1 files changed, 17 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/src/push/base_rules.rs b/rust/src/push/base_rules.rs
index 49add4e951..e9af26dd4f 100644
--- a/rust/src/push/base_rules.rs
+++ b/rust/src/push/base_rules.rs
@@ -63,6 +63,23 @@ pub const BASE_PREPEND_OVERRIDE_RULES: &[PushRule] = &[PushRule {
pub const BASE_APPEND_OVERRIDE_RULES: &[PushRule] = &[
+ // We don't want to notify on edits. Not only can this be confusing in real
+ // time (2 notifications, one message) but it's especially confusing
+ // if a bridge needs to edit a previously backfilled message.
+ PushRule {
+ rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.com.beeper.suppress_edits"),
+ priority_class: 5,
+ conditions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Condition::Known(KnownCondition::EventMatch(
+ EventMatchCondition {
+ key: Cow::Borrowed("content.m.relates_to.rel_type"),
+ pattern: Some(Cow::Borrowed("m.replace")),
+ pattern_type: None,
+ },
+ ))]),
+ actions: Cow::Borrowed(&[Action::DontNotify]),
+ default: true,
+ default_enabled: true,
+ },
PushRule {
rule_id: Cow::Borrowed("global/override/.m.rule.suppress_notices"),
priority_class: 5,