diff --git a/util/src/util/Intents.ts b/util/src/util/Intents.ts
index 943b29cf..8b8915a1 100644
--- a/util/src/util/Intents.ts
+++ b/util/src/util/Intents.ts
@@ -2,20 +2,31 @@ import { BitField } from "./BitField";
export class Intents extends BitField {
static FLAGS = {
- GUILDS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(0),
- GUILD_MEMBERS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(1),
- GUILD_BANS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(2),
- GUILD_EMOJIS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(3),
- GUILD_INTEGRATIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(4),
- GUILD_WEBHOOKS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(5),
- GUILD_INVITES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(6),
- GUILD_VOICE_STATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(7),
- GUILD_PRESENCES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(8),
- GUILD_MESSAGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(9),
- GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(10),
- GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING: BigInt(1) << BigInt(11),
- DIRECT_MESSAGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(12),
- DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(13),
- DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING: BigInt(1) << BigInt(14),
+ GUILDS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(0), // guilds and guild merge-split events affecting the user
+ GUILD_MEMBERS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(1), // memberships
+ GUILD_BANS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(2), // bans and ban lists
+ GUILD_EMOJIS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(3), // custom emojis
+ GUILD_INTEGRATIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(4), // applications
+ GUILD_WEBHOOKS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(5), // webhooks
+ GUILD_INVITES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(6), // mass invites (no user can receive user specific invites of another user)
+ GUILD_VOICE_STATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(7), // voice updates
+ GUILD_PRESENCES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(8), // presence updates
+ GUILD_MESSAGES_METADATA: BigInt(1) << BigInt(9), // guild message metadata
+ GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(10), // guild message reactions
+ GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING: BigInt(1) << BigInt(11), // guild channel typing notifications
+ DIRECT_MESSAGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(12), // DM or orphan channels
+ DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(13), // DM or orphan channel message reactions
+ DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING: BigInt(1) << BigInt(14), // DM typing notifications
+ GUILD_MESSAGES_CONTENT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(15), // guild message content
+ LIVE_MESSAGE_COMPOSITION: BigInt(1) << BigInt(32), // allow composing messages using the gateway
+ GUILD_ROUTES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(41), // message routes affecting the guild
+ DIRECT_MESSAGES_THREADS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(42), // direct message threads
+ JUMBO_EVENTS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(43), // jumbo events (size limits to be defined later)
+ LOBBIES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(43), // lobbies
+ INSTANCE_ROUTES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(60), // all message route changes
+ INSTANCE_GUILD_CHANGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(61), // all guild create, guild object patch and guild delete events
+ INSTANCE_POLICY_UPDATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(62), // all instance policy updates
+ INSTANCE_USER_UPDATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(63) // all instance user updates