describe("RegisterController ", function() { var rootScope, scope, ctrl, $q, $timeout; var userId = "@foo:bar"; var displayName = "Foo"; var avatarUrl = "avatar.url"; window.webClientConfig = { useCapatcha: false }; // test vars var testRegisterData, testFailRegisterData; // mock services var matrixService = { config: function() { return { user_id: userId } }, setConfig: function(){}, register: function(mxid, password, threepidCreds, useCaptcha) { var d = $q.defer(); if (testFailRegisterData) { d.reject({ data: testFailRegisterData }); } else { d.resolve({ data: testRegisterData }); } return d.promise; } }; var eventStreamService = {}; beforeEach(function() { module('matrixWebClient'); // reset test vars testRegisterData = undefined; testFailRegisterData = undefined; }); beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $injector, $location, $controller, _$q_, _$timeout_) { $q = _$q_; $timeout = _$timeout_; scope = $rootScope.$new(); rootScope = $rootScope; routeParams = { user_matrix_id: userId }; ctrl = $controller('RegisterController', { '$scope': scope, '$rootScope': $rootScope, '$location': $location, 'matrixService': matrixService, 'eventStreamService': eventStreamService }); }) ); // SYWEB-109 it('should display an error if the HS rejects the username on registration', function() { var prevFeedback = angular.copy(; testFailRegisterData = { errcode: "M_UNKNOWN", error: "I am rejecting you." }; scope.account.pwd1 = "password"; scope.account.pwd2 = "password"; scope.account.desired_user_id = "bob"; scope.register(); rootScope.$digest(); expect(; }); });