diff --git a/crypto/src/crypto/engines/Salsa20Engine.cs b/crypto/src/crypto/engines/Salsa20Engine.cs
index 1ccf68902..7c2c1e1f9 100644
--- a/crypto/src/crypto/engines/Salsa20Engine.cs
+++ b/crypto/src/crypto/engines/Salsa20Engine.cs
@@ -252,11 +252,12 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines
Pack.UInt32_To_LE(x, output, 0);
- internal static void SalsaCore(int rounds, uint[] input, uint[] x)
+ internal static void SalsaCore(int rounds, ReadOnlySpan<uint> input, Span<uint> output)
- if (input.Length != 16)
+ if (input.Length < 16)
throw new ArgumentException();
- if (x.Length != 16)
+ if (output.Length < 16)
throw new ArgumentException();
if (rounds % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Number of rounds must be even");
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines
Vector128<uint> b0, b1, b2, b3;
- var I = MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(input.AsSpan(0, 16));
+ var I = MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(input[..16]);
var t0 = MemoryMarshal.Read<Vector128<short>>(I[0x00..0x10]);
var t1 = MemoryMarshal.Read<Vector128<short>>(I[0x10..0x20]);
var t2 = MemoryMarshal.Read<Vector128<short>>(I[0x20..0x30]);
@@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines
var v2 = Sse41.Blend(u0, u2, 0x0F);
var v3 = Sse41.Blend(u1, u3, 0x3C);
- var X = MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(x.AsSpan(0, 16));
+ var X = MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(output[..16]);
MemoryMarshal.Write(X[0x00..0x10], ref v0);
MemoryMarshal.Write(X[0x10..0x20], ref v1);
MemoryMarshal.Write(X[0x20..0x30], ref v2);
@@ -355,23 +356,81 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines
QuarterRound(ref x15, ref x12, ref x13, ref x14);
- x[ 0] = x00 + input[ 0];
- x[ 1] = x01 + input[ 1];
- x[ 2] = x02 + input[ 2];
- x[ 3] = x03 + input[ 3];
- x[ 4] = x04 + input[ 4];
- x[ 5] = x05 + input[ 5];
- x[ 6] = x06 + input[ 6];
- x[ 7] = x07 + input[ 7];
- x[ 8] = x08 + input[ 8];
- x[ 9] = x09 + input[ 9];
- x[10] = x10 + input[10];
- x[11] = x11 + input[11];
- x[12] = x12 + input[12];
- x[13] = x13 + input[13];
- x[14] = x14 + input[14];
- x[15] = x15 + input[15];
+ output[ 0] = x00 + input[ 0];
+ output[ 1] = x01 + input[ 1];
+ output[ 2] = x02 + input[ 2];
+ output[ 3] = x03 + input[ 3];
+ output[ 4] = x04 + input[ 4];
+ output[ 5] = x05 + input[ 5];
+ output[ 6] = x06 + input[ 6];
+ output[ 7] = x07 + input[ 7];
+ output[ 8] = x08 + input[ 8];
+ output[ 9] = x09 + input[ 9];
+ output[10] = x10 + input[10];
+ output[11] = x11 + input[11];
+ output[12] = x12 + input[12];
+ output[13] = x13 + input[13];
+ output[14] = x14 + input[14];
+ output[15] = x15 + input[15];
+ internal static void SalsaCore(int rounds, uint[] input, uint[] output)
+ {
+ if (input.Length < 16)
+ throw new ArgumentException();
+ if (output.Length < 16)
+ throw new ArgumentException();
+ if (rounds % 2 != 0)
+ throw new ArgumentException("Number of rounds must be even");
+ uint x00 = input[ 0];
+ uint x01 = input[ 1];
+ uint x02 = input[ 2];
+ uint x03 = input[ 3];
+ uint x04 = input[ 4];
+ uint x05 = input[ 5];
+ uint x06 = input[ 6];
+ uint x07 = input[ 7];
+ uint x08 = input[ 8];
+ uint x09 = input[ 9];
+ uint x10 = input[10];
+ uint x11 = input[11];
+ uint x12 = input[12];
+ uint x13 = input[13];
+ uint x14 = input[14];
+ uint x15 = input[15];
+ for (int i = rounds; i > 0; i -= 2)
+ {
+ QuarterRound(ref x00, ref x04, ref x08, ref x12);
+ QuarterRound(ref x05, ref x09, ref x13, ref x01);
+ QuarterRound(ref x10, ref x14, ref x02, ref x06);
+ QuarterRound(ref x15, ref x03, ref x07, ref x11);
+ QuarterRound(ref x00, ref x01, ref x02, ref x03);
+ QuarterRound(ref x05, ref x06, ref x07, ref x04);
+ QuarterRound(ref x10, ref x11, ref x08, ref x09);
+ QuarterRound(ref x15, ref x12, ref x13, ref x14);
+ }
+ output[ 0] = x00 + input[ 0];
+ output[ 1] = x01 + input[ 1];
+ output[ 2] = x02 + input[ 2];
+ output[ 3] = x03 + input[ 3];
+ output[ 4] = x04 + input[ 4];
+ output[ 5] = x05 + input[ 5];
+ output[ 6] = x06 + input[ 6];
+ output[ 7] = x07 + input[ 7];
+ output[ 8] = x08 + input[ 8];
+ output[ 9] = x09 + input[ 9];
+ output[10] = x10 + input[10];
+ output[11] = x11 + input[11];
+ output[12] = x12 + input[12];
+ output[13] = x13 + input[13];
+ output[14] = x14 + input[14];
+ output[15] = x15 + input[15];
+ }
internal void ResetLimitCounter()
diff --git a/crypto/src/crypto/generators/SCrypt.cs b/crypto/src/crypto/generators/SCrypt.cs
index 1a8d4a003..fef842be2 100644
--- a/crypto/src/crypto/generators/SCrypt.cs
+++ b/crypto/src/crypto/generators/SCrypt.cs
@@ -102,7 +102,76 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators
return key.GetKey();
- private static void SMix(uint[] B, int BOff, int N, int d, int r)
+ private static void SMix(uint[] B, int BOff, int N, int d, int r)
+ {
+ int powN = Integers.NumberOfTrailingZeros(N);
+ int blocksPerChunk = N >> d;
+ int chunkCount = 1 << d, chunkMask = blocksPerChunk - 1, chunkPow = powN - d;
+ int BCount = r * 32;
+ uint[] blockY = new uint[BCount];
+ uint[][] VV = new uint[chunkCount][];
+ try
+ {
+ var X = B.AsSpan(BOff, BCount);
+ for (int c = 0; c < chunkCount; ++c)
+ {
+ uint[] V = new uint[blocksPerChunk * BCount];
+ VV[c] = V;
+ Nat.Copy(BCount, X, V);
+ int off = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < blocksPerChunk; ++i)
+ {
+ BlockMix(V.AsSpan(off, BCount), V.AsSpan(off + BCount));
+ off += BCount;
+ }
+ BlockMix(V.AsSpan()[^BCount..], X);
+ }
+ uint mask = (uint)N - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ {
+ int j = (int)(X[BCount - 16] & mask);
+ uint[] V = VV[j >> chunkPow];
+ int VOff = (j & chunkMask) * BCount;
+ Nat.Xor(BCount, V.AsSpan(VOff), X, blockY);
+ BlockMix(blockY, X);
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ ClearAll(VV);
+ Clear(blockY);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void BlockMix(Span<uint> B, Span<uint> Y)
+ {
+ int BCount = B.Length;
+ int half = BCount >> 1;
+ var y1 = B[^16..];
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < BCount; pos += 32)
+ {
+ var b0 = B[pos..];
+ var y0 = Y[(pos >> 1)..];
+ Nat512.Xor(y1, b0, y0);
+ Salsa20Engine.SalsaCore(8, y0, y0);
+ var b1 = b0[16..];
+ y1 = y0[half..];
+ Nat512.Xor(y0, b1, y1);
+ Salsa20Engine.SalsaCore(8, y1, y1);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void SMix(uint[] B, int BOff, int N, int d, int r)
int powN = Integers.NumberOfTrailingZeros(N);
int blocksPerChunk = N >> d;
@@ -111,7 +180,6 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators
int BCount = r * 32;
uint[] blockX1 = new uint[16];
- uint[] blockX2 = new uint[16];
uint[] blockY = new uint[BCount];
uint[] X = new uint[BCount];
@@ -131,10 +199,10 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators
Array.Copy(X, 0, V, off, BCount);
off += BCount;
- BlockMix(X, blockX1, blockX2, blockY, r);
+ BlockMix(X, blockX1, blockY, r);
Array.Copy(blockY, 0, V, off, BCount);
off += BCount;
- BlockMix(blockY, blockX1, blockX2, X, r);
+ BlockMix(blockY, blockX1, X, r);
@@ -146,7 +214,7 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators
int VOff = (j & chunkMask) * BCount;
Nat.Xor(BCount, V, VOff, X, 0, blockY, 0);
- BlockMix(blockY, blockX1, blockX2, X, r);
+ BlockMix(blockY, blockX1, X, r);
Array.Copy(X, 0, B, BOff, BCount);
@@ -154,29 +222,30 @@ namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators
- ClearAll(X, blockX1, blockX2, blockY);
+ ClearAll(X, blockX1, blockY);
- private static void BlockMix(uint[] B, uint[] X1, uint[] X2, uint[] Y, int r)
+ private static void BlockMix(uint[] B, uint[] X1, uint[] Y, int r)
- Array.Copy(B, B.Length - 16, X1, 0, 16);
+ Array.Copy(B, B.Length - 16, X1, 0, 16);
- int BOff = 0, YOff = 0, halfLen = B.Length >> 1;
+ int BOff = 0, YOff = 0, halfLen = B.Length >> 1;
- for (int i = 2 * r; i > 0; --i)
- {
- Nat512.Xor(X1, 0, B, BOff, X2, 0);
+ for (int i = 2 * r; i > 0; --i)
+ {
+ Nat512.XorTo(B, BOff, X1, 0);
- Salsa20Engine.SalsaCore(8, X2, X1);
- Array.Copy(X1, 0, Y, YOff, 16);
+ Salsa20Engine.SalsaCore(8, X1, X1);
+ Array.Copy(X1, 0, Y, YOff, 16);
- YOff = halfLen + BOff - YOff;
- BOff += 16;
- }
- }
+ YOff = halfLen + BOff - YOff;
+ BOff += 16;
+ }
+ }
- private static void Clear(Array array)
+ private static void Clear(Array array)
if (array != null)