diff --git a/synapse/logging/_terse_json.py b/synapse/logging/_terse_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ebbde06f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/logging/_terse_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Log formatters that output terse JSON.
+import sys
+from collections import deque
+from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address, ip_address
+from math import floor
+from typing import IO
+import attr
+from simplejson import dumps
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.application.internet import ClientService
+from twisted.internet.endpoints import (
+ HostnameEndpoint,
+ TCP4ClientEndpoint,
+ TCP6ClientEndpoint,
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
+from twisted.logger import FileLogObserver, ILogObserver, Logger
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+def flatten_event(event: dict, metadata: dict, include_time: bool = False):
+ """
+ Flatten a Twisted logging event to an dictionary capable of being sent
+ as a log event to a logging aggregation system.
+ The format is vastly simplified and is not designed to be a "human readable
+ string" in the sense that traditional logs are. Instead, the structure is
+ optimised for searchability and filtering, with human-understandable log
+ keys.
+ Args:
+ event (dict): The Twisted logging event we are flattening.
+ metadata (dict): Additional data to include with each log message. This
+ can be information like the server name. Since the target log
+ consumer does not know who we are other than by host IP, this
+ allows us to forward through static information.
+ include_time (bool): Should we include the `time` key? If False, the
+ event time is stripped from the event.
+ """
+ new_event = {}
+ # If it's a failure, make the new event's log_failure be the traceback text.
+ if "log_failure" in event:
+ new_event["log_failure"] = event["log_failure"].getTraceback()
+ # If it's a warning, copy over a string representation of the warning.
+ if "warning" in event:
+ new_event["warning"] = str(event["warning"])
+ # Stdlib logging events have "log_text" as their human-readable portion,
+ # Twisted ones have "log_format". For now, include the log_format, so that
+ # context only given in the log format (e.g. what is being logged) is
+ # available.
+ if "log_text" in event:
+ new_event["log"] = event["log_text"]
+ else:
+ new_event["log"] = event["log_format"]
+ # We want to include the timestamp when forwarding over the network, but
+ # exclude it when we are writing to stdout. This is because the log ingester
+ # (e.g. logstash, fluentd) can add its own timestamp.
+ if include_time:
+ new_event["time"] = round(event["log_time"], 2)
+ # Convert the log level to a textual representation.
+ new_event["level"] = event["log_level"].name.upper()
+ # Ignore these keys, and do not transfer them over to the new log object.
+ # They are either useless (isError), transferred manually above (log_time,
+ # log_level, etc), or contain Python objects which are not useful for output
+ # (log_logger, log_source).
+ keys_to_delete = [
+ "isError",
+ "log_failure",
+ "log_format",
+ "log_level",
+ "log_logger",
+ "log_source",
+ "log_system",
+ "log_time",
+ "log_text",
+ "observer",
+ "warning",
+ ]
+ # If it's from the Twisted legacy logger (twisted.python.log), it adds some
+ # more keys we want to purge.
+ if event.get("log_namespace") == "log_legacy":
+ keys_to_delete.extend(["message", "system", "time"])
+ # Rather than modify the dictionary in place, construct a new one with only
+ # the content we want. The original event should be considered 'frozen'.
+ for key in event.keys():
+ if key in keys_to_delete:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(event[key], (str, int, bool, float)) or event[key] is None:
+ # If it's a plain type, include it as is.
+ new_event[key] = event[key]
+ else:
+ # If it's not one of those basic types, write out a string
+ # representation. This should probably be a warning in development,
+ # so that we are sure we are only outputting useful data.
+ new_event[key] = str(event[key])
+ # Add the metadata information to the event (e.g. the server_name).
+ new_event.update(metadata)
+ return new_event
+def TerseJSONToConsoleLogObserver(outFile: IO[str], metadata: dict) -> FileLogObserver:
+ """
+ A log observer that formats events to a flattened JSON representation.
+ Args:
+ outFile: The file object to write to.
+ metadata: Metadata to be added to each log object.
+ """
+ def formatEvent(_event: dict) -> str:
+ flattened = flatten_event(_event, metadata)
+ return dumps(flattened, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(",", ":")) + "\n"
+ return FileLogObserver(outFile, formatEvent)
+class TerseJSONToTCPLogObserver(object):
+ """
+ An IObserver that writes JSON logs to a TCP target.
+ Args:
+ hs (HomeServer): The Homeserver that is being logged for.
+ host: The host of the logging target.
+ port: The logging target's port.
+ metadata: Metadata to be added to each log entry.
+ """
+ hs = attr.ib()
+ host = attr.ib(type=str)
+ port = attr.ib(type=int)
+ metadata = attr.ib(type=dict)
+ maximum_buffer = attr.ib(type=int)
+ _buffer = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(deque), type=deque)
+ _writer = attr.ib(default=None)
+ _logger = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(Logger))
+ def start(self) -> None:
+ # Connect without DNS lookups if it's a direct IP.
+ try:
+ ip = ip_address(self.host)
+ if isinstance(ip, IPv4Address):
+ endpoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint(
+ self.hs.get_reactor(), self.host, self.port
+ )
+ elif isinstance(ip, IPv6Address):
+ endpoint = TCP6ClientEndpoint(
+ self.hs.get_reactor(), self.host, self.port
+ )
+ except ValueError:
+ endpoint = HostnameEndpoint(self.hs.get_reactor(), self.host, self.port)
+ factory = Factory.forProtocol(Protocol)
+ self._service = ClientService(endpoint, factory, clock=self.hs.get_reactor())
+ self._service.startService()
+ def _write_loop(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Implement the write loop.
+ """
+ if self._writer:
+ return
+ self._writer = self._service.whenConnected()
+ @self._writer.addBoth
+ def writer(r):
+ if isinstance(r, Failure):
+ r.printTraceback(file=sys.__stderr__)
+ self._writer = None
+ self.hs.get_reactor().callLater(1, self._write_loop)
+ return
+ try:
+ for event in self._buffer:
+ r.transport.write(
+ dumps(event, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(",", ":")).encode(
+ "utf8"
+ )
+ )
+ r.transport.write(b"\n")
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.__stderr__.write("Failed writing out logs with %s\n" % (str(e),))
+ self._writer = False
+ self.hs.get_reactor().callLater(1, self._write_loop)
+ def _handle_pressure(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Handle backpressure by shedding events.
+ The buffer will, in this order, until the buffer is below the maximum:
+ - Shed DEBUG events
+ - Shed INFO events
+ - Shed the middle 50% of the events.
+ """
+ if len(self._buffer) <= self.maximum_buffer:
+ return
+ # Strip out DEBUGs
+ self._buffer = deque(
+ filter(lambda event: event["level"] != "DEBUG", self._buffer)
+ )
+ if len(self._buffer) <= self.maximum_buffer:
+ return
+ # Strip out INFOs
+ self._buffer = deque(
+ filter(lambda event: event["level"] != "INFO", self._buffer)
+ )
+ if len(self._buffer) <= self.maximum_buffer:
+ return
+ # Cut the middle entries out
+ buffer_split = floor(self.maximum_buffer / 2)
+ old_buffer = self._buffer
+ self._buffer = deque()
+ for i in range(buffer_split):
+ self._buffer.append(old_buffer.popleft())
+ end_buffer = []
+ for i in range(buffer_split):
+ end_buffer.append(old_buffer.pop())
+ self._buffer.extend(reversed(end_buffer))
+ def __call__(self, event: dict) -> None:
+ flattened = flatten_event(event, self.metadata, include_time=True)
+ self._buffer.append(flattened)
+ # Handle backpressure, if it exists.
+ try:
+ self._handle_pressure()
+ except Exception:
+ # If handling backpressure fails,clear the buffer and log the
+ # exception.
+ self._buffer.clear()
+ self._logger.failure("Failed clearing backpressure")
+ # Try and write immediately.
+ self._write_loop()