1 files changed, 46 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh b/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh
index d8cd06ee4f..e2bc1640bb 100755
--- a/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh
+++ b/scripts-dev/make_full_schema.sh
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ usage() {
echo " Defaults to 9999."
echo "-h"
echo " Display this help text."
+ echo ""
+ echo " NB: make sure to run this against the *oldest* supported version of postgres,"
+ echo " or else pg_dump might output non-backwards-compatible syntax."
@@ -240,25 +243,54 @@ DROP TABLE user_directory_search_stat;
echo "Dumping SQLite3 schema..."
-mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR/"{common,main,state}"/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER"
-sqlite3 "$SQLITE_COMMON_DB" ".schema --indent" > "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
-sqlite3 "$SQLITE_COMMON_DB" ".dump --data-only --nosys" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
-sqlite3 "$SQLITE_MAIN_DB" ".schema --indent" > "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
-sqlite3 "$SQLITE_MAIN_DB" ".dump --data-only --nosys" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
-sqlite3 "$SQLITE_STATE_DB" ".schema --indent" > "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
-sqlite3 "$SQLITE_STATE_DB" ".dump --data-only --nosys" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
+mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR/"{common,main,state}"/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER"
+sqlite3 "$SQLITE_COMMON_DB" ".schema" > "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
+sqlite3 "$SQLITE_COMMON_DB" ".dump --data-only --nosys" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
+sqlite3 "$SQLITE_MAIN_DB" ".schema" > "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
+sqlite3 "$SQLITE_MAIN_DB" ".dump --data-only --nosys" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
+sqlite3 "$SQLITE_STATE_DB" ".schema" > "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
+sqlite3 "$SQLITE_STATE_DB" ".dump --data-only --nosys" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.sqlite"
cleanup_pg_schema() {
- sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/^--/d' -e 's/public\.//g' -e '/^SET /d' -e '/^SELECT /d'
+ # Cleanup as follows:
+ # - Remove empty lines. pg_dump likes to output a lot of these.
+ # - Remove comment-only lines. pg_dump also likes to output a lot of these to visually
+ # separate tables etc.
+ # - Remove "public." prefix --- the schema name.
+ # - Remove "SET" commands. Last time I ran this, the output commands were
+ # SET statement_timeout = 0;
+ # SET lock_timeout = 0;
+ # SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
+ # SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
+ # SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
+ # SET check_function_bodies = false;
+ # SET xmloption = content;
+ # SET client_min_messages = warning;
+ # SET row_security = off;
+ # SET default_table_access_method = heap;
+ # - Very carefully remove specific SELECT statements. We CANNOT blanket remove all
+ # SELECT statements because some of those have side-effects which we do want in the
+ # schema. Last time I ran this, the only SELECTS were
+ # SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
+ # and
+ # SELECT pg_catalog.setval(text, bigint, bool);
+ # We do want to remove the former, but the latter is important. If the last argument
+ # is `true` or omitted, this marks the given integer as having been consumed and
+ # will NOT appear as the nextval.
+ sed -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e '/^--/d' \
+ -e 's/public\.//g' \
+ -e '/^SET /d' \
+ -e '/^SELECT pg_catalog.set_config/d'
echo "Dumping Postgres schema..."
-pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_COMMON_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
-pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_COMMON_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
-pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_MAIN_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
-pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_MAIN_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
-pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
-pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schema/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_COMMON_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_COMMON_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/common/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_MAIN_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_MAIN_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/main/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema > "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
+pg_dump --format=plain --data-only --inserts --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner "$POSTGRES_STATE_DB_NAME" | cleanup_pg_schema >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/state/full_schemas/$SCHEMA_NUMBER/full.sql.postgres"
echo "Done! Files dumped to: $OUTPUT_DIR"