# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # """Defines the various valid commands The VALID_SERVER_COMMANDS and VALID_CLIENT_COMMANDS define which commands are allowed to be sent by which side. """ import abc import logging from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar from synapse.replication.tcp.streams._base import StreamRow from synapse.util import json_decoder, json_encoder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T", bound="Command") class Command(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base command class. All subclasses must set the NAME variable which equates to the name of the command on the wire. A full command line on the wire is constructed from `NAME + " " + to_line()` """ NAME: str @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_line(cls: Type[T], line: str) -> T: """Deserialises a line from the wire into this command. `line` does not include the command. """ @abc.abstractmethod def to_line(self) -> str: """Serialises the command for the wire. Does not include the command prefix. """ def get_logcontext_id(self) -> str: """Get a suitable string for the logcontext when processing this command""" # by default, we just use the command name. return self.NAME def redis_channel_name(self, prefix: str) -> str: """ Returns the Redis channel name upon which to publish this command. Args: prefix: The prefix for the channel. """ return prefix SC = TypeVar("SC", bound="_SimpleCommand") class _SimpleCommand(Command): """An implementation of Command whose argument is just a 'data' string.""" __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__(self, data: str): self.data = data @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type[SC], line: str) -> SC: return cls(line) def to_line(self) -> str: return self.data class ServerCommand(_SimpleCommand): """Sent by the server on new connection and includes the server_name. Format:: SERVER """ NAME = "SERVER" class RdataCommand(Command): """Sent by server when a subscribed stream has an update. Format:: RDATA The `` may either be a numeric stream id OR "batch". The latter case is used to support sending multiple updates with the same stream ID. This is done by sending an RDATA for each row, with all but the last RDATA having a token of "batch" and the last having the final stream ID. The client should batch all incoming RDATA with a token of "batch" (per stream_name) until it sees an RDATA with a numeric stream ID. The `` is the source of the new data (usually "master"). `` of "batch" maps to the instance variable `token` being None. An example of a batched series of RDATA:: RDATA presence master batch ["@foo:example.com", "online", ...] RDATA presence master batch ["@bar:example.com", "online", ...] RDATA presence master 59 ["@baz:example.com", "online", ...] """ __slots__ = ["stream_name", "instance_name", "token", "row"] NAME = "RDATA" def __init__( self, stream_name: str, instance_name: str, token: Optional[int], row: StreamRow ): self.stream_name = stream_name self.instance_name = instance_name self.token = token self.row = row @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type["RdataCommand"], line: str) -> "RdataCommand": stream_name, instance_name, token, row_json = line.split(" ", 3) return cls( stream_name, instance_name, None if token == "batch" else int(token), json_decoder.decode(row_json), ) def to_line(self) -> str: return " ".join( ( self.stream_name, self.instance_name, str(self.token) if self.token is not None else "batch", json_encoder.encode(self.row), ) ) def get_logcontext_id(self) -> str: return "RDATA-" + self.stream_name class PositionCommand(Command): """Sent by an instance to tell others the stream position without needing to send an RDATA. Two tokens are sent, the new position and the last position sent by the instance (in an RDATA or other POSITION). The tokens are chosen so that *no* rows were written by the instance between the `prev_token` and `new_token`. (If an instance hasn't sent a position before then the new position can be used for both.) Format:: POSITION On receipt of a POSITION command instances should check if they have missed any updates, and if so then fetch them out of band. Instances can check this by comparing their view of the current token for the sending instance with the included `prev_token`. The `` is the process that sent the command and is the source of the stream. """ __slots__ = ["stream_name", "instance_name", "prev_token", "new_token"] NAME = "POSITION" def __init__( self, stream_name: str, instance_name: str, prev_token: int, new_token: int ): self.stream_name = stream_name self.instance_name = instance_name self.prev_token = prev_token self.new_token = new_token @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type["PositionCommand"], line: str) -> "PositionCommand": stream_name, instance_name, prev_token, new_token = line.split(" ", 3) return cls(stream_name, instance_name, int(prev_token), int(new_token)) def to_line(self) -> str: return " ".join( ( self.stream_name, self.instance_name, str(self.prev_token), str(self.new_token), ) ) class ErrorCommand(_SimpleCommand): """Sent by either side if there was an ERROR. The data is a string describing the error. """ NAME = "ERROR" class PingCommand(_SimpleCommand): """Sent by either side as a keep alive. The data is arbitrary (often timestamp)""" NAME = "PING" class NameCommand(_SimpleCommand): """Sent by client to inform the server of the client's identity. The data is the name """ NAME = "NAME" class ReplicateCommand(Command): """Sent by the client to subscribe to streams. Format:: REPLICATE """ __slots__: List[str] = [] NAME = "REPLICATE" def __init__(self) -> None: pass @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type[T], line: str) -> T: return cls() def to_line(self) -> str: return "" class UserSyncCommand(Command): """Sent by the client to inform the server that a user has started or stopped syncing on this process. This is used by the process handling presence (typically the master) to calculate who is online and who is not. Includes a timestamp of when the last user sync was. Format:: USER_SYNC Where is either "start" or "end" """ __slots__ = ["instance_id", "user_id", "device_id", "is_syncing", "last_sync_ms"] NAME = "USER_SYNC" def __init__( self, instance_id: str, user_id: str, device_id: Optional[str], is_syncing: bool, last_sync_ms: int, ): self.instance_id = instance_id self.user_id = user_id self.device_id = device_id self.is_syncing = is_syncing self.last_sync_ms = last_sync_ms @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type["UserSyncCommand"], line: str) -> "UserSyncCommand": device_id: Optional[str] instance_id, user_id, device_id, state, last_sync_ms = line.split(" ", 4) if device_id == "None": device_id = None if state not in ("start", "end"): raise Exception("Invalid USER_SYNC state %r" % (state,)) return cls(instance_id, user_id, device_id, state == "start", int(last_sync_ms)) def to_line(self) -> str: return " ".join( ( self.instance_id, self.user_id, str(self.device_id), "start" if self.is_syncing else "end", str(self.last_sync_ms), ) ) class ClearUserSyncsCommand(Command): """Sent by the client to inform the server that it should drop all information about syncing users sent by the client. Mainly used when client is about to shut down. Format:: CLEAR_USER_SYNC """ __slots__ = ["instance_id"] NAME = "CLEAR_USER_SYNC" def __init__(self, instance_id: str): self.instance_id = instance_id @classmethod def from_line( cls: Type["ClearUserSyncsCommand"], line: str ) -> "ClearUserSyncsCommand": return cls(line) def to_line(self) -> str: return self.instance_id class FederationAckCommand(Command): """Sent by the client when it has processed up to a given point in the federation stream. This allows the master to drop in-memory caches of the federation stream. This must only be sent from one worker (i.e. the one sending federation) Format:: FEDERATION_ACK """ __slots__ = ["instance_name", "token"] NAME = "FEDERATION_ACK" def __init__(self, instance_name: str, token: int): self.instance_name = instance_name self.token = token @classmethod def from_line( cls: Type["FederationAckCommand"], line: str ) -> "FederationAckCommand": instance_name, token = line.split(" ") return cls(instance_name, int(token)) def to_line(self) -> str: return "%s %s" % (self.instance_name, self.token) class UserIpCommand(Command): """Sent periodically when a worker sees activity from a client. Format:: USER_IP , , , , , """ __slots__ = [ "user_id", "access_token", "ip", "user_agent", "device_id", "last_seen", ] NAME = "USER_IP" def __init__( self, user_id: str, access_token: str, ip: str, user_agent: str, device_id: Optional[str], last_seen: int, ): self.user_id = user_id self.access_token = access_token self.ip = ip self.user_agent = user_agent self.device_id = device_id self.last_seen = last_seen @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type["UserIpCommand"], line: str) -> "UserIpCommand": user_id, jsn = line.split(" ", 1) access_token, ip, user_agent, device_id, last_seen = json_decoder.decode(jsn) return cls(user_id, access_token, ip, user_agent, device_id, last_seen) def to_line(self) -> str: return ( self.user_id + " " + json_encoder.encode( ( self.access_token, self.ip, self.user_agent, self.device_id, self.last_seen, ) ) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"UserIpCommand({self.user_id!r}, .., {self.ip!r}, " f"{self.user_agent!r}, {self.device_id!r}, {self.last_seen})" ) def redis_channel_name(self, prefix: str) -> str: return f"{prefix}/USER_IP" class RemoteServerUpCommand(_SimpleCommand): """Sent when a worker has detected that a remote server is no longer "down" and retry timings should be reset. Format:: REMOTE_SERVER_UP """ NAME = "REMOTE_SERVER_UP" class LockReleasedCommand(Command): """Sent to inform other instances that a given lock has been dropped. Format:: LOCK_RELEASED ["", "", ""] """ __slots__ = ["instance_name", "lock_name", "lock_key"] NAME = "LOCK_RELEASED" def __init__( self, instance_name: str, lock_name: str, lock_key: str, ): self.instance_name = instance_name self.lock_name = lock_name self.lock_key = lock_key @classmethod def from_line(cls: Type["LockReleasedCommand"], line: str) -> "LockReleasedCommand": instance_name, lock_name, lock_key = json_decoder.decode(line) return cls(instance_name, lock_name, lock_key) def to_line(self) -> str: return json_encoder.encode([self.instance_name, self.lock_name, self.lock_key]) class NewActiveTaskCommand(_SimpleCommand): """Sent to inform instance handling background tasks that a new active task is available to run. Format:: NEW_ACTIVE_TASK "" """ NAME = "NEW_ACTIVE_TASK" _COMMANDS: Tuple[Type[Command], ...] = ( ServerCommand, RdataCommand, PositionCommand, ErrorCommand, PingCommand, NameCommand, ReplicateCommand, UserSyncCommand, FederationAckCommand, UserIpCommand, RemoteServerUpCommand, ClearUserSyncsCommand, LockReleasedCommand, NewActiveTaskCommand, ) # Map of command name to command type. COMMAND_MAP = {cmd.NAME: cmd for cmd in _COMMANDS} # The commands the server is allowed to send VALID_SERVER_COMMANDS = ( ServerCommand.NAME, RdataCommand.NAME, PositionCommand.NAME, ErrorCommand.NAME, PingCommand.NAME, RemoteServerUpCommand.NAME, LockReleasedCommand.NAME, ) # The commands the client is allowed to send VALID_CLIENT_COMMANDS = ( NameCommand.NAME, ReplicateCommand.NAME, PingCommand.NAME, UserSyncCommand.NAME, ClearUserSyncsCommand.NAME, FederationAckCommand.NAME, UserIpCommand.NAME, ErrorCommand.NAME, RemoteServerUpCommand.NAME, LockReleasedCommand.NAME, ) def parse_command_from_line(line: str) -> Command: """Parses a command from a received line. Line should already be stripped of whitespace and be checked if blank. """ idx = line.find(" ") if idx >= 0: cmd_name = line[:idx] rest_of_line = line[idx + 1 :] else: cmd_name = line rest_of_line = "" cmd_cls = COMMAND_MAP[cmd_name] return cmd_cls.from_line(rest_of_line)