# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes from . import EventBase from frozendict import frozendict import re # Split strings on "." but not "\." This uses a negative lookbehind assertion for '\' # (?): List of keys to drill down to in 'src'. """ if len(field) == 0: # this should be impossible return if len(field) == 1: # common case e.g. 'origin_server_ts' if field[0] in src: dst[field[0]] = src[field[0]] return # Else is a nested field e.g. 'content.body' # Pop the last field as that's the key to move across and we need the # parent dict in order to access the data. Drill down to the right dict. key_to_move = field.pop(-1) sub_dict = src for sub_field in field: # e.g. sub_field => "content" if sub_field in sub_dict and type(sub_dict[sub_field]) == frozendict: sub_dict = sub_dict[sub_field] else: return if key_to_move not in sub_dict: return # Insert the key into the output dictionary, creating nested objects # as required. We couldn't do this any earlier or else we'd need to delete # the empty objects if the key didn't exist. sub_out_dict = dst for sub_field in field: if sub_field not in sub_out_dict: sub_out_dict[sub_field] = {} sub_out_dict = sub_out_dict[sub_field] sub_out_dict[key_to_move] = sub_dict[key_to_move] def only_fields(dictionary, fields): """Return a new dict with only the fields in 'dictionary' which are present in 'fields'. If there are no event fields specified then all fields are included. The entries may include '.' charaters to indicate sub-fields. So ['content.body'] will include the 'body' field of the 'content' object. A literal '.' character in a field name may be escaped using a '\'. Args: dictionary(dict): The dictionary to read from. fields(list): A list of fields to copy over. Only shallow refs are taken. Returns: dict: A new dictionary with only the given fields. If fields was empty, the same dictionary is returned. """ if len(fields) == 0: return dictionary # for each field, convert it: # ["content.body.thing\.with\.dots"] => [["content", "body", "thing\.with\.dots"]] split_fields = [SPLIT_FIELD_REGEX.split(f) for f in fields] # for each element of the output array of arrays: # remove escaping so we can use the right key names. This purposefully avoids # using list comprehensions to avoid needless allocations as this may be called # on a lot of events. for field_array in split_fields: for i, field in enumerate(field_array): field_array[i] = field.replace(r'\.', r'.') output = {} for field_array in split_fields: _copy_field(dictionary, output, field_array) return output def format_event_raw(d): return d def format_event_for_client_v1(d): d = format_event_for_client_v2(d) sender = d.get("sender") if sender is not None: d["user_id"] = sender copy_keys = ( "age", "redacted_because", "replaces_state", "prev_content", "invite_room_state", ) for key in copy_keys: if key in d["unsigned"]: d[key] = d["unsigned"][key] return d def format_event_for_client_v2(d): drop_keys = ( "auth_events", "prev_events", "hashes", "signatures", "depth", "origin", "prev_state", ) for key in drop_keys: d.pop(key, None) return d def format_event_for_client_v2_without_room_id(d): d = format_event_for_client_v2(d) d.pop("room_id", None) return d def serialize_event(e, time_now_ms, as_client_event=True, event_format=format_event_for_client_v1, token_id=None, only_event_fields=None): # FIXME(erikj): To handle the case of presence events and the like if not isinstance(e, EventBase): return e time_now_ms = int(time_now_ms) # Should this strip out None's? d = {k: v for k, v in e.get_dict().items()} if "age_ts" in d["unsigned"]: d["unsigned"]["age"] = time_now_ms - d["unsigned"]["age_ts"] del d["unsigned"]["age_ts"] if "redacted_because" in e.unsigned: d["unsigned"]["redacted_because"] = serialize_event( e.unsigned["redacted_because"], time_now_ms, event_format=event_format ) if token_id is not None: if token_id == getattr(e.internal_metadata, "token_id", None): txn_id = getattr(e.internal_metadata, "txn_id", None) if txn_id is not None: d["unsigned"]["transaction_id"] = txn_id if as_client_event: d = event_format(d) if (isinstance(only_event_fields, list) and all(isinstance(f, basestring) for f in only_event_fields)): d = only_fields(d, only_event_fields) return d