.WithBody($"Filter configuration updated for ").WithMention(roomId, roomName).WithBody(" from sync.")).WithNewline()
+                    .WithCollapsibleSection("JSON data:", msb => msb.WithCodeBlock(RoomConfigurationOverrides[roomId].ToJson(), "json"))
+                    .Build());
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    public async Task OnStartup(MatrixContentFilterConfiguration configuration) {
+        BotEnvironmentConfiguration _environmentConfiguration;
+        try {
+            _environmentConfiguration = await hs.GetAccountDataAsync<BotEnvironmentConfiguration>(BotEnvironmentConfiguration.EventId);
+        }
+        catch (MatrixException e) {
+            if (e is not { ErrorCode: MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_NOT_FOUND }) throw;
+            logger.LogWarning("No environment configuration found, creating one");
+            _environmentConfiguration = new BotEnvironmentConfiguration();
+        }
+        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_environmentConfiguration.ControlRoomId)) {
+            LogRoom = await hs.CreateRoom(new() {
+                Name = "MatrixContentFilter logs",
+                Invite = configuration.Admins,
+                Visibility = "private"
+            });
+            var powerlevels = await LogRoom.GetPowerLevelsAsync();
+            powerlevels.EventsDefault = 20;
+            foreach (var admin in configuration.Admins) {
+                powerlevels.Users[admin] = 100;
+            }
+            await LogRoom.SendStateEventAsync(RoomPowerLevelEventContent.EventId, powerlevels);
+            _environmentConfiguration.LogRoomId = LogRoom.RoomId;
+            await hs.SetAccountDataAsync(BotEnvironmentConfiguration.EventId, _environmentConfiguration);
+        }
+        else {
+            LogRoom = hs.GetRoom(_environmentConfiguration.LogRoomId!);
+        }
+        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_environmentConfiguration.ControlRoomId)) {
+            ControlRoom = await hs.CreateRoom(new() {
+                Name = "MatrixContentFilter control room",
+                Invite = configuration.Admins,
+                Visibility = "private"
+            });
+            var powerlevels = await ControlRoom.GetPowerLevelsAsync();
+            powerlevels.EventsDefault = 20;
+            foreach (var admin in configuration.Admins) {
+                powerlevels.Users[admin] = 100;
+            }
+            await ControlRoom.SendStateEventAsync(RoomPowerLevelEventContent.EventId, powerlevels);
+            _environmentConfiguration.ControlRoomId = ControlRoom.RoomId;
+            await hs.SetAccountDataAsync(BotEnvironmentConfiguration.EventId, _environmentConfiguration);
+        }
+        else {
+            ControlRoom = hs.GetRoom(_environmentConfiguration.ControlRoomId!);
+        }
+        FilterConfiguration _filterConfiguration;
+        try {
+            _filterConfiguration = await hs.GetAccountDataAsync<FilterConfiguration>(FilterConfiguration.EventId);
+        }
+        catch (MatrixException e) {
+            if (e is not { ErrorCode: MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_NOT_FOUND }) throw;
+            logger.LogWarning("No filter configuration found, creating one");
+            msgQueue.EnqueueMessageAsync(LogRoom, new MessageBuilder("m.notice").WithColoredBody("#FF0000", "No filter configuration found, creating one").Build());
+            _filterConfiguration = new FilterConfiguration();
+        }
+        Dictionary<string, object> changes = new();
+        T Log<T>(string key, T value) {
+            changes[key] = value;
+            return value;
+        }
+        _filterConfiguration.IgnoredUsers ??= Log("ignored_users", (List<string>) [
+            hs.WhoAmI.UserId,
+            .. configuration.Admins
+        ]);
+        _filterConfiguration.FileFilter ??= new();
+        _filterConfiguration.FileFilter.IgnoredUsers ??= Log("file_filter->ignored_users", (List<string>) []);
+        _filterConfiguration.FileFilter.Allowed ??= Log("file_filter->allowed", false);
+        _filterConfiguration.ImageFilter ??= new();
+        _filterConfiguration.ImageFilter.IgnoredUsers ??= Log("image_filter->ignored_users", (List<string>) []);
+        _filterConfiguration.ImageFilter.Allowed ??= Log("image_filter->allowed", false);
+        _filterConfiguration.VideoFilter ??= new();
+        _filterConfiguration.VideoFilter.IgnoredUsers ??= Log("video_filter->ignored_users", (List<string>) []);
+        _filterConfiguration.VideoFilter.Allowed ??= Log("video_filter->allowed", false);
+        _filterConfiguration.AudioFilter ??= new();
+        _filterConfiguration.AudioFilter.IgnoredUsers ??= Log("audio_filter->ignored_users", (List<string>) []);
+        _filterConfiguration.AudioFilter.Allowed ??= Log("audio_filter->allowed", false);
+        _filterConfiguration.UrlFilter ??= new();
+        _filterConfiguration.UrlFilter.IgnoredUsers ??= Log("url_filter->ignored_users", (List<string>) []);
+        _filterConfiguration.UrlFilter.Allowed ??= Log("url_filter->allowed", false);
+        if (changes.Count > 0) {
+            await hs.SetAccountDataAsync(FilterConfiguration.EventId, _filterConfiguration);
+            msgQueue.EnqueueMessageAsync(LogRoom, new MessageBuilder("m.notice").WithColoredBody("#FF0000", "Default filter configuration updated").WithNewline()
+                .WithTable(msb => {
+                    msb = msb.WithTitle("Default configuration changes", 2);
+                    foreach (var (key, value) in changes) {
+                        var formattedValue = value switch {
+                            List<string> list => string.Join(", ", list),
+                            _ => value.ToString()
+                        };
+                        msb = msb.WithRow(rb => { rb.WithCell(key).WithCell(formattedValue ?? "formattedValue was null!"); });
+                    }
+                }).Build());
+        }
+    }
+    private async Task RebuildRoomConfigurations(FilterConfiguration? defaultConfig, Dictionary<string, FilterConfiguration?>? roomConfigurations) {
+        defaultConfig ??= await hs.GetAccountDataAsync<FilterConfiguration>(FilterConfiguration.EventId);
+    }
+    public async Task<FilterConfiguration> GetFinalRoomConfiguration(string roomId) {
+        if (FinalRoomConfigurations.TryGetValue(roomId, out var config)) return config;
+        var roomConfig = RoomConfigurationOverrides.GetValueOrDefault(roomId);
+        var defaultConfig = DefaultConfiguration;
+        FinalRoomConfigurations[roomId] = config;
+        return config;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file