diff --git a/crypto/test/src/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.cs b/crypto/test/src/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.cs
index dbd739023..e1a2b8a6a 100644
--- a/crypto/test/src/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.cs
+++ b/crypto/test/src/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.cs
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ using NUnit.Framework;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X9;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.EC;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Multiplier;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Encoders;
namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Tests
@@ -399,10 +401,15 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Tests
ImplTestMultiply(q, n.BitLength);
ImplTestMultiply(infinity, n.BitLength);
+ int logSize = 32 - Integers.NumberOfLeadingZeros(curve.FieldSize - 1);
+ int rounds = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(10, 32 - 3 * logSize));
ECPoint p = q;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+ for (int i = 0; ; )
+ if (++i == rounds)
+ break;
p = p.Twice();
@@ -446,14 +453,42 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Tests
- BigInteger h = c.Cofactor;
- if (h != null && h.CompareTo(BigInteger.One) > 0)
+ if (ECAlgorithms.IsF2mCurve(c))
- if (ECAlgorithms.IsF2mCurve(c))
+ BigInteger h = c.Cofactor;
+ if (null != h)
- ECPoint order2 = c.CreatePoint(BigInteger.Zero, c.B.Sqrt().ToBigInteger());
- ECPoint bad = g.Add(order2);
- Assert.IsFalse(bad.IsValid());
+ if (!h.TestBit(0))
+ {
+ ECFieldElement sqrtB = c.B.Sqrt();
+ ECPoint order2 = c.CreatePoint(BigInteger.Zero, sqrtB.ToBigInteger());
+ Assert.IsTrue(order2.Twice().IsInfinity);
+ Assert.IsFalse(order2.IsValid());
+ ECPoint bad2 = g.Add(order2);
+ Assert.IsFalse(bad2.IsValid());
+ ECPoint good2 = bad2.Add(order2);
+ Assert.IsTrue(good2.IsValid());
+ if (!h.TestBit(1))
+ {
+ ECFieldElement L = SolveQuadraticEquation(c, c.A);
+ Assert.IsNotNull(L);
+ ECFieldElement T = sqrtB;
+ ECFieldElement x = T.Sqrt();
+ ECFieldElement y = T.Add(x.Multiply(L));
+ ECPoint order4 = c.CreatePoint(x.ToBigInteger(), y.ToBigInteger());
+ Assert.IsTrue(order4.Twice().Equals(order2));
+ Assert.IsFalse(order4.IsValid());
+ ECPoint bad4_1 = g.Add(order4);
+ Assert.IsFalse(bad4_1.IsValid());
+ ECPoint bad4_2 = bad4_1.Add(order4);
+ Assert.IsFalse(bad4_2.IsValid());
+ ECPoint bad4_3 = bad4_2.Add(order4);
+ Assert.IsFalse(bad4_3.IsValid());
+ ECPoint good4 = bad4_3.Add(order4);
+ Assert.IsTrue(good4.IsValid());
+ }
+ }
@@ -543,6 +578,55 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Tests
+ [Test]
+ public void TestExampleFpB0()
+ {
+ /*
+ * The supersingular curve y^2 = x^3 - 3.x (i.e. with 'B' == 0) from RFC 6508 2.1, with
+ * curve parameters from RFC 6509 Appendix A.
+ */
+ BigInteger p = FromHex(
+ "997ABB1F0A563FDA65C61198DAD0657A"
+ + "416C0CE19CB48261BE9AE358B3E01A2E"
+ + "F40AAB27E2FC0F1B228730D531A59CB0"
+ + "E791B39FF7C88A19356D27F4A666A6D0"
+ + "E26C6487326B4CD4512AC5CD65681CE1"
+ + "B6AFF4A831852A82A7CF3C521C3C09AA"
+ + "9F94D6AF56971F1FFCE3E82389857DB0"
+ + "80C5DF10AC7ACE87666D807AFEA85FEB");
+ BigInteger a = p.Subtract(BigInteger.ValueOf(3));
+ BigInteger b = BigInteger.Zero;
+ byte[] S = null;
+ BigInteger n = p.Add(BigInteger.One).ShiftRight(2);
+ BigInteger h = BigInteger.ValueOf(4);
+ ECCurve curve = ConfigureCurve(new FpCurve(p, a, b, n, h));
+ X9ECPoint G = ConfigureBasepoint(curve, "04"
+ // Px
+ + "53FC09EE332C29AD0A7990053ED9B52A"
+ + "2B1A2FD60AEC69C698B2F204B6FF7CBF"
+ + "B5EDB6C0F6CE2308AB10DB9030B09E10"
+ + "43D5F22CDB9DFA55718BD9E7406CE890"
+ + "9760AF765DD5BCCB337C86548B72F2E1"
+ + "A702C3397A60DE74A7C1514DBA66910D"
+ + "D5CFB4CC80728D87EE9163A5B63F73EC"
+ + "80EC46C4967E0979880DC8ABEAE63895"
+ // Py
+ + "0A8249063F6009F1F9F1F0533634A135"
+ + "D3E82016029906963D778D821E141178"
+ + "F5EA69F4654EC2B9E7F7F5E5F0DE55F6"
+ + "6B598CCF9A140B2E416CFF0CA9E032B9"
+ + "70DAE117AD547C6CCAD696B5B7652FE0"
+ + "AC6F1E80164AA989492D979FC5A4D5F2"
+ + "13515AD7E9CB99A980BDAD5AD5BB4636"
+ + "ADB9B5706A67DCDE75573FD71BEF16D7");
+ X9ECParameters x9 = new X9ECParameters(curve, G, n, h, S);
+ ImplAddSubtractMultiplyTwiceEncodingTestAllCoords(x9);
+ }
private void AssertPointsEqual(string message, ECPoint a, ECPoint b)
// NOTE: We intentionally test points for equality in both directions
@@ -565,5 +649,52 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Tests
Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(a, b));
+ private static X9ECPoint ConfigureBasepoint(ECCurve curve, string encoding)
+ {
+ X9ECPoint G = new X9ECPoint(curve, Hex.Decode(encoding));
+ //WNafUtilities.ConfigureBasepoint(G.Point);
+ return G;
+ }
+ private static ECCurve ConfigureCurve(ECCurve curve)
+ {
+ return curve;
+ }
+ private static BigInteger FromHex(string hex)
+ {
+ return new BigInteger(1, Hex.Decode(hex));
+ }
+ private static ECFieldElement SolveQuadraticEquation(ECCurve c, ECFieldElement rhs)
+ {
+ if (rhs.IsZero)
+ return rhs;
+ ECFieldElement gamma, z, zeroElement = c.FromBigInteger(BigInteger.Zero);
+ int m = c.FieldSize;
+ do
+ {
+ ECFieldElement t = c.FromBigInteger(BigInteger.Arbitrary(m));
+ z = zeroElement;
+ ECFieldElement w = rhs;
+ for (int i = 1; i < m; i++)
+ {
+ ECFieldElement w2 = w.Square();
+ z = z.Square().Add(w2.Multiply(t));
+ w = w2.Add(rhs);
+ }
+ if (!w.IsZero)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ gamma = z.Square().Add(z);
+ }
+ while (gamma.IsZero);
+ return z;
+ }