1 files changed, 17 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh b/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh
index e2bc1640bb..473f54772a 100755
--- a/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh
+++ b/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ usage() {
echo "-c"
echo " CI mode. Prints every command that the script runs."
echo "-o <path>"
- echo " Directory to output full schema files to."
+ echo " Directory to output full schema files to. You probably want to use"
+ echo " '-o synapse/storage/schema'"
echo "-n <schema number>"
echo " Schema number for the new snapshot. Used to set the location of files within "
echo " the output directory, mimicking that of synapse/storage/schemas."
@@ -27,6 +28,11 @@ usage() {
echo "-h"
echo " Display this help text."
echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "You probably want to invoke this with something like"
+ echo " docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=synapse -p 5432:5432 postgres:11-alpine"
+ echo " echo postgres | scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh -p postgres -n MY_SCHEMA_NUMBER -o synapse/storage/schema"
+ echo ""
echo " NB: make sure to run this against the *oldest* supported version of postgres,"
echo " or else pg_dump might output non-backwards-compatible syntax."
@@ -189,7 +195,7 @@ python -m synapse.app.homeserver --generate-keys -c "$SQLITE_CONFIG"
# Make sure the SQLite3 database is using the latest schema and has no pending background update.
echo "Running db background jobs..."
-synapse/_scripts/update_synapse_database.py --database-config "$SQLITE_CONFIG" --run-background-updates
+poetry run python synapse/_scripts/update_synapse_database.py --database-config "$SQLITE_CONFIG" --run-background-updates
# Create the PostgreSQL database.
echo "Creating postgres databases..."
@@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ createdb --lc-collate=C --lc-ctype=C --template=template0 "$POSTGRES_MAIN_DB_NAM
createdb --lc-collate=C --lc-ctype=C --template=template0 "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME"
echo "Running db background jobs..."
-synapse/_scripts/update_synapse_database.py --database-config "$POSTGRES_CONFIG" --run-background-updates
+poetry run python synapse/_scripts/update_synapse_database.py --database-config "$POSTGRES_CONFIG" --run-background-updates
echo "Dropping unwanted db tables..."
@@ -293,4 +299,12 @@ pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owne
pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+if [[ "$OUTPUT_DIR" == *synapse/storage/schema ]]; then
+ echo "Updating contrib/datagrip symlinks..."
+ ln -sf "../../synapse/storage/schema/common/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres" "contrib/datagrip/common.sql"
+ ln -sf "../../synapse/storage/schema/main/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres" "contrib/datagrip/main.sql"
+ ln -sf "../../synapse/storage/schema/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres" "contrib/datagrip/state.sql"
+ echo "Not updating contrib/datagrip symlinks (unknown output directory)"
echo "Done! Files dumped to: $OUTPUT_DIR"