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path: root/tests/rest
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1 files changed, 284 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/tests/rest/client/ b/tests/rest/client/
index 4236812db5..f5d57e689c 100644
--- a/tests/rest/client/
+++ b/tests/rest/client/
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 import json
 import logging
-from typing import AbstractSet, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List
 from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class
@@ -1259,7 +1260,7 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         exact: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        Wrapper around `_assertIncludes` to give slightly better looking diff error
+        Wrapper around `assertIncludes` to give slightly better looking diff error
         messages that include some context "$event_id (type, state_key)".
@@ -1275,7 +1276,7 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         for event in actual_required_state:
             assert isinstance(event, dict)
-        self._assertIncludes(
+        self.assertIncludes(
                 f'{event["event_id"]} ("{event["type"]}", "{event["state_key"]}")'
                 for event in actual_required_state
@@ -1289,56 +1290,6 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
-    def _assertIncludes(
-        self,
-        actual_items: AbstractSet[str],
-        expected_items: AbstractSet[str],
-        exact: bool = False,
-        message: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        """
-        Assert that all of the `expected_items` are included in the `actual_items`.
-        This assert could also be called `assertContains`, `assertItemsInSet`
-        Args:
-            actual_items: The container
-            expected_items: The items to check for in the container
-            exact: Whether the actual state should be exactly equal to the expected
-                state (no extras).
-            message: Optional message to include in the failure message.
-        """
-        # Check that each set has the same items
-        if exact and actual_items == expected_items:
-            return
-        # Check for a superset
-        elif not exact and actual_items >= expected_items:
-            return
-        expected_lines: List[str] = []
-        for expected_item in expected_items:
-            is_expected_in_actual = expected_item in actual_items
-            expected_lines.append(
-                "{}  {}".format(" " if is_expected_in_actual else "?", expected_item)
-            )
-        actual_lines: List[str] = []
-        for actual_item in actual_items:
-            is_actual_in_expected = actual_item in expected_items
-            actual_lines.append(
-                "{}  {}".format("+" if is_actual_in_expected else " ", actual_item)
-            )
-        newline = "\n"
-        expected_string = f"Expected items to be in actual ('?' = missing expected items):\n {{\n{newline.join(expected_lines)}\n }}"
-        actual_string = f"Actual ('+' = found expected items):\n {{\n{newline.join(actual_lines)}\n }}"
-        first_message = (
-            "Items must match exactly" if exact else "Some expected items are missing."
-        )
-        diff_message = f"{first_message}\n{expected_string}\n{actual_string}"
     def _add_new_dm_to_global_account_data(
         self, source_user_id: str, target_user_id: str, target_room_id: str
     ) -> None:
@@ -3868,6 +3819,13 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
             body={"foo": "bar"},
+        self.helper.send_state(
+            room_id1,
+            event_type="org.matrix.bar_state",
+            state_key="",
+            body={"bar": "qux"},
+            tok=user2_tok,
+        )
         # Make the Sliding Sync request with wildcards for the `state_key`
         channel = self.make_request(
@@ -3891,16 +3849,13 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
                         "timeline_limit": 0,
-                }
-                # TODO: Room subscription should also combine with the `required_state`
-                # "room_subscriptions": {
-                #     room_id1: {
-                #         "required_state": [
-                #             ["org.matrix.bar_state", ""]
-                #         ],
-                #         "timeline_limit": 0,
-                #     }
-                # }
+                },
+                "room_subscriptions": {
+                    room_id1: {
+                        "required_state": [["org.matrix.bar_state", ""]],
+                        "timeline_limit": 0,
+                    }
+                },
@@ -3917,6 +3872,7 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
                 state_map[(EventTypes.Member, user1_id)],
                 state_map[(EventTypes.Member, user2_id)],
                 state_map[("org.matrix.foo_state", "")],
+                state_map[("org.matrix.bar_state", "")],
@@ -4009,6 +3965,271 @@ class SlidingSyncTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+    def test_room_subscriptions_with_join_membership(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test `room_subscriptions` with a joined room should give us timeline and current
+        state events.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        join_response = self.helper.join(room_id1, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        # Make the Sliding Sync request with just the room subscription
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "POST",
+            self.sync_endpoint,
+            {
+                "room_subscriptions": {
+                    room_id1: {
+                        "required_state": [
+                            [EventTypes.Create, ""],
+                        ],
+                        "timeline_limit": 1,
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        state_map = self.get_success(
+            self.storage_controllers.state.get_current_state(room_id1)
+        )
+        # We should see some state
+        self._assertRequiredStateIncludes(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["required_state"],
+            {
+                state_map[(EventTypes.Create, "")],
+            },
+            exact=True,
+        )
+        self.assertIsNone(channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1].get("invite_state"))
+        # We should see some events
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [
+                event["event_id"]
+                for event in channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["timeline"]
+            ],
+            [
+                join_response["event_id"],
+            ],
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["timeline"],
+        )
+        # No "live" events in an initial sync (no `from_token` to define the "live"
+        # range)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["num_live"],
+            0,
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1],
+        )
+        # There are more events to paginate to
+        self.assertEqual(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["limited"],
+            True,
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1],
+        )
+    def test_room_subscriptions_with_leave_membership(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test `room_subscriptions` with a leave room should give us timeline and state
+        events up to the leave event.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok)
+        self.helper.send_state(
+            room_id1,
+            event_type="org.matrix.foo_state",
+            state_key="",
+            body={"foo": "bar"},
+            tok=user2_tok,
+        )
+        join_response = self.helper.join(room_id1, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        leave_response = self.helper.leave(room_id1, user1_id, tok=user1_tok)
+        state_map = self.get_success(
+            self.storage_controllers.state.get_current_state(room_id1)
+        )
+        # Send some events after user1 leaves
+        self.helper.send(room_id1, "activity after leave", tok=user2_tok)
+        # Update state after user1 leaves
+        self.helper.send_state(
+            room_id1,
+            event_type="org.matrix.foo_state",
+            state_key="",
+            body={"foo": "qux"},
+            tok=user2_tok,
+        )
+        # Make the Sliding Sync request with just the room subscription
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "POST",
+            self.sync_endpoint,
+            {
+                "room_subscriptions": {
+                    room_id1: {
+                        "required_state": [
+                            ["org.matrix.foo_state", ""],
+                        ],
+                        "timeline_limit": 2,
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # We should see the state at the time of the leave
+        self._assertRequiredStateIncludes(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["required_state"],
+            {
+                state_map[("org.matrix.foo_state", "")],
+            },
+            exact=True,
+        )
+        self.assertIsNone(channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1].get("invite_state"))
+        # We should see some before we left (nothing after)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [
+                event["event_id"]
+                for event in channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["timeline"]
+            ],
+            [
+                join_response["event_id"],
+                leave_response["event_id"],
+            ],
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["timeline"],
+        )
+        # No "live" events in an initial sync (no `from_token` to define the "live"
+        # range)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["num_live"],
+            0,
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1],
+        )
+        # There are more events to paginate to
+        self.assertEqual(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1]["limited"],
+            True,
+            channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id1],
+        )
+    def test_room_subscriptions_no_leak_private_room(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test `room_subscriptions` with a private room we have never been in should not
+        leak any data to the user.
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok, is_public=False)
+        # We should not be able to join the private room
+        self.helper.join(
+            room_id1, user1_id, tok=user1_tok, expect_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN
+        )
+        # Make the Sliding Sync request with just the room subscription
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "POST",
+            self.sync_endpoint,
+            {
+                "room_subscriptions": {
+                    room_id1: {
+                        "required_state": [
+                            [EventTypes.Create, ""],
+                        ],
+                        "timeline_limit": 1,
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # We should not see the room at all (we're not in it)
+        self.assertIsNone(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"].get(room_id1), channel.json_body["rooms"]
+        )
+    def test_room_subscriptions_world_readable(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Test `room_subscriptions` with a room that has `world_readable` history visibility
+        FIXME: We should be able to see the room timeline and state
+        """
+        user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass")
+        user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass")
+        user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass")
+        user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass")
+        # Create a room with `world_readable` history visibility
+        room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(
+            user2_id,
+            tok=user2_tok,
+            extra_content={
+                "preset": "public_chat",
+                "initial_state": [
+                    {
+                        "content": {
+                            "history_visibility": HistoryVisibility.WORLD_READABLE
+                        },
+                        "state_key": "",
+                        "type": EventTypes.RoomHistoryVisibility,
+                    }
+                ],
+            },
+        )
+        # Ensure we're testing with a room with `world_readable` history visibility
+        # which means events are visible to anyone even without membership.
+        history_visibility_response = self.helper.get_state(
+            room_id1, EventTypes.RoomHistoryVisibility, tok=user2_tok
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            history_visibility_response.get("history_visibility"),
+            HistoryVisibility.WORLD_READABLE,
+        )
+        # Note: We never join the room
+        # Make the Sliding Sync request with just the room subscription
+        channel = self.make_request(
+            "POST",
+            self.sync_endpoint,
+            {
+                "room_subscriptions": {
+                    room_id1: {
+                        "required_state": [
+                            [EventTypes.Create, ""],
+                        ],
+                        "timeline_limit": 1,
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            access_token=user1_tok,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body)
+        # FIXME: In the future, we should be able to see the room because it's
+        # `world_readable` but currently we don't support this.
+        self.assertIsNone(
+            channel.json_body["rooms"].get(room_id1), channel.json_body["rooms"]
+        )
 class SlidingSyncToDeviceExtensionTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
     """Tests for the to-device sliding sync extension"""