# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from twisted.internet import defer from ._base import SQLBaseStore, Table, JoinHelper from synapse.util.logutils import log_function from collections import namedtuple import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PduStore(SQLBaseStore): """A collection of queries for handling PDUs. """ def get_pdu(self, pdu_id, origin): """Given a pdu_id and origin, get a PDU. Args: txn pdu_id (str) origin (str) Returns: PduTuple: If the pdu does not exist in the database, returns None """ return self.runInteraction( self._get_pdu_tuple, pdu_id, origin ) def _get_pdu_tuple(self, txn, pdu_id, origin): res = self._get_pdu_tuples(txn, [(pdu_id, origin)]) return res[0] if res else None def _get_pdu_tuples(self, txn, pdu_id_tuples): results = [] for pdu_id, origin in pdu_id_tuples: txn.execute( PduEdgesTable.select_statement("pdu_id = ? AND origin = ?"), (pdu_id, origin) ) edges = [ (r.prev_pdu_id, r.prev_origin) for r in PduEdgesTable.decode_results(txn.fetchall()) ] query = ( "SELECT %(fields)s FROM %(pdus)s as p " "LEFT JOIN %(state)s as s " "ON p.pdu_id = s.pdu_id AND p.origin = s.origin " "WHERE p.pdu_id = ? AND p.origin = ? " ) % { "fields": _pdu_state_joiner.get_fields( PdusTable="p", StatePdusTable="s"), "pdus": PdusTable.table_name, "state": StatePdusTable.table_name, } txn.execute(query, (pdu_id, origin)) row = txn.fetchone() if row: results.append(PduTuple(PduEntry(*row), edges)) return results def get_current_state_for_context(self, context): """Get a list of PDUs that represent the current state for a given context Args: context (str) Returns: list: A list of PduTuples """ return self.runInteraction( self._get_current_state_for_context, context ) def _get_current_state_for_context(self, txn, context): query = ( "SELECT pdu_id, origin FROM %s WHERE context = ?" % CurrentStateTable.table_name ) logger.debug("get_current_state %s, Args=%s", query, context) txn.execute(query, (context,)) res = txn.fetchall() logger.debug("get_current_state %d results", len(res)) return self._get_pdu_tuples(txn, res) def _persist_pdu_txn(self, txn, prev_pdus, cols): """Inserts a (non-state) PDU into the database. Args: txn, prev_pdus (list) **cols: The columns to insert into the PdusTable. """ entry = PdusTable.EntryType( **{k: cols.get(k, None) for k in PdusTable.fields} ) txn.execute(PdusTable.insert_statement(), entry) self._handle_prev_pdus( txn, entry.outlier, entry.pdu_id, entry.origin, prev_pdus, entry.context ) def mark_pdu_as_processed(self, pdu_id, pdu_origin): """Mark a received PDU as processed. Args: txn pdu_id (str) pdu_origin (str) """ return self.runInteraction( self._mark_as_processed, pdu_id, pdu_origin ) def _mark_as_processed(self, txn, pdu_id, pdu_origin): txn.execute("UPDATE %s SET have_processed = 1" % PdusTable.table_name) def get_all_pdus_from_context(self, context): """Get a list of all PDUs for a given context.""" return self.runInteraction( self._get_all_pdus_from_context, context, ) def _get_all_pdus_from_context(self, txn, context): query = ( "SELECT pdu_id, origin FROM %s " "WHERE context = ?" ) % PdusTable.table_name txn.execute(query, (context,)) return self._get_pdu_tuples(txn, txn.fetchall()) def get_backfill(self, context, pdu_list, limit): """Get a list of Pdus for a given topic that occured before (and including) the pdus in pdu_list. Return a list of max size `limit`. Args: txn context (str) pdu_list (list) limit (int) Return: list: A list of PduTuples """ return self.runInteraction( self._get_backfill, context, pdu_list, limit ) def _get_backfill(self, txn, context, pdu_list, limit): logger.debug( "backfill: %s, %s, %s", context, repr(pdu_list), limit ) # We seed the pdu_results with the things from the pdu_list. pdu_results = pdu_list front = pdu_list query = ( "SELECT prev_pdu_id, prev_origin FROM %(edges_table)s " "WHERE context = ? AND pdu_id = ? AND origin = ? " "LIMIT ?" ) % { "edges_table": PduEdgesTable.table_name, } # We iterate through all pdu_ids in `front` to select their previous # pdus. These are dumped in `new_front`. We continue until we reach the # limit *or* new_front is empty (i.e., we've run out of things to # select while front and len(pdu_results) < limit: new_front = [] for pdu_id, origin in front: logger.debug( "_backfill_interaction: i=%s, o=%s", pdu_id, origin ) txn.execute( query, (context, pdu_id, origin, limit - len(pdu_results)) ) for row in txn.fetchall(): logger.debug( "_backfill_interaction: got i=%s, o=%s", *row ) new_front.append(row) front = new_front pdu_results += new_front # We also want to update the `prev_pdus` attributes before returning. return self._get_pdu_tuples(txn, pdu_results) def get_min_depth_for_context(self, context): """Get the current minimum depth for a context Args: txn context (str) """ return self.runInteraction( self._get_min_depth_for_context, context ) def _get_min_depth_for_context(self, txn, context): return self._get_min_depth_interaction(txn, context) def _get_min_depth_interaction(self, txn, context): txn.execute( "SELECT min_depth FROM %s WHERE context = ?" % ContextDepthTable.table_name, (context,) ) row = txn.fetchone() return row[0] if row else None def _update_min_depth_for_context_txn(self, txn, context, depth): """Update the minimum `depth` of the given context, which is the line on which we stop backfilling backwards. Args: context (str) depth (int) """ min_depth = self._get_min_depth_interaction(txn, context) do_insert = depth < min_depth if min_depth else True if do_insert: txn.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (context, min_depth) " "VALUES (?,?)" % ContextDepthTable.table_name, (context, depth) ) def _get_latest_pdus_in_context(self, txn, context): """Get's a list of the most current pdus for a given context. This is used when we are sending a Pdu and need to fill out the `prev_pdus` key Args: txn context """ query = ( "SELECT p.pdu_id, p.origin, p.depth FROM %(pdus)s as p " "INNER JOIN %(forward)s as f ON p.pdu_id = f.pdu_id " "AND f.origin = p.origin " "WHERE f.context = ?" ) % { "pdus": PdusTable.table_name, "forward": PduForwardExtremitiesTable.table_name, } logger.debug("get_prev query: %s", query) txn.execute( query, (context, ) ) results = txn.fetchall() return [(row[0], row[1], row[2]) for row in results] @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_oldest_pdus_in_context(self, context): """Get a list of Pdus that we haven't backfilled beyond yet (and havent seen). This list is used when we want to backfill backwards and is the list we send to the remote server. Args: txn context (str) Returns: list: A list of PduIdTuple. """ results = yield self._execute( None, "SELECT pdu_id, origin FROM %(back)s WHERE context = ?" % {"back": PduBackwardExtremitiesTable.table_name, }, context ) defer.returnValue([PduIdTuple(i, o) for i, o in results]) def is_pdu_new(self, pdu_id, origin, context, depth): """For a given Pdu, try and figure out if it's 'new', i.e., if it's not something we got randomly from the past, for example when we request the current state of the room that will probably return a bunch of pdus from before we joined. Args: txn pdu_id (str) origin (str) context (str) depth (int) Returns: bool """ return self.runInteraction( self._is_pdu_new, pdu_id=pdu_id, origin=origin, context=context, depth=depth ) def _is_pdu_new(self, txn, pdu_id, origin, context, depth): # If depth > min depth in back table, then we classify it as new. # OR if there is nothing in the back table, then it kinda needs to # be a new thing. query = ( "SELECT min(p.depth) FROM %(edges)s as e " "INNER JOIN %(back)s as b " "ON e.prev_pdu_id = b.pdu_id AND e.prev_origin = b.origin " "INNER JOIN %(pdus)s as p " "ON e.pdu_id = p.pdu_id AND p.origin = e.origin " "WHERE p.context = ?" ) % { "pdus": PdusTable.table_name, "edges": PduEdgesTable.table_name, "back": PduBackwardExtremitiesTable.table_name, } txn.execute(query, (context,)) min_depth, = txn.fetchone() if not min_depth or depth > int(min_depth): logger.debug( "is_new true: id=%s, o=%s, d=%s min_depth=%s", pdu_id, origin, depth, min_depth ) return True # If this pdu is in the forwards table, then it also is a new one query = ( "SELECT * FROM %(forward)s WHERE pdu_id = ? AND origin = ?" ) % { "forward": PduForwardExtremitiesTable.table_name, } txn.execute(query, (pdu_id, origin)) # Did we get anything? if txn.fetchall(): logger.debug( "is_new true: id=%s, o=%s, d=%s was forward", pdu_id, origin, depth ) return True logger.debug( "is_new false: id=%s, o=%s, d=%s", pdu_id, origin, depth ) # FINE THEN. It's probably old. return False @staticmethod @log_function def _handle_prev_pdus(txn, outlier, pdu_id, origin, prev_pdus, context): txn.executemany( PduEdgesTable.insert_statement(), [(pdu_id, origin, p[0], p[1], context) for p in prev_pdus] ) # Update the extremities table if this is not an outlier. if not outlier: # First, we delete the new one from the forwards extremities table. query = ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE pdu_id = ? AND origin = ?" % PduForwardExtremitiesTable.table_name ) txn.executemany(query, prev_pdus) # We only insert as a forward extremety the new pdu if there are no # other pdus that reference it as a prev pdu query = ( "INSERT INTO %(table)s (pdu_id, origin, context) " "SELECT ?, ?, ? WHERE NOT EXISTS (" "SELECT 1 FROM %(pdu_edges)s WHERE " "prev_pdu_id = ? AND prev_origin = ?" ")" ) % { "table": PduForwardExtremitiesTable.table_name, "pdu_edges": PduEdgesTable.table_name } logger.debug("query: %s", query) txn.execute(query, (pdu_id, origin, context, pdu_id, origin)) # Insert all the prev_pdus as a backwards thing, they'll get # deleted in a second if they're incorrect anyway. txn.executemany( PduBackwardExtremitiesTable.insert_statement(), [(i, o, context) for i, o in prev_pdus] ) # Also delete from the backwards extremities table all ones that # reference pdus that we have already seen query = ( "DELETE FROM %(pdu_back)s WHERE EXISTS (" "SELECT 1 FROM %(pdus)s AS pdus " "WHERE " "%(pdu_back)s.pdu_id = pdus.pdu_id " "AND %(pdu_back)s.origin = pdus.origin " "AND not pdus.outlier " ")" ) % { "pdu_back": PduBackwardExtremitiesTable.table_name, "pdus": PdusTable.table_name, } txn.execute(query) class StatePduStore(SQLBaseStore): """A collection of queries for handling state PDUs. """ def _persist_state_txn(self, txn, prev_pdus, cols): """Inserts a state PDU into the database Args: txn, prev_pdus (list) **cols: The columns to insert into the PdusTable and StatePdusTable """ pdu_entry = PdusTable.EntryType( **{k: cols.get(k, None) for k in PdusTable.fields} ) state_entry = StatePdusTable.EntryType( **{k: cols.get(k, None) for k in StatePdusTable.fields} ) logger.debug("Inserting pdu: %s", repr(pdu_entry)) logger.debug("Inserting state: %s", repr(state_entry)) txn.execute(PdusTable.insert_statement(), pdu_entry) txn.execute(StatePdusTable.insert_statement(), state_entry) self._handle_prev_pdus( txn, pdu_entry.outlier, pdu_entry.pdu_id, pdu_entry.origin, prev_pdus, pdu_entry.context ) def get_unresolved_state_tree(self, new_state_pdu): return self.runInteraction( self._get_unresolved_state_tree, new_state_pdu ) @log_function def _get_unresolved_state_tree(self, txn, new_pdu): current = self._get_current_interaction( txn, new_pdu.context, new_pdu.pdu_type, new_pdu.state_key ) ReturnType = namedtuple( "StateReturnType", ["new_branch", "current_branch"] ) return_value = ReturnType([new_pdu], []) if not current: logger.debug("get_unresolved_state_tree No current state.") return return_value return_value.current_branch.append(current) enum_branches = self._enumerate_state_branches( txn, new_pdu, current ) missing_branch = None for branch, prev_state, state in enum_branches: if state: return_value[branch].append(state) else: # We don't have prev_state :( missing_branch = branch break return (return_value, missing_branch) def update_current_state(self, pdu_id, origin, context, pdu_type, state_key): return self.runInteraction( self._update_current_state, pdu_id, origin, context, pdu_type, state_key ) def _update_current_state(self, txn, pdu_id, origin, context, pdu_type, state_key): query = ( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %(curr)s (%(fields)s) VALUES (%(qs)s)" ) % { "curr": CurrentStateTable.table_name, "fields": CurrentStateTable.get_fields_string(), "qs": ", ".join(["?"] * len(CurrentStateTable.fields)) } query_args = CurrentStateTable.EntryType( pdu_id=pdu_id, origin=origin, context=context, pdu_type=pdu_type, state_key=state_key ) txn.execute(query, query_args) def get_current_state_pdu(self, context, pdu_type, state_key): """For a given context, pdu_type, state_key 3-tuple, return what is currently considered the current state. Args: txn context (str) pdu_type (str) state_key (str) Returns: PduEntry """ return self.runInteraction( self._get_current_state_pdu, context, pdu_type, state_key ) def _get_current_state_pdu(self, txn, context, pdu_type, state_key): return self._get_current_interaction(txn, context, pdu_type, state_key) def _get_current_interaction(self, txn, context, pdu_type, state_key): logger.debug( "_get_current_interaction %s %s %s", context, pdu_type, state_key ) fields = _pdu_state_joiner.get_fields( PdusTable="p", StatePdusTable="s") current_query = ( "SELECT %(fields)s FROM %(state)s as s " "INNER JOIN %(pdus)s as p " "ON s.pdu_id = p.pdu_id AND s.origin = p.origin " "INNER JOIN %(curr)s as c " "ON s.pdu_id = c.pdu_id AND s.origin = c.origin " "WHERE s.context = ? AND s.pdu_type = ? AND s.state_key = ? " ) % { "fields": fields, "curr": CurrentStateTable.table_name, "state": StatePdusTable.table_name, "pdus": PdusTable.table_name, } txn.execute( current_query, (context, pdu_type, state_key) ) row = txn.fetchone() result = PduEntry(*row) if row else None if not result: logger.debug("_get_current_interaction not found") else: logger.debug( "_get_current_interaction found %s %s", result.pdu_id, result.origin ) return result def get_next_missing_pdu(self, new_pdu): """When we get a new state pdu we need to check whether we need to do any conflict resolution, if we do then we need to check if we need to go back and request some more state pdus that we haven't seen yet. Args: txn new_pdu Returns: PduIdTuple: A pdu that we are missing, or None if we have all the pdus required to do the conflict resolution. """ return self.runInteraction( self._get_next_missing_pdu, new_pdu ) def _get_next_missing_pdu(self, txn, new_pdu): logger.debug( "get_next_missing_pdu %s %s", new_pdu.pdu_id, new_pdu.origin ) current = self._get_current_interaction( txn, new_pdu.context, new_pdu.pdu_type, new_pdu.state_key ) if (not current or not current.prev_state_id or not current.prev_state_origin): return None # Oh look, it's a straight clobber, so wooooo almost no-op. if (new_pdu.prev_state_id == current.pdu_id and new_pdu.prev_state_origin == current.origin): return None enum_branches = self._enumerate_state_branches(txn, new_pdu, current) for branch, prev_state, state in enum_branches: if not state: return PduIdTuple( prev_state.prev_state_id, prev_state.prev_state_origin ) return None def handle_new_state(self, new_pdu): """Actually perform conflict resolution on the new_pdu on the assumption we have all the pdus required to perform it. Args: new_pdu Returns: bool: True if the new_pdu clobbered the current state, False if not """ return self.runInteraction( self._handle_new_state, new_pdu ) def _handle_new_state(self, txn, new_pdu): logger.debug( "handle_new_state %s %s", new_pdu.pdu_id, new_pdu.origin ) current = self._get_current_interaction( txn, new_pdu.context, new_pdu.pdu_type, new_pdu.state_key ) is_current = False if (not current or not current.prev_state_id or not current.prev_state_origin): # Oh, we don't have any state for this yet. is_current = True elif (current.pdu_id == new_pdu.prev_state_id and current.origin == new_pdu.prev_state_origin): # Oh! A direct clobber. Just do it. is_current = True else: ## # Ok, now loop through until we get to a common ancestor. max_new = int(new_pdu.power_level) max_current = int(current.power_level) enum_branches = self._enumerate_state_branches( txn, new_pdu, current ) for branch, prev_state, state in enum_branches: if not state: raise RuntimeError( "Could not find state_pdu %s %s" % ( prev_state.prev_state_id, prev_state.prev_state_origin ) ) if branch == 0: max_new = max(int(state.depth), max_new) else: max_current = max(int(state.depth), max_current) is_current = max_new > max_current if is_current: logger.debug("handle_new_state make current") # Right, this is a new thing, so woo, just insert it. txn.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %(curr)s (%(fields)s) VALUES (%(qs)s)" % { "curr": CurrentStateTable.table_name, "fields": CurrentStateTable.get_fields_string(), "qs": ", ".join(["?"] * len(CurrentStateTable.fields)) }, CurrentStateTable.EntryType( *(new_pdu.__dict__[k] for k in CurrentStateTable.fields) ) ) else: logger.debug("handle_new_state not current") logger.debug("handle_new_state done") return is_current @classmethod @log_function def _enumerate_state_branches(cls, txn, pdu_a, pdu_b): branch_a = pdu_a branch_b = pdu_b get_query = ( "SELECT %(fields)s FROM %(pdus)s as p " "LEFT JOIN %(state)s as s " "ON p.pdu_id = s.pdu_id AND p.origin = s.origin " "WHERE p.pdu_id = ? AND p.origin = ? " ) % { "fields": _pdu_state_joiner.get_fields( PdusTable="p", StatePdusTable="s"), "pdus": PdusTable.table_name, "state": StatePdusTable.table_name, } while True: if (branch_a.pdu_id == branch_b.pdu_id and branch_a.origin == branch_b.origin): # Woo! We found a common ancestor logger.debug("_enumerate_state_branches Found common ancestor") break do_branch_a = ( hasattr(branch_a, "prev_state_id") and branch_a.prev_state_id ) do_branch_b = ( hasattr(branch_b, "prev_state_id") and branch_b.prev_state_id ) logger.debug( "do_branch_a=%s, do_branch_b=%s", do_branch_a, do_branch_b ) if do_branch_a and do_branch_b: do_branch_a = int(branch_a.depth) > int(branch_b.depth) if do_branch_a: pdu_tuple = PduIdTuple( branch_a.prev_state_id, branch_a.prev_state_origin ) logger.debug("getting branch_a prev %s", pdu_tuple) txn.execute(get_query, pdu_tuple) prev_branch = branch_a res = txn.fetchone() branch_a = PduEntry(*res) if res else None logger.debug("branch_a=%s", branch_a) yield (0, prev_branch, branch_a) if not branch_a: break elif do_branch_b: pdu_tuple = PduIdTuple( branch_b.prev_state_id, branch_b.prev_state_origin ) txn.execute(get_query, pdu_tuple) logger.debug("getting branch_b prev %s", pdu_tuple) prev_branch = branch_b res = txn.fetchone() branch_b = PduEntry(*res) if res else None logger.debug("branch_b=%s", branch_b) yield (1, prev_branch, branch_b) if not branch_b: break else: break class PdusTable(Table): table_name = "pdus" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "context", "pdu_type", "ts", "depth", "is_state", "content_json", "unrecognized_keys", "outlier", "have_processed", ] EntryType = namedtuple("PdusEntry", fields) class PduDestinationsTable(Table): table_name = "pdu_destinations" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "destination", "delivered_ts", ] EntryType = namedtuple("PduDestinationsEntry", fields) class PduEdgesTable(Table): table_name = "pdu_edges" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "prev_pdu_id", "prev_origin", "context" ] EntryType = namedtuple("PduEdgesEntry", fields) class PduForwardExtremitiesTable(Table): table_name = "pdu_forward_extremities" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "context", ] EntryType = namedtuple("PduForwardExtremitiesEntry", fields) class PduBackwardExtremitiesTable(Table): table_name = "pdu_backward_extremities" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "context", ] EntryType = namedtuple("PduBackwardExtremitiesEntry", fields) class ContextDepthTable(Table): table_name = "context_depth" fields = [ "context", "min_depth", ] EntryType = namedtuple("ContextDepthEntry", fields) class StatePdusTable(Table): table_name = "state_pdus" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "context", "pdu_type", "state_key", "power_level", "prev_state_id", "prev_state_origin", ] EntryType = namedtuple("StatePdusEntry", fields) class CurrentStateTable(Table): table_name = "current_state" fields = [ "pdu_id", "origin", "context", "pdu_type", "state_key", ] EntryType = namedtuple("CurrentStateEntry", fields) _pdu_state_joiner = JoinHelper(PdusTable, StatePdusTable) # TODO: These should probably be put somewhere more sensible PduIdTuple = namedtuple("PduIdTuple", ("pdu_id", "origin")) PduEntry = _pdu_state_joiner.EntryType """ We are always interested in the join of the PdusTable and StatePdusTable, rather than just the PdusTable. This does not include a prev_pdus key. """ PduTuple = namedtuple( "PduTuple", ("pdu_entry", "prev_pdu_list") ) """ This is a tuple of a `PduEntry` and a list of `PduIdTuple` that represent the `prev_pdus` key of a PDU. """