using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using MatrixRoomUtils.Core.Extensions; namespace MatrixRoomUtils.Core.Responses; public class CreateRoomRequest { [JsonPropertyName("name")] public string Name { get; set; } = null!; [JsonPropertyName("room_alias_name")] public string RoomAliasName { get; set; } = null!; //we dont want to use this, we want more control // [JsonPropertyName("preset")] // public string Preset { get; set; } = null!; [JsonPropertyName("initial_state")] public List InitialState { get; set; } = null!; [JsonPropertyName("visibility")] public string Visibility { get; set; } = null!; [JsonPropertyName("power_level_content_override")] public PowerLevelEvent PowerLevelContentOverride { get; set; } = null!; [JsonPropertyName("creation_content")] public JsonObject CreationContent { get; set; } = new(); /// /// For use only when you can't use the CreationContent property /// public StateEvent this[string event_type, string event_key = ""] { get => InitialState.First(x => x.Type == event_type && x.StateKey == event_key); set { var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == event_type && x.StateKey == event_key); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(value); } else { InitialState[InitialState.IndexOf(stateEvent)] = value; } } } //extra properties [JsonIgnore] public string HistoryVisibility { get { var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", Content = new JsonObject() { ["history_visibility"] = "shared" } }); return "shared"; } return stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode["history_visibility"].GetValue(); } set { var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", Content = new JsonObject() { ["history_visibility"] = value } }); } else { var v = stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode; v["history_visibility"] = value; stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode = v; } } } [JsonIgnore] public string RoomIcon { get { var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", Content = new JsonObject() { ["url"] = "" } }); return ""; } return stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode["url"].GetValue(); } set { var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", Content = new JsonObject() { ["url"] = value } }); } else { var v = stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode; v["url"] = value; stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode = v; } } } // [JsonIgnore] // public string GuestAccess // { // get // { // var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); // if (stateEvent == null) // { // InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() // { // Type = "", // Content = new JsonObject() // { // ["guest_access"] = "can_join" // } // }); // return "can_join"; // } // // return stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode["guest_access"].GetValue(); // } // set // { // var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); // if (stateEvent == null) // { // InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() // { // Type = "", // Content = new JsonObject() // { // ["guest_access"] = value // } // }); // } // else // { // var v = stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode; // v["guest_access"] = value; // stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode = v; // } // } // } public ServerACL ServerACLs { get { var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", Content = new JsonObject() { ["allow"] = new JsonArray() { "*" }, ["deny"] = new JsonArray() } }); return new ServerACL() { Allow = new List() { "*" }, Deny = new List(), AllowIpLiterals = true }; } return new ServerACL() { Allow = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode["allow"]), Deny = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode["deny"]), AllowIpLiterals = true }; } set { Console.WriteLine($"Setting server acl to {value.ToJson()}"); var stateEvent = InitialState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ""); if (stateEvent == null) { InitialState.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", Content = new JsonObject() { ["allow"] = JsonArray.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(value.Allow)), ["deny"] = JsonArray.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(value.Deny)) ["allow_ip_literals"] = value.AllowIpLiterals } }); } else { var v = stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode; v["allow"] = JsonArray.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(value.Allow)); v["deny"] = JsonArray.Parse(JsonSerializer.Serialize(value.Deny)); v["allow_ip_literals"] = value.AllowIpLiterals; stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode = v; Console.WriteLine($"v={v.ToJson()}"); Console.WriteLine($"stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode={stateEvent.ContentAsJsonNode.ToJson()}"); } } } [JsonIgnore] public CreationContentBaseType _creationContentBaseType; public CreateRoomRequest() => _creationContentBaseType = new(this); public Dictionary Validate() { Dictionary errors = new(); if (!Regex.IsMatch(RoomAliasName, @"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$")) errors.Add("room_alias_name", "Room alias name must only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens."); return errors; } } public class CreationContentBaseType { private readonly CreateRoomRequest createRoomRequest; public CreationContentBaseType(CreateRoomRequest createRoomRequest) { this.createRoomRequest = createRoomRequest; } [JsonPropertyName("type")] public string Type { get => (string)createRoomRequest.CreationContent["type"]; set { if (value is "null" or "") createRoomRequest.CreationContent.Remove("type"); else createRoomRequest.CreationContent["type"] = value; } } } public class PowerLevelEvent { [JsonPropertyName("ban")] public int Ban { get; set; } // = 50; [JsonPropertyName("events_default")] public int EventsDefault { get; set; } // = 0; [JsonPropertyName("events")] public Dictionary Events { get; set; } // = null!; [JsonPropertyName("invite")] public int Invite { get; set; } // = 50; [JsonPropertyName("kick")] public int Kick { get; set; } // = 50; [JsonPropertyName("notifications")] public NotificationsPL NotificationsPl { get; set; } // = null!; [JsonPropertyName("redact")] public int Redact { get; set; } // = 50; [JsonPropertyName("state_default")] public int StateDefault { get; set; } // = 50; [JsonPropertyName("users")] public Dictionary Users { get; set; } // = null!; [JsonPropertyName("users_default")] public int UsersDefault { get; set; } // = 0; } public class NotificationsPL { [JsonPropertyName("room")] public int Room { get; set; } = 50; } public class ServerACL { [JsonPropertyName("allow")] public List Allow { get; set; } // = null!; [JsonPropertyName("deny")] public List Deny { get; set; } // = null!; [JsonPropertyName("allow_ip_literals")] public bool AllowIpLiterals { get; set; } // = false; }