# Copyright 2018 New Vector # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import email.message import os from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple import attr import pkg_resources from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor import synapse.rest.admin from synapse.api.errors import Codes, SynapseError from synapse.rest.client import login, room from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.util import Clock from tests.unittest import HomeserverTestCase @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class _User: "Helper wrapper for user ID and access token" id: str token: str class EmailPusherTests(HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets_for_client_rest_resource, room.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] hijack_auth = False def make_homeserver(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock) -> HomeServer: config = self.default_config() config["email"] = { "enable_notifs": True, "template_dir": os.path.abspath( pkg_resources.resource_filename("synapse", "res/templates") ), "expiry_template_html": "notice_expiry.html", "expiry_template_text": "notice_expiry.txt", "notif_template_html": "notif_mail.html", "notif_template_text": "notif_mail.txt", "smtp_host": "", "smtp_port": 20, "require_transport_security": False, "smtp_user": None, "smtp_pass": None, "app_name": "Matrix", "notif_from": "test@example.com", "riot_base_url": None, } config["public_baseurl"] = "http://aaa" hs = self.setup_test_homeserver(config=config) # List[Tuple[Deferred, args, kwargs]] self.email_attempts: List[Tuple[Deferred, Sequence, Dict]] = [] def sendmail(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Deferred: # This mocks out synapse.reactor.send_email._sendmail. d: Deferred = Deferred() self.email_attempts.append((d, args, kwargs)) return d hs.get_send_email_handler()._sendmail = sendmail # type: ignore[assignment] return hs def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: # Register the user who gets notified self.user_id = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.access_token = self.login("user", "pass") # Register other users self.others = [ _User( id=self.register_user("otheruser1", "pass"), token=self.login("otheruser1", "pass"), ), _User( id=self.register_user("otheruser2", "pass"), token=self.login("otheruser2", "pass"), ), ] # Register the pusher user_tuple = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.get_user_by_access_token(self.access_token) ) self.token_id = user_tuple.token_id # We need to add email to account before we can create a pusher. self.get_success( hs.get_datastores().main.user_add_threepid( self.user_id, "email", "a@example.com", 0, 0 ) ) self.pusher = self.get_success( self.hs.get_pusherpool().add_or_update_pusher( user_id=self.user_id, access_token=self.token_id, kind="email", app_id="m.email", app_display_name="Email Notifications", device_display_name="a@example.com", pushkey="a@example.com", lang=None, data={}, ) ) self.auth_handler = hs.get_auth_handler() self.store = hs.get_datastores().main def test_need_validated_email(self) -> None: """Test that we can only add an email pusher if the user has validated their email. """ with self.assertRaises(SynapseError) as cm: self.get_success_or_raise( self.hs.get_pusherpool().add_or_update_pusher( user_id=self.user_id, access_token=self.token_id, kind="email", app_id="m.email", app_display_name="Email Notifications", device_display_name="b@example.com", pushkey="b@example.com", lang=None, data={}, ) ) self.assertEqual(400, cm.exception.code) self.assertEqual(Codes.THREEPID_NOT_FOUND, cm.exception.errcode) def test_simple_sends_email(self) -> None: # Create a simple room with two users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=self.others[0].id ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # The other user sends a single message. self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about that message self._check_for_mail() # The other user sends multiple messages. self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[0].token) self._check_for_mail() def test_invite_sends_email(self) -> None: # Create a room and invite the user to it room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token, targ=self.user_id, ) # We should get emailed about the invite self._check_for_mail() def test_invite_to_empty_room_sends_email(self) -> None: # Create a room and invite the user to it room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token, targ=self.user_id, ) # Then have the original user leave self.helper.leave(room, self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about the invite self._check_for_mail() def test_multiple_members_email(self) -> None: # We want to test multiple notifications, so we pause processing of push # while we send messages. self.pusher._pause_processing() # Create a simple room with multiple other users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) for other in self.others: self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=other.id ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=other.id, tok=other.token) # The other users send some messages self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[1].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[1].token) # Nothing should have happened yet, as we're paused. assert not self.email_attempts self.pusher._resume_processing() # We should get emailed about those messages self._check_for_mail() def test_multiple_rooms(self) -> None: # We want to test multiple notifications from multiple rooms, so we pause # processing of push while we send messages. self.pusher._pause_processing() # Create a simple room with multiple other users rooms = [ self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token), self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token), ] for r, other in zip(rooms, self.others): self.helper.invite( room=r, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=other.id ) self.helper.join(room=r, user=other.id, tok=other.token) # The other users send some messages self.helper.send(rooms[0], body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(rooms[1], body="There!", tok=self.others[1].token) self.helper.send(rooms[1], body="There!", tok=self.others[1].token) # Nothing should have happened yet, as we're paused. assert not self.email_attempts self.pusher._resume_processing() # We should get emailed about those messages self._check_for_mail() def test_room_notifications_include_avatar(self) -> None: # Create a room and set its avatar. room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.send_state( room, "m.room.avatar", {"url": "mxc://DUMMY_MEDIA_ID"}, self.access_token ) # Invite two other uses. for other in self.others: self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=other.id ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=other.id, tok=other.token) # The other users send some messages. # TODO It seems that two messages are required to trigger an email? self.helper.send(room, body="Alpha", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(room, body="Beta", tok=self.others[1].token) # We should get emailed about those messages args, kwargs = self._check_for_mail() # That email should contain the room's avatar msg: bytes = args[5] # Multipart: plain text, base 64 encoded; html, base 64 encoded html = ( email.message_from_bytes(msg) .get_payload()[1] .get_payload(decode=True) .decode() ) self.assertIn("_matrix/media/v1/thumbnail/DUMMY_MEDIA_ID", html) def test_empty_room(self) -> None: """All users leaving a room shouldn't cause the pusher to break.""" # Create a simple room with two users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=self.others[0].id ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # The other user sends a single message. self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) # Leave the room before the message is processed. self.helper.leave(room, self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.leave(room, self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about that message self._check_for_mail() def test_empty_room_multiple_messages(self) -> None: """All users leaving a room shouldn't cause the pusher to break.""" # Create a simple room with two users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=self.others[0].id ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # The other user sends a single message. self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) self.helper.send(room, body="There!", tok=self.others[0].token) # Leave the room before the message is processed. self.helper.leave(room, self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.leave(room, self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about that message self._check_for_mail() def test_encrypted_message(self) -> None: room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=self.others[0].id ) self.helper.join(room=room, user=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token) # The other user sends some messages self.helper.send_event(room, "m.room.encrypted", {}, tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about that message self._check_for_mail() def test_no_email_sent_after_removed(self) -> None: # Create a simple room with two users room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id, tok=self.access_token) self.helper.invite( room=room, src=self.user_id, tok=self.access_token, targ=self.others[0].id, ) self.helper.join( room=room, user=self.others[0].id, tok=self.others[0].token, ) # The other user sends a single message. self.helper.send(room, body="Hi!", tok=self.others[0].token) # We should get emailed about that message self._check_for_mail() # disassociate the user's email address self.get_success( self.auth_handler.delete_local_threepid( user_id=self.user_id, medium="email", address="a@example.com" ) ) # check that the pusher for that email address has been deleted pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.get_pushers_by({"user_name": self.user_id}) ) pushers = list(pushers) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 0) def test_remove_unlinked_pushers_background_job(self) -> None: """Checks that all existing pushers associated with unlinked email addresses are removed upon running the remove_deleted_email_pushers background update. """ # disassociate the user's email address manually (without deleting the pusher). # This resembles the old behaviour, which the background update below is intended # to clean up. self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.user_delete_threepid( self.user_id, "email", "a@example.com" ) ) # Run the "remove_deleted_email_pushers" background job self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.db_pool.simple_insert( table="background_updates", values={ "update_name": "remove_deleted_email_pushers", "progress_json": "{}", "depends_on": None, }, ) ) # ... and tell the DataStore that it hasn't finished all updates yet self.hs.get_datastores().main.db_pool.updates._all_done = False # Now let's actually drive the updates to completion self.wait_for_background_updates() # Check that all pushers with unlinked addresses were deleted pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.get_pushers_by({"user_name": self.user_id}) ) pushers = list(pushers) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 0) def _check_for_mail(self) -> Tuple[Sequence, Dict]: """ Assert that synapse sent off exactly one email notification. Returns: args and kwargs passed to synapse.reactor.send_email._sendmail for that notification. """ # Get the stream ordering before it gets sent pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.get_pushers_by({"user_name": self.user_id}) ) pushers = list(pushers) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 1) last_stream_ordering = pushers[0].last_stream_ordering # Advance time a bit, so the pusher will register something has happened self.pump(10) # It hasn't succeeded yet, so the stream ordering shouldn't have moved pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.get_pushers_by({"user_name": self.user_id}) ) pushers = list(pushers) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 1) self.assertEqual(last_stream_ordering, pushers[0].last_stream_ordering) # One email was attempted to be sent self.assertEqual(len(self.email_attempts), 1) deferred, sendmail_args, sendmail_kwargs = self.email_attempts[0] # Make the email succeed deferred.callback(True) self.pump() # One email was attempted to be sent self.assertEqual(len(self.email_attempts), 1) # The stream ordering has increased pushers = self.get_success( self.hs.get_datastores().main.get_pushers_by({"user_name": self.user_id}) ) pushers = list(pushers) self.assertEqual(len(pushers), 1) self.assertTrue(pushers[0].last_stream_ordering > last_stream_ordering) # Reset the attempts. self.email_attempts = [] return sendmail_args, sendmail_kwargs