diff --git a/synapse/handlers/user_directory.py b/synapse/handlers/user_directory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a49456bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/handlers/user_directory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, JoinRules, Membership
+from synapse.storage.roommember import ProfileInfo
+from synapse.util.metrics import Measure
+from synapse.util.async import sleep
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class UserDirectoyHandler(object):
+ """Handles querying of and keeping updated the user_directory.
+ The user directory is filled with users who this server can see are joined to a
+ world_readable or publically joinable room. We keep a database table up to date
+ by streaming changes of the current state and recalculating whether users should
+ be in the directory or not when necessary.
+ For each user in the directory we also store a room_id which is public and that the
+ user is joined to. This allows us to ignore history_visibility and join_rules changes
+ for that user in all other public rooms, as we know they'll still be in at least
+ one public room.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hs):
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ self.state = hs.get_state_handler()
+ self.server_name = hs.hostname
+ self.clock = hs.get_clock()
+ self.notifier = hs.get_notifier()
+ self.is_mine_id = hs.is_mine_id
+ self.update_user_directory = hs.config.update_user_directory
+ # When start up for the first time we need to populate the user_directory.
+ # This is a set of user_id's we've inserted already
+ self.initially_handled_users = set()
+ self.initially_handled_users_in_public = set()
+ self.initially_handled_users_share = set()
+ self.initially_handled_users_share_private_room = set()
+ # The current position in the current_state_delta stream
+ self.pos = None
+ # Guard to ensure we only process deltas one at a time
+ self._is_processing = False
+ if self.update_user_directory:
+ self.notifier.add_replication_callback(self.notify_new_event)
+ # We kick this off so that we don't have to wait for a change before
+ # we start populating the user directory
+ self.clock.call_later(0, self.notify_new_event)
+ def search_users(self, user_id, search_term, limit):
+ """Searches for users in directory
+ Returns:
+ dict of the form::
+ {
+ "limited": <bool>, # whether there were more results or not
+ "results": [ # Ordered by best match first
+ {
+ "user_id": <user_id>,
+ "display_name": <display_name>,
+ "avatar_url": <avatar_url>
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ return self.store.search_user_dir(user_id, search_term, limit)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def notify_new_event(self):
+ """Called when there may be more deltas to process
+ """
+ if not self.update_user_directory:
+ return
+ if self._is_processing:
+ return
+ self._is_processing = True
+ try:
+ yield self._unsafe_process()
+ finally:
+ self._is_processing = False
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _unsafe_process(self):
+ # If self.pos is None then means we haven't fetched it from DB
+ if self.pos is None:
+ self.pos = yield self.store.get_user_directory_stream_pos()
+ # If still None then we need to do the initial fill of directory
+ if self.pos is None:
+ yield self._do_initial_spam()
+ self.pos = yield self.store.get_user_directory_stream_pos()
+ # Loop round handling deltas until we're up to date
+ while True:
+ with Measure(self.clock, "user_dir_delta"):
+ deltas = yield self.store.get_current_state_deltas(self.pos)
+ if not deltas:
+ return
+ logger.info("Handling %d state deltas", len(deltas))
+ yield self._handle_deltas(deltas)
+ self.pos = deltas[-1]["stream_id"]
+ yield self.store.update_user_directory_stream_pos(self.pos)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _do_initial_spam(self):
+ """Populates the user_directory from the current state of the DB, used
+ when synapse first starts with user_directory support
+ """
+ new_pos = yield self.store.get_max_stream_id_in_current_state_deltas()
+ # Delete any existing entries just in case there are any
+ yield self.store.delete_all_from_user_dir()
+ # We process by going through each existing room at a time.
+ room_ids = yield self.store.get_all_rooms()
+ logger.info("Doing initial update of user directory. %d rooms", len(room_ids))
+ num_processed_rooms = 1
+ for room_id in room_ids:
+ logger.info("Handling room %d/%d", num_processed_rooms, len(room_ids))
+ yield self._handle_intial_room(room_id)
+ num_processed_rooms += 1
+ yield sleep(self.INITIAL_SLEEP_MS / 1000.)
+ logger.info("Processed all rooms.")
+ self.initially_handled_users = None
+ self.initially_handled_users_in_public = None
+ self.initially_handled_users_share = None
+ self.initially_handled_users_share_private_room = None
+ yield self.store.update_user_directory_stream_pos(new_pos)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _handle_intial_room(self, room_id):
+ """Called when we initially fill out user_directory one room at a time
+ """
+ is_in_room = yield self.store.is_host_joined(room_id, self.server_name)
+ if not is_in_room:
+ return
+ is_public = yield self.store.is_room_world_readable_or_publicly_joinable(room_id)
+ users_with_profile = yield self.state.get_current_user_in_room(room_id)
+ user_ids = set(users_with_profile)
+ unhandled_users = user_ids - self.initially_handled_users
+ yield self.store.add_profiles_to_user_dir(
+ room_id, {
+ user_id: users_with_profile[user_id] for user_id in unhandled_users
+ }
+ )
+ self.initially_handled_users |= unhandled_users
+ if is_public:
+ yield self.store.add_users_to_public_room(
+ room_id,
+ user_ids=user_ids - self.initially_handled_users_in_public
+ )
+ self.initially_handled_users_in_public |= user_ids
+ # We now go and figure out the new users who share rooms with user entries
+ # We sleep aggressively here as otherwise it can starve resources.
+ # We also batch up inserts/updates, but try to avoid too many at once.
+ to_insert = set()
+ to_update = set()
+ count = 0
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ if count % self.INITIAL_SLEEP_COUNT == 0:
+ yield sleep(self.INITIAL_SLEEP_MS / 1000.)
+ if not self.is_mine_id(user_id):
+ count += 1
+ continue
+ if self.store.get_if_app_services_interested_in_user(user_id):
+ count += 1
+ continue
+ for other_user_id in user_ids:
+ if user_id == other_user_id:
+ continue
+ if count % self.INITIAL_SLEEP_COUNT == 0:
+ yield sleep(self.INITIAL_SLEEP_MS / 1000.)
+ count += 1
+ user_set = (user_id, other_user_id)
+ if user_set in self.initially_handled_users_share_private_room:
+ continue
+ if user_set in self.initially_handled_users_share:
+ if is_public:
+ continue
+ to_update.add(user_set)
+ else:
+ to_insert.add(user_set)
+ if is_public:
+ self.initially_handled_users_share.add(user_set)
+ else:
+ self.initially_handled_users_share_private_room.add(user_set)
+ if len(to_insert) > self.INITIAL_BATCH_SIZE:
+ yield self.store.add_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, to_insert,
+ )
+ to_insert.clear()
+ if len(to_update) > self.INITIAL_BATCH_SIZE:
+ yield self.store.update_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, to_update,
+ )
+ to_update.clear()
+ if to_insert:
+ yield self.store.add_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, to_insert,
+ )
+ to_insert.clear()
+ if to_update:
+ yield self.store.update_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, to_update,
+ )
+ to_update.clear()
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _handle_deltas(self, deltas):
+ """Called with the state deltas to process
+ """
+ for delta in deltas:
+ typ = delta["type"]
+ state_key = delta["state_key"]
+ room_id = delta["room_id"]
+ event_id = delta["event_id"]
+ prev_event_id = delta["prev_event_id"]
+ logger.debug("Handling: %r %r, %s", typ, state_key, event_id)
+ # For join rule and visibility changes we need to check if the room
+ # may have become public or not and add/remove the users in said room
+ if typ in (EventTypes.RoomHistoryVisibility, EventTypes.JoinRules):
+ yield self._handle_room_publicity_change(
+ room_id, prev_event_id, event_id, typ,
+ )
+ elif typ == EventTypes.Member:
+ change = yield self._get_key_change(
+ prev_event_id, event_id,
+ key_name="membership",
+ public_value=Membership.JOIN,
+ )
+ if change is None:
+ # Handle any profile changes
+ yield self._handle_profile_change(
+ state_key, room_id, prev_event_id, event_id,
+ )
+ continue
+ if not change:
+ # Need to check if the server left the room entirely, if so
+ # we might need to remove all the users in that room
+ is_in_room = yield self.store.is_host_joined(
+ room_id, self.server_name,
+ )
+ if not is_in_room:
+ logger.info("Server left room: %r", room_id)
+ # Fetch all the users that we marked as being in user
+ # directory due to being in the room and then check if
+ # need to remove those users or not
+ user_ids = yield self.store.get_users_in_dir_due_to_room(room_id)
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ yield self._handle_remove_user(room_id, user_id)
+ return
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Server is still in room: %r", room_id)
+ if change: # The user joined
+ event = yield self.store.get_event(event_id, allow_none=True)
+ profile = ProfileInfo(
+ avatar_url=event.content.get("avatar_url"),
+ display_name=event.content.get("displayname"),
+ )
+ yield self._handle_new_user(room_id, state_key, profile)
+ else: # The user left
+ yield self._handle_remove_user(room_id, state_key)
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Ignoring irrelevant type: %r", typ)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _handle_room_publicity_change(self, room_id, prev_event_id, event_id, typ):
+ """Handle a room having potentially changed from/to world_readable/publically
+ joinable.
+ Args:
+ room_id (str)
+ prev_event_id (str|None): The previous event before the state change
+ event_id (str|None): The new event after the state change
+ typ (str): Type of the event
+ """
+ logger.debug("Handling change for %s: %s", typ, room_id)
+ if typ == EventTypes.RoomHistoryVisibility:
+ change = yield self._get_key_change(
+ prev_event_id, event_id,
+ key_name="history_visibility",
+ public_value="world_readable",
+ )
+ elif typ == EventTypes.JoinRules:
+ change = yield self._get_key_change(
+ prev_event_id, event_id,
+ key_name="join_rule",
+ public_value=JoinRules.PUBLIC,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid event type")
+ # If change is None, no change. True => become world_readable/public,
+ # False => was world_readable/public
+ if change is None:
+ logger.debug("No change")
+ return
+ # There's been a change to or from being world readable.
+ is_public = yield self.store.is_room_world_readable_or_publicly_joinable(
+ room_id
+ )
+ logger.debug("Change: %r, is_public: %r", change, is_public)
+ if change and not is_public:
+ # If we became world readable but room isn't currently public then
+ # we ignore the change
+ return
+ elif not change and is_public:
+ # If we stopped being world readable but are still public,
+ # ignore the change
+ return
+ if change:
+ users_with_profile = yield self.state.get_current_user_in_room(room_id)
+ for user_id, profile in users_with_profile.iteritems():
+ yield self._handle_new_user(room_id, user_id, profile)
+ else:
+ users = yield self.store.get_users_in_public_due_to_room(room_id)
+ for user_id in users:
+ yield self._handle_remove_user(room_id, user_id)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _handle_new_user(self, room_id, user_id, profile):
+ """Called when we might need to add user to directory
+ Args:
+ room_id (str): room_id that user joined or started being public that
+ user_id (str)
+ """
+ logger.debug("Adding user to dir, %r", user_id)
+ row = yield self.store.get_user_in_directory(user_id)
+ if not row:
+ yield self.store.add_profiles_to_user_dir(room_id, {user_id: profile})
+ is_public = yield self.store.is_room_world_readable_or_publicly_joinable(
+ room_id
+ )
+ if is_public:
+ row = yield self.store.get_user_in_public_room(user_id)
+ if not row:
+ yield self.store.add_users_to_public_room(room_id, [user_id])
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Not adding user to public dir, %r", user_id)
+ # Now we update users who share rooms with users. We do this by getting
+ # all the current users in the room and seeing which aren't already
+ # marked in the database as sharing with `user_id`
+ users_with_profile = yield self.state.get_current_user_in_room(room_id)
+ to_insert = set()
+ to_update = set()
+ is_appservice = self.store.get_if_app_services_interested_in_user(user_id)
+ # First, if they're our user then we need to update for every user
+ if self.is_mine_id(user_id) and not is_appservice:
+ # Returns a map of other_user_id -> shared_private. We only need
+ # to update mappings if for users that either don't share a room
+ # already (aren't in the map) or, if the room is private, those that
+ # only share a public room.
+ user_ids_shared = yield self.store.get_users_who_share_room_from_dir(
+ user_id
+ )
+ for other_user_id in users_with_profile:
+ if user_id == other_user_id:
+ continue
+ shared_is_private = user_ids_shared.get(other_user_id)
+ if shared_is_private is True:
+ # We've already marked in the database they share a private room
+ continue
+ elif shared_is_private is False:
+ # They already share a public room, so only update if this is
+ # a private room
+ if not is_public:
+ to_update.add((user_id, other_user_id))
+ elif shared_is_private is None:
+ # This is the first time they both share a room
+ to_insert.add((user_id, other_user_id))
+ # Next we need to update for every local user in the room
+ for other_user_id in users_with_profile:
+ if user_id == other_user_id:
+ continue
+ is_appservice = self.store.get_if_app_services_interested_in_user(
+ other_user_id
+ )
+ if self.is_mine_id(other_user_id) and not is_appservice:
+ shared_is_private = yield self.store.get_if_users_share_a_room(
+ other_user_id, user_id,
+ )
+ if shared_is_private is True:
+ # We've already marked in the database they share a private room
+ continue
+ elif shared_is_private is False:
+ # They already share a public room, so only update if this is
+ # a private room
+ if not is_public:
+ to_update.add((other_user_id, user_id))
+ elif shared_is_private is None:
+ # This is the first time they both share a room
+ to_insert.add((other_user_id, user_id))
+ if to_insert:
+ yield self.store.add_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, to_insert,
+ )
+ if to_update:
+ yield self.store.update_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, to_update,
+ )
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _handle_remove_user(self, room_id, user_id):
+ """Called when we might need to remove user to directory
+ Args:
+ room_id (str): room_id that user left or stopped being public that
+ user_id (str)
+ """
+ logger.debug("Maybe removing user %r", user_id)
+ row = yield self.store.get_user_in_directory(user_id)
+ update_user_dir = row and row["room_id"] == room_id
+ row = yield self.store.get_user_in_public_room(user_id)
+ update_user_in_public = row and row["room_id"] == room_id
+ if (update_user_in_public or update_user_dir):
+ # XXX: Make this faster?
+ rooms = yield self.store.get_rooms_for_user(user_id)
+ for j_room_id in rooms:
+ if (not update_user_in_public and not update_user_dir):
+ break
+ is_in_room = yield self.store.is_host_joined(
+ j_room_id, self.server_name,
+ )
+ if not is_in_room:
+ continue
+ if update_user_dir:
+ update_user_dir = False
+ yield self.store.update_user_in_user_dir(user_id, j_room_id)
+ is_public = yield self.store.is_room_world_readable_or_publicly_joinable(
+ j_room_id
+ )
+ if update_user_in_public and is_public:
+ yield self.store.update_user_in_public_user_list(user_id, j_room_id)
+ update_user_in_public = False
+ if update_user_dir:
+ yield self.store.remove_from_user_dir(user_id)
+ elif update_user_in_public:
+ yield self.store.remove_from_user_in_public_room(user_id)
+ # Now handle users_who_share_rooms.
+ # Get a list of user tuples that were in the DB due to this room and
+ # users (this includes tuples where the other user matches `user_id`)
+ user_tuples = yield self.store.get_users_in_share_dir_with_room_id(
+ user_id, room_id,
+ )
+ for user_id, other_user_id in user_tuples:
+ # For each user tuple get a list of rooms that they still share,
+ # trying to find a private room, and update the entry in the DB
+ rooms = yield self.store.get_rooms_in_common_for_users(user_id, other_user_id)
+ # If they dont share a room anymore, remove the mapping
+ if not rooms:
+ yield self.store.remove_user_who_share_room(
+ user_id, other_user_id,
+ )
+ continue
+ found_public_share = None
+ for j_room_id in rooms:
+ is_public = yield self.store.is_room_world_readable_or_publicly_joinable(
+ j_room_id
+ )
+ if is_public:
+ found_public_share = j_room_id
+ else:
+ found_public_share = None
+ yield self.store.update_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, [(user_id, other_user_id)],
+ )
+ break
+ if found_public_share:
+ yield self.store.update_users_who_share_room(
+ room_id, not is_public, [(user_id, other_user_id)],
+ )
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _handle_profile_change(self, user_id, room_id, prev_event_id, event_id):
+ """Check member event changes for any profile changes and update the
+ database if there are.
+ """
+ if not prev_event_id or not event_id:
+ return
+ prev_event = yield self.store.get_event(prev_event_id, allow_none=True)
+ event = yield self.store.get_event(event_id, allow_none=True)
+ if not prev_event or not event:
+ return
+ if event.membership != Membership.JOIN:
+ return
+ prev_name = prev_event.content.get("displayname")
+ new_name = event.content.get("displayname")
+ prev_avatar = prev_event.content.get("avatar_url")
+ new_avatar = event.content.get("avatar_url")
+ if prev_name != new_name or prev_avatar != new_avatar:
+ yield self.store.update_profile_in_user_dir(
+ user_id, new_name, new_avatar, room_id,
+ )
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _get_key_change(self, prev_event_id, event_id, key_name, public_value):
+ """Given two events check if the `key_name` field in content changed
+ from not matching `public_value` to doing so.
+ For example, check if `history_visibility` (`key_name`) changed from
+ `shared` to `world_readable` (`public_value`).
+ Returns:
+ None if the field in the events either both match `public_value`
+ or if neither do, i.e. there has been no change.
+ True if it didnt match `public_value` but now does
+ False if it did match `public_value` but now doesn't
+ """
+ prev_event = None
+ event = None
+ if prev_event_id:
+ prev_event = yield self.store.get_event(prev_event_id, allow_none=True)
+ if event_id:
+ event = yield self.store.get_event(event_id, allow_none=True)
+ if not event and not prev_event:
+ logger.debug("Neither event exists: %r %r", prev_event_id, event_id)
+ defer.returnValue(None)
+ prev_value = None
+ value = None
+ if prev_event:
+ prev_value = prev_event.content.get(key_name)
+ if event:
+ value = event.content.get(key_name)
+ logger.debug("prev_value: %r -> value: %r", prev_value, value)
+ if value == public_value and prev_value != public_value:
+ defer.returnValue(True)
+ elif value != public_value and prev_value == public_value:
+ defer.returnValue(False)
+ else:
+ defer.returnValue(None)