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7 files changed, 1046 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/api/ b/synapse/api/
index 0a9123c56b..542e4faaa1 100644
--- a/synapse/api/
+++ b/synapse/api/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Membership:
     KNOCK: Final = "knock"
     LEAVE: Final = "leave"
     BAN: Final = "ban"
 class PresenceState:
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/ b/synapse/handlers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34ae21ba50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
+# Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
+# <>.
+# Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
+# <>.
+# [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
+import logging
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, AbstractSet, Dict, Final, List, Optional, Tuple
+import attr
+from immutabledict import immutabledict
+from synapse._pydantic_compat import HAS_PYDANTIC_V2
+    from pydantic.v1 import Extra
+    from pydantic import Extra
+from synapse.api.constants import Membership
+from import EventBase
+from import SlidingSyncBody
+from synapse.types import JsonMapping, Requester, RoomStreamToken, StreamToken, UserID
+    from synapse.server import HomeServer
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def filter_membership_for_sync(*, membership: str, user_id: str, sender: str) -> bool:
+    """
+    Returns True if the membership event should be included in the sync response,
+    otherwise False.
+    Attributes:
+        membership: The membership state of the user in the room.
+        user_id: The user ID that the membership applies to
+        sender: The person who sent the membership event
+    """
+    # Everything except `Membership.LEAVE` because we want everything that's *still*
+    # relevant to the user. There are few more things to include in the sync response
+    # (newly_left) but those are handled separately.
+    #
+    # This logic includes kicks (leave events where the sender is not the same user) and
+    # can be read as "anything that isn't a leave or a leave with a different sender".
+    return membership != Membership.LEAVE or sender != user_id
+class SlidingSyncConfig(SlidingSyncBody):
+    """
+    Inherit from `SlidingSyncBody` since we need all of the same fields and add a few
+    extra fields that we need in the handler
+    """
+    user: UserID
+    device_id: Optional[str]
+    # Pydantic config
+    class Config:
+        # By default, ignore fields that we don't recognise.
+        extra = Extra.ignore
+        # By default, don't allow fields to be reassigned after parsing.
+        allow_mutation = False
+        # Allow custom types like `UserID` to be used in the model
+        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+class OperationType(Enum):
+    """
+    Represents the operation types in a Sliding Sync window.
+    Attributes:
+        SYNC: Sets a range of entries. Clients SHOULD discard what they previous knew about
+            entries in this range.
+        INSERT: Sets a single entry. If the position is not empty then clients MUST move
+            entries to the left or the right depending on where the closest empty space is.
+        DELETE: Remove a single entry. Often comes before an INSERT to allow entries to move
+            places.
+        INVALIDATE: Remove a range of entries. Clients MAY persist the invalidated range for
+            offline support, but they should be treated as empty when additional operations
+            which concern indexes in the range arrive from the server.
+    """
+    SYNC: Final = "SYNC"
+    INSERT: Final = "INSERT"
+    DELETE: Final = "DELETE"
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
+class SlidingSyncResult:
+    """
+    The Sliding Sync result to be serialized to JSON for a response.
+    Attributes:
+        next_pos: The next position token in the sliding window to request (next_batch).
+        lists: Sliding window API. A map of list key to list results.
+        rooms: Room subscription API. A map of room ID to room subscription to room results.
+        extensions: Extensions API. A map of extension key to extension results.
+    """
+    @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
+    class RoomResult:
+        """
+        Attributes:
+            name: Room name or calculated room name.
+            avatar: Room avatar
+            heroes: List of stripped membership events (containing `user_id` and optionally
+                `avatar_url` and `displayname`) for the users used to calculate the room name.
+            initial: Flag which is set when this is the first time the server is sending this
+                data on this connection. Clients can use this flag to replace or update
+                their local state. When there is an update, servers MUST omit this flag
+                entirely and NOT send "initial":false as this is wasteful on bandwidth. The
+                absence of this flag means 'false'.
+            required_state: The current state of the room
+            timeline: Latest events in the room. The last event is the most recent
+            is_dm: Flag to specify whether the room is a direct-message room (most likely
+                between two people).
+            invite_state: Stripped state events. Same as `rooms.invite.$room_id.invite_state`
+                in sync v2, absent on joined/left rooms
+            prev_batch: A token that can be passed as a start parameter to the
+                `/rooms/<room_id>/messages` API to retrieve earlier messages.
+            limited: True if their are more events than fit between the given position and now.
+                Sync again to get more.
+            joined_count: The number of users with membership of join, including the client's
+                own user ID. (same as sync `v2 m.joined_member_count`)
+            invited_count: The number of users with membership of invite. (same as sync v2
+                `m.invited_member_count`)
+            notification_count: The total number of unread notifications for this room. (same
+                as sync v2)
+            highlight_count: The number of unread notifications for this room with the highlight
+                flag set. (same as sync v2)
+            num_live: The number of timeline events which have just occurred and are not historical.
+                The last N events are 'live' and should be treated as such. This is mostly
+                useful to determine whether a given @mention event should make a noise or not.
+                Clients cannot rely solely on the absence of `initial: true` to determine live
+                events because if a room not in the sliding window bumps into the window because
+                of an @mention it will have `initial: true` yet contain a single live event
+                (with potentially other old events in the timeline).
+        """
+        name: str
+        avatar: Optional[str]
+        heroes: Optional[List[EventBase]]
+        initial: bool
+        required_state: List[EventBase]
+        timeline: List[EventBase]
+        is_dm: bool
+        invite_state: List[EventBase]
+        prev_batch: StreamToken
+        limited: bool
+        joined_count: int
+        invited_count: int
+        notification_count: int
+        highlight_count: int
+        num_live: int
+    @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
+    class SlidingWindowList:
+        """
+        Attributes:
+            count: The total number of entries in the list. Always present if this list
+                is.
+            ops: The sliding list operations to perform.
+        """
+        @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
+        class Operation:
+            """
+            Attributes:
+                op: The operation type to perform.
+                range: Which index positions are affected by this operation. These are
+                    both inclusive.
+                room_ids: Which room IDs are affected by this operation. These IDs match
+                    up to the positions in the `range`, so the last room ID in this list
+                    matches the 9th index. The room data is held in a separate object.
+            """
+            op: OperationType
+            range: Tuple[int, int]
+            room_ids: List[str]
+        count: int
+        ops: List[Operation]
+    next_pos: StreamToken
+    lists: Dict[str, SlidingWindowList]
+    rooms: Dict[str, RoomResult]
+    extensions: JsonMapping
+    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+        """Make the result appear empty if there are no updates. This is used
+        to tell if the notifier needs to wait for more events when polling for
+        events.
+        """
+        return bool(self.lists or self.rooms or self.extensions)
+    @staticmethod
+    def empty(next_pos: StreamToken) -> "SlidingSyncResult":
+        "Return a new empty result"
+        return SlidingSyncResult(
+            next_pos=next_pos,
+            lists={},
+            rooms={},
+            extensions={},
+        )
+class SlidingSyncHandler:
+    def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
+        self.clock = hs.get_clock()
+ = hs.get_datastores().main
+        self.auth_blocking = hs.get_auth_blocking()
+        self.notifier = hs.get_notifier()
+        self.event_sources = hs.get_event_sources()
+        self.rooms_to_exclude_globally = hs.config.server.rooms_to_exclude_from_sync
+    async def wait_for_sync_for_user(
+        self,
+        requester: Requester,
+        sync_config: SlidingSyncConfig,
+        from_token: Optional[StreamToken] = None,
+        timeout_ms: int = 0,
+    ) -> SlidingSyncResult:
+        """Get the sync for a client if we have new data for it now. Otherwise
+        wait for new data to arrive on the server. If the timeout expires, then
+        return an empty sync result.
+        """
+        # If the user is not part of the mau group, then check that limits have
+        # not been exceeded (if not part of the group by this point, almost certain
+        # auth_blocking will occur)
+        await self.auth_blocking.check_auth_blocking(requester=requester)
+        # TODO: If the To-Device extension is enabled and we have a `from_token`, delete
+        # any to-device messages before that token (since we now know that the device
+        # has received them). (see sync v2 for how to do this)
+        # If we're working with a user-provided token, we need to make sure to wait for
+        # this worker to catch up with the token so we don't skip past any incoming
+        # events or future events if the user is nefariously, manually modifying the
+        # token.
+        if from_token is not None:
+            # We need to make sure this worker has caught up with the token. If
+            # this returns false, it means we timed out waiting, and we should
+            # just return an empty response.
+            before_wait_ts = self.clock.time_msec()
+            if not await self.notifier.wait_for_stream_token(from_token):
+                logger.warning(
+                    "Timed out waiting for worker to catch up. Returning empty response"
+                )
+                return SlidingSyncResult.empty(from_token)
+            # If we've spent significant time waiting to catch up, take it off
+            # the timeout.
+            after_wait_ts = self.clock.time_msec()
+            if after_wait_ts - before_wait_ts > 1_000:
+                timeout_ms -= after_wait_ts - before_wait_ts
+                timeout_ms = max(timeout_ms, 0)
+        # We're going to respond immediately if the timeout is 0 or if this is an
+        # initial sync (without a `from_token`) so we can avoid calling
+        # `notifier.wait_for_events()`.
+        if timeout_ms == 0 or from_token is None:
+            now_token = self.event_sources.get_current_token()
+            result = await self.current_sync_for_user(
+                sync_config,
+                from_token=from_token,
+                to_token=now_token,
+            )
+        else:
+            # Otherwise, we wait for something to happen and report it to the user.
+            async def current_sync_callback(
+                before_token: StreamToken, after_token: StreamToken
+            ) -> SlidingSyncResult:
+                return await self.current_sync_for_user(
+                    sync_config,
+                    from_token=from_token,
+                    to_token=after_token,
+                )
+            result = await self.notifier.wait_for_events(
+                sync_config.user.to_string(),
+                timeout_ms,
+                current_sync_callback,
+                from_token=from_token,
+            )
+        return result
+    async def current_sync_for_user(
+        self,
+        sync_config: SlidingSyncConfig,
+        to_token: StreamToken,
+        from_token: Optional[StreamToken] = None,
+    ) -> SlidingSyncResult:
+        """
+        Generates the response body of a Sliding Sync result, represented as a
+        `SlidingSyncResult`.
+        """
+        user_id = sync_config.user.to_string()
+        app_service =
+        if app_service:
+            # We no longer support AS users using /sync directly.
+            # See
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        # Get all of the room IDs that the user should be able to see in the sync
+        # response
+        room_id_set = await self.get_sync_room_ids_for_user(
+            sync_config.user,
+            from_token=from_token,
+            to_token=to_token,
+        )
+        # Assemble sliding window lists
+        lists: Dict[str, SlidingSyncResult.SlidingWindowList] = {}
+        if sync_config.lists:
+            for list_key, list_config in sync_config.lists.items():
+                # TODO: Apply filters
+                #
+                # TODO: Exclude partially stated rooms unless the `required_state` has
+                # `["", "$LAZY"]`
+                filtered_room_ids = room_id_set
+                # TODO: Apply sorts
+                sorted_room_ids = sorted(filtered_room_ids)
+                ops: List[SlidingSyncResult.SlidingWindowList.Operation] = []
+                if list_config.ranges:
+                    for range in list_config.ranges:
+                        ops.append(
+                            SlidingSyncResult.SlidingWindowList.Operation(
+                                op=OperationType.SYNC,
+                                range=range,
+                                room_ids=sorted_room_ids[range[0] : range[1]],
+                            )
+                        )
+                lists[list_key] = SlidingSyncResult.SlidingWindowList(
+                    count=len(sorted_room_ids),
+                    ops=ops,
+                )
+        return SlidingSyncResult(
+            next_pos=to_token,
+            lists=lists,
+            # TODO: Gather room data for rooms in lists and `sync_config.room_subscriptions`
+            rooms={},
+            extensions={},
+        )
+    async def get_sync_room_ids_for_user(
+        self,
+        user: UserID,
+        to_token: StreamToken,
+        from_token: Optional[StreamToken] = None,
+    ) -> AbstractSet[str]:
+        """
+        Fetch room IDs that should be listed for this user in the sync response (the
+        full room list that will be filtered, sorted, and sliced).
+        We're looking for rooms where the user has the following state in the token
+        range (> `from_token` and <= `to_token`):
+        - `invite`, `join`, `knock`, `ban` membership events
+        - Kicks (`leave` membership events where `sender` is different from the
+          `user_id`/`state_key`)
+        - `newly_left` (rooms that were left during the given token range)
+        - In order for bans/kicks to not show up in sync, you need to `/forget` those
+          rooms. This doesn't modify the event itself though and only adds the
+          `forgotten` flag to the `room_memberships` table in Synapse. There isn't a way
+          to tell when a room was forgotten at the moment so we can't factor it into the
+          from/to range.
+        """
+        user_id = user.to_string()
+        # First grab a current snapshot rooms for the user
+        # (also handles forgotten rooms)
+        room_for_user_list = await
+            user_id=user_id,
+            # We want to fetch any kind of membership (joined and left rooms) in order
+            # to get the `event_pos` of the latest room membership event for the
+            # user.
+            #
+            # We will filter out the rooms that don't belong below (see
+            # `filter_membership_for_sync`)
+            membership_list=Membership.LIST,
+            excluded_rooms=self.rooms_to_exclude_globally,
+        )
+        # If the user has never joined any rooms before, we can just return an empty list
+        if not room_for_user_list:
+            return set()
+        # Our working list of rooms that can show up in the sync response
+        sync_room_id_set = {
+            room_for_user.room_id
+            for room_for_user in room_for_user_list
+            if filter_membership_for_sync(
+                membership=room_for_user.membership,
+                user_id=user_id,
+                sender=room_for_user.sender,
+            )
+        }
+        # Get the `RoomStreamToken` that represents the spot we queried up to when we got
+        # our membership snapshot from `get_rooms_for_local_user_where_membership_is()`.
+        #
+        # First, we need to get the max stream_ordering of each event persister instance
+        # that we queried events from.
+        instance_to_max_stream_ordering_map: Dict[str, int] = {}
+        for room_for_user in room_for_user_list:
+            instance_name = room_for_user.event_pos.instance_name
+            stream_ordering =
+            current_instance_max_stream_ordering = (
+                instance_to_max_stream_ordering_map.get(instance_name)
+            )
+            if (
+                current_instance_max_stream_ordering is None
+                or stream_ordering > current_instance_max_stream_ordering
+            ):
+                instance_to_max_stream_ordering_map[instance_name] = stream_ordering
+        # Then assemble the `RoomStreamToken`
+        membership_snapshot_token = RoomStreamToken(
+            # Minimum position in the `instance_map`
+            stream=min(instance_to_max_stream_ordering_map.values()),
+            instance_map=immutabledict(instance_to_max_stream_ordering_map),
+        )
+        # If our `to_token` is already the same or ahead of the latest room membership
+        # for the user, we can just straight-up return the room list (nothing has
+        # changed)
+        if membership_snapshot_token.is_before_or_eq(to_token.room_key):
+            return sync_room_id_set
+        # Since we fetched the users room list at some point in time after the from/to
+        # tokens, we need to revert/rewind some membership changes to match the point in
+        # time of the `to_token`. In particular, we need to make these fixups:
+        #
+        # - 1a) Remove rooms that the user joined after the `to_token`
+        # - 1b) Add back rooms that the user left after the `to_token`
+        # - 2) Add back newly_left rooms (> `from_token` and <= `to_token`)
+        #
+        # Below, we're doing two separate lookups for membership changes. We could
+        # request everything for both fixups in one range, [`from_token.room_key`,
+        # `membership_snapshot_token`), but we want to avoid raw `stream_ordering`
+        # comparison without `instance_name` (which is flawed). We could refactor
+        # `event.internal_metadata` to include `instance_name` but it might turn out a
+        # little difficult and a bigger, broader Synapse change than we want to make.
+        # 1) -----------------------------------------------------
+        # 1) Fetch membership changes that fall in the range from `to_token` up to
+        # `membership_snapshot_token`
+        membership_change_events_after_to_token = (
+            await
+                user_id,
+                from_key=to_token.room_key,
+                to_key=membership_snapshot_token,
+                excluded_rooms=self.rooms_to_exclude_globally,
+            )
+        )
+        # 1) Assemble a list of the last membership events in some given ranges. Someone
+        # could have left and joined multiple times during the given range but we only
+        # care about end-result so we grab the last one.
+        last_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token: Dict[str, EventBase] = {}
+        # We also need the first membership event after the `to_token` so we can step
+        # backward to the previous membership that would apply to the from/to range.
+        first_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token: Dict[str, EventBase] = {}
+        for event in membership_change_events_after_to_token:
+            last_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token[event.room_id] = event
+            # Only set if we haven't already set it
+            first_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token.setdefault(
+                event.room_id, event
+            )
+        # 1) Fixup
+        for (
+            last_membership_change_after_to_token
+        ) in last_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token.values():
+            room_id = last_membership_change_after_to_token.room_id
+            # We want to find the first membership change after the `to_token` then step
+            # backward to know the membership in the from/to range.
+            first_membership_change_after_to_token = (
+                first_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token.get(room_id)
+            )
+            assert first_membership_change_after_to_token is not None, (
+                "If there was a `last_membership_change_after_to_token` that we're iterating over, "
+                + "then there should be corresponding a first change. For example, even if there "
+                + "is only one event after the `to_token`, the first and last event will be same event. "
+                + "This is probably a mistake in assembling the `last_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token`"
+                + "/`first_membership_change_by_room_id_after_to_token` dicts above."
+            )
+            # TODO: Instead of reading from `unsigned`, refactor this to use the
+            # `current_state_delta_stream` table in the future. Probably a new
+            # `get_membership_changes_for_user()` function that uses
+            # `current_state_delta_stream` with a join to `room_memberships`. This would
+            # help in state reset scenarios since `prev_content` is looking at the
+            # current branch vs the current room state. This is all just data given to
+            # the client so no real harm to data integrity, but we'd like to be nice to
+            # the client. Since the `current_state_delta_stream` table is new, it
+            # doesn't have all events in it. Since this is Sliding Sync, if we ever need
+            # to, we can signal the client to throw all of their state away by sending
+            # "operation: RESET".
+            prev_content = first_membership_change_after_to_token.unsigned.get(
+                "prev_content", {}
+            )
+            prev_membership = prev_content.get("membership", None)
+            prev_sender = first_membership_change_after_to_token.unsigned.get(
+                "prev_sender", None
+            )
+            # Check if the previous membership (membership that applies to the from/to
+            # range) should be included in our `sync_room_id_set`
+            should_prev_membership_be_included = (
+                prev_membership is not None
+                and prev_sender is not None
+                and filter_membership_for_sync(
+                    membership=prev_membership,
+                    user_id=user_id,
+                    sender=prev_sender,
+                )
+            )
+            # Check if the last membership (membership that applies to our snapshot) was
+            # already included in our `sync_room_id_set`
+            was_last_membership_already_included = filter_membership_for_sync(
+                membership=last_membership_change_after_to_token.membership,
+                user_id=user_id,
+                sender=last_membership_change_after_to_token.sender,
+            )
+            # 1a) Add back rooms that the user left after the `to_token`
+            #
+            # For example, if the last membership event after the `to_token` is a leave
+            # event, then the room was excluded from `sync_room_id_set` when we first
+            # crafted it above. We should add these rooms back as long as the user also
+            # was part of the room before the `to_token`.
+            if (
+                not was_last_membership_already_included
+                and should_prev_membership_be_included
+            ):
+                sync_room_id_set.add(room_id)
+            # 1b) Remove rooms that the user joined (hasn't left) after the `to_token`
+            #
+            # For example, if the last membership event after the `to_token` is a "join"
+            # event, then the room was included `sync_room_id_set` when we first crafted
+            # it above. We should remove these rooms as long as the user also wasn't
+            # part of the room before the `to_token`.
+            elif (
+                was_last_membership_already_included
+                and not should_prev_membership_be_included
+            ):
+                sync_room_id_set.discard(room_id)
+        # 2) -----------------------------------------------------
+        # We fix-up newly_left rooms after the first fixup because it may have removed
+        # some left rooms that we can figure out our newly_left in the following code
+        # 2) Fetch membership changes that fall in the range from `from_token` up to `to_token`
+        membership_change_events_in_from_to_range = []
+        if from_token:
+            membership_change_events_in_from_to_range = (
+                await
+                    user_id,
+                    from_key=from_token.room_key,
+                    to_key=to_token.room_key,
+                    excluded_rooms=self.rooms_to_exclude_globally,
+                )
+            )
+        # 2) Assemble a list of the last membership events in some given ranges. Someone
+        # could have left and joined multiple times during the given range but we only
+        # care about end-result so we grab the last one.
+        last_membership_change_by_room_id_in_from_to_range: Dict[str, EventBase] = {}
+        for event in membership_change_events_in_from_to_range:
+            last_membership_change_by_room_id_in_from_to_range[event.room_id] = event
+        # 2) Fixup
+        for (
+            last_membership_change_in_from_to_range
+        ) in last_membership_change_by_room_id_in_from_to_range.values():
+            room_id = last_membership_change_in_from_to_range.room_id
+            # 2) Add back newly_left rooms (> `from_token` and <= `to_token`). We
+            # include newly_left rooms because the last event that the user should see
+            # is their own leave event
+            if last_membership_change_in_from_to_range.membership == Membership.LEAVE:
+                sync_room_id_set.add(room_id)
+        return sync_room_id_set
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/ b/synapse/handlers/
index 9d37e2a86f..39964726c5 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/
+++ b/synapse/handlers/
@@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@ class SyncHandler:
         user_id = sync_config.user.to_string()
-        # Note: we get the users room list *before* we get the current token, this
+        # Note: we get the users room list *before* we get the `now_token`, this
         # avoids checking back in history if rooms are joined after the token is fetched.
         token_before_rooms = self.event_sources.get_current_token()
         mutable_joined_room_ids = set(await
@@ -2014,10 +2014,10 @@ class SyncHandler:
         now_token = self.event_sources.get_current_token()
         log_kv({"now_token": now_token})
-        # Since we fetched the users room list before the token, there's a small window
-        # during which membership events may have been persisted, so we fetch these now
-        # and modify the joined room list for any changes between the get_rooms_for_user
-        # call and the get_current_token call.
+        # Since we fetched the users room list before calculating the `now_token` (see
+        # above), there's a small window during which membership events may have been
+        # persisted, so we fetch these now and modify the joined room list for any
+        # changes between the get_rooms_for_user call and the get_current_token call.
         membership_change_events = []
         if since_token:
             membership_change_events = await
@@ -2027,16 +2027,19 @@ class SyncHandler:
-            mem_last_change_by_room_id: Dict[str, EventBase] = {}
+            last_membership_change_by_room_id: Dict[str, EventBase] = {}
             for event in membership_change_events:
-                mem_last_change_by_room_id[event.room_id] = event
+                last_membership_change_by_room_id[event.room_id] = event
             # For the latest membership event in each room found, add/remove the room ID
             # from the joined room list accordingly. In this case we only care if the
             # latest change is JOIN.
-            for room_id, event in mem_last_change_by_room_id.items():
+            for room_id, event in last_membership_change_by_room_id.items():
                 assert event.internal_metadata.stream_ordering
+                # As a shortcut, skip any events that happened before we got our
+                # `get_rooms_for_user()` snapshot (any changes are already represented
+                # in that list).
                 if (
diff --git a/synapse/rest/client/ b/synapse/rest/client/
index fc1aed2889..5433ed91ef 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/client/
+++ b/synapse/rest/client/
@@ -18,14 +18,30 @@
 # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
 from synapse._pydantic_compat import HAS_PYDANTIC_V2
-    from pydantic.v1 import Extra, StrictInt, StrictStr, constr, validator
+    from pydantic.v1 import (
+        Extra,
+        StrictBool,
+        StrictInt,
+        StrictStr,
+        conint,
+        constr,
+        validator,
+    )
-    from pydantic import Extra, StrictInt, StrictStr, constr, validator
+    from pydantic import (
+        Extra,
+        StrictBool,
+        StrictInt,
+        StrictStr,
+        conint,
+        constr,
+        validator,
+    )
 from import RequestBodyModel
 from synapse.util.threepids import validate_email
@@ -97,3 +113,172 @@ else:
 class MsisdnRequestTokenBody(ThreepidRequestTokenBody):
     country: ISO3116_1_Alpha_2
     phone_number: StrictStr
+class SlidingSyncBody(RequestBodyModel):
+    """
+    Sliding Sync API request body.
+    Attributes:
+        lists: Sliding window API. A map of list key to list information
+            (:class:`SlidingSyncList`). Max lists: 100. The list keys should be
+            arbitrary strings which the client is using to refer to the list. Keep this
+            small as it needs to be sent a lot. Max length: 64 bytes.
+        room_subscriptions: Room subscription API. A map of room ID to room subscription
+            information. Used to subscribe to a specific room. Sometimes clients know
+            exactly which room they want to get information about e.g by following a
+            permalink or by refreshing a webapp currently viewing a specific room. The
+            sliding window API alone is insufficient for this use case because there's
+            no way to say "please track this room explicitly".
+        extensions: Extensions API. A map of extension key to extension config.
+    """
+    class CommonRoomParameters(RequestBodyModel):
+        """
+        Common parameters shared between the sliding window and room subscription APIs.
+        Attributes:
+            required_state: Required state for each room returned. An array of event
+                type and state key tuples. Elements in this array are ORd together to
+                produce the final set of state events to return. One unique exception is
+                when you request all state events via `["*", "*"]`. When used, all state
+                events are returned by default, and additional entries FILTER OUT the
+                returned set of state events. These additional entries cannot use `*`
+                themselves. For example, `["*", "*"], ["",
+                ""]` will *exclude* every `` event
+                *except* for ``, and include every other state event.
+                In addition, `["*", "*"], ["", "*"]` is an error, the
+                `` filter is not required as it would have been returned
+                anyway.
+            timeline_limit: The maximum number of timeline events to return per response.
+                (Max 1000 messages)
+            include_old_rooms: Determines if `predecessor` rooms are included in the
+                `rooms` response. The user MUST be joined to old rooms for them to show up
+                in the response.
+        """
+        class IncludeOldRooms(RequestBodyModel):
+            timeline_limit: StrictInt
+            required_state: List[Tuple[StrictStr, StrictStr]]
+        required_state: List[Tuple[StrictStr, StrictStr]]
+        # mypy workaround via
+        if TYPE_CHECKING:
+            timeline_limit: int
+        else:
+            timeline_limit: conint(le=1000, strict=True)  # type: ignore[valid-type]
+        include_old_rooms: Optional[IncludeOldRooms] = None
+    class SlidingSyncList(CommonRoomParameters):
+        """
+        Attributes:
+            ranges: Sliding window ranges. If this field is missing, no sliding window
+                is used and all rooms are returned in this list. Integers are
+                *inclusive*.
+            sort: How the list should be sorted on the server. The first value is
+                applied first, then tiebreaks are performed with each subsequent sort
+                listed.
+                    FIXME: Furthermore, it's not currently defined how servers should behave
+                    if they encounter a filter or sort operation they do not recognise. If
+                    the server rejects the request with an HTTP 400 then that will break
+                    backwards compatibility with new clients vs old servers. However, the
+                    client would be otherwise unaware that only some of the sort/filter
+                    operations have taken effect. We may need to include a "warnings"
+                    section to indicate which sort/filter operations are unrecognised,
+                    allowing for some form of graceful degradation of service.
+                    --
+            slow_get_all_rooms: Just get all rooms (for clients that don't want to deal with
+                sliding windows). When true, the `ranges` and `sort` fields are ignored.
+            required_state: Required state for each room returned. An array of event
+                type and state key tuples. Elements in this array are ORd together to
+                produce the final set of state events to return.
+                One unique exception is when you request all state events via `["*",
+                "*"]`. When used, all state events are returned by default, and
+                additional entries FILTER OUT the returned set of state events. These
+                additional entries cannot use `*` themselves. For example, `["*", "*"],
+                ["", ""]` will *exclude* every
+                `` event *except* for ``, and include
+                every other state event. In addition, `["*", "*"], ["",
+                "*"]` is an error, the `` filter is not required as it
+                would have been returned anyway.
+                Room members can be lazily-loaded by using the special `$LAZY` state key
+                (`["", "$LAZY"]`). Typically, when you view a room, you
+                want to retrieve all state events except for events which
+                you want to lazily load. To get this behaviour, clients can send the
+                following::
+                    {
+                        "required_state": [
+                            // activate lazy loading
+                            ["", "$LAZY"],
+                            // request all state events _except_ for
+                            events which are lazily loaded
+                            ["*", "*"]
+                        ]
+                    }
+            timeline_limit: The maximum number of timeline events to return per response.
+            include_old_rooms: Determines if `predecessor` rooms are included in the
+                `rooms` response. The user MUST be joined to old rooms for them to show up
+                in the response.
+            include_heroes: Return a stripped variant of membership events (containing
+                `user_id` and optionally `avatar_url` and `displayname`) for the users used
+                to calculate the room name.
+            filters: Filters to apply to the list before sorting.
+            bump_event_types: Allowlist of event types which should be considered recent activity
+                when sorting `by_recency`. By omitting event types from this field,
+                clients can ensure that uninteresting events (e.g. a profile rename) do
+                not cause a room to jump to the top of its list(s). Empty or omitted
+                `bump_event_types` have no effect—all events in a room will be
+                considered recent activity.
+        """
+        class Filters(RequestBodyModel):
+            is_dm: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+            spaces: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+            is_encrypted: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+            is_invite: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+            room_types: Optional[List[Union[StrictStr, None]]] = None
+            not_room_types: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+            room_name_like: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+            tags: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+            not_tags: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+        # mypy workaround via
+        if TYPE_CHECKING:
+            ranges: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None
+        else:
+            ranges: Optional[List[Tuple[conint(ge=0, strict=True), conint(ge=0, strict=True)]]] = None  # type: ignore[valid-type]
+        sort: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+        slow_get_all_rooms: Optional[StrictBool] = False
+        include_heroes: Optional[StrictBool] = False
+        filters: Optional[Filters] = None
+        bump_event_types: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+    class RoomSubscription(CommonRoomParameters):
+        pass
+    class Extension(RequestBodyModel):
+        enabled: Optional[StrictBool] = False
+        lists: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+        rooms: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None
+    # mypy workaround via
+        lists: Optional[Dict[str, SlidingSyncList]] = None
+    else:
+        lists: Optional[Dict[constr(max_length=64, strict=True), SlidingSyncList]] = None  # type: ignore[valid-type]
+    room_subscriptions: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, RoomSubscription]] = None
+    extensions: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Extension]] = None
+    @validator("lists")
+    def lists_length_check(
+        cls, value: Optional[Dict[str, SlidingSyncList]]
+    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, SlidingSyncList]]:
+        if value is not None:
+            assert len(value) <= 100, f"Max lists: 100 but saw {len(value)}"
+        return value
diff --git a/synapse/rest/client/ b/synapse/rest/client/
index fb4d44211e..61fdf71a27 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/client/
+++ b/synapse/rest/client/
@@ -292,6 +292,9 @@ class RoomStateEventRestServlet(RestServlet):
             if event_type == EventTypes.Member:
                 membership = content.get("membership", None)
+                if not isinstance(membership, str):
+                    raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid membership (must be a string)")
                 event_id, _ = await self.room_member_handler.update_membership(
diff --git a/synapse/rest/client/ b/synapse/rest/client/
index 27ea943e31..385b102b3d 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/client/
+++ b/synapse/rest/client/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from import (
 from synapse.handlers.presence import format_user_presence_state
+from synapse.handlers.sliding_sync import SlidingSyncConfig, SlidingSyncResult
 from synapse.handlers.sync import (
@@ -43,9 +44,16 @@ from synapse.handlers.sync import (
 from synapse.http.server import HttpServer
-from synapse.http.servlet import RestServlet, parse_boolean, parse_integer, parse_string
+from synapse.http.servlet import (
+    RestServlet,
+    parse_and_validate_json_object_from_request,
+    parse_boolean,
+    parse_integer,
+    parse_string,
 from import SynapseRequest
 from synapse.logging.opentracing import trace_with_opname
+from import SlidingSyncBody
 from synapse.types import JsonDict, Requester, StreamToken
 from synapse.util import json_decoder
 from synapse.util.caches.lrucache import LruCache
@@ -735,8 +743,228 @@ class SlidingSyncE2eeRestServlet(RestServlet):
         return 200, response
+class SlidingSyncRestServlet(RestServlet):
+    """
+    API endpoint for MSC3575 Sliding Sync `/sync`. Allows for clients to request a
+    subset (sliding window) of rooms, state, and timeline events (just what they need)
+    in order to bootstrap quickly and subscribe to only what the client cares about.
+    Because the client can specify what it cares about, we can respond quickly and skip
+    all of the work we would normally have to do with a sync v2 response.
+    Request query parameters:
+        timeout: How long to wait for new events in milliseconds.
+        pos: Stream position token when asking for incremental deltas.
+    Request body::
+        {
+            // Sliding Window API
+            "lists": {
+                "foo-list": {
+                    "ranges": [ [0, 99] ],
+                    "sort": [ "by_notification_level", "by_recency", "by_name" ],
+                    "required_state": [
+                        ["", ""],
+                        ["", ""],
+                        ["", "*"]
+                    ],
+                    "timeline_limit": 10,
+                    "filters": {
+                        "is_dm": true
+                    },
+                    "bump_event_types": [ "", "" ],
+                }
+            },
+            // Room Subscriptions API
+            "room_subscriptions": {
+                "!sub1:bar": {
+                    "required_state": [ ["*","*"] ],
+                    "timeline_limit": 10,
+                    "include_old_rooms": {
+                        "timeline_limit": 1,
+                        "required_state": [ ["", ""], ["", ""] ],
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            // Extensions API
+            "extensions": {}
+        }
+    Response JSON::
+        {
+            "next_pos": "s58_224_0_13_10_1_1_16_0_1",
+            "lists": {
+                "foo-list": {
+                    "count": 1337,
+                    "ops": [{
+                        "op": "SYNC",
+                        "range": [0, 99],
+                        "room_ids": [
+                            "!foo:bar",
+                            // ... 99 more room IDs
+                        ]
+                    }]
+                }
+            },
+            // Aggregated rooms from lists and room subscriptions
+            "rooms": {
+                // Room from room subscription
+                "!sub1:bar": {
+                    "name": "Alice and Bob",
+                    "avatar": "mxc://...",
+                    "initial": true,
+                    "required_state": [
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":""}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"invite"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"history_visibility":"joined"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"membership":"join"}}
+                    ],
+                    "timeline": [
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":""}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"invite"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"history_visibility":"joined"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"membership":"join"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "content":{"body":"A"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "content":{"body":"B"}},
+                    ],
+                    "prev_batch": "t111_222_333",
+                    "joined_count": 41,
+                    "invited_count": 1,
+                    "notification_count": 1,
+                    "highlight_count": 0
+                },
+                // rooms from list
+                "!foo:bar": {
+                    "name": "The calculated room name",
+                    "avatar": "mxc://...",
+                    "initial": true,
+                    "required_state": [
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"invite"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"history_visibility":"joined"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"!", "content":{"via":[""]}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"!", "content":{"via":[""]}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"!", "content":{"via":[""]}}
+                    ],
+                    "timeline": [
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"invite"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "content":{"body":"A"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "content":{"body":"B"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "content":{"body":"C"}},
+                        {"sender":"","type":"", "content":{"body":"D"}},
+                    ],
+                    "prev_batch": "t111_222_333",
+                    "joined_count": 4,
+                    "invited_count": 0,
+                    "notification_count": 54,
+                    "highlight_count": 3
+                },
+                 // ... 99 more items
+            },
+            "extensions": {}
+        }
+    """
+    PATTERNS = client_patterns(
+        "/org.matrix.msc3575/sync$", releases=[], v1=False, unstable=True
+    )
+    def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.auth = hs.get_auth()
+ = hs.get_datastores().main
+        self.filtering = hs.get_filtering()
+        self.sliding_sync_handler = hs.get_sliding_sync_handler()
+    # TODO: Update this to `on_GET` once we figure out how we want to handle params
+    async def on_POST(self, request: SynapseRequest) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+        requester = await self.auth.get_user_by_req(request, allow_guest=True)
+        user = requester.user
+        device_id = requester.device_id
+        timeout = parse_integer(request, "timeout", default=0)
+        # Position in the stream
+        from_token_string = parse_string(request, "pos")
+        from_token = None
+        if from_token_string is not None:
+            from_token = await StreamToken.from_string(, from_token_string)
+        # TODO: We currently don't know whether we're going to use sticky params or
+        # maybe some filters like sync v2  where they are built up once and referenced
+        # by filter ID. For now, we will just prototype with always passing everything
+        # in.
+        body = parse_and_validate_json_object_from_request(request, SlidingSyncBody)
+"Sliding sync request: %r", body)
+        sync_config = SlidingSyncConfig(
+            user=user,
+            device_id=device_id,
+            # FIXME: Currently, we're just manually copying the fields from the
+            # `SlidingSyncBody` into the config. How can we gurantee into the future
+            # that we don't forget any? I would like something more structured like
+            # `copy_attributes(from=body, to=config)`
+            lists=body.lists,
+            room_subscriptions=body.room_subscriptions,
+            extensions=body.extensions,
+        )
+        sliding_sync_results = await self.sliding_sync_handler.wait_for_sync_for_user(
+            requester,
+            sync_config,
+            from_token,
+            timeout,
+        )
+        # The client may have disconnected by now; don't bother to serialize the
+        # response if so.
+        if request._disconnected:
+  "Client has disconnected; not serializing response.")
+            return 200, {}
+        response_content = await self.encode_response(sliding_sync_results)
+        return 200, response_content
+    # TODO: Is there a better way to encode things?
+    async def encode_response(
+        self,
+        sliding_sync_result: SlidingSyncResult,
+    ) -> JsonDict:
+        response: JsonDict = defaultdict(dict)
+        response["next_pos"] = await sliding_sync_result.next_pos.to_string(
+        serialized_lists = self.encode_lists(sliding_sync_result.lists)
+        if serialized_lists:
+            response["lists"] = serialized_lists
+        response["rooms"] = {}  # TODO: sliding_sync_result.rooms
+        response["extensions"] = {}  # TODO: sliding_sync_result.extensions
+        return response
+    def encode_lists(
+        self, lists: Dict[str, SlidingSyncResult.SlidingWindowList]
+    ) -> JsonDict:
+        def encode_operation(
+            operation: SlidingSyncResult.SlidingWindowList.Operation,
+        ) -> JsonDict:
+            return {
+                "op": operation.op.value,
+                "range": operation.range,
+                "room_ids": operation.room_ids,
+            }
+        serialized_lists = {}
+        for list_key, list_result in lists.items():
+            serialized_lists[list_key] = {
+                "count": list_result.count,
+                "ops": [encode_operation(op) for op in list_result.ops],
+            }
+        return serialized_lists
 def register_servlets(hs: "HomeServer", http_server: HttpServer) -> None:
     if hs.config.experimental.msc3575_enabled:
+        SlidingSyncRestServlet(hs).register(http_server)
diff --git a/synapse/ b/synapse/
index 95e319d2e6..ae927c3904 100644
--- a/synapse/
+++ b/synapse/
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ from synapse.handlers.room_summary import RoomSummaryHandler
 from import SearchHandler
 from synapse.handlers.send_email import SendEmailHandler
 from synapse.handlers.set_password import SetPasswordHandler
+from synapse.handlers.sliding_sync import SlidingSyncHandler
 from synapse.handlers.sso import SsoHandler
 from synapse.handlers.stats import StatsHandler
 from synapse.handlers.sync import SyncHandler
@@ -554,6 +555,9 @@ class HomeServer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
     def get_sync_handler(self) -> SyncHandler:
         return SyncHandler(self)
+    def get_sliding_sync_handler(self) -> SlidingSyncHandler:
+        return SlidingSyncHandler(self)
     def get_room_list_handler(self) -> RoomListHandler:
         return RoomListHandler(self)