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path: root/synapse/storage/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/storage/ b/synapse/storage/
index fcb5f2f23a..d471ec9860 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/
+++ b/synapse/storage/
@@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ import logging
 import attr
-from synapse.api.constants import RelationTypes
 from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
-from import SQLBaseStore
-from import generate_pagination_where_clause
-from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached, cachedInlineCallbacks
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -113,358 +109,3 @@ class AggregationPaginationToken(object):
     def as_tuple(self):
         return attr.astuple(self)
-class RelationsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
-    @cached(tree=True)
-    def get_relations_for_event(
-        self,
-        event_id,
-        relation_type=None,
-        event_type=None,
-        aggregation_key=None,
-        limit=5,
-        direction="b",
-        from_token=None,
-        to_token=None,
-    ):
-        """Get a list of relations for an event, ordered by topological ordering.
-        Args:
-            event_id (str): Fetch events that relate to this event ID.
-            relation_type (str|None): Only fetch events with this relation
-                type, if given.
-            event_type (str|None): Only fetch events with this event type, if
-                given.
-            aggregation_key (str|None): Only fetch events with this aggregation
-                key, if given.
-            limit (int): Only fetch the most recent `limit` events.
-            direction (str): Whether to fetch the most recent first (`"b"`) or
-                the oldest first (`"f"`).
-            from_token (RelationPaginationToken|None): Fetch rows from the given
-                token, or from the start if None.
-            to_token (RelationPaginationToken|None): Fetch rows up to the given
-                token, or up to the end if None.
-        Returns:
-            Deferred[PaginationChunk]: List of event IDs that match relations
-            requested. The rows are of the form `{"event_id": "..."}`.
-        """
-        where_clause = ["relates_to_id = ?"]
-        where_args = [event_id]
-        if relation_type is not None:
-            where_clause.append("relation_type = ?")
-            where_args.append(relation_type)
-        if event_type is not None:
-            where_clause.append("type = ?")
-            where_args.append(event_type)
-        if aggregation_key:
-            where_clause.append("aggregation_key = ?")
-            where_args.append(aggregation_key)
-        pagination_clause = generate_pagination_where_clause(
-            direction=direction,
-            column_names=("topological_ordering", "stream_ordering"),
-            from_token=attr.astuple(from_token) if from_token else None,
-            to_token=attr.astuple(to_token) if to_token else None,
-            engine=self.database_engine,
-        )
-        if pagination_clause:
-            where_clause.append(pagination_clause)
-        if direction == "b":
-            order = "DESC"
-        else:
-            order = "ASC"
-        sql = """
-            SELECT event_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering
-            FROM event_relations
-            INNER JOIN events USING (event_id)
-            WHERE %s
-            ORDER BY topological_ordering %s, stream_ordering %s
-            LIMIT ?
-        """ % (
-            " AND ".join(where_clause),
-            order,
-            order,
-        )
-        def _get_recent_references_for_event_txn(txn):
-            txn.execute(sql, where_args + [limit + 1])
-            last_topo_id = None
-            last_stream_id = None
-            events = []
-            for row in txn:
-                events.append({"event_id": row[0]})
-                last_topo_id = row[1]
-                last_stream_id = row[2]
-            next_batch = None
-            if len(events) > limit and last_topo_id and last_stream_id:
-                next_batch = RelationPaginationToken(last_topo_id, last_stream_id)
-            return PaginationChunk(
-                chunk=list(events[:limit]), next_batch=next_batch, prev_batch=from_token
-            )
-        return self.runInteraction(
-            "get_recent_references_for_event", _get_recent_references_for_event_txn
-        )
-    @cached(tree=True)
-    def get_aggregation_groups_for_event(
-        self,
-        event_id,
-        event_type=None,
-        limit=5,
-        direction="b",
-        from_token=None,
-        to_token=None,
-    ):
-        """Get a list of annotations on the event, grouped by event type and
-        aggregation key, sorted by count.
-        This is used e.g. to get the what and how many reactions have happend
-        on an event.
-        Args:
-            event_id (str): Fetch events that relate to this event ID.
-            event_type (str|None): Only fetch events with this event type, if
-                given.
-            limit (int): Only fetch the `limit` groups.
-            direction (str): Whether to fetch the highest count first (`"b"`) or
-                the lowest count first (`"f"`).
-            from_token (AggregationPaginationToken|None): Fetch rows from the
-                given token, or from the start if None.
-            to_token (AggregationPaginationToken|None): Fetch rows up to the
-                given token, or up to the end if None.
-        Returns:
-            Deferred[PaginationChunk]: List of groups of annotations that
-            match. Each row is a dict with `type`, `key` and `count` fields.
-        """
-        where_clause = ["relates_to_id = ?", "relation_type = ?"]
-        where_args = [event_id, RelationTypes.ANNOTATION]
-        if event_type:
-            where_clause.append("type = ?")
-            where_args.append(event_type)
-        having_clause = generate_pagination_where_clause(
-            direction=direction,
-            column_names=("COUNT(*)", "MAX(stream_ordering)"),
-            from_token=attr.astuple(from_token) if from_token else None,
-            to_token=attr.astuple(to_token) if to_token else None,
-            engine=self.database_engine,
-        )
-        if direction == "b":
-            order = "DESC"
-        else:
-            order = "ASC"
-        if having_clause:
-            having_clause = "HAVING " + having_clause
-        else:
-            having_clause = ""
-        sql = """
-            SELECT type, aggregation_key, COUNT(DISTINCT sender), MAX(stream_ordering)
-            FROM event_relations
-            INNER JOIN events USING (event_id)
-            WHERE {where_clause}
-            GROUP BY relation_type, type, aggregation_key
-            {having_clause}
-            ORDER BY COUNT(*) {order}, MAX(stream_ordering) {order}
-            LIMIT ?
-        """.format(
-            where_clause=" AND ".join(where_clause),
-            order=order,
-            having_clause=having_clause,
-        )
-        def _get_aggregation_groups_for_event_txn(txn):
-            txn.execute(sql, where_args + [limit + 1])
-            next_batch = None
-            events = []
-            for row in txn:
-                events.append({"type": row[0], "key": row[1], "count": row[2]})
-                next_batch = AggregationPaginationToken(row[2], row[3])
-            if len(events) <= limit:
-                next_batch = None
-            return PaginationChunk(
-                chunk=list(events[:limit]), next_batch=next_batch, prev_batch=from_token
-            )
-        return self.runInteraction(
-            "get_aggregation_groups_for_event", _get_aggregation_groups_for_event_txn
-        )
-    @cachedInlineCallbacks()
-    def get_applicable_edit(self, event_id):
-        """Get the most recent edit (if any) that has happened for the given
-        event.
-        Correctly handles checking whether edits were allowed to happen.
-        Args:
-            event_id (str): The original event ID
-        Returns:
-            Deferred[EventBase|None]: Returns the most recent edit, if any.
-        """
-        # We only allow edits for `` events that have the same sender
-        # and event type. We can't assert these things during regular event auth so
-        # we have to do the checks post hoc.
-        # Fetches latest edit that has the same type and sender as the
-        # original, and is an ``.
-        sql = """
-            SELECT edit.event_id FROM events AS edit
-            INNER JOIN event_relations USING (event_id)
-            INNER JOIN events AS original ON
-                original.event_id = relates_to_id
-                AND edit.type = original.type
-                AND edit.sender = original.sender
-            WHERE
-                relates_to_id = ?
-                AND relation_type = ?
-                AND edit.type = ''
-            ORDER by edit.origin_server_ts DESC, edit.event_id DESC
-            LIMIT 1
-        """
-        def _get_applicable_edit_txn(txn):
-            txn.execute(sql, (event_id, RelationTypes.REPLACE))
-            row = txn.fetchone()
-            if row:
-                return row[0]
-        edit_id = yield self.runInteraction(
-            "get_applicable_edit", _get_applicable_edit_txn
-        )
-        if not edit_id:
-            return
-        edit_event = yield self.get_event(edit_id, allow_none=True)
-        return edit_event
-    def has_user_annotated_event(self, parent_id, event_type, aggregation_key, sender):
-        """Check if a user has already annotated an event with the same key
-        (e.g. already liked an event).
-        Args:
-            parent_id (str): The event being annotated
-            event_type (str): The event type of the annotation
-            aggregation_key (str): The aggregation key of the annotation
-            sender (str): The sender of the annotation
-        Returns:
-            Deferred[bool]
-        """
-        sql = """
-            SELECT 1 FROM event_relations
-            INNER JOIN events USING (event_id)
-            WHERE
-                relates_to_id = ?
-                AND relation_type = ?
-                AND type = ?
-                AND sender = ?
-                AND aggregation_key = ?
-            LIMIT 1;
-        """
-        def _get_if_user_has_annotated_event(txn):
-            txn.execute(
-                sql,
-                (
-                    parent_id,
-                    RelationTypes.ANNOTATION,
-                    event_type,
-                    sender,
-                    aggregation_key,
-                ),
-            )
-            return bool(txn.fetchone())
-        return self.runInteraction(
-            "get_if_user_has_annotated_event", _get_if_user_has_annotated_event
-        )
-class RelationsStore(RelationsWorkerStore):
-    def _handle_event_relations(self, txn, event):
-        """Handles inserting relation data during peristence of events
-        Args:
-            txn
-            event (EventBase)
-        """
-        relation = event.content.get("m.relates_to")
-        if not relation:
-            # No relations
-            return
-        rel_type = relation.get("rel_type")
-        if rel_type not in (
-            RelationTypes.ANNOTATION,
-            RelationTypes.REFERENCE,
-            RelationTypes.REPLACE,
-        ):
-            # Unknown relation type
-            return
-        parent_id = relation.get("event_id")
-        if not parent_id:
-            # Invalid relation
-            return
-        aggregation_key = relation.get("key")
-        self._simple_insert_txn(
-            txn,
-            table="event_relations",
-            values={
-                "event_id": event.event_id,
-                "relates_to_id": parent_id,
-                "relation_type": rel_type,
-                "aggregation_key": aggregation_key,
-            },
-        )
-        txn.call_after(self.get_relations_for_event.invalidate_many, (parent_id,))
-        txn.call_after(
-            self.get_aggregation_groups_for_event.invalidate_many, (parent_id,)
-        )
-        if rel_type == RelationTypes.REPLACE:
-            txn.call_after(self.get_applicable_edit.invalidate, (parent_id,))
-    def _handle_redaction(self, txn, redacted_event_id):
-        """Handles receiving a redaction and checking whether we need to remove
-        any redacted relations from the database.
-        Args:
-            txn
-            redacted_event_id (str): The event that was redacted.
-        """
-        self._simple_delete_txn(
-            txn, table="event_relations", keyvalues={"event_id": redacted_event_id}
-        )