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path: root/synapse/storage/
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Diffstat (limited to 'synapse/storage/')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/storage/ b/synapse/storage/
index dc5830450a..940e11d7a2 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/
+++ b/synapse/storage/
@@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class EventPushActionsStore(SQLBaseStore):
+    def __init__(self, hs):
+        self.stream_ordering_month_ago = None
+        super(EventPushActionsStore, self).__init__(hs)
     def _set_push_actions_for_event_and_users_txn(self, txn, event, tuples):
-        :param event: the event set actions for
-        :param tuples: list of tuples of (user_id, actions)
+        Args:
+            event: the event set actions for
+            tuples: list of tuples of (user_id, actions)
         values = []
         for uid, actions in tuples:
@@ -99,6 +104,121 @@ class EventPushActionsStore(SQLBaseStore):
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def get_push_action_users_in_range(self, min_stream_ordering, max_stream_ordering):
+        def f(txn):
+            sql = (
+                "SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) FROM event_push_actions WHERE"
+                " stream_ordering >= ? AND stream_ordering <= ?"
+            )
+            txn.execute(sql, (min_stream_ordering, max_stream_ordering))
+            return [r[0] for r in txn.fetchall()]
+        ret = yield self.runInteraction("get_push_action_users_in_range", f)
+        defer.returnValue(ret)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def get_unread_push_actions_for_user_in_range(self, user_id,
+                                                  min_stream_ordering,
+                                                  max_stream_ordering=None,
+                                                  limit=20):
+        def get_after_receipt(txn):
+            sql = (
+                "SELECT ep.event_id, ep.room_id, ep.stream_ordering, ep.actions, "
+                "e.received_ts "
+                "FROM ("
+                "   SELECT room_id, user_id, "
+                "       max(topological_ordering) as topological_ordering, "
+                "       max(stream_ordering) as stream_ordering "
+                "       FROM events"
+                "   NATURAL JOIN receipts_linearized WHERE receipt_type = ''"
+                "   GROUP BY room_id, user_id"
+                ") AS rl,"
+                " event_push_actions AS ep"
+                " INNER JOIN events AS e USING (room_id, event_id)"
+                " WHERE"
+                "   ep.room_id = rl.room_id"
+                "   AND ("
+                "       ep.topological_ordering > rl.topological_ordering"
+                "       OR ("
+                "           ep.topological_ordering = rl.topological_ordering"
+                "           AND ep.stream_ordering > rl.stream_ordering"
+                "       )"
+                "   )"
+                "   AND ep.stream_ordering > ?"
+                "   AND ep.user_id = ?"
+                "   AND ep.user_id = rl.user_id"
+            )
+            args = [min_stream_ordering, user_id]
+            if max_stream_ordering is not None:
+                sql += " AND ep.stream_ordering <= ?"
+                args.append(max_stream_ordering)
+            sql += " ORDER BY ep.stream_ordering ASC LIMIT ?"
+            args.append(limit)
+            txn.execute(sql, args)
+            return txn.fetchall()
+        after_read_receipt = yield self.runInteraction(
+            "get_unread_push_actions_for_user_in_range", get_after_receipt
+        )
+        def get_no_receipt(txn):
+            sql = (
+                "SELECT ep.event_id, ep.room_id, ep.stream_ordering, ep.actions,"
+                " e.received_ts"
+                " FROM event_push_actions AS ep"
+                " JOIN events e ON ep.room_id = e.room_id AND ep.event_id = e.event_id"
+                " WHERE ep.room_id not in ("
+                "   SELECT room_id FROM events NATURAL JOIN receipts_linearized"
+                "   WHERE receipt_type = '' AND user_id = ?"
+                "   GROUP BY room_id"
+                ") AND ep.user_id = ? AND ep.stream_ordering > ?"
+            )
+            args = [user_id, user_id, min_stream_ordering]
+            if max_stream_ordering is not None:
+                sql += " AND ep.stream_ordering <= ?"
+                args.append(max_stream_ordering)
+            sql += " ORDER BY ep.stream_ordering ASC"
+            txn.execute(sql, args)
+            return txn.fetchall()
+        no_read_receipt = yield self.runInteraction(
+            "get_unread_push_actions_for_user_in_range", get_no_receipt
+        )
+        defer.returnValue([
+            {
+                "event_id": row[0],
+                "room_id": row[1],
+                "stream_ordering": row[2],
+                "actions": json.loads(row[3]),
+                "received_ts": row[4],
+            } for row in after_read_receipt + no_read_receipt
+        ])
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def get_time_of_last_push_action_before(self, stream_ordering):
+        def f(txn):
+            sql = (
+                "SELECT e.received_ts"
+                " FROM event_push_actions AS ep"
+                " JOIN events e ON ep.room_id = e.room_id AND ep.event_id = e.event_id"
+                " WHERE ep.stream_ordering > ?"
+                " ORDER BY ep.stream_ordering ASC"
+                " LIMIT 1"
+            )
+            txn.execute(sql, (stream_ordering,))
+            return txn.fetchone()
+        result = yield self.runInteraction("get_time_of_last_push_action_before", f)
+        defer.returnValue(result[0] if result else None)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def get_latest_push_action_stream_ordering(self):
+        def f(txn):
+            txn.execute("SELECT MAX(stream_ordering) FROM event_push_actions")
+            return txn.fetchone()
+        result = yield self.runInteraction(
+            "get_latest_push_action_stream_ordering", f
+        )
+        defer.returnValue(result[0] or 0)
     def _remove_push_actions_for_event_id_txn(self, txn, room_id, event_id):
         # Sad that we have to blow away the cache for the whole room here
@@ -110,6 +230,93 @@ class EventPushActionsStore(SQLBaseStore):
             (room_id, event_id)
+    def _remove_old_push_actions_before_txn(self, txn, room_id, user_id,
+                                            topological_ordering):
+        """
+        Purges old, stale push actions for a user and room before a given
+        topological_ordering
+        Args:
+            txn: The transcation
+            room_id: Room ID to delete from
+            user_id: user ID to delete for
+            topological_ordering: The lowest topological ordering which will
+                                  not be deleted.
+        """
+        txn.call_after(
+            self.get_unread_event_push_actions_by_room_for_user.invalidate_many,
+            (room_id, user_id, )
+        )
+        # We need to join on the events table to get the received_ts for
+        # event_push_actions and sqlite won't let us use a join in a delete so
+        # we can't just delete where received_ts < x. Furthermore we can
+        # only identify event_push_actions by a tuple of room_id, event_id
+        # we we can't use a subquery.
+        # Instead, we look up the stream ordering for the last event in that
+        # room received before the threshold time and delete event_push_actions
+        # in the room with a stream_odering before that.
+        txn.execute(
+            "DELETE FROM event_push_actions "
+            " WHERE user_id = ? AND room_id = ? AND "
+            " topological_ordering < ? AND stream_ordering < ?",
+            (user_id, room_id, topological_ordering, self.stream_ordering_month_ago)
+        )
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _find_stream_orderings_for_times(self):
+        yield self.runInteraction(
+            "_find_stream_orderings_for_times",
+            self._find_stream_orderings_for_times_txn
+        )
+    def _find_stream_orderings_for_times_txn(self, txn):
+"Searching for stream ordering 1 month ago")
+        self.stream_ordering_month_ago = self._find_first_stream_ordering_after_ts_txn(
+            txn, self._clock.time_msec() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+        )
+            "Found stream ordering 1 month ago: it's %d",
+            self.stream_ordering_month_ago
+        )
+    def _find_first_stream_ordering_after_ts_txn(self, txn, ts):
+        """
+        Find the stream_ordering of the first event that was received after
+        a given timestamp. This is relatively slow as there is no index on
+        received_ts but we can then use this to delete push actions before
+        this.
+        received_ts must necessarily be in the same order as stream_ordering
+        and stream_ordering is indexed, so we manually binary search using
+        stream_ordering
+        """
+        txn.execute("SELECT MAX(stream_ordering) FROM events")
+        max_stream_ordering = txn.fetchone()[0]
+        if max_stream_ordering is None:
+            return 0
+        range_start = 0
+        range_end = max_stream_ordering
+        sql = (
+            "SELECT received_ts FROM events"
+            " WHERE stream_ordering > ?"
+            " ORDER BY stream_ordering"
+            " LIMIT 1"
+        )
+        while range_end - range_start > 1:
+            middle = int((range_end + range_start) / 2)
+            txn.execute(sql, (middle,))
+            middle_ts = txn.fetchone()[0]
+            if ts > middle_ts:
+                range_start = middle
+            else:
+                range_end = middle
+        return range_end
 def _action_has_highlight(actions):
     for action in actions: