# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 New Vector # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import attr import pkg_resources from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred import synapse.rest.admin from synapse.rest.client.v1 import login, room from tests.unittest import HomeserverTestCase try: from synapse.push.mailer import load_jinja2_templates except Exception: load_jinja2_templates = None @attr.s class _User(object): "Helper wrapper for user ID and access token" id = attr.ib() token = attr.ib() class EmailPusherTests(HomeserverTestCase): skip = "No Jinja installed" if not load_jinja2_templates else None servlets = [ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets_for_client_rest_resource, room.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] user_id = True hijack_auth = False def make_homeserver(self, reactor, clock): # List[Tuple[Deferred, args, kwargs]] self.email_attempts = [] def sendmail(*args, **kwargs): d = Deferred() self.email_attempts.append((d, args, kwargs)) return d config = self.default_config() config["email"] = { "enable_notifs": True, "template_dir": os.path.abspath( pkg_resources.resource_filename('synapse', 'res/templates') ), "expiry_template_html": "notice_expiry.html", "expiry_template_text": "notice_expiry.txt", "notif_template_html": "notif_mail.html", "notif_template_text": "notif_mail.txt", "smtp_host": "", "smtp_port": 20, "require_transport_security": False, "smtp_user": None, "smtp_pass": None, "app_name": "Matrix", "notif_from": "test@example.com", "riot_base_url": None, } config["public_baseurl"] = "aaa" config["start_pushers"] = True hs = self.setup_test_homeserver(config=config, sendmail=sendmail) return hs def prepare(self, reactor, clock, hs): # Register the user who gets notified self.user_id = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.access_token = self.login("user", "pass") # Register other users self.others = [ _User( id=self.register_user("otheruser1", "pass"), token=self.login("otheruser1", "pass"), ), _User( id=self.register_user("otheruser2", "pass"), token=self.login("otheruser2", "pass"), ), ] # Register the pusher user_tuple = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastore().get_user_by_access_token(self.access_token) ) token_id = user_tuple["token_id"] self.pusher = self.get_success( self.hs.get_pusherpool().add_pusher( user_id=self.user_id, access_token=token_id, kind="email", app_id="m.email", app_display_name="Email Notifications", device_display_name="a@example.com", pushkey="a@example.com", lang=None, data={}, ) ) def test_simple_sends_email(self): # Create a simple room with two users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=self.others[0].id, ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # The other user sends some messages self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about that message self._check_for_mail() def test_multiple_members_email(self): # We want to test multiple notifications, so we pause processing of push # while we send messages. self.pusher._pause_processing() # Create a simple room with multiple other users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) for other in self.others: self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=other.id, ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=other.id, tok=other.token) # The other users send some messages self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[1].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[1].token) # Nothing should have happened yet, as we're paused. assert not self.email_attempts self.pusher._resume_processing() # We should get emailed about those messages self._check_for_mail() def _check_for_mail(self): "Check that the user receives an email notification" # Get the stream ordering before it gets sent pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastore().get_pushers_by(dict(user_name=self.user_id)) ) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 1) last_stream_ordering = pushers[0]["last_stream_ordering"] # Advance time a bit, so the pusher will register something has happened self.pump(100) # It hasn't succeeded yet, so the stream ordering shouldn't have moved pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastore().get_pushers_by(dict(user_name=self.user_id)) ) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 1) self.assertEqual(last_stream_ordering, pushers[0]["last_stream_ordering"]) # One email was attempted to be sent self.assertEqual(len(self.email_attempts), 1) # Make the email succeed self.email_attempts[0][0].callback(True) self.pump() # One email was attempted to be sent self.assertEqual(len(self.email_attempts), 1) # The stream ordering has increased pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastore().get_pushers_by(dict(user_name=self.user_id)) ) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 1) self.assertTrue(pushers[0]["last_stream_ordering"] > last_stream_ordering)