diff --git a/synapse/app/homeserver.py b/synapse/app/homeserver.py
index d93afdc1c2..f04493f92a 100755
--- a/synapse/app/homeserver.py
+++ b/synapse/app/homeserver.py
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ from twisted.application import service
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from twisted.web.resource import Resource, EncodingResourceWrapper
from twisted.web.static import File
-from twisted.web.server import Site, GzipEncoderFactory
-from twisted.web.http import proxiedLogFormatter, combinedLogFormatter
+from twisted.web.server import Site, GzipEncoderFactory, Request
from synapse.http.server import JsonResource, RootRedirect
from synapse.rest.media.v0.content_repository import ContentRepoResource
from synapse.rest.media.v1.media_repository import MediaRepositoryResource
@@ -61,11 +60,13 @@ import twisted.manhole.telnet
import synapse
+import contextlib
import logging
import os
import re
import resource
import subprocess
+import time
logger = logging.getLogger("synapse.app.homeserver")
@@ -87,10 +88,10 @@ class SynapseHomeServer(HomeServer):
return MatrixFederationHttpClient(self)
def build_resource_for_client(self):
- return gz_wrap(ClientV1RestResource(self))
+ return ClientV1RestResource(self)
def build_resource_for_client_v2_alpha(self):
- return gz_wrap(ClientV2AlphaRestResource(self))
+ return ClientV2AlphaRestResource(self)
def build_resource_for_federation(self):
return JsonResource(self)
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ class SynapseHomeServer(HomeServer):
def build_resource_for_content_repo(self):
return ContentRepoResource(
- self, self.upload_dir, self.auth, self.content_addr
+ self, self.config.uploads_path, self.auth, self.content_addr
def build_resource_for_media_repository(self):
@@ -139,152 +140,105 @@ class SynapseHomeServer(HomeServer):
**self.db_config.get("args", {})
- def create_resource_tree(self, redirect_root_to_web_client):
- """Create the resource tree for this Home Server.
+ def _listener_http(self, config, listener_config):
+ port = listener_config["port"]
+ bind_address = listener_config.get("bind_address", "")
+ tls = listener_config.get("tls", False)
+ site_tag = listener_config.get("tag", port)
- This in unduly complicated because Twisted does not support putting
- child resources more than 1 level deep at a time.
- Args:
- web_client (bool): True to enable the web client.
- redirect_root_to_web_client (bool): True to redirect '/' to the
- location of the web client. This does nothing if web_client is not
- True.
- """
- config = self.get_config()
- web_client = config.web_client
- # list containing (path_str, Resource) e.g:
- # [ ("/aaa/bbb/cc", Resource1), ("/aaa/dummy", Resource2) ]
- desired_tree = [
- (CLIENT_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_client()),
- (CLIENT_V2_ALPHA_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_client_v2_alpha()),
- (FEDERATION_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_federation()),
- (CONTENT_REPO_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_content_repo()),
- (SERVER_KEY_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_server_key()),
- (SERVER_KEY_V2_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_server_key_v2()),
- (MEDIA_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_media_repository()),
- (STATIC_PREFIX, self.get_resource_for_static_content()),
- ]
- if web_client:
- logger.info("Adding the web client.")
- desired_tree.append((WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX,
- self.get_resource_for_web_client()))
- if web_client and redirect_root_to_web_client:
- self.root_resource = RootRedirect(WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX)
- else:
- self.root_resource = Resource()
+ if tls and config.no_tls:
+ return
metrics_resource = self.get_resource_for_metrics()
- if config.metrics_port is None and metrics_resource is not None:
- desired_tree.append((METRICS_PREFIX, metrics_resource))
- # ideally we'd just use getChild and putChild but getChild doesn't work
- # unless you give it a Request object IN ADDITION to the name :/ So
- # instead, we'll store a copy of this mapping so we can actually add
- # extra resources to existing nodes. See self._resource_id for the key.
- resource_mappings = {}
- for full_path, res in desired_tree:
- logger.info("Attaching %s to path %s", res, full_path)
- last_resource = self.root_resource
- for path_seg in full_path.split('/')[1:-1]:
- if path_seg not in last_resource.listNames():
- # resource doesn't exist, so make a "dummy resource"
- child_resource = Resource()
- last_resource.putChild(path_seg, child_resource)
- res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, path_seg)
- resource_mappings[res_id] = child_resource
- last_resource = child_resource
- else:
- # we have an existing Resource, use that instead.
- res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, path_seg)
- last_resource = resource_mappings[res_id]
- # ===========================
- # now attach the actual desired resource
- last_path_seg = full_path.split('/')[-1]
- # if there is already a resource here, thieve its children and
- # replace it
- res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, last_path_seg)
- if res_id in resource_mappings:
- # there is a dummy resource at this path already, which needs
- # to be replaced with the desired resource.
- existing_dummy_resource = resource_mappings[res_id]
- for child_name in existing_dummy_resource.listNames():
- child_res_id = self._resource_id(existing_dummy_resource,
- child_name)
- child_resource = resource_mappings[child_res_id]
- # steal the children
- res.putChild(child_name, child_resource)
- # finally, insert the desired resource in the right place
- last_resource.putChild(last_path_seg, res)
- res_id = self._resource_id(last_resource, last_path_seg)
- resource_mappings[res_id] = res
- return self.root_resource
- def _resource_id(self, resource, path_seg):
- """Construct an arbitrary resource ID so you can retrieve the mapping
- later.
- If you want to represent resource A putChild resource B with path C,
- the mapping should looks like _resource_id(A,C) = B.
- Args:
- resource (Resource): The *parent* Resource
- path_seg (str): The name of the child Resource to be attached.
- Returns:
- str: A unique string which can be a key to the child Resource.
- """
- return "%s-%s" % (resource, path_seg)
- def start_listening(self):
- config = self.get_config()
- if not config.no_tls and config.bind_port is not None:
+ resources = {}
+ for res in listener_config["resources"]:
+ for name in res["names"]:
+ if name == "client":
+ if res["compress"]:
+ client_v1 = gz_wrap(self.get_resource_for_client())
+ client_v2 = gz_wrap(self.get_resource_for_client_v2_alpha())
+ else:
+ client_v1 = self.get_resource_for_client()
+ client_v2 = self.get_resource_for_client_v2_alpha()
+ resources.update({
+ CLIENT_PREFIX: client_v1,
+ CLIENT_V2_ALPHA_PREFIX: client_v2,
+ })
+ if name == "federation":
+ resources.update({
+ FEDERATION_PREFIX: self.get_resource_for_federation(),
+ })
+ if name in ["static", "client"]:
+ resources.update({
+ STATIC_PREFIX: self.get_resource_for_static_content(),
+ })
+ if name in ["media", "federation", "client"]:
+ resources.update({
+ MEDIA_PREFIX: self.get_resource_for_media_repository(),
+ CONTENT_REPO_PREFIX: self.get_resource_for_content_repo(),
+ })
+ if name in ["keys", "federation"]:
+ resources.update({
+ SERVER_KEY_PREFIX: self.get_resource_for_server_key(),
+ SERVER_KEY_V2_PREFIX: self.get_resource_for_server_key_v2(),
+ })
+ if name == "webclient":
+ resources[WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX] = self.get_resource_for_web_client()
+ if name == "metrics" and metrics_resource:
+ resources[METRICS_PREFIX] = metrics_resource
+ root_resource = create_resource_tree(resources)
+ if tls:
- config.bind_port,
+ port,
- "synapse.access.https",
- config,
- self.root_resource,
+ "synapse.access.https.%s" % (site_tag,),
+ site_tag,
+ listener_config,
+ root_resource,
- interface=config.bind_host
+ interface=bind_address
- logger.info("Synapse now listening on port %d", config.bind_port)
- if config.unsecure_port is not None:
+ else:
- config.unsecure_port,
+ port,
- "synapse.access.http",
- config,
- self.root_resource,
+ "synapse.access.http.%s" % (site_tag,),
+ site_tag,
+ listener_config,
+ root_resource,
- interface=config.bind_host
+ interface=bind_address
- logger.info("Synapse now listening on port %d", config.unsecure_port)
+ logger.info("Synapse now listening on port %d", port)
- metrics_resource = self.get_resource_for_metrics()
- if metrics_resource and config.metrics_port is not None:
- reactor.listenTCP(
- config.metrics_port,
- SynapseSite(
- "synapse.access.metrics",
- config,
- metrics_resource,
- ),
- interface=config.metrics_bind_host,
- )
- logger.info(
- "Metrics now running on %s port %d",
- config.metrics_bind_host, config.metrics_port,
- )
+ def start_listening(self):
+ config = self.get_config()
+ for listener in config.listeners:
+ if listener["type"] == "http":
+ self._listener_http(config, listener)
+ elif listener["type"] == "manhole":
+ f = twisted.manhole.telnet.ShellFactory()
+ f.username = "matrix"
+ f.password = "rabbithole"
+ f.namespace['hs'] = self
+ reactor.listenTCP(
+ listener["port"],
+ f,
+ interface=listener.get("bind_address", '')
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.warn("Unrecognized listener type: %s", listener["type"])
def run_startup_checks(self, db_conn, database_engine):
all_users_native = are_all_users_on_domain(
@@ -419,11 +373,6 @@ def setup(config_options):
events.USE_FROZEN_DICTS = config.use_frozen_dicts
- if re.search(":[0-9]+$", config.server_name):
- domain_with_port = config.server_name
- else:
- domain_with_port = "%s:%s" % (config.server_name, config.bind_port)
tls_context_factory = context_factory.ServerContextFactory(config)
database_engine = create_engine(config.database_config["name"])
@@ -431,8 +380,6 @@ def setup(config_options):
hs = SynapseHomeServer(
- domain_with_port=domain_with_port,
- upload_dir=os.path.abspath("uploads"),
@@ -441,10 +388,6 @@ def setup(config_options):
- hs.create_resource_tree(
- redirect_root_to_web_client=True,
- )
logger.info("Preparing database: %r...", config.database_config)
@@ -469,13 +412,6 @@ def setup(config_options):
logger.info("Database prepared in %r.", config.database_config)
- if config.manhole:
- f = twisted.manhole.telnet.ShellFactory()
- f.username = "matrix"
- f.password = "rabbithole"
- f.namespace['hs'] = hs
- reactor.listenTCP(config.manhole, f, interface='')
@@ -501,22 +437,194 @@ class SynapseService(service.Service):
return self._port.stopListening()
+class SynapseRequest(Request):
+ def __init__(self, site, *args, **kw):
+ Request.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ self.site = site
+ self.authenticated_entity = None
+ self.start_time = 0
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # We overwrite this so that we don't log ``access_token``
+ return '<%s at 0x%x method=%s uri=%s clientproto=%s site=%s>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ id(self),
+ self.method,
+ self.get_redacted_uri(),
+ self.clientproto,
+ self.site.site_tag,
+ )
+ def get_redacted_uri(self):
+ return re.sub(
+ r'(\?.*access_token=)[^&]*(.*)$',
+ r'\1<redacted>\2',
+ self.uri
+ )
+ def get_user_agent(self):
+ return self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("User-Agent", [None])[-1]
+ def started_processing(self):
+ self.site.access_logger.info(
+ "%s - %s - Received request: %s %s",
+ self.getClientIP(),
+ self.site.site_tag,
+ self.method,
+ self.get_redacted_uri()
+ )
+ self.start_time = int(time.time() * 1000)
+ def finished_processing(self):
+ self.site.access_logger.info(
+ "%s - %s - {%s}"
+ " Processed request: %dms %sB %s \"%s %s %s\" \"%s\"",
+ self.getClientIP(),
+ self.site.site_tag,
+ self.authenticated_entity,
+ int(time.time() * 1000) - self.start_time,
+ self.sentLength,
+ self.code,
+ self.method,
+ self.get_redacted_uri(),
+ self.clientproto,
+ self.get_user_agent(),
+ )
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def processing(self):
+ self.started_processing()
+ yield
+ self.finished_processing()
+class XForwardedForRequest(SynapseRequest):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ SynapseRequest.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ """
+ Add a layer on top of another request that only uses the value of an
+ X-Forwarded-For header as the result of C{getClientIP}.
+ """
+ def getClientIP(self):
+ """
+ @return: The client address (the first address) in the value of the
+ I{X-Forwarded-For header}. If the header is not present, return
+ C{b"-"}.
+ """
+ return self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
+ b"x-forwarded-for", [b"-"])[0].split(b",")[0].strip()
+class SynapseRequestFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, site, x_forwarded_for):
+ self.site = site
+ self.x_forwarded_for = x_forwarded_for
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.x_forwarded_for:
+ return XForwardedForRequest(self.site, *args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ return SynapseRequest(self.site, *args, **kwargs)
class SynapseSite(Site):
Subclass of a twisted http Site that does access logging with python's
standard logging
- def __init__(self, logger_name, config, resource, *args, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, logger_name, site_tag, config, resource, *args, **kwargs):
Site.__init__(self, resource, *args, **kwargs)
- if config.captcha_ip_origin_is_x_forwarded:
- self._log_formatter = proxiedLogFormatter
- else:
- self._log_formatter = combinedLogFormatter
+ self.site_tag = site_tag
+ proxied = config.get("x_forwarded", False)
+ self.requestFactory = SynapseRequestFactory(self, proxied)
self.access_logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
def log(self, request):
- line = self._log_formatter(self._logDateTime, request)
- self.access_logger.info(line)
+ pass
+def create_resource_tree(desired_tree, redirect_root_to_web_client=True):
+ """Create the resource tree for this Home Server.
+ This in unduly complicated because Twisted does not support putting
+ child resources more than 1 level deep at a time.
+ Args:
+ web_client (bool): True to enable the web client.
+ redirect_root_to_web_client (bool): True to redirect '/' to the
+ location of the web client. This does nothing if web_client is not
+ True.
+ """
+ if redirect_root_to_web_client and WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX in desired_tree:
+ root_resource = RootRedirect(WEB_CLIENT_PREFIX)
+ else:
+ root_resource = Resource()
+ # ideally we'd just use getChild and putChild but getChild doesn't work
+ # unless you give it a Request object IN ADDITION to the name :/ So
+ # instead, we'll store a copy of this mapping so we can actually add
+ # extra resources to existing nodes. See self._resource_id for the key.
+ resource_mappings = {}
+ for full_path, res in desired_tree.items():
+ logger.info("Attaching %s to path %s", res, full_path)
+ last_resource = root_resource
+ for path_seg in full_path.split('/')[1:-1]:
+ if path_seg not in last_resource.listNames():
+ # resource doesn't exist, so make a "dummy resource"
+ child_resource = Resource()
+ last_resource.putChild(path_seg, child_resource)
+ res_id = _resource_id(last_resource, path_seg)
+ resource_mappings[res_id] = child_resource
+ last_resource = child_resource
+ else:
+ # we have an existing Resource, use that instead.
+ res_id = _resource_id(last_resource, path_seg)
+ last_resource = resource_mappings[res_id]
+ # ===========================
+ # now attach the actual desired resource
+ last_path_seg = full_path.split('/')[-1]
+ # if there is already a resource here, thieve its children and
+ # replace it
+ res_id = _resource_id(last_resource, last_path_seg)
+ if res_id in resource_mappings:
+ # there is a dummy resource at this path already, which needs
+ # to be replaced with the desired resource.
+ existing_dummy_resource = resource_mappings[res_id]
+ for child_name in existing_dummy_resource.listNames():
+ child_res_id = _resource_id(
+ existing_dummy_resource, child_name
+ )
+ child_resource = resource_mappings[child_res_id]
+ # steal the children
+ res.putChild(child_name, child_resource)
+ # finally, insert the desired resource in the right place
+ last_resource.putChild(last_path_seg, res)
+ res_id = _resource_id(last_resource, last_path_seg)
+ resource_mappings[res_id] = res
+ return root_resource
+def _resource_id(resource, path_seg):
+ """Construct an arbitrary resource ID so you can retrieve the mapping
+ later.
+ If you want to represent resource A putChild resource B with path C,
+ the mapping should looks like _resource_id(A,C) = B.
+ Args:
+ resource (Resource): The *parent* Resource
+ path_seg (str): The name of the child Resource to be attached.
+ Returns:
+ str: A unique string which can be a key to the child Resource.
+ """
+ return "%s-%s" % (resource, path_seg)
def run(hs):
@@ -549,7 +657,8 @@ def run(hs):
if hs.config.daemonize:
- print hs.config.pid_file
+ if hs.config.print_pidfile:
+ print hs.config.pid_file
daemon = Daemonize(