diff --git a/webclient/app-controller.js b/webclient/app-controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d82a42cf8..0000000000
--- a/webclient/app-controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 OpenMarket Ltd
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
- * Main controller
- */
-'use strict';
-angular.module('MatrixWebClientController', ['matrixService', 'mPresence', 'eventStreamService'])
-.controller('MatrixWebClientController', ['$scope', '$location', '$rootScope', '$timeout', '$animate', 'matrixService', 'mPresence', 'eventStreamService', 'eventHandlerService', 'matrixPhoneService', 'modelService',
- function($scope, $location, $rootScope, $timeout, $animate, matrixService, mPresence, eventStreamService, eventHandlerService, matrixPhoneService, modelService) {
- // Check current URL to avoid to display the logout button on the login page
- $scope.location = $location.path();
- // disable nganimate for the local and remote video elements because ngAnimate appears
- // to be buggy and leaves animation classes on the video elements causing them to show
- // when they should not (their animations are pure CSS3)
- $animate.enabled(false, angular.element('#localVideo'));
- $animate.enabled(false, angular.element('#remoteVideo'));
- // Update the location state when the ng location changed
- $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (event, current, previous) {
- $scope.location = $location.path();
- });
- if (matrixService.isUserLoggedIn()) {
- eventStreamService.resume();
- mPresence.start();
- }
- $scope.user_id;
- var config = matrixService.config();
- if (config) {
- $scope.user_id = matrixService.config().user_id;
- }
- /**
- * Open a given page.
- * @param {String} url url of the page
- */
- $rootScope.goToPage = function(url) {
- $location.url(url);
- };
- // Open the given user profile page
- $scope.goToUserPage = function(user_id) {
- if (user_id === $scope.user_id) {
- $location.url("/settings");
- }
- else {
- $location.url("/user/" + user_id);
- }
- };
- $scope.leave = function(room_id) {
- matrixService.leave(room_id).then(
- function(response) {
- console.log("Left room " + room_id);
- },
- function(error) {
- console.log("Failed to leave room " + room_id + ": " + error.data.error);
- });
- };
- // Logs the user out
- $scope.logout = function() {
- // kill the event stream
- eventStreamService.stop();
- // Do not update presence anymore
- mPresence.stop();
- // Clean permanent data
- matrixService.setConfig({});
- matrixService.saveConfig();
- // Reset cached data
- eventHandlerService.reset();
- // And go to the login page
- $location.url("login");
- };
- // Listen to the event indicating that the access token is no longer valid.
- // In this case, the user needs to log in again.
- $scope.$on("M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN", function() {
- console.log("Invalid access token -> log user out");
- $scope.logout();
- });
- $rootScope.updateHeader = function() {
- $scope.user_id = matrixService.config().user_id;
- };
- $rootScope.$watch('currentCall', function(newVal, oldVal) {
- if (!$rootScope.currentCall) {
- // This causes the still frame to be flushed out of the video elements,
- // avoiding a flash of the last frame of the previous call when starting the next
- angular.element('#localVideo')[0].load();
- angular.element('#remoteVideo')[0].load();
- return;
- }
- var roomMembers = angular.copy(modelService.getRoom($rootScope.currentCall.room_id).current_room_state.members);
- delete roomMembers[matrixService.config().user_id];
- $rootScope.currentCall.user_id = Object.keys(roomMembers)[0];
- // set it to the user ID until we fetch the display name
- $rootScope.currentCall.userProfile = { displayname: $rootScope.currentCall.user_id };
- matrixService.getProfile($rootScope.currentCall.user_id).then(
- function(response) {
- if (response.data.displayname) $rootScope.currentCall.userProfile.displayname = response.data.displayname;
- if (response.data.avatar_url) $rootScope.currentCall.userProfile.avatar_url = response.data.avatar_url;
- },
- function(error) {
- $scope.feedback = "Can't load user profile";
- }
- );
- });
- $rootScope.$watch('currentCall.state', function(newVal, oldVal) {
- if (newVal == 'ringing') {
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].load();
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].play();
- } else if (newVal == 'invite_sent') {
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].load();
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].play();
- } else if (newVal == 'ended' && oldVal == 'connected') {
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#callendAudio')[0].play();
- $scope.videoMode = undefined;
- } else if (newVal == 'ended' && oldVal == 'invite_sent' && $rootScope.currentCall.hangupParty == 'remote') {
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#busyAudio')[0].play();
- } else if (newVal == 'ended' && oldVal == 'invite_sent' && $rootScope.currentCall.hangupParty == 'local' && $rootScope.currentCall.hangupReason == 'invite_timeout') {
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].pause();
- angular.element('#busyAudio')[0].play();
- } else if (oldVal == 'invite_sent') {
- angular.element('#ringbackAudio')[0].pause();
- } else if (oldVal == 'ringing') {
- angular.element('#ringAudio')[0].pause();
- } else if (newVal == 'connected') {
- $timeout(function() {
- if ($scope.currentCall.type == 'video') $scope.videoMode = 'large';
- }, 500);
- }
- if ($rootScope.currentCall && $rootScope.currentCall.type == 'video' && $rootScope.currentCall.state != 'connected') {
- $scope.videoMode = 'mini';
- }
- });
- $rootScope.$watch('currentCall.type', function(newVal, oldVal) {
- // need to listen for this too as the type of the call won't be know when it's created
- if ($rootScope.currentCall && $rootScope.currentCall.type == 'video' && $rootScope.currentCall.state != 'connected') {
- $scope.videoMode = 'mini';
- }
- });
- $rootScope.$on(matrixPhoneService.INCOMING_CALL_EVENT, function(ngEvent, call) {
- console.log("incoming call");
- if ($rootScope.currentCall && $rootScope.currentCall.state != 'ended') {
- console.log("rejecting call because we're already in a call");
- call.hangup();
- return;
- }
- call.onError = $scope.onCallError;
- call.onHangup = $scope.onCallHangup;
- call.localVideoElement = angular.element('#localVideo')[0];
- call.remoteVideoElement = angular.element('#remoteVideo')[0];
- $rootScope.currentCall = call;
- });
- $rootScope.$on(matrixPhoneService.REPLACED_CALL_EVENT, function(ngEvent, oldCall, newCall) {
- console.log("call ID "+oldCall.call_id+" has been replaced by call ID "+newCall.call_id+"!");
- newCall.onError = $scope.onCallError;
- newCall.onHangup = $scope.onCallHangup;
- $rootScope.currentCall = newCall;
- });
- $scope.answerCall = function() {
- $rootScope.currentCall.answer();
- };
- $scope.hangupCall = function() {
- $rootScope.currentCall.hangup();
- };
- $rootScope.onCallError = function(errStr) {
- $scope.feedback = errStr;
- };
- $rootScope.onCallHangup = function(call) {
- if (call == $rootScope.currentCall) {
- $timeout(function(){
- if (call == $rootScope.currentCall) $rootScope.currentCall = undefined;
- }, 4070);
- }
- };