using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ArcaneLibs; using ArcaneLibs.Collections; using LibMatrix; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.Helpers; using LibMatrix.Responses; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using ModerationClient.Models.SpaceTreeNodes; using ModerationClient.Services; namespace ModerationClient.ViewModels; public partial class ClientViewModel : ViewModelBase { public ClientViewModel(ILogger logger, MatrixAuthenticationService authService, CommandLineConfiguration cfg) { _logger = logger; _authService = authService; _cfg = cfg; DisplayedSpaces.Add(_allRoomsNode = new AllRoomsSpaceNode(this)); DisplayedSpaces.Add(DirectMessages = new SpaceNode(false) { Name = "Direct messages" }); _ = Task.Run(Run).ContinueWith(x => { if (x.IsFaulted) { Status = "Critical error running client view model: " + x.Exception?.Message; _logger.LogError(x.Exception, "Error running client view model."); } }); } private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly MatrixAuthenticationService _authService; private readonly CommandLineConfiguration _cfg; private SpaceNode? _currentSpace; private readonly SpaceNode _allRoomsNode; private string _status = "Loading..."; public ObservableCollection DisplayedSpaces { get; } = []; public ObservableDictionary AllRooms { get; } = new(); public SpaceNode DirectMessages { get; } public bool Paused { get; set; } = false; public SpaceNode CurrentSpace { get => _currentSpace ?? _allRoomsNode; set => SetProperty(ref _currentSpace, value); } public string Status { get => _status + " " + DateTime.Now; set => SetProperty(ref _status, value); } public async Task Run() { Console.WriteLine("Running client view model loop..."); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(_authService.Homeserver, nameof(_authService.Homeserver)); // var sh = new SyncStateResolver(_authService.Homeserver, _logger, storageProvider: new FileStorageProvider(Path.Combine(_cfg.ProfileDirectory, "syncCache"))); var store = new FileStorageProvider(Path.Combine(_cfg.ProfileDirectory, "syncCache")); Console.WriteLine($"Sync store at {store.TargetPath}"); var sh = new SyncHelper(_authService.Homeserver, _logger, storageProvider: store) { // MinimumDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) }; Console.WriteLine("Sync helper created."); //optimise - we create a new scope here to make ssr go out of scope // if((await sh.GetUnoptimisedStoreCount()) > 1000) { Console.WriteLine("RUN - Optimising sync store..."); Status = "Optimising sync store, please wait..."; var ssr = new SyncStateResolver(_authService.Homeserver, _logger, storageProvider: store); Console.WriteLine("Created sync state resolver..."); Status = "Optimising sync store, please wait... Creating new snapshot..."; await ssr.OptimiseStore(); Status = "Optimising sync store, please wait... Deleting old intermediate snapshots..."; await ssr.RemoveOldSnapshots(); } var unoptimised = await sh.GetUnoptimisedStoreCount(); // this is slow, so we cache Status = "Doing initial sync..."; await foreach (var res in sh.EnumerateSyncAsync()) { Program.Beep((short)250, 0); Status = $"Processing sync... {res.NextBatch}"; await ApplySyncChanges(res); Program.Beep(0, 0); if (Paused) { Status = "Sync loop interrupted... Press pause/break to resume."; while (Paused) await Task.Delay(1000); } else Status = $"Syncing... {unoptimised++} unoptimised sync responses..."; } } private async Task ApplySyncChanges(SyncResponse newSync) { await ApplySpaceChanges(newSync); if (newSync.AccountData?.Events?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "") is { } evt) { await ApplyDirectMessagesChanges(evt); } } private async Task ApplySpaceChanges(SyncResponse newSync) { List tasks = []; foreach (var room in newSync.Rooms?.Join ?? []) { if (!AllRooms.ContainsKey(room.Key)) { // AllRooms.Add(room.Key, new RoomNode { Name = "Loading..." }); AllRooms.Add(room.Key, new RoomNode { Name = "", RoomID = room.Key }); } if (room.Value.State?.Events is not null) { var nameEvent = room.Value.State!.Events!.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "" && x.StateKey == ""); if (nameEvent is not null) AllRooms[room.Key].Name = (nameEvent?.TypedContent as RoomNameEventContent)?.Name ?? ""; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AllRooms[room.Key].Name)) { AllRooms[room.Key].Name = "Loading..."; tasks.Add(_authService.Homeserver!.GetRoom(room.Key).GetNameOrFallbackAsync().ContinueWith(r => AllRooms[room.Key].Name = r.Result)); // Status = $"Getting room name for {room.Key}..."; // AllRooms[room.Key].Name = await _authService.Homeserver!.GetRoom(room.Key).GetNameOrFallbackAsync(); } } await AwaitTasks(tasks, "Waiting for {0}/{1} tasks while applying room changes..."); return; List handledRoomIds = []; var spaces = newSync.Rooms?.Join? .Where(x => x.Value.State?.Events is not null) .Where(x => x.Value.State!.Events!.Any(y => y.Type == "" && (y.TypedContent as RoomCreateEventContent)!.Type == "")) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine("spaces: " + spaces.Count); var nonRootSpaces = spaces .Where(x => spaces.Any(x => x.Value.State!.Events!.Any(y => y.Type == "" && y.StateKey == x.Key))) .ToDictionary(); var rootSpaces = spaces .Where(x => !nonRootSpaces.ContainsKey(x.Key)) .ToDictionary(); // var rootSpaces = spaces // .Where(x=>!spaces.Any(x=>x.Value.State!.Events!.Any(y=>y.Type == "" && y.StateKey == x.Key))) // .ToList(); foreach (var (roomId, room) in rootSpaces) { var space = new SpaceNode { Name = (room.State!.Events!.First(x => x.Type == "")!.TypedContent as RoomNameEventContent).Name }; DisplayedSpaces.Add(space); handledRoomIds.Add(roomId); } } private async Task ApplyDirectMessagesChanges(StateEventResponse evt) { _logger.LogCritical("Direct messages updated!"); var dms = evt.RawContent.Deserialize>(); List tasks = []; foreach (var (userId, roomIds) in dms) { if (roomIds is null || roomIds.Length == 0) continue; var space = DirectMessages.ChildSpaces.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RoomID == userId); if (space is null) { space = new SpaceNode { Name = userId, RoomID = userId }; tasks.Add(_authService.Homeserver!.GetProfileAsync(userId) .ContinueWith(r => space.Name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.Result?.DisplayName) ? userId : r.Result.DisplayName)); DirectMessages.ChildSpaces.Add(space); } foreach (var roomId in roomIds) { var room = space.ChildRooms.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RoomID == roomId); if (room is null) { room = AllRooms.TryGetValue(roomId, out var existing) ? existing : new RoomNode { Name = "Unknown: " + roomId, RoomID = roomId }; space.ChildRooms.Add(room); } } foreach (var spaceChildRoom in space.ChildRooms.ToList()) { if (!roomIds.Contains(spaceChildRoom.RoomID)) { space.ChildRooms.Remove(spaceChildRoom); } } } await AwaitTasks(tasks, "Waiting for {0}/{1} tasks while applying DM changes..."); } private async Task AwaitTasks(List tasks, string message) { if (tasks.Count > 0) { int total = tasks.Count; while (tasks.Any(x => !x.IsCompleted)) { int incomplete = tasks.Count(x => !x.IsCompleted); Program.Beep((short)MathUtil.Map(incomplete, 0, total, 20, 7500), 5); // Program.Beep(0, 0); Status = string.Format(message, incomplete, total); await Task.WhenAny(tasks); tasks.RemoveAll(x => x.IsCompleted); } Program.Beep(0, 0); } } } // implementation details public class AllRoomsSpaceNode : SpaceNode { public AllRoomsSpaceNode(ClientViewModel vm) : base(false) { Name = "All rooms"; vm.AllRooms.CollectionChanged += (_, args) => { switch (args.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace: { foreach (var room in args.NewItems?.Cast>() ?? []) ChildRooms.Add(room.Value); foreach (var room in args.OldItems?.Cast>() ?? []) ChildRooms.Remove(room.Value); break; } case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: { ChildSpaces.Clear(); ChildRooms.Clear(); break; } } }; } }