diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/purge_events.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/purge_events.py
index 7fb7780d0f..ec6b1eb5d4 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/purge_events.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/purge_events.py
@@ -392,7 +392,6 @@ class PurgeEventsStore(StateGroupWorkerStore, CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
- "room_stats_historical",
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
index 82a1833509..b10bee6daf 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, Membership
from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
from synapse.storage.database import DatabasePool
from synapse.storage.databases.main.state_deltas import StateDeltasStore
-from synapse.storage.engines import PostgresEngine
from synapse.types import JsonDict
from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached
@@ -49,14 +48,6 @@ ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS = {
"user": ("joined_rooms",),
-# these fields are per-timeslice and so should be reset to 0 upon a new slice
-# You can draw these stats on a histogram.
-# Example: number of events sent locally during a time slice
- "room": ("total_events", "total_event_bytes"),
- "user": ("invites_sent", "rooms_created", "total_events", "total_event_bytes"),
TYPE_TO_TABLE = {"room": ("room_stats", "room_id"), "user": ("user_stats", "user_id")}
# these are the tables (& ID columns) which contain our actual subjects
@@ -106,7 +97,6 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
self.server_name = hs.hostname
self.clock = self.hs.get_clock()
self.stats_enabled = hs.config.stats_enabled
- self.stats_bucket_size = hs.config.stats_bucket_size
self.stats_delta_processing_lock = DeferredLock()
@@ -122,22 +112,6 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
- def quantise_stats_time(self, ts):
- """
- Quantises a timestamp to be a multiple of the bucket size.
- Args:
- ts (int): the timestamp to quantise, in milliseconds since the Unix
- Epoch
- Returns:
- int: a timestamp which
- - is divisible by the bucket size;
- - is no later than `ts`; and
- - is the largest such timestamp.
- """
- return (ts // self.stats_bucket_size) * self.stats_bucket_size
async def _populate_stats_process_users(self, progress, batch_size):
This is a background update which regenerates statistics for users.
@@ -288,56 +262,6 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
- async def get_statistics_for_subject(
- self, stats_type: str, stats_id: str, start: str, size: int = 100
- ) -> List[dict]:
- """
- Get statistics for a given subject.
- Args:
- stats_type: The type of subject
- stats_id: The ID of the subject (e.g. room_id or user_id)
- start: Pagination start. Number of entries, not timestamp.
- size: How many entries to return.
- Returns:
- A list of dicts, where the dict has the keys of
- ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type], and "bucket_size" and "end_ts".
- """
- return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
- "get_statistics_for_subject",
- self._get_statistics_for_subject_txn,
- stats_type,
- stats_id,
- start,
- size,
- )
- def _get_statistics_for_subject_txn(
- self, txn, stats_type, stats_id, start, size=100
- ):
- """
- Transaction-bound version of L{get_statistics_for_subject}.
- """
- table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
- selected_columns = list(
- ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type] + PER_SLICE_FIELDS[stats_type]
- )
- slice_list = self.db_pool.simple_select_list_paginate_txn(
- txn,
- table + "_historical",
- "end_ts",
- start,
- size,
- retcols=selected_columns + ["bucket_size", "end_ts"],
- keyvalues={id_col: stats_id},
- order_direction="DESC",
- )
- return slice_list
async def get_earliest_token_for_stats(
self, stats_type: str, id: str
@@ -451,14 +375,10 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
- quantised_ts = self.quantise_stats_time(int(ts))
- end_ts = quantised_ts + self.stats_bucket_size
# Lets be paranoid and check that all the given field names are known
abs_field_names = ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type]
- slice_field_names = PER_SLICE_FIELDS[stats_type]
for field in chain(fields.keys(), absolute_field_overrides.keys()):
- if field not in abs_field_names and field not in slice_field_names:
+ if field not in abs_field_names:
# guard against potential SQL injection dodginess
raise ValueError(
"%s is not a recognised field"
@@ -491,20 +411,6 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
- per_slice_additive_relatives = {
- key: fields.get(key, 0) for key in slice_field_names
- }
- self._upsert_copy_from_table_with_additive_relatives_txn(
- txn=txn,
- into_table=table + "_historical",
- keyvalues={id_col: stats_id},
- extra_dst_insvalues={"bucket_size": self.stats_bucket_size},
- extra_dst_keyvalues={"end_ts": end_ts},
- additive_relatives=per_slice_additive_relatives,
- src_table=table + "_current",
- copy_columns=abs_field_names,
- )
def _upsert_with_additive_relatives_txn(
self, txn, table, keyvalues, absolutes, additive_relatives
@@ -572,201 +478,6 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
self.db_pool.simple_update_one_txn(txn, table, keyvalues, current_row)
- def _upsert_copy_from_table_with_additive_relatives_txn(
- self,
- txn,
- into_table,
- keyvalues,
- extra_dst_keyvalues,
- extra_dst_insvalues,
- additive_relatives,
- src_table,
- copy_columns,
- ):
- """Updates the historic stats table with latest updates.
- This involves copying "absolute" fields from the `_current` table, and
- adding relative fields to any existing values.
- Args:
- txn: Transaction
- into_table (str): The destination table to UPSERT the row into
- keyvalues (dict[str, any]): Row-identifying key values
- extra_dst_keyvalues (dict[str, any]): Additional keyvalues
- for `into_table`.
- extra_dst_insvalues (dict[str, any]): Additional values to insert
- on new row creation for `into_table`.
- additive_relatives (dict[str, any]): Fields that will be added onto
- if existing row present. (Must be disjoint from copy_columns.)
- src_table (str): The source table to copy from
- copy_columns (iterable[str]): The list of columns to copy
- """
- if self.database_engine.can_native_upsert:
- ins_columns = chain(
- keyvalues,
- copy_columns,
- additive_relatives,
- extra_dst_keyvalues,
- extra_dst_insvalues,
- )
- sel_exprs = chain(
- keyvalues,
- copy_columns,
- (
- "?"
- for _ in chain(
- additive_relatives, extra_dst_keyvalues, extra_dst_insvalues
- )
- ),
- )
- keyvalues_where = ("%s = ?" % f for f in keyvalues)
- sets_cc = ("%s = EXCLUDED.%s" % (f, f) for f in copy_columns)
- sets_ar = (
- "%s = EXCLUDED.%s + %s.%s" % (f, f, into_table, f)
- for f in additive_relatives
- )
- sql = """
- INSERT INTO %(into_table)s (%(ins_columns)s)
- SELECT %(sel_exprs)s
- FROM %(src_table)s
- WHERE %(keyvalues_where)s
- ON CONFLICT (%(keyvalues)s)
- DO UPDATE SET %(sets)s
- """ % {
- "into_table": into_table,
- "ins_columns": ", ".join(ins_columns),
- "sel_exprs": ", ".join(sel_exprs),
- "keyvalues_where": " AND ".join(keyvalues_where),
- "src_table": src_table,
- "keyvalues": ", ".join(
- chain(keyvalues.keys(), extra_dst_keyvalues.keys())
- ),
- "sets": ", ".join(chain(sets_cc, sets_ar)),
- }
- qargs = list(
- chain(
- additive_relatives.values(),
- extra_dst_keyvalues.values(),
- extra_dst_insvalues.values(),
- keyvalues.values(),
- )
- )
- txn.execute(sql, qargs)
- else:
- self.database_engine.lock_table(txn, into_table)
- src_row = self.db_pool.simple_select_one_txn(
- txn, src_table, keyvalues, copy_columns
- )
- all_dest_keyvalues = {**keyvalues, **extra_dst_keyvalues}
- dest_current_row = self.db_pool.simple_select_one_txn(
- txn,
- into_table,
- keyvalues=all_dest_keyvalues,
- retcols=list(chain(additive_relatives.keys(), copy_columns)),
- allow_none=True,
- )
- if dest_current_row is None:
- merged_dict = {
- **keyvalues,
- **extra_dst_keyvalues,
- **extra_dst_insvalues,
- **src_row,
- **additive_relatives,
- }
- self.db_pool.simple_insert_txn(txn, into_table, merged_dict)
- else:
- for (key, val) in additive_relatives.items():
- src_row[key] = dest_current_row[key] + val
- self.db_pool.simple_update_txn(
- txn, into_table, all_dest_keyvalues, src_row
- )
- async def get_changes_room_total_events_and_bytes(
- self, min_pos: int, max_pos: int
- ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]:
- """Fetches the counts of events in the given range of stream IDs.
- Args:
- min_pos
- max_pos
- Returns:
- Mapping of room ID to field changes.
- """
- return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
- "stats_incremental_total_events_and_bytes",
- self.get_changes_room_total_events_and_bytes_txn,
- min_pos,
- max_pos,
- )
- def get_changes_room_total_events_and_bytes_txn(
- self, txn, low_pos: int, high_pos: int
- ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]:
- """Gets the total_events and total_event_bytes counts for rooms and
- senders, in a range of stream_orderings (including backfilled events).
- Args:
- txn
- low_pos: Low stream ordering
- high_pos: High stream ordering
- Returns:
- The room and user deltas for total_events/total_event_bytes in the
- format of `stats_id` -> fields
- """
- if low_pos >= high_pos:
- # nothing to do here.
- return {}, {}
- if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
- new_bytes_expression = "OCTET_LENGTH(json)"
- else:
- new_bytes_expression = "LENGTH(CAST(json AS BLOB))"
- sql = """
- SELECT events.room_id, COUNT(*) AS new_events, SUM(%s) AS new_bytes
- FROM events INNER JOIN event_json USING (event_id)
- WHERE (? < stream_ordering AND stream_ordering <= ?)
- OR (? <= stream_ordering AND stream_ordering <= ?)
- GROUP BY events.room_id
- """ % (
- new_bytes_expression,
- )
- txn.execute(sql, (low_pos, high_pos, -high_pos, -low_pos))
- room_deltas = {
- room_id: {"total_events": new_events, "total_event_bytes": new_bytes}
- for room_id, new_events, new_bytes in txn
- }
- sql = """
- SELECT events.sender, COUNT(*) AS new_events, SUM(%s) AS new_bytes
- FROM events INNER JOIN event_json USING (event_id)
- WHERE (? < stream_ordering AND stream_ordering <= ?)
- OR (? <= stream_ordering AND stream_ordering <= ?)
- GROUP BY events.sender
- """ % (
- new_bytes_expression,
- )
- txn.execute(sql, (low_pos, high_pos, -high_pos, -low_pos))
- user_deltas = {
- user_id: {"total_events": new_events, "total_event_bytes": new_bytes}
- for user_id, new_events, new_bytes in txn
- if self.hs.is_mine_id(user_id)
- }
- return room_deltas, user_deltas
async def _calculate_and_set_initial_state_for_room(
self, room_id: str
) -> Tuple[dict, dict, int]:
diff --git a/synapse/storage/schema/__init__.py b/synapse/storage/schema/__init__.py
index 0a53b73ccc..36340a652a 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/schema/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/schema/__init__.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Represents the expectations made by the codebase about the database schema
This should be incremented whenever the codebase changes its requirements on the
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ older versions of Synapse).
See `README.md <synapse/storage/schema/README.md>`_ for more information on how this
+Changes in SCHEMA_VERSION = 61:
+ - The `user_stats_historical` and `room_stats_historical` tables are not written and
+ are not read (previously, they were written but not read).