diff --git a/util/src/entities/Channel.ts b/util/src/entities/Channel.ts
index 08be1e02..4bf81901 100644
--- a/util/src/entities/Channel.ts
+++ b/util/src/entities/Channel.ts
@@ -20,13 +20,17 @@ export enum ChannelType {
GROUP_DM = 3, // a direct message between multiple users
GUILD_CATEGORY = 4, // an organizational category that contains zero or more channels
GUILD_NEWS = 5, // a channel that users can follow and crosspost into a guild or route
- GUILD_STORE = 6, // a channel in which game developers can sell their game on Discord
+ GUILD_STORE = 6, // a channel in which game developers can sell their things
ENCRYPTED = 7, // end-to-end encrypted channel
ENCRYPTED_THREAD = 8, // end-to-end encrypted thread channel
+ TRANSACTIONAL = 9, // event chain style transactional channel
GUILD_NEWS_THREAD = 10, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_NEWS channel
GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD = 11, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel
GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD = 12, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS permission
GUILD_STAGE_VOICE = 13, // a voice channel for hosting events with an audience
+ TICKET_TRACKER = 33, // ticket tracker, individual ticket items shall have type 12
+ KANBAN = 34, // confluence like kanban board
+ VOICELESS_WHITEBOARD = 35, // whiteboard but without voice (whiteboard + voice is the same as stage)
CUSTOM_START = 64, // start custom channel types from here
UNHANDLED = 255 // unhandled unowned pass-through channel type