diff --git a/synapse/storage/__init__.py b/synapse/storage/__init__.py
index 340e59afcb..48a0633746 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/__init__.py
@@ -42,22 +42,12 @@ from .end_to_end_keys import EndToEndKeyStore
from .receipts import ReceiptsStore
-import fnmatch
-import imp
import logging
-import os
-import re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Remember to update this number every time a change is made to database
-# schema files, so the users will be informed on server restarts.
-dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Number of msec of granularity to store the user IP 'last seen' time. Smaller
# times give more inserts into the database even for readonly API hits
# 120 seconds == 2 minutes
@@ -158,371 +148,6 @@ class DataStore(RoomMemberStore, RoomStore,
-def read_schema(path):
- """ Read the named database schema.
- Args:
- path: Path of the database schema.
- Returns:
- A string containing the database schema.
- """
- with open(path) as schema_file:
- return schema_file.read()
-class PrepareDatabaseException(Exception):
- pass
-class UpgradeDatabaseException(PrepareDatabaseException):
- pass
-def prepare_database(db_conn, database_engine):
- """Prepares a database for usage. Will either create all necessary tables
- or upgrade from an older schema version.
- """
- try:
- cur = db_conn.cursor()
- version_info = _get_or_create_schema_state(cur, database_engine)
- if version_info:
- user_version, delta_files, upgraded = version_info
- _upgrade_existing_database(
- cur, user_version, delta_files, upgraded, database_engine
- )
- else:
- _setup_new_database(cur, database_engine)
- # cur.execute("PRAGMA user_version = %d" % (SCHEMA_VERSION,))
- cur.close()
- db_conn.commit()
- except:
- db_conn.rollback()
- raise
-def _setup_new_database(cur, database_engine):
- """Sets up the database by finding a base set of "full schemas" and then
- applying any necessary deltas.
- The "full_schemas" directory has subdirectories named after versions. This
- function searches for the highest version less than or equal to
- `SCHEMA_VERSION` and executes all .sql files in that directory.
- The function will then apply all deltas for all versions after the base
- version.
- Example directory structure:
- schema/
- delta/
- ...
- full_schemas/
- 3/
- test.sql
- ...
- 11/
- foo.sql
- bar.sql
- ...
- In the example foo.sql and bar.sql would be run, and then any delta files
- for versions strictly greater than 11.
- """
- current_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "schema", "full_schemas")
- directory_entries = os.listdir(current_dir)
- valid_dirs = []
- pattern = re.compile(r"^\d+(\.sql)?$")
- for filename in directory_entries:
- match = pattern.match(filename)
- abs_path = os.path.join(current_dir, filename)
- if match and os.path.isdir(abs_path):
- ver = int(match.group(0))
- if ver <= SCHEMA_VERSION:
- valid_dirs.append((ver, abs_path))
- else:
- logger.warn("Unexpected entry in 'full_schemas': %s", filename)
- if not valid_dirs:
- raise PrepareDatabaseException(
- "Could not find a suitable base set of full schemas"
- )
- max_current_ver, sql_dir = max(valid_dirs, key=lambda x: x[0])
- logger.debug("Initialising schema v%d", max_current_ver)
- directory_entries = os.listdir(sql_dir)
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(directory_entries, "*.sql"):
- sql_loc = os.path.join(sql_dir, filename)
- logger.debug("Applying schema %s", sql_loc)
- executescript(cur, sql_loc)
- cur.execute(
- database_engine.convert_param_style(
- "INSERT INTO schema_version (version, upgraded)"
- " VALUES (?,?)"
- ),
- (max_current_ver, False,)
- )
- _upgrade_existing_database(
- cur,
- current_version=max_current_ver,
- applied_delta_files=[],
- upgraded=False,
- database_engine=database_engine,
- )
-def _upgrade_existing_database(cur, current_version, applied_delta_files,
- upgraded, database_engine):
- """Upgrades an existing database.
- Delta files can either be SQL stored in *.sql files, or python modules
- in *.py.
- There can be multiple delta files per version. Synapse will keep track of
- which delta files have been applied, and will apply any that haven't been
- even if there has been no version bump. This is useful for development
- where orthogonal schema changes may happen on separate branches.
- Different delta files for the same version *must* be orthogonal and give
- the same result when applied in any order. No guarantees are made on the
- order of execution of these scripts.
- This is a no-op of current_version == SCHEMA_VERSION.
- Example directory structure:
- schema/
- delta/
- 11/
- foo.sql
- ...
- 12/
- foo.sql
- bar.py
- ...
- full_schemas/
- ...
- In the example, if current_version is 11, then foo.sql will be run if and
- only if `upgraded` is True. Then `foo.sql` and `bar.py` would be run in
- some arbitrary order.
- Args:
- cur (Cursor)
- current_version (int): The current version of the schema.
- applied_delta_files (list): A list of deltas that have already been
- applied.
- upgraded (bool): Whether the current version was generated by having
- applied deltas or from full schema file. If `True` the function
- will never apply delta files for the given `current_version`, since
- the current_version wasn't generated by applying those delta files.
- """
- if current_version > SCHEMA_VERSION:
- raise ValueError(
- "Cannot use this database as it is too " +
- "new for the server to understand"
- )
- start_ver = current_version
- if not upgraded:
- start_ver += 1
- logger.debug("applied_delta_files: %s", applied_delta_files)
- for v in range(start_ver, SCHEMA_VERSION + 1):
- logger.debug("Upgrading schema to v%d", v)
- delta_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "schema", "delta", str(v))
- try:
- directory_entries = os.listdir(delta_dir)
- except OSError:
- logger.exception("Could not open delta dir for version %d", v)
- raise UpgradeDatabaseException(
- "Could not open delta dir for version %d" % (v,)
- )
- directory_entries.sort()
- for file_name in directory_entries:
- relative_path = os.path.join(str(v), file_name)
- logger.debug("Found file: %s", relative_path)
- if relative_path in applied_delta_files:
- continue
- absolute_path = os.path.join(
- dir_path, "schema", "delta", relative_path,
- )
- root_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
- if ext == ".py":
- # This is a python upgrade module. We need to import into some
- # package and then execute its `run_upgrade` function.
- module_name = "synapse.storage.v%d_%s" % (
- v, root_name
- )
- with open(absolute_path) as python_file:
- module = imp.load_source(
- module_name, absolute_path, python_file
- )
- logger.debug("Running script %s", relative_path)
- module.run_upgrade(cur, database_engine)
- elif ext == ".pyc":
- # Sometimes .pyc files turn up anyway even though we've
- # disabled their generation; e.g. from distribution package
- # installers. Silently skip it
- pass
- elif ext == ".sql":
- # A plain old .sql file, just read and execute it
- logger.debug("Applying schema %s", relative_path)
- executescript(cur, absolute_path)
- else:
- # Not a valid delta file.
- logger.warn(
- "Found directory entry that did not end in .py or"
- " .sql: %s",
- relative_path,
- )
- continue
- # Mark as done.
- cur.execute(
- database_engine.convert_param_style(
- "INSERT INTO applied_schema_deltas (version, file)"
- " VALUES (?,?)",
- ),
- (v, relative_path)
- )
- cur.execute("DELETE FROM schema_version")
- cur.execute(
- database_engine.convert_param_style(
- "INSERT INTO schema_version (version, upgraded)"
- " VALUES (?,?)",
- ),
- (v, True)
- )
-def get_statements(f):
- statement_buffer = ""
- in_comment = False # If we're in a /* ... */ style comment
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip()
- if in_comment:
- # Check if this line contains an end to the comment
- comments = line.split("*/", 1)
- if len(comments) == 1:
- continue
- line = comments[1]
- in_comment = False
- # Remove inline block comments
- line = re.sub(r"/\*.*\*/", " ", line)
- # Does this line start a comment?
- comments = line.split("/*", 1)
- if len(comments) > 1:
- line = comments[0]
- in_comment = True
- # Deal with line comments
- line = line.split("--", 1)[0]
- line = line.split("//", 1)[0]
- # Find *all* semicolons. We need to treat first and last entry
- # specially.
- statements = line.split(";")
- # We must prepend statement_buffer to the first statement
- first_statement = "%s %s" % (
- statement_buffer.strip(),
- statements[0].strip()
- )
- statements[0] = first_statement
- # Every entry, except the last, is a full statement
- for statement in statements[:-1]:
- yield statement.strip()
- # The last entry did *not* end in a semicolon, so we store it for the
- # next semicolon we find
- statement_buffer = statements[-1].strip()
-def executescript(txn, schema_path):
- with open(schema_path, 'r') as f:
- for statement in get_statements(f):
- txn.execute(statement)
-def _get_or_create_schema_state(txn, database_engine):
- # Bluntly try creating the schema_version tables.
- schema_path = os.path.join(
- dir_path, "schema", "schema_version.sql",
- )
- executescript(txn, schema_path)
- txn.execute("SELECT version, upgraded FROM schema_version")
- row = txn.fetchone()
- current_version = int(row[0]) if row else None
- upgraded = bool(row[1]) if row else None
- if current_version:
- txn.execute(
- database_engine.convert_param_style(
- "SELECT file FROM applied_schema_deltas WHERE version >= ?"
- ),
- (current_version,)
- )
- applied_deltas = [d for d, in txn.fetchall()]
- return current_version, applied_deltas, upgraded
- return None
-def prepare_sqlite3_database(db_conn):
- """This function should be called before `prepare_database` on sqlite3
- databases.
- Since we changed the way we store the current schema version and handle
- updates to schemas, we need a way to upgrade from the old method to the
- new. This only affects sqlite databases since they were the only ones
- supported at the time.
- """
- with db_conn:
- schema_path = os.path.join(
- dir_path, "schema", "schema_version.sql",
- )
- create_schema = read_schema(schema_path)
- db_conn.executescript(create_schema)
- c = db_conn.execute("SELECT * FROM schema_version")
- rows = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- if not rows:
- c = db_conn.execute("PRAGMA user_version")
- row = c.fetchone()
- c.close()
- if row and row[0]:
- db_conn.execute(
- "REPLACE INTO schema_version (version, upgraded)"
- " VALUES (?,?)",
- (row[0], False)
- )
def are_all_users_on_domain(txn, database_engine, domain):
sql = database_engine.convert_param_style(
diff --git a/synapse/storage/engines/postgres.py b/synapse/storage/engines/postgres.py
index 4a855ffd56..98d66e0a86 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/engines/postgres.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/engines/postgres.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-from synapse.storage import prepare_database
+from synapse.storage.prepare_database import prepare_database
from ._base import IncorrectDatabaseSetup
diff --git a/synapse/storage/engines/sqlite3.py b/synapse/storage/engines/sqlite3.py
index d18e2808d1..bad3b5c5ac 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/engines/sqlite3.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/engines/sqlite3.py
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-from synapse.storage import prepare_database, prepare_sqlite3_database
+from synapse.storage.prepare_database import (
+ prepare_database, prepare_sqlite3_database
class Sqlite3Engine(object):
diff --git a/synapse/storage/prepare_database.py b/synapse/storage/prepare_database.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ddf55be4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/storage/prepare_database.py
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014, 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import fnmatch
+import imp
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Remember to update this number every time a change is made to database
+# schema files, so the users will be informed on server restarts.
+dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+def read_schema(path):
+ """ Read the named database schema.
+ Args:
+ path: Path of the database schema.
+ Returns:
+ A string containing the database schema.
+ """
+ with open(path) as schema_file:
+ return schema_file.read()
+class PrepareDatabaseException(Exception):
+ pass
+class UpgradeDatabaseException(PrepareDatabaseException):
+ pass
+def prepare_database(db_conn, database_engine):
+ """Prepares a database for usage. Will either create all necessary tables
+ or upgrade from an older schema version.
+ """
+ try:
+ cur = db_conn.cursor()
+ version_info = _get_or_create_schema_state(cur, database_engine)
+ if version_info:
+ user_version, delta_files, upgraded = version_info
+ _upgrade_existing_database(
+ cur, user_version, delta_files, upgraded, database_engine
+ )
+ else:
+ _setup_new_database(cur, database_engine)
+ # cur.execute("PRAGMA user_version = %d" % (SCHEMA_VERSION,))
+ cur.close()
+ db_conn.commit()
+ except:
+ db_conn.rollback()
+ raise
+def _setup_new_database(cur, database_engine):
+ """Sets up the database by finding a base set of "full schemas" and then
+ applying any necessary deltas.
+ The "full_schemas" directory has subdirectories named after versions. This
+ function searches for the highest version less than or equal to
+ `SCHEMA_VERSION` and executes all .sql files in that directory.
+ The function will then apply all deltas for all versions after the base
+ version.
+ Example directory structure:
+ schema/
+ delta/
+ ...
+ full_schemas/
+ 3/
+ test.sql
+ ...
+ 11/
+ foo.sql
+ bar.sql
+ ...
+ In the example foo.sql and bar.sql would be run, and then any delta files
+ for versions strictly greater than 11.
+ """
+ current_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "schema", "full_schemas")
+ directory_entries = os.listdir(current_dir)
+ valid_dirs = []
+ pattern = re.compile(r"^\d+(\.sql)?$")
+ for filename in directory_entries:
+ match = pattern.match(filename)
+ abs_path = os.path.join(current_dir, filename)
+ if match and os.path.isdir(abs_path):
+ ver = int(match.group(0))
+ if ver <= SCHEMA_VERSION:
+ valid_dirs.append((ver, abs_path))
+ else:
+ logger.warn("Unexpected entry in 'full_schemas': %s", filename)
+ if not valid_dirs:
+ raise PrepareDatabaseException(
+ "Could not find a suitable base set of full schemas"
+ )
+ max_current_ver, sql_dir = max(valid_dirs, key=lambda x: x[0])
+ logger.debug("Initialising schema v%d", max_current_ver)
+ directory_entries = os.listdir(sql_dir)
+ for filename in fnmatch.filter(directory_entries, "*.sql"):
+ sql_loc = os.path.join(sql_dir, filename)
+ logger.debug("Applying schema %s", sql_loc)
+ executescript(cur, sql_loc)
+ cur.execute(
+ database_engine.convert_param_style(
+ "INSERT INTO schema_version (version, upgraded)"
+ " VALUES (?,?)"
+ ),
+ (max_current_ver, False,)
+ )
+ _upgrade_existing_database(
+ cur,
+ current_version=max_current_ver,
+ applied_delta_files=[],
+ upgraded=False,
+ database_engine=database_engine,
+ )
+def _upgrade_existing_database(cur, current_version, applied_delta_files,
+ upgraded, database_engine):
+ """Upgrades an existing database.
+ Delta files can either be SQL stored in *.sql files, or python modules
+ in *.py.
+ There can be multiple delta files per version. Synapse will keep track of
+ which delta files have been applied, and will apply any that haven't been
+ even if there has been no version bump. This is useful for development
+ where orthogonal schema changes may happen on separate branches.
+ Different delta files for the same version *must* be orthogonal and give
+ the same result when applied in any order. No guarantees are made on the
+ order of execution of these scripts.
+ This is a no-op of current_version == SCHEMA_VERSION.
+ Example directory structure:
+ schema/
+ delta/
+ 11/
+ foo.sql
+ ...
+ 12/
+ foo.sql
+ bar.py
+ ...
+ full_schemas/
+ ...
+ In the example, if current_version is 11, then foo.sql will be run if and
+ only if `upgraded` is True. Then `foo.sql` and `bar.py` would be run in
+ some arbitrary order.
+ Args:
+ cur (Cursor)
+ current_version (int): The current version of the schema.
+ applied_delta_files (list): A list of deltas that have already been
+ applied.
+ upgraded (bool): Whether the current version was generated by having
+ applied deltas or from full schema file. If `True` the function
+ will never apply delta files for the given `current_version`, since
+ the current_version wasn't generated by applying those delta files.
+ """
+ if current_version > SCHEMA_VERSION:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot use this database as it is too " +
+ "new for the server to understand"
+ )
+ start_ver = current_version
+ if not upgraded:
+ start_ver += 1
+ logger.debug("applied_delta_files: %s", applied_delta_files)
+ for v in range(start_ver, SCHEMA_VERSION + 1):
+ logger.debug("Upgrading schema to v%d", v)
+ delta_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "schema", "delta", str(v))
+ try:
+ directory_entries = os.listdir(delta_dir)
+ except OSError:
+ logger.exception("Could not open delta dir for version %d", v)
+ raise UpgradeDatabaseException(
+ "Could not open delta dir for version %d" % (v,)
+ )
+ directory_entries.sort()
+ for file_name in directory_entries:
+ relative_path = os.path.join(str(v), file_name)
+ logger.debug("Found file: %s", relative_path)
+ if relative_path in applied_delta_files:
+ continue
+ absolute_path = os.path.join(
+ dir_path, "schema", "delta", relative_path,
+ )
+ root_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
+ if ext == ".py":
+ # This is a python upgrade module. We need to import into some
+ # package and then execute its `run_upgrade` function.
+ module_name = "synapse.storage.v%d_%s" % (
+ v, root_name
+ )
+ with open(absolute_path) as python_file:
+ module = imp.load_source(
+ module_name, absolute_path, python_file
+ )
+ logger.debug("Running script %s", relative_path)
+ module.run_upgrade(cur, database_engine)
+ elif ext == ".pyc":
+ # Sometimes .pyc files turn up anyway even though we've
+ # disabled their generation; e.g. from distribution package
+ # installers. Silently skip it
+ pass
+ elif ext == ".sql":
+ # A plain old .sql file, just read and execute it
+ logger.debug("Applying schema %s", relative_path)
+ executescript(cur, absolute_path)
+ else:
+ # Not a valid delta file.
+ logger.warn(
+ "Found directory entry that did not end in .py or"
+ " .sql: %s",
+ relative_path,
+ )
+ continue
+ # Mark as done.
+ cur.execute(
+ database_engine.convert_param_style(
+ "INSERT INTO applied_schema_deltas (version, file)"
+ " VALUES (?,?)",
+ ),
+ (v, relative_path)
+ )
+ cur.execute("DELETE FROM schema_version")
+ cur.execute(
+ database_engine.convert_param_style(
+ "INSERT INTO schema_version (version, upgraded)"
+ " VALUES (?,?)",
+ ),
+ (v, True)
+ )
+def get_statements(f):
+ statement_buffer = ""
+ in_comment = False # If we're in a /* ... */ style comment
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if in_comment:
+ # Check if this line contains an end to the comment
+ comments = line.split("*/", 1)
+ if len(comments) == 1:
+ continue
+ line = comments[1]
+ in_comment = False
+ # Remove inline block comments
+ line = re.sub(r"/\*.*\*/", " ", line)
+ # Does this line start a comment?
+ comments = line.split("/*", 1)
+ if len(comments) > 1:
+ line = comments[0]
+ in_comment = True
+ # Deal with line comments
+ line = line.split("--", 1)[0]
+ line = line.split("//", 1)[0]
+ # Find *all* semicolons. We need to treat first and last entry
+ # specially.
+ statements = line.split(";")
+ # We must prepend statement_buffer to the first statement
+ first_statement = "%s %s" % (
+ statement_buffer.strip(),
+ statements[0].strip()
+ )
+ statements[0] = first_statement
+ # Every entry, except the last, is a full statement
+ for statement in statements[:-1]:
+ yield statement.strip()
+ # The last entry did *not* end in a semicolon, so we store it for the
+ # next semicolon we find
+ statement_buffer = statements[-1].strip()
+def executescript(txn, schema_path):
+ with open(schema_path, 'r') as f:
+ for statement in get_statements(f):
+ txn.execute(statement)
+def _get_or_create_schema_state(txn, database_engine):
+ # Bluntly try creating the schema_version tables.
+ schema_path = os.path.join(
+ dir_path, "schema", "schema_version.sql",
+ )
+ executescript(txn, schema_path)
+ txn.execute("SELECT version, upgraded FROM schema_version")
+ row = txn.fetchone()
+ current_version = int(row[0]) if row else None
+ upgraded = bool(row[1]) if row else None
+ if current_version:
+ txn.execute(
+ database_engine.convert_param_style(
+ "SELECT file FROM applied_schema_deltas WHERE version >= ?"
+ ),
+ (current_version,)
+ )
+ applied_deltas = [d for d, in txn.fetchall()]
+ return current_version, applied_deltas, upgraded
+ return None
+def prepare_sqlite3_database(db_conn):
+ """This function should be called before `prepare_database` on sqlite3
+ databases.
+ Since we changed the way we store the current schema version and handle
+ updates to schemas, we need a way to upgrade from the old method to the
+ new. This only affects sqlite databases since they were the only ones
+ supported at the time.
+ """
+ with db_conn:
+ schema_path = os.path.join(
+ dir_path, "schema", "schema_version.sql",
+ )
+ create_schema = read_schema(schema_path)
+ db_conn.executescript(create_schema)
+ c = db_conn.execute("SELECT * FROM schema_version")
+ rows = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ if not rows:
+ c = db_conn.execute("PRAGMA user_version")
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ c.close()
+ if row and row[0]:
+ db_conn.execute(
+ "REPLACE INTO schema_version (version, upgraded)"
+ " VALUES (?,?)",
+ (row[0], False)
+ )
diff --git a/synapse/storage/roommember.py b/synapse/storage/roommember.py
index 8c40d9a8a6..dd98dcfda8 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/roommember.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/roommember.py
@@ -110,6 +110,20 @@ class RoomMemberStore(SQLBaseStore):
+ def get_invites_for_user(self, user_id):
+ """ Get all the invite events for a user
+ Args:
+ user_id (str): The user ID.
+ Returns:
+ A deferred list of event objects.
+ """
+ return self.get_rooms_for_user_where_membership_is(
+ user_id, [Membership.INVITE]
+ ).addCallback(lambda invites: self._get_events([
+ invites.event_id for invite in invites
+ ]))
def get_rooms_for_user_where_membership_is(self, user_id, membership_list):
""" Get all the rooms for this user where the membership for this user
matches one in the membership list.
diff --git a/synapse/storage/state.py b/synapse/storage/state.py
index e935b9443b..6f2a50d585 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/state.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/state.py
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class StateStore(SQLBaseStore):
event_to_groups = yield self._get_state_group_for_events(
- room_id, event_ids,
+ event_ids,
groups = set(event_to_groups.values())
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class StateStore(SQLBaseStore):
- def get_state_for_events(self, room_id, event_ids, types):
+ def get_state_for_events(self, event_ids, types):
"""Given a list of event_ids and type tuples, return a list of state
dicts for each event. The state dicts will only have the type/state_keys
that are in the `types` list.
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class StateStore(SQLBaseStore):
The dicts are mappings from (type, state_key) -> state_events
event_to_groups = yield self._get_state_group_for_events(
- room_id, event_ids,
+ event_ids,
groups = set(event_to_groups.values())
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ class StateStore(SQLBaseStore):
@cachedList(cache=_get_state_group_for_event.cache, list_name="event_ids",
- num_args=2)
- def _get_state_group_for_events(self, room_id, event_ids):
+ num_args=1)
+ def _get_state_group_for_events(self, event_ids):
"""Returns mapping event_id -> state_group
def f(txn):