diff --git a/webclient/settings/settings-controller.js b/webclient/settings/settings-controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d3f7cb2b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webclient/settings/settings-controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+'use strict';
+angular.module('SettingsController', ['matrixService', 'mFileUpload'])
+.controller('SettingsController', ['$scope', 'matrixService', 'mFileUpload',
+ function($scope, matrixService, mFileUpload) {
+ $scope.config = matrixService.config();
+ $scope.profile = {
+ displayName: $scope.config.displayName,
+ avatarUrl: $scope.config.avatarUrl
+ };
+ $scope.$watch("profile.avatarFile", function(newValue, oldValue) {
+ if ($scope.profile.avatarFile) {
+ console.log("Uploading new avatar file...");
+ mFileUpload.uploadFile($scope.profile.avatarFile).then(
+ function(url) {
+ $scope.profile.avatarUrl = url;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $scope.feedback = "Can't upload image";
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ $scope.saveProfile = function() {
+ if ($scope.profile.displayName !== $scope.config.displayName) {
+ setDisplayName($scope.profile.displayName);
+ }
+ if ($scope.profile.avatarUrl !== $scope.config.avatarUrl) {
+ setAvatar($scope.profile.avatarUrl);
+ }
+ };
+ var setDisplayName = function(displayName) {
+ matrixService.setDisplayName(displayName).then(
+ function(response) {
+ $scope.feedback = "Updated display name.";
+ var config = matrixService.config();
+ config.displayName = displayName;
+ matrixService.setConfig(config);
+ matrixService.saveConfig();
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $scope.feedback = "Can't update display name: " + error.data;
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ var setAvatar = function(avatarURL) {
+ console.log("Updating avatar to " + avatarURL);
+ matrixService.setProfilePictureUrl(avatarURL).then(
+ function(response) {
+ console.log("Updated avatar");
+ $scope.feedback = "Updated avatar.";
+ var config = matrixService.config();
+ config.avatarUrl = avatarURL;
+ matrixService.setConfig(config);
+ matrixService.saveConfig();
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $scope.feedback = "Can't update avatar: " + error.data;
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ $scope.linkedEmails = {
+ linkNewEmail: "", // the email entry box
+ emailBeingAuthed: undefined, // to populate verification text
+ authTokenId: undefined, // the token id from the IS
+ emailCode: "", // the code entry box
+ linkedEmailList: matrixService.config().emailList // linked email list
+ };
+ $scope.linkEmail = function(email) {
+ matrixService.linkEmail(email).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if (response.data.success === true) {
+ $scope.linkedEmails.authTokenId = response.data.tokenId;
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "You have been sent an email.";
+ $scope.linkedEmails.emailBeingAuthed = email;
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "Failed to send email.";
+ }
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "Can't send email: " + error.data;
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ $scope.submitEmailCode = function(code) {
+ var tokenId = $scope.linkedEmails.authTokenId;
+ if (tokenId === undefined) {
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "You have not requested a code with this email.";
+ return;
+ }
+ matrixService.authEmail(matrixService.config().user_id, tokenId, code).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if ("success" in response.data && response.data.success === false) {
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "Failed to authenticate email.";
+ return;
+ }
+ var config = matrixService.config();
+ var emailList = {};
+ if ("emailList" in config) {
+ emailList = config.emailList;
+ }
+ emailList[response.address] = response;
+ // save the new email list
+ config.emailList = emailList;
+ matrixService.setConfig(config);
+ matrixService.saveConfig();
+ // invalidate the email being authed and update UI.
+ $scope.linkedEmails.emailBeingAuthed = undefined;
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "";
+ $scope.linkedEmails.linkedEmailList = emailList;
+ $scope.linkedEmails.linkNewEmail = "";
+ $scope.linkedEmails.emailCode = "";
+ },
+ function(reason) {
+ $scope.emailFeedback = "Failed to auth email: " + reason;
+ }
+ );
+ };
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