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2 files changed, 501 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/ b/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f523e0f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
+# Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
+# <>.
+import logging
+from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
+from synapse.api.constants import EduTypes
+from import login, room, sync
+from synapse.server import HomeServer
+from synapse.types import StreamKeyType
+from synapse.util import Clock
+from import SlidingSyncBase
+from tests.server import TimedOutException
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SlidingSyncTypingExtensionTestCase(SlidingSyncBase):
+    """Tests for the typing notification sliding sync extension"""
+    servlets = [
+        login.register_servlets,
+        room.register_servlets,
+        sync.register_servlets,
+    ]
+    def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None:
+ = hs.get_datastores().main
+    def test_no_data_initial_sync(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test that enabling the typing extension works during an intitial sync,
+        even if there is no-data.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        # Make an initial Sliding Sync request with the typing extension enabled
+        sync_body = {
+            "lists": {},
+            "extensions": {
+                "typing": {
+                    "enabled": True,
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"].get("rooms").keys(),
+            set(),
+            exact=True,
+        )
+    def test_no_data_incremental_sync(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test that enabling typing extension works during an incremental sync, even
+        if there is no-data.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        sync_body = {
+            "lists": {},
+            "extensions": {
+                "typing": {
+                    "enabled": True,
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Make an incremental Sliding Sync request with the typing extension enabled
+        response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, since=from_token, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"].get("rooms").keys(),
+            set(),
+            exact=True,
+        )
+    def test_typing_initial_sync(self) -> None:
+        """
+        On initial sync, we return all typing notifications for rooms that we request
+        and are being returned in the Sliding Sync response.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        user3_id = self.register_user("user3", "pass")
+        user3_tok = self.login(user3_id, "pass")
+        user4_id = self.register_user("user4", "pass")
+        user4_tok = self.login(user4_id, "pass")
+        # Create a room
+        room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id1, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id1, user3_id, tok=user3_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id1, user4_id, tok=user4_tok)
+        # User1 starts typing in room1
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id1}/typing/{user1_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # User2 starts typing in room1
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id1}/typing/{user2_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user2_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # Create another room
+        room_id2 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id2, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id2, user3_id, tok=user3_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id2, user4_id, tok=user4_tok)
+        # User1 starts typing in room2
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id2}/typing/{user1_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # User2 starts typing in room2
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id2}/typing/{user2_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user2_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # Make an initial Sliding Sync request with the typing extension enabled
+        sync_body = {
+            "lists": {},
+            "room_subscriptions": {
+                room_id1: {
+                    "required_state": [],
+                    "timeline_limit": 0,
+                }
+            },
+            "extensions": {
+                "typing": {
+                    "enabled": True,
+                    "rooms": [room_id1, room_id2],
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Even though we requested room2, we only expect room1 to show up because that's
+        # the only room in the Sliding Sync response (room2 is not one of our room
+        # subscriptions or in a sliding window list).
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"].get("rooms").keys(),
+            {room_id1},
+            exact=True,
+        )
+        # Sanity check that it's the correct ephemeral event type
+        self.assertEqual(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id1]["type"],
+            EduTypes.TYPING,
+        )
+        # We can see user1 and user2 typing
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            set(
+                response_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id1]["content"][
+                    "user_ids"
+                ]
+            ),
+            {user1_id, user2_id},
+            exact=True,
+        )
+    def test_typing_incremental_sync(self) -> None:
+        """
+        On incremental sync, we return all typing notifications in the token range for a
+        given room but only for rooms that we request and are being returned in the
+        Sliding Sync response.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        user3_id = self.register_user("user3", "pass")
+        user3_tok = self.login(user3_id, "pass")
+        # Create room1
+        room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id1, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id1, user3_id, tok=user3_tok)
+        # User2 starts typing in room1
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id1}/typing/{user2_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user2_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # Create room2
+        room_id2 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id2, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        # User1 starts typing in room2 (before the `from_token`)
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id2}/typing/{user1_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # Create room3
+        room_id3 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id3, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id3, user3_id, tok=user3_tok)
+        # Create room4
+        room_id4 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id4, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id4, user3_id, tok=user3_tok)
+        # User1 starts typing in room4 (before the `from_token`)
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id4}/typing/{user1_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # Advance time so all of the typing notifications timeout before we make our
+        # Sliding Sync requests. Even though these are sent before the `from_token`, the
+        # typing code only keeps track of stream position of the latest typing
+        # notification so "old" typing notifications that are still "alive" (haven't
+        # timed out) can appear in the response.
+        self.reactor.advance(36)
+        sync_body = {
+            "lists": {},
+            "room_subscriptions": {
+                room_id1: {
+                    "required_state": [],
+                    "timeline_limit": 0,
+                },
+                room_id3: {
+                    "required_state": [],
+                    "timeline_limit": 0,
+                },
+                room_id4: {
+                    "required_state": [],
+                    "timeline_limit": 0,
+                },
+            },
+            "extensions": {
+                "typing": {
+                    "enabled": True,
+                    "rooms": [room_id1, room_id2, room_id3, room_id4],
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Add some more typing notifications after the `from_token`
+        #
+        # User1 starts typing in room1
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id1}/typing/{user1_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # User1 starts typing in room2
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id2}/typing/{user1_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # User3 starts typing in room3
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id3}/typing/{user3_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user3_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # No activity for room4 after the `from_token`
+        # Make an incremental Sliding Sync request with the typing extension enabled
+        response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, since=from_token, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Even though we requested room2, we only expect rooms to show up if they are
+        # already in the Sliding Sync response. room4 doesn't show up because there is
+        # no activity after the `from_token`.
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"].get("rooms").keys(),
+            {room_id1, room_id3},
+            exact=True,
+        )
+        # Check room1:
+        #
+        # Sanity check that it's the correct ephemeral event type
+        self.assertEqual(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id1]["type"],
+            EduTypes.TYPING,
+        )
+        # We only see that user1 is typing in room1 since the `from_token`
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            set(
+                response_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id1]["content"][
+                    "user_ids"
+                ]
+            ),
+            {user1_id},
+            exact=True,
+        )
+        # Check room3:
+        #
+        # Sanity check that it's the correct ephemeral event type
+        self.assertEqual(
+            response_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id3]["type"],
+            EduTypes.TYPING,
+        )
+        # We only see that user3 is typing in room1 since the `from_token`
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            set(
+                response_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id3]["content"][
+                    "user_ids"
+                ]
+            ),
+            {user3_id},
+            exact=True,
+        )
+    def test_wait_for_new_data(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test to make sure that the Sliding Sync request waits for new data to arrive.
+        (Only applies to incremental syncs with a `timeout` specified)
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.join(room_id, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        sync_body = {
+            "lists": {},
+            "room_subscriptions": {
+                room_id: {
+                    "required_state": [],
+                    "timeline_limit": 0,
+                },
+            },
+            "extensions": {
+                "typing": {
+                    "enabled": True,
+                    "rooms": [room_id],
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Make an incremental Sliding Sync request with the typing extension enabled
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "POST",
+            self.sync_endpoint + f"?timeout=10000&pos={from_token}",
+            content=sync_body,
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+            await_result=False,
+        )
+        # Block for 5 seconds to make sure we are `notifier.wait_for_events(...)`
+        with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException):
+            channel.await_result(timeout_ms=5000)
+        # Bump the typing status to trigger new results
+        typing_channel = self.make_request(
+            "PUT",
+            f"/rooms/{room_id}/typing/{user2_id}",
+            b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+            access_token=user2_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(typing_channel.code, 200, typing_channel.json_body)
+        # Should respond before the 10 second timeout
+        channel.await_result(timeout_ms=3000)
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # We should see the new typing notification
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            channel.json_body.get("extensions", {})
+            .get("typing", {})
+            .get("rooms", {})
+            .keys(),
+            {room_id},
+            exact=True,
+            message=str(channel.json_body),
+        )
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            set(
+                channel.json_body["extensions"]["typing"]["rooms"][room_id]["content"][
+                    "user_ids"
+                ]
+            ),
+            {user2_id},
+            exact=True,
+        )
+    def test_wait_for_new_data_timeout(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test to make sure that the Sliding Sync request waits for new data to arrive but
+        no data ever arrives so we timeout. We're also making sure that the default data
+        from the typing extension doesn't trigger a false-positive for new data.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        sync_body = {
+            "lists": {},
+            "extensions": {
+                "typing": {
+                    "enabled": True,
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Make the Sliding Sync request
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "POST",
+            self.sync_endpoint + f"?timeout=10000&pos={from_token}",
+            content=sync_body,
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+            await_result=False,
+        )
+        # Block for 5 seconds to make sure we are `notifier.wait_for_events(...)`
+        with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException):
+            channel.await_result(timeout_ms=5000)
+        # Wake-up `notifier.wait_for_events(...)` that will cause us test
+        # `SlidingSyncResult.__bool__` for new results.
+        self._bump_notifier_wait_for_events(
+            user1_id, wake_stream_key=StreamKeyType.ACCOUNT_DATA
+        )
+        # Block for a little bit more to ensure we don't see any new results.
+        with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException):
+            channel.await_result(timeout_ms=4000)
+        # Wait for the sync to complete (wait for the rest of the 10 second timeout,
+        # 5000 + 4000 + 1200 > 10000)
+        channel.await_result(timeout_ms=1200)
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        self.assertIncludes(
+            channel.json_body["extensions"]["typing"].get("rooms").keys(),
+            set(),
+            exact=True,
+        )
diff --git a/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/ b/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/
index e42904b69b..68f6661334 100644
--- a/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/
+++ b/tests/rest/client/sliding_sync/
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
 # <>.
 import logging
+from typing import Literal
 from parameterized import parameterized
+from typing_extensions import assert_never
 from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
@@ -48,11 +50,16 @@ class SlidingSyncExtensionsTestCase(SlidingSyncBase):
         self.account_data_handler = hs.get_account_data_handler()
     # Any extensions that use `lists`/`rooms` should be tested here
-    @parameterized.expand([("account_data",), ("receipts",)])
-    def test_extensions_lists_rooms_relevant_rooms(self, extension_name: str) -> None:
+    @parameterized.expand([("account_data",), ("receipts",), ("typing",)])
+    def test_extensions_lists_rooms_relevant_rooms(
+        self,
+        extension_name: Literal["account_data", "receipts", "typing"],
+    ) -> None:
         With various extensions, test out requesting different variations of
+        Stresses `SlidingSyncHandler.find_relevant_room_ids_for_extension(...)`
         user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
         user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
@@ -95,8 +102,17 @@ class SlidingSyncExtensionsTestCase(SlidingSyncBase):
                 self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+            elif extension_name == "typing":
+                # Start a typing notification
+                channel = self.make_request(
+                    "PUT",
+                    f"/rooms/{room_id}/typing/{user1_id}",
+                    b'{"typing": true, "timeout": 30000}',
+                    access_token=user1_tok,
+                )
+                self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
-                raise AssertionError(f"Unknown extension name: {extension_name}")
+                assert_never(extension_name)
         main_sync_body = {
             "lists": {