summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/webclient
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Diffstat (limited to 'webclient')
12 files changed, 465 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/webclient/app.js b/webclient/app.js
index 2d6624ceec..02695c3ae6 100644
--- a/webclient/app.js
+++ b/webclient/app.js
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ var matrixWebClient = angular.module('matrixWebClient', [
+    'matrixPhoneService',
+    'MatrixCall',
diff --git a/webclient/components/matrix/event-handler-service.js b/webclient/components/matrix/event-handler-service.js
index df61429db5..2f7580d682 100644
--- a/webclient/components/matrix/event-handler-service.js
+++ b/webclient/components/matrix/event-handler-service.js
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ angular.module('eventHandlerService', [])
         $rootScope.$broadcast(PRESENCE_EVENT, event, isLiveEvent);
     return {
diff --git a/webclient/components/matrix/event-stream-service.js b/webclient/components/matrix/event-stream-service.js
index 4cc2bf4c4e..441148670e 100644
--- a/webclient/components/matrix/event-stream-service.js
+++ b/webclient/components/matrix/event-stream-service.js
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ the eventHandlerService.
 angular.module('eventStreamService', [])
 .factory('eventStreamService', ['$q', '$timeout', 'matrixService', 'eventHandlerService', function($q, $timeout, matrixService, eventHandlerService) {
     var END = "END";
-    var TIMEOUT_MS = 30000;
+    var SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS = 30000;
+    var CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MS = 40000;
     var ERR_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;
     var settings = {
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ angular.module('eventStreamService', [])
         deferred = deferred || $q.defer();
         // run the stream from the latest token
-        matrixService.getEventStream(settings.from, TIMEOUT_MS).then(
+        matrixService.getEventStream(settings.from, SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS, CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MS).then(
             function(response) {
                 if (!settings.isActive) {
                     console.log("[EventStream] Got response but now inactive. Dropping data.");
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ angular.module('eventStreamService', [])
             function(error) {
-                if (error.status == 403) {
+                if (error.status === 403) {
                     settings.shouldPoll = false;
diff --git a/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-call.js b/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-call.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3aab6413fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-call.js
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+Copyright 2014
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+'use strict';
+var forAllVideoTracksOnStream = function(s, f) {
+    var tracks = s.getVideoTracks();
+    for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
+        f(tracks[i]);
+    }
+var forAllAudioTracksOnStream = function(s, f) {
+    var tracks = s.getAudioTracks();
+    for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
+        f(tracks[i]);
+    }
+var forAllTracksOnStream = function(s, f) {
+    forAllVideoTracksOnStream(s, f);
+    forAllAudioTracksOnStream(s, f);
+angular.module('MatrixCall', [])
+.factory('MatrixCall', ['matrixService', 'matrixPhoneService', function MatrixCallFactory(matrixService, matrixPhoneService) {
+    var MatrixCall = function(room_id) {
+        this.room_id = room_id;
+        this.call_id = "c" + new Date().getTime();
+        this.state = 'fledgling';
+    }
+    navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
+    window.RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection;
+    MatrixCall.prototype.placeCall = function() {
+        self = this;
+        matrixPhoneService.callPlaced(this);
+        navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false}, function(s) { self.gotUserMediaForInvite(s); }, function(e) { self.getUserMediaFailed(e); });
+        self.state = 'wait_local_media';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.initWithInvite = function(msg) {
+        this.msg = msg;
+        this.peerConn = new window.RTCPeerConnection({"iceServers":[{"urls":""}]})
+        self= this;
+        this.peerConn.oniceconnectionstatechange = function() { self.onIceConnectionStateChanged(); };
+        this.peerConn.onicecandidate = function(c) { self.gotLocalIceCandidate(c); };
+        this.peerConn.onsignalingstatechange = function() { self.onSignallingStateChanged(); };
+        this.peerConn.onaddstream = function(s) { self.onAddStream(s); };
+        this.peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(this.msg.offer), self.onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess, self.onSetRemoteDescriptionError);
+        this.state = 'ringing';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.answer = function() {
+        console.trace("Answering call "+this.call_id);
+        self = this;
+        navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false}, function(s) { self.gotUserMediaForAnswer(s); }, function(e) { self.getUserMediaFailed(e); });
+        this.state = 'wait_local_media';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.hangup = function() {
+        console.trace("Ending call "+this.call_id);
+        forAllTracksOnStream(this.localAVStream, function(t) {
+            t.stop();
+        });
+        forAllTracksOnStream(this.remoteAVStream, function(t) {
+            t.stop();
+        });
+        var content = {
+            msgtype: "",
+            version: 0,
+            call_id: this.call_id,
+        };
+        matrixService.sendMessage(this.room_id, undefined, content).then(this.messageSent, this.messageSendFailed);
+        this.state = 'ended';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.gotUserMediaForInvite = function(stream) {
+        this.localAVStream = stream;
+        var audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
+        for (var i = 0; i < audioTracks.length; i++) {
+            audioTracks[i].enabled = true;
+        }
+        this.peerConn = new window.RTCPeerConnection({"iceServers":[{"urls":""}]})
+        self = this;
+        this.peerConn.oniceconnectionstatechange = function() { self.onIceConnectionStateChanged(); };
+        this.peerConn.onsignalingstatechange = function() { self.onSignallingStateChanged(); };
+        this.peerConn.onicecandidate = function(c) { self.gotLocalIceCandidate(c); };
+        this.peerConn.onaddstream = function(s) { self.onAddStream(s); };
+        this.peerConn.addStream(stream);
+        this.peerConn.createOffer(function(d) {
+            self.gotLocalOffer(d);
+        }, function(e) {
+            self.getLocalOfferFailed(e);
+        });
+        this.state = 'create_offer';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.gotUserMediaForAnswer = function(stream) {
+        this.localAVStream = stream;
+        var audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
+        for (var i = 0; i < audioTracks.length; i++) {
+            audioTracks[i].enabled = true;
+        }
+        this.peerConn.addStream(stream);
+        self = this;
+        var constraints = {
+            'mandatory': {
+                'OfferToReceiveAudio': true,
+                'OfferToReceiveVideo': false
+            },
+        };
+        this.peerConn.createAnswer(function(d) { self.createdAnswer(d); }, function(e) {}, constraints);
+        this.state = 'create_answer';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.gotLocalIceCandidate = function(event) {
+        console.trace(event);
+        if (event.candidate) {
+            var content = {
+                msgtype: "",
+                version: 0,
+                call_id: this.call_id,
+                candidate: event.candidate
+            };
+            matrixService.sendMessage(this.room_id, undefined, content).then(this.messageSent, this.messageSendFailed);
+        }
+    }
+    MatrixCall.prototype.gotRemoteIceCandidate = function(cand) {
+        console.trace("Got ICE candidate from remote: "+cand);
+        var candidateObject = new RTCIceCandidate({
+            sdpMLineIndex: cand.label,
+            candidate: cand.candidate
+        });
+        this.peerConn.addIceCandidate(candidateObject, function() {}, function(e) {});
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.receivedAnswer = function(msg) {
+        this.peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(msg.answer), self.onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess, self.onSetRemoteDescriptionError);
+        this.state = 'connecting';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.gotLocalOffer = function(description) {
+        console.trace("Created offer: "+description);
+        this.peerConn.setLocalDescription(description);
+        var content = {
+            msgtype: "",
+            version: 0,
+            call_id: this.call_id,
+            offer: description
+        };
+        matrixService.sendMessage(this.room_id, undefined, content).then(this.messageSent, this.messageSendFailed);
+        this.state = 'invite_sent';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.createdAnswer = function(description) {
+        console.trace("Created answer: "+description);
+        this.peerConn.setLocalDescription(description);
+        var content = {
+            msgtype: "",
+            version: 0,
+            call_id: this.call_id,
+            answer: description
+        };
+        matrixService.sendMessage(this.room_id, undefined, content).then(this.messageSent, this.messageSendFailed);
+        this.state = 'connecting';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.messageSent = function() {
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.messageSendFailed = function(error) {
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.getLocalOfferFailed = function(error) {
+        this.onError("Failed to start audio for call!");
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.getUserMediaFailed = function() {
+        this.onError("Couldn't start capturing audio! Is your microphone set up?");
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onIceConnectionStateChanged = function() {
+        console.trace("Ice connection state changed to: "+this.peerConn.iceConnectionState);
+        // ideally we'd consider the call to be connected when we get media but chrome doesn't implement nay of the 'onstarted' events yet
+        if (this.peerConn.iceConnectionState == 'completed' || this.peerConn.iceConnectionState == 'connected') {
+            this.state = 'connected';
+        }
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onSignallingStateChanged = function() {
+        console.trace("Signalling state changed to: "+this.peerConn.signalingState);
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess = function() {
+        console.trace("Set remote description");
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onSetRemoteDescriptionError = function(e) {
+        console.trace("Failed to set remote description"+e);
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onAddStream = function(event) {
+        console.trace("Stream added"+event);
+        var s =;
+        this.remoteAVStream = s;
+        var self = this;
+        forAllTracksOnStream(s, function(t) {
+            // not currently implemented in chrome
+            t.onstarted = self.onRemoteStreamTrackStarted;
+        });
+        // not currently implemented in chrome
+ = this.onRemoteStreamStarted;
+        var player = new Audio();
+        player.src = URL.createObjectURL(s);
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onRemoteStreamStarted = function(event) {
+        this.state = 'connected';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onRemoteStreamTrackStarted = function(event) {
+        this.state = 'connected';
+    };
+    MatrixCall.prototype.onHangupReceived = function() {
+        this.state = 'ended';
+        forAllTracksOnStream(this.localAVStream, function(t) {
+            t.stop();
+        });
+        forAllTracksOnStream(this.remoteAVStream, function(t) {
+            t.stop();
+        });
+        this.onHangup();
+    };
+    return MatrixCall;
diff --git a/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-phone-service.js b/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-phone-service.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f1ff531c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-phone-service.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright 2014
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+'use strict';
+angular.module('matrixPhoneService', [])
+.factory('matrixPhoneService', ['$rootScope', '$injector', 'matrixService', 'eventHandlerService', function MatrixPhoneService($rootScope, $injector, matrixService, eventHandlerService) {
+    var matrixPhoneService = function() {
+    };
+    matrixPhoneService.CALL_EVENT = "CALL_EVENT";
+    matrixPhoneService.allCalls = {};
+    matrixPhoneService.callPlaced = function(call) {
+        matrixPhoneService.allCalls[call.call_id] = call;
+    };
+    $rootScope.$on(eventHandlerService.MSG_EVENT, function(ngEvent, event, isLive) {
+        if (!isLive) return; // until matrix supports expiring messages
+        if (event.user_id == matrixService.config().user_id) return;
+        var msg = event.content;
+        if (msg.msgtype == '') {
+            var MatrixCall = $injector.get('MatrixCall');
+            var call = new MatrixCall(event.room_id);
+            call.call_id = msg.call_id;
+            call.initWithInvite(msg);
+            matrixPhoneService.allCalls[call.call_id] = call;
+            $rootScope.$broadcast(matrixPhoneService.CALL_EVENT, call);
+        } else if (msg.msgtype == '') {
+            var call = matrixPhoneService.allCalls[msg.call_id];
+            if (!call) {
+                console.trace("Got answer for unknown call ID "+msg.call_id);
+                return;
+            }
+            call.receivedAnswer(msg);
+        } else if (msg.msgtype == '') {
+            var call = matrixPhoneService.allCalls[msg.call_id];
+            if (!call) {
+                console.trace("Got candidate for unknown call ID "+msg.call_id);
+                return;
+            }
+            call.gotRemoteIceCandidate(msg.candidate);
+        } else if (msg.msgtype == '') {
+            var call = matrixPhoneService.allCalls[msg.call_id];
+            if (!call) {
+                console.trace("Got hangup for unknown call ID "+msg.call_id);
+                return;
+            }
+            call.onHangupReceived();
+            matrixPhoneService.allCalls[msg.call_id] = undefined;
+        }
+    });
+    return matrixPhoneService;
diff --git a/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-service.js b/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-service.js
index 2feddac5d8..b56eef6af5 100644
--- a/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-service.js
+++ b/webclient/components/matrix/matrix-service.js
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ angular.module('matrixService', [])
     var prefixPath = "/matrix/client/api/v1";
     var MAPPING_PREFIX = "alias_for_";
-    var doRequest = function(method, path, params, data) {
+    var doRequest = function(method, path, params, data, $httpParams) {
         if (!config) {
             console.warn("No config exists. Cannot perform request to "+path);
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ angular.module('matrixService', [])
             path = prefixPath + path;
-        return doBaseRequest(config.homeserver, method, path, params, data, undefined);
+        return doBaseRequest(config.homeserver, method, path, params, data, undefined, $httpParams);
     var doBaseRequest = function(baseUrl, method, path, params, data, headers, $httpParams) {
@@ -343,15 +343,31 @@ angular.module('matrixService', [])
             return doBaseRequest(config.homeserver, "POST", path, params, file, headers, $httpParams);
-        // start listening on /events
-        getEventStream: function(from, timeout) {
+        /**
+         * Start listening on /events
+         * @param {String} from the token from which to listen events to
+         * @param {Integer} serverTimeout the time in ms the server will hold open the connection
+         * @param {Integer} clientTimeout the timeout in ms used at the client HTTP request level
+         * @returns a promise
+         */
+        getEventStream: function(from, serverTimeout, clientTimeout) {
             var path = "/events";
             var params = {
                 from: from,
-                timeout: timeout
+                timeout: serverTimeout
-            return doRequest("GET", path, params);
+            var $httpParams;
+            if (clientTimeout) {
+                // If the Internet connection is lost, this timeout is used to be able to
+                // cancel the current request and notify the client so that it can retry with a new request.
+                $httpParams = {
+                    timeout: clientTimeout
+                };
+            }
+            return doRequest("GET", path, params, undefined, $httpParams);
         // Indicates if user authentications details are stored in cache
@@ -420,34 +436,38 @@ angular.module('matrixService', [])
         /****** Room aliases management ******/
-         * Enhance data returned by rooms() and publicRooms() by adding room_alias
-         *  & room_display_name which are computed from data already retrieved from the server.
-         * @param {Array} data the response of rooms() and publicRooms()
-         * @returns {Array} the same array with enriched objects
+         * Get the room_alias & room_display_name which are computed from data 
+         * already retrieved from the server.
+         * @param {Room object} room one element of the array returned by the response
+         *  of rooms() and publicRooms()
+         * @returns {Object} {room_alias: "...", room_display_name: "..."}
-        assignRoomAliases: function(data) {
-            for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
-                var alias = this.getRoomIdToAliasMapping(data[i].room_id);
-                if (alias) {
-                    // use the existing alias from storage
-                    data[i].room_alias = alias;
-                    data[i].room_display_name = alias;
-                }
-                else if (data[i].aliases && data[i].aliases[0]) {
-                    // save the mapping
-                    // TODO: select the smarter alias from the array
-                    this.createRoomIdToAliasMapping(data[i].room_id, data[i].aliases[0]);
-                    data[i].room_display_name = data[i].aliases[0];
-                }
-                else if (data[i].membership == "invite" && "inviter" in data[i]) {
-                    data[i].room_display_name = data[i].inviter + "'s room"
-                }
-                else {
-                    // last resort use the room id
-                    data[i].room_display_name = data[i].room_id;
-                }
+        getRoomAliasAndDisplayName: function(room) {
+            var result = {
+                room_alias: undefined,
+                room_display_name: undefined
+            };
+            var alias = this.getRoomIdToAliasMapping(room.room_id);
+            if (alias) {
+                // use the existing alias from storage
+                result.room_alias = alias;
+                result.room_display_name = alias;
+            }
+            else if (room.aliases && room.aliases[0]) {
+                // save the mapping
+                // TODO: select the smarter alias from the array
+                this.createRoomIdToAliasMapping(room.room_id, room.aliases[0]);
+                result.room_display_name = room.aliases[0];
+            }
+            else if (room.membership === "invite" && "inviter" in room) {
+                result.room_display_name = room.inviter + "'s room";
+            }
+            else {
+                // last resort use the room id
+                result.room_display_name = room.room_id;
-            return data;
+            return result;
         createRoomIdToAliasMapping: function(roomId, alias) {
diff --git a/webclient/home/home-controller.js b/webclient/home/home-controller.js
index 008dff7422..547a5c5603 100644
--- a/webclient/home/home-controller.js
+++ b/webclient/home/home-controller.js
@@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ angular.module('HomeController', ['matrixService', 'eventHandlerService', 'Recen
             function(response) {
-                $scope.public_rooms = matrixService.assignRoomAliases(;
+                $scope.public_rooms =;
+                for (var i = 0; i < $scope.public_rooms.length; i++) {
+                    var room = $scope.public_rooms[i];
+                    // Add room_alias & room_display_name members
+                    angular.extend(room, matrixService.getRoomAliasAndDisplayName(room));
+                }
diff --git a/webclient/index.html b/webclient/index.html
index 16f0e8ac5f..5faf165626 100644
--- a/webclient/index.html
+++ b/webclient/index.html
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
     <script src="settings/settings-controller.js"></script>
     <script src="user/user-controller.js"></script>
     <script src="components/matrix/matrix-service.js"></script>
+    <script src="components/matrix/matrix-call.js"></script>
+    <script src="components/matrix/matrix-phone-service.js"></script>
     <script src="components/matrix/event-stream-service.js"></script>
     <script src="components/matrix/event-handler-service.js"></script>
     <script src="components/matrix/presence-service.js"></script>
diff --git a/webclient/recents/recents-controller.js b/webclient/recents/recents-controller.js
index 803ab420f9..d33d41a922 100644
--- a/webclient/recents/recents-controller.js
+++ b/webclient/recents/recents-controller.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ angular.module('RecentsController', ['matrixService', 'eventHandlerService'])
         // Refresh the list on matrix invitation and message event
         $scope.$on(eventHandlerService.MEMBER_EVENT, function(ngEvent, event, isLive) {
             var config = matrixService.config();
-            if (event.state_key === config.user_id && event.content.membership === "invite") {
+            if (isLive && event.state_key === config.user_id && event.content.membership === "invite") {
                 console.log("Invited to room " + event.room_id);
                 // FIXME push membership to top level key to match /im/sync
                 event.membership = event.content.membership;
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ angular.module('RecentsController', ['matrixService', 'eventHandlerService'])
         $scope.$on(eventHandlerService.MSG_EVENT, function(ngEvent, event, isLive) {
-            $scope.rooms[event.room_id].lastMsg = event;
+            if (isLive) {
+                $scope.rooms[event.room_id].lastMsg = event;              
+            }
@@ -53,13 +55,16 @@ angular.module('RecentsController', ['matrixService', 'eventHandlerService'])
                 // Reset data
                 $scope.rooms = {};
-                var data = matrixService.assignRoomAliases(;
-                for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
-                    $scope.rooms[data[i].room_id] = data[i];
+                var rooms =;
+                for (var i=0; i<rooms.length; i++) {
+                    var room = rooms[i];
+                    // Add room_alias & room_display_name members
+                    $scope.rooms[room.room_id] = angular.extend(room, matrixService.getRoomAliasAndDisplayName(room));
                     // Create a shortcut for the last message of this room
-                    if (data[i].messages && data[i].messages.chunk && data[i].messages.chunk[0]) {
-                        $scope.rooms[data[i].room_id].lastMsg = data[i].messages.chunk[0];
+                    if (room.messages && room.messages.chunk && room.messages.chunk[0]) {
+                        $scope.rooms[room.room_id].lastMsg = room.messages.chunk[0];
diff --git a/webclient/recents/recents.html b/webclient/recents/recents.html
index 6fda6c5c6b..3f025a98d8 100644
--- a/webclient/recents/recents.html
+++ b/webclient/recents/recents.html
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
                                     {{ room.lastMsg.user_id }} sent an image
+                                <div ng-switch-when="m.emote">
+                                    <span ng-bind-html="'* ' + (room.lastMsg.user_id) + ' ' + room.lastMsg.content.body | linky:'_blank'">
+                                    </span>
+                                </div>
                                 <div ng-switch-default>
                                     {{ room.lastMsg.content }}
diff --git a/webclient/room/room-controller.js b/webclient/room/room-controller.js
index 910168754c..15710d2ba3 100644
--- a/webclient/room/room-controller.js
+++ b/webclient/room/room-controller.js
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'mFileInput', 'mUtilities'])
-.controller('RoomController', ['$scope', '$http', '$timeout', '$routeParams', '$location', 'matrixService', 'eventHandlerService', 'mFileUpload', 'mUtilities', '$rootScope',
-                               function($scope, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, $location, matrixService, eventHandlerService, mFileUpload, mUtilities, $rootScope) {
+angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'mFileInput'])
+.controller('RoomController', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$routeParams', '$location', '$rootScope', 'matrixService', 'eventHandlerService', 'mFileUpload', 'matrixPhoneService', 'MatrixCall',
+                               function($scope, $timeout, $routeParams, $location, $rootScope, matrixService, eventHandlerService, mFileUpload, matrixPhoneService, MatrixCall) {
    'use strict';
     var THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 320;
@@ -82,6 +82,13 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'mFileInput', 'mUtilities'])
     $scope.$on(eventHandlerService.PRESENCE_EVENT, function(ngEvent, event, isLive) {
+    $rootScope.$on(matrixPhoneService.CALL_EVENT, function(ngEvent, call) {
+        console.trace("incoming call");
+        call.onError = $scope.onCallError;
+        call.onHangup = $scope.onCallHangup;
+        $scope.currentCall = call;
+    });
     $scope.paginateMore = function() {
         if ($scope.state.can_paginate) {
@@ -89,6 +96,15 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'mFileInput', 'mUtilities'])
+    $scope.answerCall = function() {
+        $scope.currentCall.answer();
+    };
+    $scope.hangupCall = function() {
+        $scope.currentCall.hangup();
+        $scope.currentCall = undefined;
+    };
     var paginate = function(numItems) {
         // console.log("paginate " + numItems);
@@ -454,4 +470,21 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'mFileInput', 'mUtilities'])
     $scope.loadMoreHistory = function() {
+    $scope.startVoiceCall = function() {
+        var call = new MatrixCall($scope.room_id);
+        call.onError = $scope.onCallError;
+        call.onHangup = $scope.onCallHangup;
+        call.placeCall();
+        $scope.currentCall = call;
+    }
+    $scope.onCallError = function(errStr) {
+        $ = errStr;
+    }
+    $scope.onCallHangup = function() {
+        $ = "Call ended";
+        $scope.currentCall = undefined;
+    }
diff --git a/webclient/room/room.html b/webclient/room/room.html
index 236ca0a89b..572c52e64e 100644
--- a/webclient/room/room.html
+++ b/webclient/room/room.html
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
                 <td ng-class="!msg.content.membership ? (msg.content.msgtype === 'm.emote' ? 'emote text' : 'text') : 'membership text'">
                     <div class="bubble">
-                        <span ng-hide='msg.type !== ""'>
+                        <span ng-show='msg.type === ""'>
                             {{ members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id }}
                             {{ {"join": "joined", "leave": "left", "invite": "invited"}[msg.content.membership] }}
                             {{ msg.content.membership === "invite" ? (msg.state_key || '') : '' }}
-                        <span ng-hide='msg.content.msgtype !== "m.emote"' ng-bind-html="'* ' + (members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id) + ' ' + msg.content.body | linky:'_blank'"/>
-                        <span ng-hide='msg.content.msgtype !== "m.text"' ng-bind-html="((msg.content.msgtype === 'm.text') ? msg.content.body : '') | linky:'_blank'"/>
+                        <span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.emote"' ng-bind-html="'* ' + (members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id) + ' ' + msg.content.body | linky:'_blank'"/>
+                        <span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.text"' ng-bind-html="((msg.content.msgtype === 'm.text') ? msg.content.body : '') | linky:'_blank'"/>
                         <div ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.image"'>
                             <div ng-hide='msg.content.thumbnail_url' ng-style="msg.content.body.h && { 'height' : (msg.content.body.h < 320) ? msg.content.body.h : 320}">
                                 <img class="image" ng-src="{{ msg.content.url }}"/>
@@ -98,10 +98,18 @@
                         <button ng-click="inviteUser(userIDToInvite)">Invite</button>
                 <button ng-click="leaveRoom()">Leave</button>
+                <button ng-click="startVoiceCall()" ng-show="currentCall == undefined">Voice Call</button>
+                <div ng-show="currentCall.state == 'ringing'">
+                Incoming call from {{ currentCall.user_id }}
+                <button ng-click="answerCall()">Answer</button>
+                <button ng-click="hangupCall()">Reject</button>
+                </div>
+                <button ng-click="hangupCall()" ng-show="currentCall && currentCall.state != 'ringing'">Hang up</button>
+                {{ currentCall.state }}
             {{ feedback }}
-            <div ng-hide="!state.stream_failure">
+            <div ng-show="state.stream_failure">
                 {{ || "Connection failure" }}