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path: root/crypto/src/math/ec/custom/sec/SecP256K1Point.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/src/math/ec/custom/sec/SecP256K1Point.cs')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/src/math/ec/custom/sec/SecP256K1Point.cs b/crypto/src/math/ec/custom/sec/SecP256K1Point.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3165682fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/src/math/ec/custom/sec/SecP256K1Point.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+using System;
+namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Custom.Sec
+    internal class SecP256K1Point
+        : AbstractFpPoint
+    {
+        /**
+         * Create a point which encodes with point compression.
+         * 
+         * @param curve
+         *            the curve to use
+         * @param x
+         *            affine x co-ordinate
+         * @param y
+         *            affine y co-ordinate
+         * 
+         * @deprecated Use ECCurve.createPoint to construct points
+         */
+        public SecP256K1Point(ECCurve curve, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
+            : this(curve, x, y, false)
+        {
+        }
+        /**
+         * Create a point that encodes with or without point compresion.
+         * 
+         * @param curve
+         *            the curve to use
+         * @param x
+         *            affine x co-ordinate
+         * @param y
+         *            affine y co-ordinate
+         * @param withCompression
+         *            if true encode with point compression
+         * 
+         * @deprecated per-point compression property will be removed, refer
+         *             {@link #getEncoded(bool)}
+         */
+        public SecP256K1Point(ECCurve curve, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y, bool withCompression)
+            : base(curve, x, y, withCompression)
+        {
+            if ((x == null) != (y == null))
+                throw new ArgumentException("Exactly one of the field elements is null");
+        }
+        internal SecP256K1Point(ECCurve curve, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y, ECFieldElement[] zs,
+            bool withCompression)
+            : base(curve, x, y, zs, withCompression)
+        {
+        }
+        protected override ECPoint Detach()
+        {
+            return new SecP256K1Point(null, AffineXCoord, AffineYCoord);
+        }
+        public override ECPoint Add(ECPoint b)
+        {
+            if (this.IsInfinity)
+                return b;
+            if (b.IsInfinity)
+                return this;
+            if (this == b)
+                return Twice();
+            ECCurve curve = this.Curve;
+            SecP256K1FieldElement X1 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)this.RawXCoord, Y1 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)this.RawYCoord;
+            SecP256K1FieldElement X2 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)b.RawXCoord, Y2 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)b.RawYCoord;
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Z1 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)this.RawZCoords[0];
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Z2 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)b.RawZCoords[0];
+            uint c;
+            uint[] tt1 = Nat256.CreateExt();
+            uint[] t2 = Nat256.Create();
+            uint[] t3 = Nat256.Create();
+            uint[] t4 = Nat256.Create();
+            bool Z1IsOne = Z1.IsOne;
+            uint[] U2, S2;
+            if (Z1IsOne)
+            {
+                U2 = X2.x;
+                S2 = Y2.x;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                S2 = t3;
+                SecP256K1Field.Square(Z1.x, S2);
+                U2 = t2;
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(S2, X2.x, U2);
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(S2, Z1.x, S2);
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(S2, Y2.x, S2);
+            }
+            bool Z2IsOne = Z2.IsOne;
+            uint[] U1, S1;
+            if (Z2IsOne)
+            {
+                U1 = X1.x;
+                S1 = Y1.x;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                S1 = t4;
+                SecP256K1Field.Square(Z2.x, S1);
+                U1 = tt1;
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(S1, X1.x, U1);
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(S1, Z2.x, S1);
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(S1, Y1.x, S1);
+            }
+            uint[] H = Nat256.Create();
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(U1, U2, H);
+            uint[] R = t2;
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(S1, S2, R);
+            // Check if b == this or b == -this
+            if (Nat256.IsZero(H))
+            {
+                if (Nat256.IsZero(R))
+                {
+                    // this == b, i.e. this must be doubled
+                    return this.Twice();
+                }
+                // this == -b, i.e. the result is the point at infinity
+                return curve.Infinity;
+            }
+            uint[] HSquared = t3;
+            SecP256K1Field.Square(H, HSquared);
+            uint[] G = Nat256.Create();
+            SecP256K1Field.Multiply(HSquared, H, G);
+            uint[] V = t3;
+            SecP256K1Field.Multiply(HSquared, U1, V);
+            SecP256K1Field.Negate(G, G);
+            Nat256.Mul(S1, G, tt1);
+            c = Nat256.AddBothTo(V, V, G);
+            SecP256K1Field.Reduce32(c, G);
+            SecP256K1FieldElement X3 = new SecP256K1FieldElement(t4);
+            SecP256K1Field.Square(R, X3.x);
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(X3.x, G, X3.x);
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Y3 = new SecP256K1FieldElement(G);
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(V, X3.x, Y3.x);
+            SecP256K1Field.MultiplyAddToExt(Y3.x, R, tt1);
+            SecP256K1Field.Reduce(tt1, Y3.x);
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Z3 = new SecP256K1FieldElement(H);
+            if (!Z1IsOne)
+            {
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(Z3.x, Z1.x, Z3.x);
+            }
+            if (!Z2IsOne)
+            {
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(Z3.x, Z2.x, Z3.x);
+            }
+            ECFieldElement[] zs = new ECFieldElement[] { Z3 };
+            return new SecP256K1Point(curve, X3, Y3, zs, IsCompressed);
+        }
+        public override ECPoint Twice()
+        {
+            if (this.IsInfinity)
+                return this;
+            ECCurve curve = this.Curve;
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Y1 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)this.RawYCoord;
+            if (Y1.IsZero)
+                return curve.Infinity;
+            SecP256K1FieldElement X1 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)this.RawXCoord, Z1 = (SecP256K1FieldElement)this.RawZCoords[0];
+            uint c;
+            uint[] Y1Squared = Nat256.Create();
+            SecP256K1Field.Square(Y1.x, Y1Squared);
+            uint[] T = Nat256.Create();
+            SecP256K1Field.Square(Y1Squared, T);
+            uint[] M = Nat256.Create();
+            SecP256K1Field.Square(X1.x, M);
+            c = Nat256.AddBothTo(M, M, M);
+            SecP256K1Field.Reduce32(c, M);
+            uint[] S = Y1Squared;
+            SecP256K1Field.Multiply(Y1Squared, X1.x, S);
+            c = Nat.ShiftUpBits(8, S, 2, 0);
+            SecP256K1Field.Reduce32(c, S);
+            uint[] t1 = Nat256.Create();
+            c = Nat.ShiftUpBits(8, T, 3, 0, t1);
+            SecP256K1Field.Reduce32(c, t1);
+            SecP256K1FieldElement X3 = new SecP256K1FieldElement(T);
+            SecP256K1Field.Square(M, X3.x);
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(X3.x, S, X3.x);
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(X3.x, S, X3.x);
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Y3 = new SecP256K1FieldElement(S);
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(S, X3.x, Y3.x);
+            SecP256K1Field.Multiply(Y3.x, M, Y3.x);
+            SecP256K1Field.Subtract(Y3.x, t1, Y3.x);
+            SecP256K1FieldElement Z3 = new SecP256K1FieldElement(M);
+            SecP256K1Field.Twice(Y1.x, Z3.x);
+            if (!Z1.IsOne)
+            {
+                SecP256K1Field.Multiply(Z3.x, Z1.x, Z3.x);
+            }
+            return new SecP256K1Point(curve, X3, Y3, new ECFieldElement[] { Z3 }, IsCompressed);
+        }
+        public override ECPoint TwicePlus(ECPoint b)
+        {
+            if (this == b)
+                return ThreeTimes();
+            if (this.IsInfinity)
+                return b;
+            if (b.IsInfinity)
+                return Twice();
+            ECFieldElement Y1 = this.RawYCoord;
+            if (Y1.IsZero)
+                return b;
+            return Twice().Add(b);
+        }
+        public override ECPoint ThreeTimes()
+        {
+            if (this.IsInfinity || this.RawYCoord.IsZero)
+                return this;
+            // NOTE: Be careful about recursions between TwicePlus and ThreeTimes
+            return Twice().Add(this);
+        }
+        public override ECPoint Negate()
+        {
+            if (IsInfinity)
+                return this;
+            return new SecP256K1Point(Curve, RawXCoord, RawYCoord.Negate(), RawZCoords, IsCompressed);
+        }
+    }