@page "/InvalidSession" @using LibMatrix Invalid session

Rory&::MatrixUtils - Invalid session encountered

A session was encountered that is no longer valid. This can happen if you have logged out of the account on another device, or if the access token has expired.

@if (_login is not null) {

It appears that the affected user is @_login.UserId (@_login.DeviceId) on @_login.Homeserver!

Refresh token Remove @if (_showRefreshDialog) {
Log in @if (_loginException is not null) {
} } else { Something has gone wrong and the login was not passed along! } @code { [Parameter] [SupplyParameterFromQuery(Name = "ctx")] public string Context { get; set; } private UserAuth? _login { get; set; } private bool _showRefreshDialog { get; set; } private string _password { get; set; } = ""; private MatrixException? _loginException { get; set; } protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { var tokens = await RMUStorage.GetAllTokens(); if (tokens is null || tokens.Count == 0) { NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/Login"); return; } _login = tokens.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AccessToken == Context); if (_login is null) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not find {_login} in stored tokens!"); } await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } private async Task RemoveUser() { await RMUStorage.RemoveToken(_login!); if ((await RMUStorage.GetCurrentToken())!.AccessToken == _login!.AccessToken) await RMUStorage.SetCurrentToken((await RMUStorage.GetAllTokens())?.FirstOrDefault()); await OnInitializedAsync(); } private async Task OpenRefreshDialog() { _showRefreshDialog = true; StateHasChanged(); await Task.CompletedTask; } private async Task SwitchSession(UserAuth auth) { Console.WriteLine($"Switching to {auth.Homeserver} {auth.AccessToken} {auth.UserId}"); await RMUStorage.SetCurrentToken(auth); await OnInitializedAsync(); } private async Task TryLogin() { if(_login is null) throw new NullReferenceException("Login is null!"); try { var result = new UserAuth(await hsProvider.Login(_login.Homeserver, _login.UserId, _password)); if (result is null) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to login to {_login.Homeserver} as {_login.UserId}!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Obtained access token for {result.UserId}!"); await RemoveUser(); await RMUStorage.AddToken(result); if (result.UserId == (await RMUStorage.GetCurrentToken())?.UserId) await RMUStorage.SetCurrentToken(result); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/"); } catch (MatrixException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to login to {_login.Homeserver} as {_login.UserId}!"); Console.WriteLine(e); _loginException = e; StateHasChanged(); } } }