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path: root/crypto/src/bcpg/SignaturePacket.cs
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authorPeter Dettman <>2013-06-28 15:26:06 +0700
committerPeter Dettman <>2013-06-28 15:26:06 +0700
commit44288db4414158ac9b98a507b15e81d0d3c66ca6 (patch)
treeaa5ef88948ebb68ed6c8df81eb5da889641a9b50 /crypto/src/bcpg/SignaturePacket.cs
parentSet up text/binary handling for existing file types (diff)
Initial import of old CVS repository
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/src/bcpg/SignaturePacket.cs')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/src/bcpg/SignaturePacket.cs b/crypto/src/bcpg/SignaturePacket.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..605ce84c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/src/bcpg/SignaturePacket.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.IO;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.Sig;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
+using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Date;
+namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg
+	/// <remarks>Generic signature packet.</remarks>
+    public class SignaturePacket
+        : ContainedPacket //, PublicKeyAlgorithmTag
+    {
+		private int						version;
+        private int						signatureType;
+        private long					creationTime;
+        private long					keyId;
+        private PublicKeyAlgorithmTag	keyAlgorithm;
+        private HashAlgorithmTag		hashAlgorithm;
+        private MPInteger[]				signature;
+        private byte[]					fingerprint;
+        private SignatureSubpacket[]	hashedData;
+        private SignatureSubpacket[]	unhashedData;
+		private byte[]					signatureEncoding;
+		internal SignaturePacket(
+            BcpgInputStream bcpgIn)
+        {
+            version = bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+			if (version == 3 || version == 2)
+            {
+//                int l =
+                bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+				signatureType = bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+                creationTime = (((long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 24) | ((long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 16)
+                    | ((long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8) | (uint)bcpgIn.ReadByte()) * 1000L;
+				keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 56;
+                keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 48;
+                keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 40;
+                keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 32;
+                keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 24;
+                keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 16;
+                keyId |= (long)bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8;
+                keyId |= (uint)bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+				keyAlgorithm = (PublicKeyAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+                hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+            }
+            else if (version == 4)
+            {
+                signatureType = bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+                keyAlgorithm = (PublicKeyAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+                hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithmTag) bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+				int hashedLength = (bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8) | bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+                byte[] hashed = new byte[hashedLength];
+				bcpgIn.ReadFully(hashed);
+				//
+                // read the signature sub packet data.
+                //
+                SignatureSubpacketsParser sIn = new SignatureSubpacketsParser(
+                    new MemoryStream(hashed, false));
+				IList v = Platform.CreateArrayList();
+				SignatureSubpacket sub;
+				while ((sub = sIn.ReadPacket()) != null)
+                {
+                    v.Add(sub);
+                }
+				hashedData = new SignatureSubpacket[v.Count];
+				for (int i = 0; i != hashedData.Length; i++)
+                {
+                    SignatureSubpacket p = (SignatureSubpacket)v[i];
+                    if (p is IssuerKeyId)
+                    {
+                        keyId = ((IssuerKeyId)p).KeyId;
+                    }
+                    else if (p is SignatureCreationTime)
+                    {
+                        creationTime = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeToUnixMs(
+							((SignatureCreationTime)p).GetTime());
+                    }
+					hashedData[i] = p;
+                }
+				int unhashedLength = (bcpgIn.ReadByte() << 8) | bcpgIn.ReadByte();
+                byte[] unhashed = new byte[unhashedLength];
+				bcpgIn.ReadFully(unhashed);
+				sIn = new SignatureSubpacketsParser(new MemoryStream(unhashed, false));
+				v.Clear();
+				while ((sub = sIn.ReadPacket()) != null)
+                {
+                    v.Add(sub);
+                }
+				unhashedData = new SignatureSubpacket[v.Count];
+				for (int i = 0; i != unhashedData.Length; i++)
+                {
+                    SignatureSubpacket p = (SignatureSubpacket)v[i];
+                    if (p is IssuerKeyId)
+                    {
+                        keyId = ((IssuerKeyId)p).KeyId;
+                    }
+					unhashedData[i] = p;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                throw new Exception("unsupported version: " + version);
+            }
+			fingerprint = new byte[2];
+            bcpgIn.ReadFully(fingerprint);
+			switch (keyAlgorithm)
+            {
+                case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.RsaGeneral:
+                case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.RsaSign:
+                    MPInteger v = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
+					signature = new MPInteger[]{ v };
+                    break;
+				case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.Dsa:
+                    MPInteger r = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
+                    MPInteger s = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
+					signature = new MPInteger[]{ r, s };
+                    break;
+                case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.ElGamalEncrypt: // yep, this really does happen sometimes.
+                case PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.ElGamalGeneral:
+                    MPInteger p = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
+                    MPInteger g = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
+                    MPInteger y = new MPInteger(bcpgIn);
+					signature = new MPInteger[]{ p, g, y };
+                    break;
+                default:
+					if (keyAlgorithm >= PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.Experimental_1 && keyAlgorithm <= PublicKeyAlgorithmTag.Experimental_11)
+					{
+						signature = null;
+						MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
+						int ch;
+						while ((ch = bcpgIn.ReadByte()) >= 0)
+						{
+							bOut.WriteByte((byte) ch);
+						}
+						signatureEncoding = bOut.ToArray();
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						throw new IOException("unknown signature key algorithm: " + keyAlgorithm);
+					}
+					break;
+            }
+        }
+		/**
+        * Generate a version 4 signature packet.
+        *
+        * @param signatureType
+        * @param keyAlgorithm
+        * @param hashAlgorithm
+        * @param hashedData
+        * @param unhashedData
+        * @param fingerprint
+        * @param signature
+        */
+        public SignaturePacket(
+            int						signatureType,
+            long					keyId,
+            PublicKeyAlgorithmTag	keyAlgorithm,
+            HashAlgorithmTag		hashAlgorithm,
+            SignatureSubpacket[]	hashedData,
+            SignatureSubpacket[]	unhashedData,
+            byte[]					fingerprint,
+            MPInteger[]				signature)
+            : this(4, signatureType, keyId, keyAlgorithm, hashAlgorithm, hashedData, unhashedData, fingerprint, signature)
+        {
+        }
+		/**
+        * Generate a version 2/3 signature packet.
+        *
+        * @param signatureType
+        * @param keyAlgorithm
+        * @param hashAlgorithm
+        * @param fingerprint
+        * @param signature
+        */
+        public SignaturePacket(
+            int						version,
+            int						signatureType,
+            long					keyId,
+            PublicKeyAlgorithmTag	keyAlgorithm,
+            HashAlgorithmTag		hashAlgorithm,
+            long					creationTime,
+            byte[]					fingerprint,
+            MPInteger[]				signature)
+            : this(version, signatureType, keyId, keyAlgorithm, hashAlgorithm, null, null, fingerprint, signature)
+        {
+			this.creationTime = creationTime;
+        }
+		public SignaturePacket(
+            int						version,
+            int						signatureType,
+            long					keyId,
+            PublicKeyAlgorithmTag	keyAlgorithm,
+            HashAlgorithmTag		hashAlgorithm,
+            SignatureSubpacket[]	hashedData,
+            SignatureSubpacket[]	unhashedData,
+            byte[]					fingerprint,
+            MPInteger[]				signature)
+        {
+            this.version = version;
+            this.signatureType = signatureType;
+            this.keyId = keyId;
+            this.keyAlgorithm = keyAlgorithm;
+            this.hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
+            this.hashedData = hashedData;
+            this.unhashedData = unhashedData;
+            this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
+            this.signature = signature;
+			if (hashedData != null)
+			{
+				setCreationTime();
+			}
+		}
+		public int Version
+        {
+			get { return version; }
+        }
+		public int SignatureType
+        {
+			get { return signatureType; }
+		}
+		/**
+        * return the keyId
+        * @return the keyId that created the signature.
+        */
+        public long KeyId
+        {
+            get { return keyId; }
+        }
+		/**
+        * return the signature trailer that must be included with the data
+        * to reconstruct the signature
+        *
+        * @return byte[]
+        */
+        public byte[] GetSignatureTrailer()
+        {
+            byte[] trailer = null;
+			if (version == 3)
+            {
+                trailer = new byte[5];
+				long time = creationTime / 1000L;
+				trailer[0] = (byte)signatureType;
+                trailer[1] = (byte)(time >> 24);
+                trailer[2] = (byte)(time >> 16);
+                trailer[3] = (byte)(time >> 8);
+                trailer[4] = (byte)(time);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                MemoryStream sOut = new MemoryStream();
+				sOut.WriteByte((byte)this.Version);
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)this.SignatureType);
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)this.KeyAlgorithm);
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)this.HashAlgorithm);
+				MemoryStream hOut = new MemoryStream();
+                SignatureSubpacket[] hashed = this.GetHashedSubPackets();
+				for (int i = 0; i != hashed.Length; i++)
+                {
+                    hashed[i].Encode(hOut);
+                }
+				byte[] data = hOut.ToArray();
+				sOut.WriteByte((byte)(data.Length >> 8));
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)data.Length);
+                sOut.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
+				byte[] hData = sOut.ToArray();
+				sOut.WriteByte((byte)this.Version);
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)0xff);
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hData.Length>> 24));
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hData.Length >> 16));
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hData.Length >> 8));
+                sOut.WriteByte((byte)(hData.Length));
+				trailer = sOut.ToArray();
+            }
+			return trailer;
+        }
+		public PublicKeyAlgorithmTag KeyAlgorithm
+        {
+			get { return keyAlgorithm; }
+        }
+		public HashAlgorithmTag HashAlgorithm
+		{
+			get { return hashAlgorithm; }
+        }
+		/**
+		* return the signature as a set of integers - note this is normalised to be the
+        * ASN.1 encoding of what appears in the signature packet.
+        */
+        public MPInteger[] GetSignature()
+        {
+            return signature;
+        }
+		/**
+		 * Return the byte encoding of the signature section.
+		 * @return uninterpreted signature bytes.
+		 */
+		public byte[] GetSignatureBytes()
+		{
+			if (signatureEncoding != null)
+			{
+				return (byte[]) signatureEncoding.Clone();
+			}
+			MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
+			BcpgOutputStream bcOut = new BcpgOutputStream(bOut);
+			foreach (MPInteger sigObj in signature)
+			{
+				try
+				{
+					bcOut.WriteObject(sigObj);
+				}
+				catch (IOException e)
+				{
+					throw new Exception("internal error: " + e);
+				}
+			}
+			return bOut.ToArray();
+		}
+		public SignatureSubpacket[] GetHashedSubPackets()
+        {
+            return hashedData;
+        }
+		public SignatureSubpacket[] GetUnhashedSubPackets()
+        {
+            return unhashedData;
+        }
+		/// <summary>Return the creation time in milliseconds since 1 Jan., 1970 UTC.</summary>
+        public long CreationTime
+        {
+            get { return creationTime; }
+        }
+		public override void Encode(
+            BcpgOutputStream bcpgOut)
+        {
+            MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
+            BcpgOutputStream pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(bOut);
+			pOut.WriteByte((byte) version);
+			if (version == 3 || version == 2)
+            {
+				pOut.Write(
+					5, // the length of the next block
+					(byte) signatureType);
+				pOut.WriteInt((int)(creationTime / 1000L));
+				pOut.WriteLong(keyId);
+				pOut.Write(
+					(byte) keyAlgorithm,
+					(byte) hashAlgorithm);
+            }
+            else if (version == 4)
+            {
+                pOut.Write(
+					(byte) signatureType,
+					(byte) keyAlgorithm,
+					(byte) hashAlgorithm);
+				EncodeLengthAndData(pOut, GetEncodedSubpackets(hashedData));
+				EncodeLengthAndData(pOut, GetEncodedSubpackets(unhashedData));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                throw new IOException("unknown version: " + version);
+            }
+			pOut.Write(fingerprint);
+			if (signature != null)
+			{
+				pOut.WriteObjects(signature);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				pOut.Write(signatureEncoding);
+			}
+			bcpgOut.WritePacket(PacketTag.Signature, bOut.ToArray(), true);
+        }
+		private static void EncodeLengthAndData(
+			BcpgOutputStream	pOut,
+			byte[]				data)
+		{
+			pOut.WriteShort((short) data.Length);
+			pOut.Write(data);
+		}
+		private static byte[] GetEncodedSubpackets(
+			SignatureSubpacket[] ps)
+		{
+			MemoryStream sOut = new MemoryStream();
+			foreach (SignatureSubpacket p in ps)
+			{
+				p.Encode(sOut);
+			}
+			return sOut.ToArray();
+		}
+		private void setCreationTime()
+		{
+			foreach (SignatureSubpacket p in hashedData)
+			{
+				if (p is SignatureCreationTime)
+				{
+                    creationTime = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeToUnixMs(
+						((SignatureCreationTime)p).GetTime());
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}