# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from twisted.internet import defer from synapse import event_auth from synapse.util.logutils import log_function from synapse.util.caches.expiringcache import ExpiringCache from synapse.util.metrics import Measure from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes from synapse.api.errors import AuthError from synapse.events.snapshot import EventContext from synapse.util.async import Linearizer from collections import namedtuple from frozendict import frozendict import logging import hashlib import os logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) KeyStateTuple = namedtuple("KeyStateTuple", ("context", "type", "state_key")) CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR = float(os.environ.get("SYNAPSE_CACHE_FACTOR", 0.1)) SIZE_OF_CACHE = int(100000 * CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR) EVICTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60 * 60 _NEXT_STATE_ID = 1 POWER_KEY = (EventTypes.PowerLevels, "") def _gen_state_id(): global _NEXT_STATE_ID s = "X%d" % (_NEXT_STATE_ID,) _NEXT_STATE_ID += 1 return s class _StateCacheEntry(object): __slots__ = ["state", "state_group", "state_id", "prev_group", "delta_ids"] def __init__(self, state, state_group, prev_group=None, delta_ids=None): self.state = frozendict(state) self.state_group = state_group self.prev_group = prev_group self.delta_ids = frozendict(delta_ids) if delta_ids is not None else None # The `state_id` is a unique ID we generate that can be used as ID for # this collection of state. Usually this would be the same as the # state group, but on worker instances we can't generate a new state # group each time we resolve state, so we generate a separate one that # isn't persisted and is used solely for caches. # `state_id` is either a state_group (and so an int) or a string. This # ensures we don't accidentally persist a state_id as a stateg_group if state_group: self.state_id = state_group else: self.state_id = _gen_state_id() def __len__(self): return len(self.state) class StateHandler(object): """ Responsible for doing state conflict resolution. """ def __init__(self, hs): self.clock = hs.get_clock() self.store = hs.get_datastore() self.hs = hs # dict of set of event_ids -> _StateCacheEntry. self._state_cache = None self.resolve_linearizer = Linearizer(name="state_resolve_lock") def start_caching(self): logger.debug("start_caching") self._state_cache = ExpiringCache( cache_name="state_cache", clock=self.clock, max_len=SIZE_OF_CACHE, expiry_ms=EVICTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000, iterable=True, reset_expiry_on_get=True, ) self._state_cache.start() @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_current_state(self, room_id, event_type=None, state_key="", latest_event_ids=None): """ Retrieves the current state for the room. This is done by calling `get_latest_events_in_room` to get the leading edges of the event graph and then resolving any of the state conflicts. This is equivalent to getting the state of an event that were to send next before receiving any new events. If `event_type` is specified, then the method returns only the one event (or None) with that `event_type` and `state_key`. Returns: map from (type, state_key) to event """ if not latest_event_ids: latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id) logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_state") ret = yield self.resolve_state_groups(room_id, latest_event_ids) state = ret.state if event_type: event_id = state.get((event_type, state_key)) event = None if event_id: event = yield self.store.get_event(event_id, allow_none=True) defer.returnValue(event) return state_map = yield self.store.get_events(state.values(), get_prev_content=False) state = { key: state_map[e_id] for key, e_id in state.items() if e_id in state_map } defer.returnValue(state) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_current_state_ids(self, room_id, event_type=None, state_key="", latest_event_ids=None): if not latest_event_ids: latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id) logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_state_ids") ret = yield self.resolve_state_groups(room_id, latest_event_ids) state = ret.state if event_type: defer.returnValue(state.get((event_type, state_key))) return defer.returnValue(state) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_current_user_in_room(self, room_id, latest_event_ids=None): if not latest_event_ids: latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id) logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_user_in_room") entry = yield self.resolve_state_groups(room_id, latest_event_ids) joined_users = yield self.store.get_joined_users_from_state( room_id, entry.state_id, entry.state ) defer.returnValue(joined_users) @defer.inlineCallbacks def compute_event_context(self, event, old_state=None): """ Fills out the context with the `current state` of the graph. The `current state` here is defined to be the state of the event graph just before the event - i.e. it never includes `event` If `event` has `auth_events` then this will also fill out the `auth_events` field on `context` from the `current_state`. Args: event (EventBase) Returns: an EventContext """ context = EventContext() if event.internal_metadata.is_outlier(): # If this is an outlier, then we know it shouldn't have any current # state. Certainly store.get_current_state won't return any, and # persisting the event won't store the state group. if old_state: context.prev_state_ids = { (s.type, s.state_key): s.event_id for s in old_state } if event.is_state(): context.current_state_ids = dict(context.prev_state_ids) key = (event.type, event.state_key) context.current_state_ids[key] = event.event_id else: context.current_state_ids = context.prev_state_ids else: context.current_state_ids = {} context.prev_state_ids = {} context.prev_state_events = [] context.state_group = self.store.get_next_state_group() defer.returnValue(context) if old_state: context.prev_state_ids = { (s.type, s.state_key): s.event_id for s in old_state } context.state_group = self.store.get_next_state_group() if event.is_state(): key = (event.type, event.state_key) if key in context.prev_state_ids: replaces = context.prev_state_ids[key] if replaces != event.event_id: # Paranoia check event.unsigned["replaces_state"] = replaces context.current_state_ids = dict(context.prev_state_ids) context.current_state_ids[key] = event.event_id else: context.current_state_ids = context.prev_state_ids context.prev_state_events = [] defer.returnValue(context) logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from compute_event_context") if event.is_state(): entry = yield self.resolve_state_groups( event.room_id, [e for e, _ in event.prev_events], event_type=event.type, state_key=event.state_key, ) else: entry = yield self.resolve_state_groups( event.room_id, [e for e, _ in event.prev_events], ) curr_state = entry.state context.prev_state_ids = curr_state if event.is_state(): context.state_group = self.store.get_next_state_group() key = (event.type, event.state_key) if key in context.prev_state_ids: replaces = context.prev_state_ids[key] event.unsigned["replaces_state"] = replaces context.current_state_ids = dict(context.prev_state_ids) context.current_state_ids[key] = event.event_id context.prev_group = entry.prev_group context.delta_ids = entry.delta_ids if context.delta_ids is not None: context.delta_ids = dict(context.delta_ids) context.delta_ids[key] = event.event_id else: if entry.state_group is None: entry.state_group = self.store.get_next_state_group() entry.state_id = entry.state_group context.state_group = entry.state_group context.current_state_ids = context.prev_state_ids context.prev_group = entry.prev_group context.delta_ids = entry.delta_ids context.prev_state_events = [] defer.returnValue(context) @defer.inlineCallbacks @log_function def resolve_state_groups(self, room_id, event_ids, event_type=None, state_key=""): """ Given a list of event_ids this method fetches the state at each event, resolves conflicts between them and returns them. Returns: a Deferred tuple of (`state_group`, `state`, `prev_state`). `state_group` is the name of a state group if one and only one is involved. `state` is a map from (type, state_key) to event, and `prev_state` is a list of event ids. """ logger.debug("resolve_state_groups event_ids %s", event_ids) state_groups_ids = yield self.store.get_state_groups_ids( room_id, event_ids ) logger.debug( "resolve_state_groups state_groups %s", state_groups_ids.keys() ) group_names = frozenset(state_groups_ids.keys()) if len(group_names) == 1: name, state_list = state_groups_ids.items().pop() defer.returnValue(_StateCacheEntry( state=state_list, state_group=name, prev_group=name, delta_ids={}, )) with (yield self.resolve_linearizer.queue(group_names)): if self._state_cache is not None: cache = self._state_cache.get(group_names, None) if cache: defer.returnValue(cache) logger.info( "Resolving state for %s with %d groups", room_id, len(state_groups_ids) ) state = {} for st in state_groups_ids.values(): for key, e_id in st.items(): state.setdefault(key, set()).add(e_id) conflicted_state = { k: list(v) for k, v in state.items() if len(v) > 1 } if conflicted_state: logger.info("Resolving conflicted state for %r", room_id) with Measure(self.clock, "state._resolve_events"): new_state = yield resolve_events( state_groups_ids.values(), state_map_factory=lambda ev_ids: self.store.get_events( ev_ids, get_prev_content=False, check_redacted=False, ), ) else: new_state = { key: e_ids.pop() for key, e_ids in state.items() } state_group = None new_state_event_ids = frozenset(new_state.values()) for sg, events in state_groups_ids.items(): if new_state_event_ids == frozenset(e_id for e_id in events): state_group = sg break if state_group is None: # Worker instances don't have access to this method, but we want # to set the state_group on the main instance to increase cache # hits. if hasattr(self.store, "get_next_state_group"): state_group = self.store.get_next_state_group() prev_group = None delta_ids = None for old_group, old_ids in state_groups_ids.items(): if not set(new_state.iterkeys()) - set(old_ids.iterkeys()): n_delta_ids = { k: v for k, v in new_state.items() if old_ids.get(k) != v } if not delta_ids or len(n_delta_ids) < len(delta_ids): prev_group = old_group delta_ids = n_delta_ids cache = _StateCacheEntry( state=new_state, state_group=state_group, prev_group=prev_group, delta_ids=delta_ids, ) if self._state_cache is not None: self._state_cache[group_names] = cache defer.returnValue(cache) def resolve_events(self, state_sets, event): logger.info( "Resolving state for %s with %d groups", event.room_id, len(state_sets) ) state_set_ids = [{ (ev.type, ev.state_key): ev.event_id for ev in st } for st in state_sets] state_map = { ev.event_id: ev for st in state_sets for ev in st } with Measure(self.clock, "state._resolve_events"): new_state = resolve_events(state_set_ids, state_map) new_state = { key: state_map[ev_id] for key, ev_id in new_state.items() } return new_state def _ordered_events(events): def key_func(e): return -int(e.depth), hashlib.sha1(e.event_id).hexdigest() return sorted(events, key=key_func) def resolve_events(state_sets, state_map_factory): """ Args: state_sets(list): List of dicts of (type, state_key) -> event_id, which are the different state groups to resolve. state_map_factory(dict|callable): If callable, then will be called with a list of event_ids that are needed, and should return with a Deferred of dict of event_id to event. Otherwise, should be a dict from event_id to event of all events in state_sets. Returns dict[(str, str), synapse.events.FrozenEvent] is a map from (type, state_key) to event. """ if len(state_sets) == 1: return state_sets[0] unconflicted_state, conflicted_state = _seperate( state_sets, ) if callable(state_map_factory): return _resolve_with_state_fac( unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map_factory ) state_map = state_map_factory auth_events = _create_auth_events_from_maps( unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map ) return _resolve_with_state( unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, auth_events, state_map ) def _seperate(state_sets): """Takes the state_sets and figures out which keys are conflicted and which aren't. i.e., which have multiple different event_ids associated with them in different state sets. """ unconflicted_state = dict(state_sets[0]) conflicted_state = {} for state_set in state_sets[1:]: for key, value in state_set.iteritems(): # Check if there is an unconflicted entry for the state key. unconflicted_value = unconflicted_state.get(key) if unconflicted_value is None: # There isn't an unconflicted entry so check if there is a # conflicted entry. ls = conflicted_state.get(key) if ls is None: # There wasn't a conflicted entry so haven't seen this key before. # Therefore it isn't conflicted yet. unconflicted_state[key] = value else: # This key is already conflicted, add our value to the conflict set. ls.add(value) elif unconflicted_value != value: # If the unconflicted value is not the same as our value then we # have a new conflict. So move the key from the unconflicted_state # to the conflicted state. conflicted_state[key] = {value, unconflicted_value} unconflicted_state.pop(key, None) return unconflicted_state, conflicted_state @defer.inlineCallbacks def _resolve_with_state_fac(unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map_factory): needed_events = set( event_id for event_ids in conflicted_state.itervalues() for event_id in event_ids ) logger.info("Asking for %d conflicted events", len(needed_events)) state_map = yield state_map_factory(needed_events) auth_events = _create_auth_events_from_maps( unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map ) new_needed_events = set(auth_events.itervalues()) new_needed_events -= needed_events logger.info("Asking for %d auth events", len(new_needed_events)) state_map_new = yield state_map_factory(new_needed_events) state_map.update(state_map_new) defer.returnValue(_resolve_with_state( unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, auth_events, state_map )) def _create_auth_events_from_maps(unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map): auth_events = {} for event_ids in conflicted_state.itervalues(): for event_id in event_ids: if event_id in state_map: keys = event_auth.auth_types_for_event(state_map[event_id]) for key in keys: if key not in auth_events: event_id = unconflicted_state.get(key, None) if event_id: auth_events[key] = event_id return auth_events def _resolve_with_state(unconflicted_state_ids, conflicted_state_ds, auth_event_ids, state_map): conflicted_state = {} for key, event_ids in conflicted_state_ds.iteritems(): events = [state_map[ev_id] for ev_id in event_ids if ev_id in state_map] if len(events) > 1: conflicted_state[key] = events elif len(events) == 1: unconflicted_state_ids[key] = events[0].event_id auth_events = { key: state_map[ev_id] for key, ev_id in auth_event_ids.items() if ev_id in state_map } try: resolved_state = _resolve_state_events( conflicted_state, auth_events ) except: logger.exception("Failed to resolve state") raise new_state = unconflicted_state_ids for key, event in resolved_state.iteritems(): new_state[key] = event.event_id return new_state def _resolve_state_events(conflicted_state, auth_events): """ This is where we actually decide which of the conflicted state to use. We resolve conflicts in the following order: 1. power levels 2. join rules 3. memberships 4. other events. """ resolved_state = {} if POWER_KEY in conflicted_state: events = conflicted_state[POWER_KEY] logger.debug("Resolving conflicted power levels %r", events) resolved_state[POWER_KEY] = _resolve_auth_events( events, auth_events) auth_events.update(resolved_state) for key, events in conflicted_state.items(): if key[0] == EventTypes.JoinRules: logger.debug("Resolving conflicted join rules %r", events) resolved_state[key] = _resolve_auth_events( events, auth_events ) auth_events.update(resolved_state) for key, events in conflicted_state.items(): if key[0] == EventTypes.Member: logger.debug("Resolving conflicted member lists %r", events) resolved_state[key] = _resolve_auth_events( events, auth_events ) auth_events.update(resolved_state) for key, events in conflicted_state.items(): if key not in resolved_state: logger.debug("Resolving conflicted state %r:%r", key, events) resolved_state[key] = _resolve_normal_events( events, auth_events ) return resolved_state def _resolve_auth_events(events, auth_events): reverse = [i for i in reversed(_ordered_events(events))] auth_keys = set( key for event in events for key in event_auth.auth_types_for_event(event) ) new_auth_events = {} for key in auth_keys: auth_event = auth_events.get(key, None) if auth_event: new_auth_events[key] = auth_event auth_events = new_auth_events prev_event = reverse[0] for event in reverse[1:]: auth_events[(prev_event.type, prev_event.state_key)] = prev_event try: # The signatures have already been checked at this point event_auth.check(event, auth_events, do_sig_check=False, do_size_check=False) prev_event = event except AuthError: return prev_event return event def _resolve_normal_events(events, auth_events): for event in _ordered_events(events): try: # The signatures have already been checked at this point event_auth.check(event, auth_events, do_sig_check=False, do_size_check=False) return event except AuthError: pass # Use the last event (the one with the least depth) if they all fail # the auth check. return event