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path: root/synapse/config/
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Diffstat (limited to 'synapse/config/')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/config/ b/synapse/config/
index 6a8161547a..d0a19751e8 100644
--- a/synapse/config/
+++ b/synapse/config/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
+# Copyright 2019 The Foundation C.I.C.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,12 +13,55 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import jinja2
+import pkg_resources
 from synapse.python_dependencies import DependencyException, check_requirements
+from synapse.util.module_loader import load_module, load_python_module
 from ._base import Config, ConfigError
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    "synapse.handlers.saml_handler.DefaultSamlMappingProvider"
+def _dict_merge(merge_dict, into_dict):
+    """Do a deep merge of two dicts
+    Recursively merges `merge_dict` into `into_dict`:
+      * For keys where both `merge_dict` and `into_dict` have a dict value, the values
+        are recursively merged
+      * For all other keys, the values in `into_dict` (if any) are overwritten with
+        the value from `merge_dict`.
+    Args:
+        merge_dict (dict): dict to merge
+        into_dict (dict): target dict
+    """
+    for k, v in merge_dict.items():
+        if k not in into_dict:
+            into_dict[k] = v
+            continue
+        current_val = into_dict[k]
+        if isinstance(v, dict) and isinstance(current_val, dict):
+            _dict_merge(v, current_val)
+            continue
+        # otherwise we just overwrite
+        into_dict[k] = v
 class SAML2Config(Config):
+    section = "saml2"
     def read_config(self, config, **kwargs):
         self.saml2_enabled = False
@@ -26,6 +70,9 @@ class SAML2Config(Config):
         if not saml2_config or not saml2_config.get("enabled", True):
+        if not saml2_config.get("sp_config") and not saml2_config.get("config_path"):
+            return
         except DependencyException as e:
@@ -33,28 +80,124 @@ class SAML2Config(Config):
         self.saml2_enabled = True
-        import saml2.config
+        self.saml2_grandfathered_mxid_source_attribute = saml2_config.get(
+            "grandfathered_mxid_source_attribute", "uid"
+        )
-        self.saml2_sp_config = saml2.config.SPConfig()
-        self.saml2_sp_config.load(self._default_saml_config_dict())
-        self.saml2_sp_config.load(saml2_config.get("sp_config", {}))
+        # user_mapping_provider may be None if the key is present but has no value
+        ump_dict = saml2_config.get("user_mapping_provider") or {}
+        # Use the default user mapping provider if not set
+        ump_dict.setdefault("module", DEFAULT_USER_MAPPING_PROVIDER)
+        # Ensure a config is present
+        ump_dict["config"] = ump_dict.get("config") or {}
+        if ump_dict["module"] == DEFAULT_USER_MAPPING_PROVIDER:
+            # Load deprecated options for use by the default module
+            old_mxid_source_attribute = saml2_config.get("mxid_source_attribute")
+            if old_mxid_source_attribute:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "The config option saml2_config.mxid_source_attribute is deprecated. "
+                    "Please use saml2_config.user_mapping_provider.config"
+                    ".mxid_source_attribute instead."
+                )
+                ump_dict["config"]["mxid_source_attribute"] = old_mxid_source_attribute
+            old_mxid_mapping = saml2_config.get("mxid_mapping")
+            if old_mxid_mapping:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "The config option saml2_config.mxid_mapping is deprecated. Please "
+                    "use saml2_config.user_mapping_provider.config.mxid_mapping instead."
+                )
+                ump_dict["config"]["mxid_mapping"] = old_mxid_mapping
+        # Retrieve an instance of the module's class
+        # Pass the config dictionary to the module for processing
+        (
+            self.saml2_user_mapping_provider_class,
+            self.saml2_user_mapping_provider_config,
+        ) = load_module(ump_dict)
+        # Ensure loaded user mapping module has defined all necessary methods
+        # Note parse_config() is already checked during the call to load_module
+        required_methods = [
+            "get_saml_attributes",
+            "saml_response_to_user_attributes",
+            "get_remote_user_id",
+        ]
+        missing_methods = [
+            method
+            for method in required_methods
+            if not hasattr(self.saml2_user_mapping_provider_class, method)
+        ]
+        if missing_methods:
+            raise ConfigError(
+                "Class specified by saml2_config."
+                "user_mapping_provider.module is missing required "
+                "methods: %s" % (", ".join(missing_methods),)
+            )
+        # Get the desired saml auth response attributes from the module
+        saml2_config_dict = self._default_saml_config_dict(
+            *self.saml2_user_mapping_provider_class.get_saml_attributes(
+                self.saml2_user_mapping_provider_config
+            )
+        )
+        _dict_merge(
+            merge_dict=saml2_config.get("sp_config", {}), into_dict=saml2_config_dict
+        )
         config_path = saml2_config.get("config_path", None)
         if config_path is not None:
-            self.saml2_sp_config.load_file(config_path)
+            mod = load_python_module(config_path)
+            _dict_merge(merge_dict=mod.CONFIG, into_dict=saml2_config_dict)
+        import saml2.config
+        self.saml2_sp_config = saml2.config.SPConfig()
+        self.saml2_sp_config.load(saml2_config_dict)
         # session lifetime: in milliseconds
         self.saml2_session_lifetime = self.parse_duration(
             saml2_config.get("saml_session_lifetime", "5m")
-    def _default_saml_config_dict(self):
+        template_dir = saml2_config.get("template_dir")
+        if not template_dir:
+            template_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("synapse", "res/templates",)
+        loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir)
+        # enable auto-escape here, to having to remember to escape manually in the
+        # template
+        env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, autoescape=True)
+        self.saml2_error_html_template = env.get_template("saml_error.html")
+    def _default_saml_config_dict(
+        self, required_attributes: set, optional_attributes: set
+    ):
+        """Generate a configuration dictionary with required and optional attributes that
+        will be needed to process new user registration
+        Args:
+            required_attributes: SAML auth response attributes that are
+                necessary to function
+            optional_attributes: SAML auth response attributes that can be used to add
+                additional information to Synapse user accounts, but are not required
+        Returns:
+            dict: A SAML configuration dictionary
+        """
         import saml2
         public_baseurl = self.public_baseurl
         if public_baseurl is None:
             raise ConfigError("saml2_config requires a public_baseurl to be set")
+        if self.saml2_grandfathered_mxid_source_attribute:
+            optional_attributes.add(self.saml2_grandfathered_mxid_source_attribute)
+        optional_attributes -= required_attributes
         metadata_url = public_baseurl + "_matrix/saml2/metadata.xml"
         response_url = public_baseurl + "_matrix/saml2/authn_response"
         return {
@@ -66,22 +209,26 @@ class SAML2Config(Config):
                             (response_url, saml2.BINDING_HTTP_POST)
-                    "required_attributes": ["uid"],
-                    "optional_attributes": ["mail", "surname", "givenname"],
+                    "required_attributes": list(required_attributes),
+                    "optional_attributes": list(optional_attributes),
+                    # "name_id_format": saml2.saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT,
     def generate_config_section(self, config_dir_path, server_name, **kwargs):
         return """\
+        ## Single sign-on integration ##
         # Enable SAML2 for registration and login. Uses pysaml2.
-        # `sp_config` is the configuration for the pysaml2 Service Provider.
-        # See pysaml2 docs for format of config.
+        # At least one of `sp_config` or `config_path` must be set in this section to
+        # enable SAML login.
-        # Default values will be used for the 'entityid' and 'service' settings,
-        # so it is not normally necessary to specify them unless you need to
-        # override them.
+        # (You will probably also want to set the following options to `false` to
+        # disable the regular login/registration flows:
+        #   * enable_registration
+        #   * password_config.enabled
         # Once SAML support is enabled, a metadata file will be exposed at
         # https://<server>:<port>/_matrix/saml2/metadata.xml, which you may be able to
@@ -89,52 +236,135 @@ class SAML2Config(Config):
         # the IdP to use an ACS location of
         # https://<server>:<port>/_matrix/saml2/authn_response.
-        #saml2_config:
-        #  sp_config:
-        #    # point this to the IdP's metadata. You can use either a local file or
-        #    # (preferably) a URL.
-        #    metadata:
-        #      #local: ["saml2/idp.xml"]
-        #      remote:
-        #        - url: https://our_idp/metadata.xml
-        #
-        #    # By default, the user has to go to our login page first. If you'd like to
-        #    # allow IdP-initiated login, set 'allow_unsolicited: True' in a
-        #    # 'service.sp' section:
-        #    #
-        #    #service:
-        #    #  sp:
-        #    #    allow_unsolicited: True
-        #
-        #    # The examples below are just used to generate our metadata xml, and you
-        #    # may well not need it, depending on your setup. Alternatively you
-        #    # may need a whole lot more detail - see the pysaml2 docs!
-        #
-        #    description: ["My awesome SP", "en"]
-        #    name: ["Test SP", "en"]
-        #
-        #    organization:
-        #      name: Example com
-        #      display_name:
-        #        - ["Example co", "en"]
-        #      url: ""
-        #
-        #    contact_person:
-        #      - given_name: Bob
-        #        sur_name: "the Sysadmin"
-        #        email_address": [""]
-        #        contact_type": technical
-        #
-        #  # Instead of putting the config inline as above, you can specify a
-        #  # separate pysaml2 configuration file:
-        #  #
-        #  config_path: "%(config_dir_path)s/"
-        #
-        #  # the lifetime of a SAML session. This defines how long a user has to
-        #  # complete the authentication process, if allow_unsolicited is unset.
-        #  # The default is 5 minutes.
-        #  #
-        #  # saml_session_lifetime: 5m
+        saml2_config:
+          # `sp_config` is the configuration for the pysaml2 Service Provider.
+          # See pysaml2 docs for format of config.
+          #
+          # Default values will be used for the 'entityid' and 'service' settings,
+          # so it is not normally necessary to specify them unless you need to
+          # override them.
+          #
+          #sp_config:
+          #  # point this to the IdP's metadata. You can use either a local file or
+          #  # (preferably) a URL.
+          #  metadata:
+          #    #local: ["saml2/idp.xml"]
+          #    remote:
+          #      - url: https://our_idp/metadata.xml
+          #
+          #  # By default, the user has to go to our login page first. If you'd like
+          #  # to allow IdP-initiated login, set 'allow_unsolicited: true' in a
+          #  # 'service.sp' section:
+          #  #
+          #  #service:
+          #  #  sp:
+          #  #    allow_unsolicited: true
+          #
+          #  # The examples below are just used to generate our metadata xml, and you
+          #  # may well not need them, depending on your setup. Alternatively you
+          #  # may need a whole lot more detail - see the pysaml2 docs!
+          #
+          #  description: ["My awesome SP", "en"]
+          #  name: ["Test SP", "en"]
+          #
+          #  organization:
+          #    name: Example com
+          #    display_name:
+          #      - ["Example co", "en"]
+          #    url: ""
+          #
+          #  contact_person:
+          #    - given_name: Bob
+          #      sur_name: "the Sysadmin"
+          #      email_address": [""]
+          #      contact_type": technical
+          # Instead of putting the config inline as above, you can specify a
+          # separate pysaml2 configuration file:
+          #
+          #config_path: "%(config_dir_path)s/"
+          # The lifetime of a SAML session. This defines how long a user has to
+          # complete the authentication process, if allow_unsolicited is unset.
+          # The default is 5 minutes.
+          #
+          #saml_session_lifetime: 5m
+          # An external module can be provided here as a custom solution to
+          # mapping attributes returned from a saml provider onto a matrix user.
+          #
+          user_mapping_provider:
+            # The custom module's class. Uncomment to use a custom module.
+            #
+            #module: mapping_provider.SamlMappingProvider
+            # Custom configuration values for the module. Below options are
+            # intended for the built-in provider, they should be changed if
+            # using a custom module. This section will be passed as a Python
+            # dictionary to the module's `parse_config` method.
+            #
+            config:
+              # The SAML attribute (after mapping via the attribute maps) to use
+              # to derive the Matrix ID from. 'uid' by default.
+              #
+              # Note: This used to be configured by the
+              # saml2_config.mxid_source_attribute option. If that is still
+              # defined, its value will be used instead.
+              #
+              #mxid_source_attribute: displayName
+              # The mapping system to use for mapping the saml attribute onto a
+              # matrix ID.
+              #
+              # Options include:
+              #  * 'hexencode' (which maps unpermitted characters to '=xx')
+              #  * 'dotreplace' (which replaces unpermitted characters with
+              #     '.').
+              # The default is 'hexencode'.
+              #
+              # Note: This used to be configured by the
+              # saml2_config.mxid_mapping option. If that is still defined, its
+              # value will be used instead.
+              #
+              #mxid_mapping: dotreplace
+          # In previous versions of synapse, the mapping from SAML attribute to
+          # MXID was always calculated dynamically rather than stored in a
+          # table. For backwards- compatibility, we will look for user_ids
+          # matching such a pattern before creating a new account.
+          #
+          # This setting controls the SAML attribute which will be used for this
+          # backwards-compatibility lookup. Typically it should be 'uid', but if
+          # the attribute maps are changed, it may be necessary to change it.
+          #
+          # The default is 'uid'.
+          #
+          #grandfathered_mxid_source_attribute: upn
+          # Directory in which Synapse will try to find the template files below.
+          # If not set, default templates from within the Synapse package will be used.
+          #
+          # DO NOT UNCOMMENT THIS SETTING unless you want to customise the templates.
+          # If you *do* uncomment it, you will need to make sure that all the templates
+          # below are in the directory.
+          #
+          # Synapse will look for the following templates in this directory:
+          #
+          # * HTML page to display to users if something goes wrong during the
+          #   authentication process: 'saml_error.html'.
+          #
+          #   When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
+          #     * code: an HTML error code corresponding to the error that is being
+          #       returned (typically 400 or 500)
+          #
+          #     * msg: a textual message describing the error.
+          #
+          #   The variables will automatically be HTML-escaped.
+          #
+          # You can see the default templates at:
+          #
+          #
+          #template_dir: "res/templates"
         """ % {
             "config_dir_path": config_dir_path