diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 39ad305360..ed26644bd9 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-envlist = packaging, py27, pep8
+envlist = packaging, py27, py36, pep8, check_isort
deps =
@@ -14,12 +14,80 @@ deps =
setenv =
- # As of twisted 16.4, trial tries to import the tests as a package, which
- # means it needs to be on the pythonpath.
- PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
+commands =
+ /usr/bin/find "{toxinidir}" -name '*.pyc' -delete
+ coverage run {env:COVERAGE_OPTS:} --source="{toxinidir}/synapse" \
+ "{envbindir}/trial" {env:TRIAL_FLAGS:} {posargs:tests} {env:TOXSUFFIX:}
+ {env:DUMP_COVERAGE_COMMAND:coverage report -m}
+# As of twisted 16.4, trial tries to import the tests as a package (previously
+# it loaded the files explicitly), which means they need to be on the
+# pythonpath. Our sdist doesn't include the 'tests' package, so normally it
+# doesn't work within the tox virtualenv.
+# As a workaround, we tell tox to do install with 'pip -e', which just
+# creates a symlink to the project directory instead of unpacking the sdist.
+# (An alternative to this would be to set PYTHONPATH to include the project
+# directory. Note two problems with this:
+# - if you set it via `setenv`, then it is also set during the 'install'
+# phase, which inhibits unpacking the sdist, so the virtualenv isn't
+# useful for anything else without setting PYTHONPATH similarly.
+# - `synapse` is also loaded from PYTHONPATH so even if you only set
+# PYTHONPATH for the test phase, we're still running the tests against
+# the working copy rather than the contents of the sdist. So frankly
+# you might as well use -e in the first place.
+# )
commands =
- /bin/sh -c "find {toxinidir} -name '*.pyc' -delete ; coverage run {env:COVERAGE_OPTS:} --source={toxinidir}/synapse \
- {envbindir}/trial {env:TRIAL_FLAGS:} {posargs:tests} {env:TOXSUFFIX:}"
+ /usr/bin/find "{toxinidir}" -name '*.pyc' -delete
+ coverage run {env:COVERAGE_OPTS:} --source="{toxinidir}/synapse" \
+ "{envbindir}/trial" {env:TRIAL_FLAGS:} {posargs:tests/config \
+ tests/api/test_filtering.py \
+ tests/api/test_ratelimiting.py \
+ tests/appservice \
+ tests/crypto \
+ tests/events \
+ tests/handlers/test_appservice.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_auth.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_device.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_directory.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_e2e_keys.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_presence.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_profile.py \
+ tests/handlers/test_register.py \
+ tests/replication/slave/storage/test_account_data.py \
+ tests/replication/slave/storage/test_receipts.py \
+ tests/storage/test_appservice.py \
+ tests/storage/test_background_update.py \
+ tests/storage/test_base.py \
+ tests/storage/test__base.py \
+ tests/storage/test_client_ips.py \
+ tests/storage/test_devices.py \
+ tests/storage/test_end_to_end_keys.py \
+ tests/storage/test_event_push_actions.py \
+ tests/storage/test_keys.py \
+ tests/storage/test_presence.py \
+ tests/storage/test_profile.py \
+ tests/storage/test_registration.py \
+ tests/storage/test_room.py \
+ tests/storage/test_user_directory.py \
+ tests/test_distributor.py \
+ tests/test_dns.py \
+ tests/test_preview.py \
+ tests/test_test_utils.py \
+ tests/test_types.py \
+ tests/util} \
+ {env:TOXSUFFIX:}
{env:DUMP_COVERAGE_COMMAND:coverage report -m}
@@ -34,3 +102,15 @@ basepython = python2.7
deps =
commands = /bin/sh -c "flake8 synapse tests {env:PEP8SUFFIX:}"
+skip_install = True
+deps = isort
+commands = /bin/sh -c "isort -c -sp setup.cfg -rc synapse tests"
+skip_install = True
+deps = towncrier>=18.6.0rc1
+commands =
+ python -m towncrier.check --compare-with=origin/develop
+basepython = python3.6