1 files changed, 42 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/webclient/app-directive.js b/webclient/app-directive.js
index 75283598ab..c1ba0af3a9 100644
--- a/webclient/app-directive.js
+++ b/webclient/app-directive.js
@@ -40,4 +40,45 @@ angular.module('matrixWebClient')
\ No newline at end of file
+.directive('asjson', function() {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ require: 'ngModel',
+ link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
+ function isValidJson(model) {
+ var flag = true;
+ try {
+ angular.fromJson(model);
+ } catch (err) {
+ flag = false;
+ }
+ return flag;
+ };
+ function string2JSON(text) {
+ try {
+ var j = angular.fromJson(text);
+ ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('json', true);
+ return j;
+ } catch (err) {
+ //returning undefined results in a parser error as of angular-1.3-rc.0, and will not go through $validators
+ //return undefined
+ ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('json', false);
+ return text;
+ }
+ };
+ function JSON2String(object) {
+ return angular.toJson(object, true);
+ };
+ //$validators is an object, where key is the error
+ //ngModelCtrl.$validators.json = isValidJson;
+ //array pipelines
+ ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(string2JSON);
+ ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(JSON2String);
+ }
+ }