# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from twisted.internet import defer

import synapse.api.errors

import tests.unittest
import tests.utils

class DeviceStoreTestCase(tests.unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DeviceStoreTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.store = None  # type: synapse.storage.DataStore

    def setUp(self):
        hs = yield tests.utils.setup_test_homeserver(self.addCleanup)

        self.store = hs.get_datastore()

    def test_store_new_device(self):
        yield self.store.store_device("user_id", "device_id", "display_name")

        res = yield self.store.get_device("user_id", "device_id")
                "user_id": "user_id",
                "device_id": "device_id",
                "display_name": "display_name",

    def test_get_devices_by_user(self):
        yield self.store.store_device("user_id", "device1", "display_name 1")
        yield self.store.store_device("user_id", "device2", "display_name 2")
        yield self.store.store_device("user_id2", "device3", "display_name 3")

        res = yield self.store.get_devices_by_user("user_id")
        self.assertEqual(2, len(res.keys()))
                "user_id": "user_id",
                "device_id": "device1",
                "display_name": "display_name 1",
                "user_id": "user_id",
                "device_id": "device2",
                "display_name": "display_name 2",

    def test_get_device_updates_by_remote(self):
        device_ids = ["device_id1", "device_id2"]

        # Add two device updates with a single stream_id
        yield self.store.add_device_change_to_streams(
            "user_id", device_ids, ["somehost"]

        # Get all device updates ever meant for this remote
        now_stream_id, device_updates = yield self.store.get_device_updates_by_remote(
            "somehost", -1, limit=100

        # Check original device_ids are contained within these updates
        self._check_devices_in_updates(device_ids, device_updates)

    def test_get_device_updates_by_remote_limited(self):
        # Test breaking the update limit in 1, 101, and 1 device_id segments

        # first add one device
        device_ids1 = ["device_id0"]
        yield self.store.add_device_change_to_streams(
            "user_id", device_ids1, ["someotherhost"]

        # then add 101
        device_ids2 = ["device_id" + str(i + 1) for i in range(101)]
        yield self.store.add_device_change_to_streams(
            "user_id", device_ids2, ["someotherhost"]

        # then one more
        device_ids3 = ["newdevice"]
        yield self.store.add_device_change_to_streams(
            "user_id", device_ids3, ["someotherhost"]

        # now read them back.

        # first we should get a single update
        now_stream_id, device_updates = yield self.store.get_device_updates_by_remote(
            "someotherhost", -1, limit=100
        self._check_devices_in_updates(device_ids1, device_updates)

        # Then we should get an empty list back as the 101 devices broke the limit
        now_stream_id, device_updates = yield self.store.get_device_updates_by_remote(
            "someotherhost", now_stream_id, limit=100
        self.assertEqual(len(device_updates), 0)

        # The 101 devices should've been cleared, so we should now just get one device
        # update
        now_stream_id, device_updates = yield self.store.get_device_updates_by_remote(
            "someotherhost", now_stream_id, limit=100
        self._check_devices_in_updates(device_ids3, device_updates)

    def _check_devices_in_updates(self, expected_device_ids, device_updates):
        """Check that an specific device ids exist in a list of device update EDUs"""
        self.assertEqual(len(device_updates), len(expected_device_ids))

        received_device_ids = {
            update["device_id"] for edu_type, update in device_updates
        self.assertEqual(received_device_ids, set(expected_device_ids))

    def test_update_device(self):
        yield self.store.store_device("user_id", "device_id", "display_name 1")

        res = yield self.store.get_device("user_id", "device_id")
        self.assertEqual("display_name 1", res["display_name"])

        # do a no-op first
        yield self.store.update_device("user_id", "device_id")
        res = yield self.store.get_device("user_id", "device_id")
        self.assertEqual("display_name 1", res["display_name"])

        # do the update
        yield self.store.update_device(
            "user_id", "device_id", new_display_name="display_name 2"

        # check it worked
        res = yield self.store.get_device("user_id", "device_id")
        self.assertEqual("display_name 2", res["display_name"])

    def test_update_unknown_device(self):
        with self.assertRaises(synapse.api.errors.StoreError) as cm:
            yield self.store.update_device(
                "user_id", "unknown_device_id", new_display_name="display_name 2"
        self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.code)