name: Deploy the documentation on: push: branches: # For bleeding-edge documentation - develop # For documentation specific to a release - 'release-v*' workflow_dispatch: jobs: pages: name: GitHub Pages runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup mdbook uses: peaceiris/actions-mdbook@4b5ef36b314c2599664ca107bb8c02412548d79d # v1.1.14 with: mdbook-version: '0.4.9' - name: Build the documentation # mdbook will only create an index.html if we're including docs/ in # However, we're using docs/ for other purposes and need to pick a new page # as the default. Let's opt for the welcome page instead. run: | mdbook build cp book/welcome_and_overview.html book/index.html # Deploy to the latest documentation directories - name: Deploy latest documentation uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@068dc23d9710f1ba62e86896f84735d869951305 # v3.8.0 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} keep_files: true publish_dir: ./book destination_dir: ./develop - name: Get the current Synapse version id: vars # The $GITHUB_REF value for a branch looks like `refs/heads/release-v1.2`. We do some # shell magic to remove the "refs/heads/release-v" bit from this, to end up with "1.2", # our major/minor version number, and set this to a var called `branch-version`. # # We then use some python to get Synapse's full version string, which may look # like "1.2.3rc4". We set this to a var called `synapse-version`. We use this # to determine if this release is still an RC, and if so block deployment. run: | echo ::set-output name=branch-version::${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/release-v} echo ::set-output name=synapse-version::`python3 -c 'import synapse; print(synapse.__version__)'` # Deploy to the version-specific directory - name: Deploy release-specific documentation # We only carry out this step if we're running on a release branch, # and the current Synapse version does not have "rc" in the name. # # The result is that only full releases are deployed, but can be # updated if the release branch gets retroactive fixes. if: ${{ startsWith( github.ref, 'refs/heads/release-v' ) && !contains( steps.vars.outputs.synapse-version, 'rc') }} uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} keep_files: true publish_dir: ./book # The resulting documentation will end up in a directory named `vX.Y`. destination_dir: ./v${{ steps.vars.outputs.branch-version }}