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path: root/synapse/handlers/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 466 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/ b/synapse/handlers/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9df60218..0000000000
--- a/synapse/handlers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple
-from synapse.api.constants import EventContentFields, EventTypes
-from synapse.appservice import ApplicationService
-from synapse.http.servlet import assert_params_in_dict
-from synapse.types import JsonDict, Requester, UserID, create_requester
-from synapse.util.stringutils import random_string
-    from synapse.server import HomeServer
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class RoomBatchHandler:
-    def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
-        self.hs = hs
- = hs.get_datastores().main
-        self._state_storage_controller = hs.get_storage_controllers().state
-        self.event_creation_handler = hs.get_event_creation_handler()
-        self.room_member_handler = hs.get_room_member_handler()
-        self.auth = hs.get_auth()
-    async def inherit_depth_from_prev_ids(self, prev_event_ids: List[str]) -> int:
-        """Finds the depth which would sort it after the most-recent
-        prev_event_id but before the successors of those events. If no
-        successors are found, we assume it's an historical extremity part of the
-        current batch and use the same depth of the prev_event_ids.
-        Args:
-            prev_event_ids: List of prev event IDs
-        Returns:
-            Inherited depth
-        """
-        (
-            most_recent_prev_event_id,
-            most_recent_prev_event_depth,
-        ) = await
-        # We want to insert the historical event after the `prev_event` but before the successor event
-        #
-        # We inherit depth from the successor event instead of the `prev_event`
-        # because events returned from `/messages` are first sorted by `topological_ordering`
-        # which is just the `depth` and then tie-break with `stream_ordering`.
-        #
-        # We mark these inserted historical events as "backfilled" which gives them a
-        # negative `stream_ordering`. If we use the same depth as the `prev_event`,
-        # then our historical event will tie-break and be sorted before the `prev_event`
-        # when it should come after.
-        #
-        # We want to use the successor event depth so they appear after `prev_event` because
-        # it has a larger `depth` but before the successor event because the `stream_ordering`
-        # is negative before the successor event.
-        assert most_recent_prev_event_id is not None
-        successor_event_ids = await
-            most_recent_prev_event_id
-        )
-        # If we can't find any successor events, then it's a forward extremity of
-        # historical messages and we can just inherit from the previous historical
-        # event which we can already assume has the correct depth where we want
-        # to insert into.
-        if not successor_event_ids:
-            depth = most_recent_prev_event_depth
-        else:
-            (
-                _,
-                oldest_successor_depth,
-            ) = await
-            depth = oldest_successor_depth
-        return depth
-    def create_insertion_event_dict(
-        self, sender: str, room_id: str, origin_server_ts: int
-    ) -> JsonDict:
-        """Creates an event dict for an "insertion" event with the proper fields
-        and a random batch ID.
-        Args:
-            sender: The event author MXID
-            room_id: The room ID that the event belongs to
-            origin_server_ts: Timestamp when the event was sent
-        Returns:
-            The new event dictionary to insert.
-        """
-        next_batch_id = random_string(8)
-        insertion_event = {
-            "type": EventTypes.MSC2716_INSERTION,
-            "sender": sender,
-            "room_id": room_id,
-            "content": {
-                EventContentFields.MSC2716_NEXT_BATCH_ID: next_batch_id,
-                EventContentFields.MSC2716_HISTORICAL: True,
-            },
-            "origin_server_ts": origin_server_ts,
-        }
-        return insertion_event
-    async def create_requester_for_user_id_from_app_service(
-        self, user_id: str, app_service: ApplicationService
-    ) -> Requester:
-        """Creates a new requester for the given user_id
-        and validates that the app service is allowed to control
-        the given user.
-        Args:
-            user_id: The author MXID that the app service is controlling
-            app_service: The app service that controls the user
-        Returns:
-            Requester object
-        """
-        await self.auth.validate_appservice_can_control_user_id(app_service, user_id)
-        return create_requester(user_id, app_service=app_service)
-    async def get_most_recent_full_state_ids_from_event_id_list(
-        self, event_ids: List[str]
-    ) -> List[str]:
-        """Find the most recent event_id and grab the full state at that event.
-        We will use this as a base to auth our historical messages against.
-        Args:
-            event_ids: List of event ID's to look at
-        Returns:
-            List of event ID's
-        """
-        (
-            most_recent_event_id,
-            _,
-        ) = await
-        # mapping from (type, state_key) -> state_event_id
-        assert most_recent_event_id is not None
-        prev_state_map = await self._state_storage_controller.get_state_ids_for_event(
-            most_recent_event_id
-        )
-        # List of state event ID's
-        full_state_ids = list(prev_state_map.values())
-        return full_state_ids
-    async def persist_state_events_at_start(
-        self,
-        state_events_at_start: List[JsonDict],
-        room_id: str,
-        initial_state_event_ids: List[str],
-        app_service_requester: Requester,
-    ) -> List[str]:
-        """Takes all `state_events_at_start` event dictionaries and creates/persists
-        them in a floating state event chain which don't resolve into the current room
-        state. They are floating because they reference no prev_events which disconnects
-        them from the normal DAG.
-        Args:
-            state_events_at_start:
-            room_id: Room where you want the events persisted in.
-            initial_state_event_ids:
-                The base set of state for the historical batch which the floating
-                state chain will derive from. This should probably be the state
-                from the `prev_event` defined by `/batch_send?prev_event_id=$abc`.
-            app_service_requester: The requester of an application service.
-        Returns:
-            List of state event ID's we just persisted
-        """
-        assert app_service_requester.app_service
-        state_event_ids_at_start = []
-        state_event_ids = initial_state_event_ids.copy()
-        # Make the state events float off on their own by specifying no
-        # prev_events for the first one in the chain so we don't have a bunch of
-        # `@mxid joined the room` noise between each batch.
-        prev_event_ids_for_state_chain: List[str] = []
-        for index, state_event in enumerate(state_events_at_start):
-            assert_params_in_dict(
-                state_event, ["type", "origin_server_ts", "content", "sender"]
-            )
-            logger.debug(
-                "RoomBatchSendEventRestServlet inserting state_event=%s", state_event
-            )
-            event_dict = {
-                "type": state_event["type"],
-                "origin_server_ts": state_event["origin_server_ts"],
-                "content": state_event["content"],
-                "room_id": room_id,
-                "sender": state_event["sender"],
-                "state_key": state_event["state_key"],
-            }
-            # Mark all events as historical
-            event_dict["content"][EventContentFields.MSC2716_HISTORICAL] = True
-            # TODO: This is pretty much the same as some other code to handle inserting state in this file
-            if event_dict["type"] == EventTypes.Member:
-                membership = event_dict["content"].get("membership", None)
-                event_id, _ = await self.room_member_handler.update_membership(
-                    await self.create_requester_for_user_id_from_app_service(
-                        state_event["sender"], app_service_requester.app_service
-                    ),
-                    target=UserID.from_string(event_dict["state_key"]),
-                    room_id=room_id,
-                    action=membership,
-                    content=event_dict["content"],
-                    historical=True,
-                    # Only the first event in the state chain should be floating.
-                    # The rest should hang off each other in a chain.
-                    allow_no_prev_events=index == 0,
-                    prev_event_ids=prev_event_ids_for_state_chain,
-                    # The first event in the state chain is floating with no
-                    # `prev_events` which means it can't derive state from
-                    # anywhere automatically. So we need to set some state
-                    # explicitly.
-                    #
-                    # Make sure to use a copy of this list because we modify it
-                    # later in the loop here. Otherwise it will be the same
-                    # reference and also update in the event when we append
-                    # later.
-                    state_event_ids=state_event_ids.copy(),
-                )
-            else:
-                (
-                    event,
-                    _,
-                ) = await self.event_creation_handler.create_and_send_nonmember_event(
-                    await self.create_requester_for_user_id_from_app_service(
-                        state_event["sender"], app_service_requester.app_service
-                    ),
-                    event_dict,
-                    historical=True,
-                    # Only the first event in the state chain should be floating.
-                    # The rest should hang off each other in a chain.
-                    allow_no_prev_events=index == 0,
-                    prev_event_ids=prev_event_ids_for_state_chain,
-                    # The first event in the state chain is floating with no
-                    # `prev_events` which means it can't derive state from
-                    # anywhere automatically. So we need to set some state
-                    # explicitly.
-                    #
-                    # Make sure to use a copy of this list because we modify it
-                    # later in the loop here. Otherwise it will be the same
-                    # reference and also update in the event when we append later.
-                    state_event_ids=state_event_ids.copy(),
-                )
-                event_id = event.event_id
-            state_event_ids_at_start.append(event_id)
-            state_event_ids.append(event_id)
-            # Connect all the state in a floating chain
-            prev_event_ids_for_state_chain = [event_id]
-        return state_event_ids_at_start
-    async def persist_historical_events(
-        self,
-        events_to_create: List[JsonDict],
-        room_id: str,
-        inherited_depth: int,
-        initial_state_event_ids: List[str],
-        app_service_requester: Requester,
-    ) -> List[str]:
-        """Create and persists all events provided sequentially. Handles the
-        complexity of creating events in chronological order so they can
-        reference each other by prev_event but still persists in
-        reverse-chronoloical order so they have the correct
-        (topological_ordering, stream_ordering) and sort correctly from
-        /messages.
-        Args:
-            events_to_create: List of historical events to create in JSON
-                dictionary format.
-            room_id: Room where you want the events persisted in.
-            inherited_depth: The depth to create the events at (you will
-                probably by calling inherit_depth_from_prev_ids(...)).
-            initial_state_event_ids:
-                This is used to set explicit state for the insertion event at
-                the start of the historical batch since it's floating with no
-                prev_events to derive state from automatically.
-            app_service_requester: The requester of an application service.
-        Returns:
-            List of persisted event IDs
-        """
-        assert app_service_requester.app_service
-        # We expect the first event in a historical batch to be an insertion event
-        assert events_to_create[0]["type"] == EventTypes.MSC2716_INSERTION
-        # We expect the last event in a historical batch to be an batch event
-        assert events_to_create[-1]["type"] == EventTypes.MSC2716_BATCH
-        # Make the historical event chain float off on its own by specifying no
-        # prev_events for the first event in the chain which causes the HS to
-        # ask for the state at the start of the batch later.
-        prev_event_ids: List[str] = []
-        event_ids = []
-        events_to_persist = []
-        for index, ev in enumerate(events_to_create):
-            assert_params_in_dict(ev, ["type", "origin_server_ts", "content", "sender"])
-            assert self.hs.is_mine_id(ev["sender"]), "User must be our own: %s" % (
-                ev["sender"],
-            )
-            event_dict = {
-                "type": ev["type"],
-                "origin_server_ts": ev["origin_server_ts"],
-                "content": ev["content"],
-                "room_id": room_id,
-                "sender": ev["sender"],  # requester.user.to_string(),
-                "prev_events": prev_event_ids.copy(),
-            }
-            # Mark all events as historical
-            event_dict["content"][EventContentFields.MSC2716_HISTORICAL] = True
-            event, unpersisted_context = await self.event_creation_handler.create_event(
-                await self.create_requester_for_user_id_from_app_service(
-                    ev["sender"], app_service_requester.app_service
-                ),
-                event_dict,
-                # Only the first event (which is the insertion event) in the
-                # chain should be floating. The rest should hang off each other
-                # in a chain.
-                allow_no_prev_events=index == 0,
-                prev_event_ids=event_dict.get("prev_events"),
-                # Since the first event (which is the insertion event) in the
-                # chain is floating with no `prev_events`, it can't derive state
-                # from anywhere automatically. So we need to set some state
-                # explicitly.
-                state_event_ids=initial_state_event_ids if index == 0 else None,
-                historical=True,
-                depth=inherited_depth,
-            )
-            context = await unpersisted_context.persist(event)
-            assert context._state_group
-            # Normally this is done when persisting the event but we have to
-            # pre-emptively do it here because we create all the events first,
-            # then persist them in another pass below. And we want to share
-            # state_groups across the whole batch so this lookup needs to work
-            # for the next event in the batch in this loop.
-            await
-                event_id=event.event_id,
-                state_group_id=context._state_group,
-            )
-            logger.debug(
-                "RoomBatchSendEventRestServlet inserting event=%s, prev_event_ids=%s",
-                event,
-                prev_event_ids,
-            )
-            events_to_persist.append((event, context))
-            event_id = event.event_id
-            event_ids.append(event_id)
-            prev_event_ids = [event_id]
-        # Persist events in reverse-chronological order so they have the
-        # correct stream_ordering as they are backfilled (which decrements).
-        # Events are sorted by (topological_ordering, stream_ordering)
-        # where topological_ordering is just depth.
-        for event, context in reversed(events_to_persist):
-            # This call can't raise `PartialStateConflictError` since we forbid
-            # use of the historical batch API during partial state
-            await self.event_creation_handler.handle_new_client_event(
-                await self.create_requester_for_user_id_from_app_service(
-                    event.sender, app_service_requester.app_service
-                ),
-                events_and_context=[(event, context)],
-            )
-        return event_ids
-    async def handle_batch_of_events(
-        self,
-        events_to_create: List[JsonDict],
-        room_id: str,
-        batch_id_to_connect_to: str,
-        inherited_depth: int,
-        initial_state_event_ids: List[str],
-        app_service_requester: Requester,
-    ) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
-        """
-        Handles creating and persisting all of the historical events as well as
-        insertion and batch meta events to make the batch navigable in the DAG.
-        Args:
-            events_to_create: List of historical events to create in JSON
-                dictionary format.
-            room_id: Room where you want the events created in.
-            batch_id_to_connect_to: The batch_id from the insertion event you
-                want this batch to connect to.
-            inherited_depth: The depth to create the events at (you will
-                probably by calling inherit_depth_from_prev_ids(...)).
-            initial_state_event_ids:
-                This is used to set explicit state for the insertion event at
-                the start of the historical batch since it's floating with no
-                prev_events to derive state from automatically. This should
-                probably be the state from the `prev_event` defined by
-                `/batch_send?prev_event_id=$abc` plus the outcome of
-                `persist_state_events_at_start`
-            app_service_requester: The requester of an application service.
-        Returns:
-            Tuple containing a list of created events and the next_batch_id
-        """
-        # Connect this current batch to the insertion event from the previous batch
-        last_event_in_batch = events_to_create[-1]
-        batch_event = {
-            "type": EventTypes.MSC2716_BATCH,
-            "sender": app_service_requester.user.to_string(),
-            "room_id": room_id,
-            "content": {
-                EventContentFields.MSC2716_BATCH_ID: batch_id_to_connect_to,
-                EventContentFields.MSC2716_HISTORICAL: True,
-            },
-            # Since the batch event is put at the end of the batch,
-            # where the newest-in-time event is, copy the origin_server_ts from
-            # the last event we're inserting
-            "origin_server_ts": last_event_in_batch["origin_server_ts"],
-        }
-        # Add the batch event to the end of the batch (newest-in-time)
-        events_to_create.append(batch_event)
-        # Add an "insertion" event to the start of each batch (next to the oldest-in-time
-        # event in the batch) so the next batch can be connected to this one.
-        insertion_event = self.create_insertion_event_dict(
-            sender=app_service_requester.user.to_string(),
-            room_id=room_id,
-            # Since the insertion event is put at the start of the batch,
-            # where the oldest-in-time event is, copy the origin_server_ts from
-            # the first event we're inserting
-            origin_server_ts=events_to_create[0]["origin_server_ts"],
-        )
-        next_batch_id = insertion_event["content"][
-            EventContentFields.MSC2716_NEXT_BATCH_ID
-        ]
-        # Prepend the insertion event to the start of the batch (oldest-in-time)
-        events_to_create = [insertion_event] + events_to_create
-        # Create and persist all of the historical events
-        event_ids = await self.persist_historical_events(
-            events_to_create=events_to_create,
-            room_id=room_id,
-            inherited_depth=inherited_depth,
-            initial_state_event_ids=initial_state_event_ids,
-            app_service_requester=app_service_requester,
-        )
-        return event_ids, next_batch_id