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path: root/tests
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3 files changed, 302 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/tests/config/ b/tests/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10363e3765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from synapse.config import ConfigError
+from synapse.config._util import validate_config
+from tests.unittest import TestCase
+class ValidateConfigTestCase(TestCase):
+    """Test cases for synapse.config._util.validate_config"""
+    def test_bad_object_in_array(self):
+        """malformed objects within an array should be validated correctly"""
+        # consider a structure:
+        #
+        # array_of_objs:
+        #   - r: 1
+        #     foo: 2
+        #
+        #   - r: 2
+        #     bar: 3
+        #
+        # ... where each entry must contain an "r": check that the path
+        # to the required item is correclty reported.
+        schema = {
+            "type": "object",
+            "properties": {
+                "array_of_objs": {
+                    "type": "array",
+                    "items": {"type": "object", "required": ["r"]},
+                },
+            },
+        }
+        with self.assertRaises(ConfigError) as c:
+            validate_config(schema, {"array_of_objs": [{}]}, ("base",))
+        self.assertEqual(c.exception.path, ["base", "array_of_objs", "<item 0>"])
diff --git a/tests/rest/client/v1/ b/tests/rest/client/v1/
index 901c72d36a..1d1dc9f8a2 100644
--- a/tests/rest/client/v1/
+++ b/tests/rest/client/v1/
@@ -1,22 +1,67 @@
-import json
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2019-2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
 import time
 import urllib.parse
+from html.parser import HTMLParser
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
 from mock import Mock
-    import jwt
-except ImportError:
-    jwt = None
+import pymacaroons
+from twisted.web.resource import Resource
 from synapse.appservice import ApplicationService
 from import login, logout
 from import devices, register
 from import WhoamiRestServlet
+from import PickIdpResource
 from tests import unittest
-from tests.unittest import override_config
+from tests.handlers.test_oidc import HAS_OIDC
+from tests.handlers.test_saml import has_saml2
+from tests.unittest import override_config, skip_unless
+    import jwt
+    HAS_JWT = True
+except ImportError:
+    HAS_JWT = False
+# public_base_url used in some tests
+BASE_URL = "https://synapse/"
+# CAS server used in some tests
+CAS_SERVER = "https://fake.test"
+# just enough to tell pysaml2 where to redirect to
+SAML_SERVER = "https://test.saml.server/idp/sso"
+<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata">
+  <md:IDPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
+      <md:SingleSignOnService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="%(SAML_SERVER)s"/>
+  </md:IDPSSODescriptor>
+""" % {
 LOGIN_URL = b"/_matrix/client/r0/login"
 TEST_URL = b"/_matrix/client/r0/account/whoami"
@@ -314,6 +359,184 @@ class LoginRestServletTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertEquals(channel.result["code"], b"200", channel.result)
+@skip_unless(has_saml2 and HAS_OIDC, "Requires SAML2 and OIDC")
+class MultiSSOTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+    """Tests for homeservers with multiple SSO providers enabled"""
+    servlets = [
+        login.register_servlets,
+    ]
+    def default_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+        config = super().default_config()
+        config["public_baseurl"] = BASE_URL
+        config["cas_config"] = {
+            "enabled": True,
+            "server_url": CAS_SERVER,
+            "service_url": "",
+        }
+        config["saml2_config"] = {
+            "sp_config": {
+                "metadata": {"inline": [TEST_SAML_METADATA]},
+                # use the XMLSecurity backend to avoid relying on xmlsec1
+                "crypto_backend": "XMLSecurity",
+            },
+        }
+        config["oidc_config"] = TEST_OIDC_CONFIG
+        return config
+    def create_resource_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]:
+        d = super().create_resource_dict()
+        d["/_synapse/client/pick_idp"] = PickIdpResource(self.hs)
+        return d
+    def test_multi_sso_redirect(self):
+        """/login/sso/redirect should redirect to an identity picker"""
+        client_redirect_url = "https://x?<abc>"
+        # first hit the redirect url, which should redirect to our idp picker
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "GET",
+            "/_matrix/client/r0/login/sso/redirect?redirectUrl=" + client_redirect_url,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 302, channel.result)
+        uri = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("Location")[0]
+        # hitting that picker should give us some HTML
+        channel = self.make_request("GET", uri)
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.result)
+        # parse the form to check it has fields assumed elsewhere in this class
+        class FormPageParser(HTMLParser):
+            def __init__(self):
+                super().__init__()
+                # the values of the hidden inputs: map from name to value
+                self.hiddens = {}  # type: Dict[str, Optional[str]]
+                # the values of the radio buttons
+                self.radios = []  # type: List[Optional[str]]
+            def handle_starttag(
+                self, tag: str, attrs: Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]
+            ) -> None:
+                attr_dict = dict(attrs)
+                if tag == "input":
+                    if attr_dict["type"] == "radio" and attr_dict["name"] == "idp":
+                        self.radios.append(attr_dict["value"])
+                    elif attr_dict["type"] == "hidden":
+                        input_name = attr_dict["name"]
+                        assert input_name
+                        self.hiddens[input_name] = attr_dict["value"]
+            def error(_, message):
+        p = FormPageParser()
+        p.feed(channel.result["body"].decode("utf-8"))
+        p.close()
+        self.assertCountEqual(p.radios, ["cas", "oidc", "saml"])
+        self.assertEqual(p.hiddens["redirectUrl"], client_redirect_url)
+    def test_multi_sso_redirect_to_cas(self):
+        """If CAS is chosen, should redirect to the CAS server"""
+        client_redirect_url = "https://x?<abc>"
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "GET",
+            "/_synapse/client/pick_idp?redirectUrl=" + client_redirect_url + "&idp=cas",
+            shorthand=False,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 302, channel.result)
+        cas_uri = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("Location")[0]
+        cas_uri_path, cas_uri_query = cas_uri.split("?", 1)
+        # it should redirect us to the login page of the cas server
+        self.assertEqual(cas_uri_path, CAS_SERVER + "/login")
+        # check that the redirectUrl is correctly encoded in the service param - ie, the
+        # place that CAS will redirect to
+        cas_uri_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(cas_uri_query)
+        service_uri = cas_uri_params["service"][0]
+        _, service_uri_query = service_uri.split("?", 1)
+        service_uri_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(service_uri_query)
+        self.assertEqual(service_uri_params["redirectUrl"][0], client_redirect_url)
+    def test_multi_sso_redirect_to_saml(self):
+        """If SAML is chosen, should redirect to the SAML server"""
+        client_redirect_url = "https://x?<abc>"
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "GET",
+            "/_synapse/client/pick_idp?redirectUrl="
+            + client_redirect_url
+            + "&idp=saml",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 302, channel.result)
+        saml_uri = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("Location")[0]
+        saml_uri_path, saml_uri_query = saml_uri.split("?", 1)
+        # it should redirect us to the login page of the SAML server
+        self.assertEqual(saml_uri_path, SAML_SERVER)
+        # the RelayState is used to carry the client redirect url
+        saml_uri_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(saml_uri_query)
+        relay_state_param = saml_uri_params["RelayState"][0]
+        self.assertEqual(relay_state_param, client_redirect_url)
+    def test_multi_sso_redirect_to_oidc(self):
+        """If OIDC is chosen, should redirect to the OIDC auth endpoint"""
+        client_redirect_url = "https://x?<abc>"
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "GET",
+            "/_synapse/client/pick_idp?redirectUrl="
+            + client_redirect_url
+            + "&idp=oidc",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 302, channel.result)
+        oidc_uri = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("Location")[0]
+        oidc_uri_path, oidc_uri_query = oidc_uri.split("?", 1)
+        # it should redirect us to the auth page of the OIDC server
+        self.assertEqual(oidc_uri_path, TEST_OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT)
+        # ... and should have set a cookie including the redirect url
+        cookies = dict(
+            h.split(";")[0].split("=", maxsplit=1)
+            for h in channel.headers.getRawHeaders("Set-Cookie")
+        )
+        oidc_session_cookie = cookies["oidc_session"]
+        macaroon = pymacaroons.Macaroon.deserialize(oidc_session_cookie)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self._get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "client_redirect_url"),
+            client_redirect_url,
+        )
+    def test_multi_sso_redirect_to_unknown(self):
+        """An unknown IdP should cause a 400"""
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "GET", "/_synapse/client/pick_idp?redirectUrl=http://x&idp=xyz",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 400, channel.result)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon: pymacaroons.Macaroon, key: str) -> str:
+        prefix = key + " = "
+        for caveat in macaroon.caveats:
+            if caveat.caveat_id.startswith(prefix):
+                return caveat.caveat_id[len(prefix) :]
+        raise ValueError("No %s caveat in macaroon" % (key,))
 class CASTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
     servlets = [
@@ -327,7 +550,7 @@ class CASTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         config = self.default_config()
         config["cas_config"] = {
             "enabled": True,
-            "server_url": "https://fake.test",
+            "server_url": CAS_SERVER,
             "service_url": "",
@@ -413,8 +636,7 @@ class CASTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
     def test_cas_redirect_whitelisted(self):
-        """Tests that the SSO login flow serves a redirect to a whitelisted url
-        """
+        """Tests that the SSO login flow serves a redirect to a whitelisted url"""
     @override_config({"public_baseurl": ""})
@@ -462,10 +684,8 @@ class CASTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertIn(b"SSO account deactivated", channel.result["body"])
+@skip_unless(HAS_JWT, "requires jwt")
 class JWTTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
-    if not jwt:
-        skip = "requires jwt"
     servlets = [,
@@ -481,17 +701,17 @@ class JWTTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.hs.config.jwt_algorithm = self.jwt_algorithm
         return self.hs
-    def jwt_encode(self, token: str, secret: str = jwt_secret) -> str:
+    def jwt_encode(self, payload: Dict[str, Any], secret: str = jwt_secret) -> str:
         # PyJWT 2.0.0 changed the return type of jwt.encode from bytes to str.
-        result = jwt.encode(token, secret, self.jwt_algorithm)
+        result = jwt.encode(
+            payload, secret, self.jwt_algorithm
+        )  # type: Union[str, bytes]
         if isinstance(result, bytes):
             return result.decode("ascii")
         return result
     def jwt_login(self, *args):
-        params = json.dumps(
-            {"type": "org.matrix.login.jwt", "token": self.jwt_encode(*args)}
-        )
+        params = {"type": "org.matrix.login.jwt", "token": self.jwt_encode(*args)}
         channel = self.make_request(b"POST", LOGIN_URL, params)
         return channel
@@ -623,7 +843,7 @@ class JWTTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
     def test_login_no_token(self):
-        params = json.dumps({"type": "org.matrix.login.jwt"})
+        params = {"type": "org.matrix.login.jwt"}
         channel = self.make_request(b"POST", LOGIN_URL, params)
         self.assertEqual(channel.result["code"], b"403", channel.result)
         self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["errcode"], "M_FORBIDDEN")
@@ -633,10 +853,8 @@ class JWTTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
 # The JWTPubKeyTestCase is a complement to JWTTestCase where we instead use
 # RSS256, with a public key configured in synapse as "jwt_secret", and tokens
 # signed by the private key.
+@skip_unless(HAS_JWT, "requires jwt")
 class JWTPubKeyTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
-    if not jwt:
-        skip = "requires jwt"
     servlets = [
@@ -693,17 +911,15 @@ class JWTPubKeyTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.hs.config.jwt_algorithm = "RS256"
         return self.hs
-    def jwt_encode(self, token: str, secret: str = jwt_privatekey) -> str:
+    def jwt_encode(self, payload: Dict[str, Any], secret: str = jwt_privatekey) -> str:
         # PyJWT 2.0.0 changed the return type of jwt.encode from bytes to str.
-        result = jwt.encode(token, secret, "RS256")
+        result = jwt.encode(payload, secret, "RS256")  # type: Union[bytes,str]
         if isinstance(result, bytes):
             return result.decode("ascii")
         return result
     def jwt_login(self, *args):
-        params = json.dumps(
-            {"type": "org.matrix.login.jwt", "token": self.jwt_encode(*args)}
-        )
+        params = {"type": "org.matrix.login.jwt", "token": self.jwt_encode(*args)}
         channel = self.make_request(b"POST", LOGIN_URL, params)
         return channel
@@ -773,8 +989,7 @@ class AppserviceLoginRestServletTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         return self.hs
     def test_login_appservice_user(self):
-        """Test that an appservice user can use /login
-        """
+        """Test that an appservice user can use /login"""
         params = {
@@ -788,8 +1003,7 @@ class AppserviceLoginRestServletTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertEquals(channel.result["code"], b"200", channel.result)
     def test_login_appservice_user_bot(self):
-        """Test that the appservice bot can use /login
-        """
+        """Test that the appservice bot can use /login"""
         params = {
@@ -803,8 +1017,7 @@ class AppserviceLoginRestServletTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertEquals(channel.result["code"], b"200", channel.result)
     def test_login_appservice_wrong_user(self):
-        """Test that non-as users cannot login with the as token
-        """
+        """Test that non-as users cannot login with the as token"""
         params = {
@@ -818,8 +1031,7 @@ class AppserviceLoginRestServletTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertEquals(channel.result["code"], b"403", channel.result)
     def test_login_appservice_wrong_as(self):
-        """Test that as users cannot login with wrong as token
-        """
+        """Test that as users cannot login with wrong as token"""
         params = {
@@ -834,7 +1046,7 @@ class AppserviceLoginRestServletTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
     def test_login_appservice_no_token(self):
         """Test that users must provide a token when using the appservice
-           login method
+        login method
diff --git a/tests/rest/client/v1/ b/tests/rest/client/v1/
index dbc27893b5..81b7f84360 100644
--- a/tests/rest/client/v1/
+++ b/tests/rest/client/v1/
@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ class RestHelper:
 # an 'oidc_config' suitable for login_via_oidc.
+TEST_OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT = "https://issuer.test/auth"
     "enabled": True,
     "discover": False,
@@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ TEST_OIDC_CONFIG = {
     "client_id": "test-client-id",
     "client_secret": "test-client-secret",
     "scopes": ["profile"],
-    "authorization_endpoint": "https://z",
+    "authorization_endpoint": TEST_OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT,
     "token_endpoint": "https://issuer.test/token",
     "userinfo_endpoint": "https://issuer.test/userinfo",
     "user_mapping_provider": {"config": {"localpart_template": "{{ user.sub }}"}},