diff --git a/docs/.sample_config_header.yaml b/docs/.sample_config_header.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..576fc98609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/.sample_config_header.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This file is a reference to the configuration options which can be set in
+# homeserver.yaml.
+# Note that it is not quite ready to be used as-is. If you are starting from
+# scratch, it is easier to generate the config files following the instructions
+# in INSTALL.md.
diff --git a/docs/sample_config.yaml b/docs/sample_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cf58d2182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sample_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+# This file is a reference to the configuration options which can be set in
+# homeserver.yaml.
+# Note that it is not quite ready to be used as-is. If you are starting from
+# scratch, it is easier to generate the config files following the instructions
+# in INSTALL.md.
+## Server ##
+# The domain name of the server, with optional explicit port.
+# This is used by remote servers to connect to this server,
+# e.g. matrix.org, localhost:8080, etc.
+# This is also the last part of your UserID.
+server_name: "SERVERNAME"
+# When running as a daemon, the file to store the pid in
+pid_file: DATADIR/homeserver.pid
+# CPU affinity mask. Setting this restricts the CPUs on which the
+# process will be scheduled. It is represented as a bitmask, with the
+# lowest order bit corresponding to the first logical CPU and the
+# highest order bit corresponding to the last logical CPU. Not all CPUs
+# may exist on a given system but a mask may specify more CPUs than are
+# present.
+# For example:
+# 0x00000001 is processor #0,
+# 0x00000003 is processors #0 and #1,
+# 0xFFFFFFFF is all processors (#0 through #31).
+# Pinning a Python process to a single CPU is desirable, because Python
+# is inherently single-threaded due to the GIL, and can suffer a
+# 30-40% slowdown due to cache blow-out and thread context switching
+# if the scheduler happens to schedule the underlying threads across
+# different cores. See
+# https://www.mirantis.com/blog/improve-performance-python-programs-restricting-single-cpu/.
+# This setting requires the affinity package to be installed!
+#cpu_affinity: 0xFFFFFFFF
+# The path to the web client which will be served at /_matrix/client/
+# if 'webclient' is configured under the 'listeners' configuration.
+#web_client_location: "/path/to/web/root"
+# The public-facing base URL that clients use to access this HS
+# (not including _matrix/...). This is the same URL a user would
+# enter into the 'custom HS URL' field on their client. If you
+# use synapse with a reverse proxy, this should be the URL to reach
+# synapse via the proxy.
+#public_baseurl: https://example.com/
+# Set the soft limit on the number of file descriptors synapse can use
+# Zero is used to indicate synapse should set the soft limit to the
+# hard limit.
+soft_file_limit: 0
+# Set to false to disable presence tracking on this homeserver.
+use_presence: true
+# The GC threshold parameters to pass to `gc.set_threshold`, if defined
+#gc_thresholds: [700, 10, 10]
+# Set the limit on the returned events in the timeline in the get
+# and sync operations. The default value is -1, means no upper limit.
+#filter_timeline_limit: 5000
+# Whether room invites to users on this server should be blocked
+# (except those sent by local server admins). The default is False.
+#block_non_admin_invites: True
+# Room searching
+# If disabled, new messages will not be indexed for searching and users
+# will receive errors when searching for messages. Defaults to enabled.
+#enable_search: false
+# Restrict federation to the following whitelist of domains.
+# N.B. we recommend also firewalling your federation listener to limit
+# inbound federation traffic as early as possible, rather than relying
+# purely on this application-layer restriction. If not specified, the
+# default is to whitelist everything.
+# - lon.example.com
+# - nyc.example.com
+# - syd.example.com
+# List of ports that Synapse should listen on, their purpose and their
+# configuration.
+# Options for each listener include:
+# port: the TCP port to bind to
+# bind_addresses: a list of local addresses to listen on. The default is
+# 'all local interfaces'.
+# type: the type of listener. Normally 'http', but other valid options are:
+# 'manhole' (see docs/manhole.md),
+# 'metrics' (see docs/metrics-howto.rst),
+# 'replication' (see docs/workers.rst).
+# tls: set to true to enable TLS for this listener. Will use the TLS
+# key/cert specified in tls_private_key_path / tls_certificate_path.
+# x_forwarded: Only valid for an 'http' listener. Set to true to use the
+# X-Forwarded-For header as the client IP. Useful when Synapse is
+# behind a reverse-proxy.
+# resources: Only valid for an 'http' listener. A list of resources to host
+# on this port. Options for each resource are:
+# names: a list of names of HTTP resources. See below for a list of
+# valid resource names.
+# compress: set to true to enable HTTP comression for this resource.
+# additional_resources: Only valid for an 'http' listener. A map of
+# additional endpoints which should be loaded via dynamic modules.
+# Valid resource names are:
+# client: the client-server API (/_matrix/client). Also implies 'media' and
+# 'static'.
+# consent: user consent forms (/_matrix/consent). See
+# docs/consent_tracking.md.
+# federation: the server-server API (/_matrix/federation). Also implies
+# 'media', 'keys', 'openid'
+# keys: the key discovery API (/_matrix/keys).
+# media: the media API (/_matrix/media).
+# metrics: the metrics interface. See docs/metrics-howto.rst.
+# openid: OpenID authentication.
+# replication: the HTTP replication API (/_synapse/replication). See
+# docs/workers.rst.
+# static: static resources under synapse/static (/_matrix/static). (Mostly
+# useful for 'fallback authentication'.)
+# webclient: A web client. Requires web_client_location to be set.
+ # TLS-enabled listener: for when matrix traffic is sent directly to synapse.
+ #
+ # Disabled by default. To enable it, uncomment the following. (Note that you
+ # will also need to give Synapse a TLS key and certificate: see the TLS section
+ # below.)
+ #
+ #- port: 8448
+ # type: http
+ # tls: true
+ # resources:
+ # - names: [client, federation]
+ # Unsecure HTTP listener: for when matrix traffic passes through a reverse proxy
+ # that unwraps TLS.
+ #
+ # If you plan to use a reverse proxy, please see
+ # https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/reverse_proxy.rst.
+ #
+ - port: 8008
+ tls: false
+ bind_addresses: ['::1', '']
+ type: http
+ x_forwarded: true
+ resources:
+ - names: [client, federation]
+ compress: false
+ # example additonal_resources:
+ #
+ #additional_resources:
+ # "/_matrix/my/custom/endpoint":
+ # module: my_module.CustomRequestHandler
+ # config: {}
+ # Turn on the twisted ssh manhole service on localhost on the given
+ # port.
+ #
+ #- port: 9000
+ # bind_addresses: ['::1', '']
+ # type: manhole
+## Homeserver blocking ##
+# How to reach the server admin, used in ResourceLimitError
+#admin_contact: 'mailto:admin@server.com'
+# Global blocking
+#hs_disabled: False
+#hs_disabled_message: 'Human readable reason for why the HS is blocked'
+#hs_disabled_limit_type: 'error code(str), to help clients decode reason'
+# Monthly Active User Blocking
+#limit_usage_by_mau: False
+#max_mau_value: 50
+#mau_trial_days: 2
+# If enabled, the metrics for the number of monthly active users will
+# be populated, however no one will be limited. If limit_usage_by_mau
+# is true, this is implied to be true.
+#mau_stats_only: False
+# Sometimes the server admin will want to ensure certain accounts are
+# never blocked by mau checking. These accounts are specified here.
+# - medium: 'email'
+# address: 'reserved_user@example.com'
+## TLS ##
+# PEM-encoded X509 certificate for TLS.
+# This certificate, as of Synapse 1.0, will need to be a valid and verifiable
+# certificate, signed by a recognised Certificate Authority.
+# See 'ACME support' below to enable auto-provisioning this certificate via
+# Let's Encrypt.
+#tls_certificate_path: "CONFDIR/SERVERNAME.tls.crt"
+# PEM-encoded private key for TLS
+#tls_private_key_path: "CONFDIR/SERVERNAME.tls.key"
+# ACME support: This will configure Synapse to request a valid TLS certificate
+# for your configured `server_name` via Let's Encrypt.
+# Note that provisioning a certificate in this way requires port 80 to be
+# routed to Synapse so that it can complete the http-01 ACME challenge.
+# By default, if you enable ACME support, Synapse will attempt to listen on
+# port 80 for incoming http-01 challenges - however, this will likely fail
+# with 'Permission denied' or a similar error.
+# There are a couple of potential solutions to this:
+# * If you already have an Apache, Nginx, or similar listening on port 80,
+# you can configure Synapse to use an alternate port, and have your web
+# server forward the requests. For example, assuming you set 'port: 8009'
+# below, on Apache, you would write:
+# ProxyPass /.well-known/acme-challenge http://localhost:8009/.well-known/acme-challenge
+# * Alternatively, you can use something like `authbind` to give Synapse
+# permission to listen on port 80.
+ # ACME support is disabled by default. Uncomment the following line
+ # (and tls_certificate_path and tls_private_key_path above) to enable it.
+ #
+ #enabled: true
+ # Endpoint to use to request certificates. If you only want to test,
+ # use Let's Encrypt's staging url:
+ # https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
+ #
+ #url: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
+ # Port number to listen on for the HTTP-01 challenge. Change this if
+ # you are forwarding connections through Apache/Nginx/etc.
+ #
+ #port: 80
+ # Local addresses to listen on for incoming connections.
+ # Again, you may want to change this if you are forwarding connections
+ # through Apache/Nginx/etc.
+ #
+ #bind_addresses: ['::', '']
+ # How many days remaining on a certificate before it is renewed.
+ #
+ #reprovision_threshold: 30
+ # The domain that the certificate should be for. Normally this
+ # should be the same as your Matrix domain (i.e., 'server_name'), but,
+ # by putting a file at 'https://<server_name>/.well-known/matrix/server',
+ # you can delegate incoming traffic to another server. If you do that,
+ # you should give the target of the delegation here.
+ #
+ # For example: if your 'server_name' is 'example.com', but
+ # 'https://example.com/.well-known/matrix/server' delegates to
+ # 'matrix.example.com', you should put 'matrix.example.com' here.
+ #
+ # If not set, defaults to your 'server_name'.
+ #
+ #domain: matrix.example.com
+# List of allowed TLS fingerprints for this server to publish along
+# with the signing keys for this server. Other matrix servers that
+# make HTTPS requests to this server will check that the TLS
+# certificates returned by this server match one of the fingerprints.
+# Synapse automatically adds the fingerprint of its own certificate
+# to the list. So if federation traffic is handled directly by synapse
+# then no modification to the list is required.
+# If synapse is run behind a load balancer that handles the TLS then it
+# will be necessary to add the fingerprints of the certificates used by
+# the loadbalancers to this list if they are different to the one
+# synapse is using.
+# Homeservers are permitted to cache the list of TLS fingerprints
+# returned in the key responses up to the "valid_until_ts" returned in
+# key. It may be necessary to publish the fingerprints of a new
+# certificate and wait until the "valid_until_ts" of the previous key
+# responses have passed before deploying it.
+# You can calculate a fingerprint from a given TLS listener via:
+# openssl s_client -connect $host:$port < /dev/null 2> /dev/null |
+# openssl x509 -outform DER | openssl sha256 -binary | base64 | tr -d '='
+# or by checking matrix.org/federationtester/api/report?server_name=$host
+#tls_fingerprints: [{"sha256": "<base64_encoded_sha256_fingerprint>"}]
+## Database ##
+ # The database engine name
+ name: "sqlite3"
+ # Arguments to pass to the engine
+ args:
+ # Path to the database
+ database: "DATADIR/homeserver.db"
+# Number of events to cache in memory.
+event_cache_size: "10K"
+## Logging ##
+# A yaml python logging config file
+log_config: "CONFDIR/SERVERNAME.log.config"
+## Ratelimiting ##
+# Number of messages a client can send per second
+rc_messages_per_second: 0.2
+# Number of message a client can send before being throttled
+rc_message_burst_count: 10.0
+# The federation window size in milliseconds
+federation_rc_window_size: 1000
+# The number of federation requests from a single server in a window
+# before the server will delay processing the request.
+federation_rc_sleep_limit: 10
+# The duration in milliseconds to delay processing events from
+# remote servers by if they go over the sleep limit.
+federation_rc_sleep_delay: 500
+# The maximum number of concurrent federation requests allowed
+# from a single server
+federation_rc_reject_limit: 50
+# The number of federation requests to concurrently process from a
+# single server
+federation_rc_concurrent: 3
+# Directory where uploaded images and attachments are stored.
+media_store_path: "DATADIR/media_store"
+# Media storage providers allow media to be stored in different
+# locations.
+# - module: file_system
+# # Whether to write new local files.
+# store_local: false
+# # Whether to write new remote media
+# store_remote: false
+# # Whether to block upload requests waiting for write to this
+# # provider to complete
+# store_synchronous: false
+# config:
+# directory: /mnt/some/other/directory
+# Directory where in-progress uploads are stored.
+uploads_path: "DATADIR/uploads"
+# The largest allowed upload size in bytes
+max_upload_size: "10M"
+# Maximum number of pixels that will be thumbnailed
+max_image_pixels: "32M"
+# Whether to generate new thumbnails on the fly to precisely match
+# the resolution requested by the client. If true then whenever
+# a new resolution is requested by the client the server will
+# generate a new thumbnail. If false the server will pick a thumbnail
+# from a precalculated list.
+dynamic_thumbnails: false
+# List of thumbnails to precalculate when an image is uploaded.
+- width: 32
+ height: 32
+ method: crop
+- width: 96
+ height: 96
+ method: crop
+- width: 320
+ height: 240
+ method: scale
+- width: 640
+ height: 480
+ method: scale
+- width: 800
+ height: 600
+ method: scale
+# Is the preview URL API enabled? If enabled, you *must* specify
+# an explicit url_preview_ip_range_blacklist of IPs that the spider is
+# denied from accessing.
+url_preview_enabled: False
+# List of IP address CIDR ranges that the URL preview spider is denied
+# from accessing. There are no defaults: you must explicitly
+# specify a list for URL previewing to work. You should specify any
+# internal services in your network that you do not want synapse to try
+# to connect to, otherwise anyone in any Matrix room could cause your
+# synapse to issue arbitrary GET requests to your internal services,
+# causing serious security issues.
+# - ''
+# - ''
+# - ''
+# - ''
+# - ''
+# - ''
+# - '::1/128'
+# - 'fe80::/64'
+# - 'fc00::/7'
+# List of IP address CIDR ranges that the URL preview spider is allowed
+# to access even if they are specified in url_preview_ip_range_blacklist.
+# This is useful for specifying exceptions to wide-ranging blacklisted
+# target IP ranges - e.g. for enabling URL previews for a specific private
+# website only visible in your network.
+# - ''
+# Optional list of URL matches that the URL preview spider is
+# denied from accessing. You should use url_preview_ip_range_blacklist
+# in preference to this, otherwise someone could define a public DNS
+# entry that points to a private IP address and circumvent the blacklist.
+# This is more useful if you know there is an entire shape of URL that
+# you know that will never want synapse to try to spider.
+# Each list entry is a dictionary of url component attributes as returned
+# by urlparse.urlsplit as applied to the absolute form of the URL. See
+# https://docs.python.org/2/library/urlparse.html#urlparse.urlsplit
+# The values of the dictionary are treated as an filename match pattern
+# applied to that component of URLs, unless they start with a ^ in which
+# case they are treated as a regular expression match. If all the
+# specified component matches for a given list item succeed, the URL is
+# blacklisted.
+# # blacklist any URL with a username in its URI
+# - username: '*'
+# # blacklist all *.google.com URLs
+# - netloc: 'google.com'
+# - netloc: '*.google.com'
+# # blacklist all plain HTTP URLs
+# - scheme: 'http'
+# # blacklist http(s)://www.acme.com/foo
+# - netloc: 'www.acme.com'
+# path: '/foo'
+# # blacklist any URL with a literal IPv4 address
+# - netloc: '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$'
+# The largest allowed URL preview spidering size in bytes
+max_spider_size: "10M"
+## Captcha ##
+# See docs/CAPTCHA_SETUP for full details of configuring this.
+# This Home Server's ReCAPTCHA public key.
+recaptcha_public_key: "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"
+# This Home Server's ReCAPTCHA private key.
+recaptcha_private_key: "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"
+# Enables ReCaptcha checks when registering, preventing signup
+# unless a captcha is answered. Requires a valid ReCaptcha
+# public/private key.
+enable_registration_captcha: False
+# A secret key used to bypass the captcha test entirely.
+#captcha_bypass_secret: "YOUR_SECRET_HERE"
+# The API endpoint to use for verifying m.login.recaptcha responses.
+recaptcha_siteverify_api: "https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify"
+## TURN ##
+# The public URIs of the TURN server to give to clients
+#turn_uris: []
+# The shared secret used to compute passwords for the TURN server
+#turn_shared_secret: "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET"
+# The Username and password if the TURN server needs them and
+# does not use a token
+#turn_username: "TURNSERVER_USERNAME"
+#turn_password: "TURNSERVER_PASSWORD"
+# How long generated TURN credentials last
+turn_user_lifetime: "1h"
+# Whether guests should be allowed to use the TURN server.
+# This defaults to True, otherwise VoIP will be unreliable for guests.
+# However, it does introduce a slight security risk as it allows users to
+# connect to arbitrary endpoints without having first signed up for a
+# valid account (e.g. by passing a CAPTCHA).
+turn_allow_guests: True
+## Registration ##
+# Enable registration for new users.
+enable_registration: False
+# The user must provide all of the below types of 3PID when registering.
+# - email
+# - msisdn
+# Explicitly disable asking for MSISDNs from the registration
+# flow (overrides registrations_require_3pid if MSISDNs are set as required)
+#disable_msisdn_registration: True
+# Mandate that users are only allowed to associate certain formats of
+# 3PIDs with accounts on this server.
+# - medium: email
+# pattern: '.*@matrix\.org'
+# - medium: email
+# pattern: '.*@vector\.im'
+# - medium: msisdn
+# pattern: '\+44'
+# If set, allows registration by anyone who also has the shared
+# secret, even if registration is otherwise disabled.
+# registration_shared_secret: <PRIVATE STRING>
+# Set the number of bcrypt rounds used to generate password hash.
+# Larger numbers increase the work factor needed to generate the hash.
+# The default number is 12 (which equates to 2^12 rounds).
+# N.B. that increasing this will exponentially increase the time required
+# to register or login - e.g. 24 => 2^24 rounds which will take >20 mins.
+bcrypt_rounds: 12
+# Allows users to register as guests without a password/email/etc, and
+# participate in rooms hosted on this server which have been made
+# accessible to anonymous users.
+allow_guest_access: False
+# The identity server which we suggest that clients should use when users log
+# in on this server.
+# (By default, no suggestion is made, so it is left up to the client.
+# This setting is ignored unless public_baseurl is also set.)
+#default_identity_server: https://matrix.org
+# The list of identity servers trusted to verify third party
+# identifiers by this server.
+# Also defines the ID server which will be called when an account is
+# deactivated (one will be picked arbitrarily).
+ - matrix.org
+ - vector.im
+# Users who register on this homeserver will automatically be joined
+# to these rooms
+# - "#example:example.com"
+# Where auto_join_rooms are specified, setting this flag ensures that the
+# the rooms exist by creating them when the first user on the
+# homeserver registers.
+# Setting to false means that if the rooms are not manually created,
+# users cannot be auto-joined since they do not exist.
+autocreate_auto_join_rooms: true
+## Metrics ###
+# Enable collection and rendering of performance metrics
+enable_metrics: False
+# Enable sentry integration
+# NOTE: While attempts are made to ensure that the logs don't contain
+# any sensitive information, this cannot be guaranteed. By enabling
+# this option the sentry server may therefore receive sensitive
+# information, and it in turn may then diseminate sensitive information
+# through insecure notification channels if so configured.
+# dsn: "..."
+# Whether or not to report anonymized homeserver usage statistics.
+# report_stats: true|false
+## API Configuration ##
+# A list of event types that will be included in the room_invite_state
+ - "m.room.join_rules"
+ - "m.room.canonical_alias"
+ - "m.room.avatar"
+ - "m.room.encryption"
+ - "m.room.name"
+# A list of application service config file to use
+app_service_config_files: []
+# Whether or not to track application service IP addresses. Implicitly
+# enables MAU tracking for application service users.
+track_appservice_user_ips: False
+# a secret which is used to sign access tokens. If none is specified,
+# the registration_shared_secret is used, if one is given; otherwise,
+# a secret key is derived from the signing key.
+# macaroon_secret_key: <PRIVATE STRING>
+# Used to enable access token expiration.
+expire_access_token: False
+# a secret which is used to calculate HMACs for form values, to stop
+# falsification of values. Must be specified for the User Consent
+# forms to work.
+# form_secret: <PRIVATE STRING>
+## Signing Keys ##
+# Path to the signing key to sign messages with
+signing_key_path: "CONFDIR/SERVERNAME.signing.key"
+# The keys that the server used to sign messages with but won't use
+# to sign new messages. E.g. it has lost its private key
+# "ed25519:auto":
+# # Base64 encoded public key
+# key: "The public part of your old signing key."
+# # Millisecond POSIX timestamp when the key expired.
+# expired_ts: 123456789123
+# How long key response published by this server is valid for.
+# Used to set the valid_until_ts in /key/v2 APIs.
+# Determines how quickly servers will query to check which keys
+# are still valid.
+key_refresh_interval: "1d" # 1 Day.
+# The trusted servers to download signing keys from.
+ servers:
+ "matrix.org":
+ verify_keys:
+ "ed25519:auto":
+ key: "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw"
+# Enable SAML2 for registration and login. Uses pysaml2.
+# `sp_config` is the configuration for the pysaml2 Service Provider.
+# See pysaml2 docs for format of config.
+# Default values will be used for the 'entityid' and 'service' settings,
+# so it is not normally necessary to specify them unless you need to
+# override them.
+# sp_config:
+# # point this to the IdP's metadata. You can use either a local file or
+# # (preferably) a URL.
+# metadata:
+# #local: ["saml2/idp.xml"]
+# remote:
+# - url: https://our_idp/metadata.xml
+# # The rest of sp_config is just used to generate our metadata xml, and you
+# # may well not need it, depending on your setup. Alternatively you
+# # may need a whole lot more detail - see the pysaml2 docs!
+# description: ["My awesome SP", "en"]
+# name: ["Test SP", "en"]
+# organization:
+# name: Example com
+# display_name:
+# - ["Example co", "en"]
+# url: "http://example.com"
+# contact_person:
+# - given_name: Bob
+# sur_name: "the Sysadmin"
+# email_address": ["admin@example.com"]
+# contact_type": technical
+# # Instead of putting the config inline as above, you can specify a
+# # separate pysaml2 configuration file:
+# #
+# config_path: "CONFDIR/sp_conf.py"
+# Enable CAS for registration and login.
+# enabled: true
+# server_url: "https://cas-server.com"
+# service_url: "https://homeserver.domain.com:8448"
+# #required_attributes:
+# # name: value
+# The JWT needs to contain a globally unique "sub" (subject) claim.
+# enabled: true
+# secret: "a secret"
+# algorithm: "HS256"
+# Enable password for login.
+ enabled: true
+ # Uncomment and change to a secret random string for extra security.
+ #pepper: ""
+# Enable sending emails for notification events
+# Defining a custom URL for Riot is only needed if email notifications
+# should contain links to a self-hosted installation of Riot; when set
+# the "app_name" setting is ignored.
+# If your SMTP server requires authentication, the optional smtp_user &
+# smtp_pass variables should be used
+# enable_notifs: false
+# smtp_host: "localhost"
+# smtp_port: 25
+# smtp_user: "exampleusername"
+# smtp_pass: "examplepassword"
+# require_transport_security: False
+# notif_from: "Your Friendly %(app)s Home Server <noreply@example.com>"
+# app_name: Matrix
+# # if template_dir is unset, uses the example templates that are part of
+# # the Synapse distribution.
+# #template_dir: res/templates
+# notif_template_html: notif_mail.html
+# notif_template_text: notif_mail.txt
+# notif_for_new_users: True
+# riot_base_url: "http://localhost/riot"
+# - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProvider"
+# config:
+# enabled: true
+# uri: "ldap://ldap.example.com:389"
+# start_tls: true
+# base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
+# attributes:
+# uid: "cn"
+# mail: "email"
+# name: "givenName"
+# #bind_dn:
+# #bind_password:
+# #filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
+# Clients requesting push notifications can either have the body of
+# the message sent in the notification poke along with other details
+# like the sender, or just the event ID and room ID (`event_id_only`).
+# If clients choose the former, this option controls whether the
+# notification request includes the content of the event (other details
+# like the sender are still included). For `event_id_only` push, it
+# has no effect.
+# For modern android devices the notification content will still appear
+# because it is loaded by the app. iPhone, however will send a
+# notification saying only that a message arrived and who it came from.
+# include_content: true
+# module: "my_custom_project.SuperSpamChecker"
+# config:
+# example_option: 'things'
+# Whether to allow non server admins to create groups on this server
+enable_group_creation: false
+# If enabled, non server admins can only create groups with local parts
+# starting with this prefix
+#group_creation_prefix: "unofficial/"
+# User Directory configuration
+# 'search_all_users' defines whether to search all users visible to your HS
+# when searching the user directory, rather than limiting to users visible
+# in public rooms. Defaults to false. If you set it True, you'll have to run
+# UPDATE user_directory_stream_pos SET stream_id = NULL;
+# on your database to tell it to rebuild the user_directory search indexes.
+# search_all_users: false
+# User Consent configuration
+# for detailed instructions, see
+# https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/consent_tracking.md
+# Parts of this section are required if enabling the 'consent' resource under
+# 'listeners', in particular 'template_dir' and 'version'.
+# 'template_dir' gives the location of the templates for the HTML forms.
+# This directory should contain one subdirectory per language (eg, 'en', 'fr'),
+# and each language directory should contain the policy document (named as
+# '<version>.html') and a success page (success.html).
+# 'version' specifies the 'current' version of the policy document. It defines
+# the version to be served by the consent resource if there is no 'v'
+# parameter.
+# 'server_notice_content', if enabled, will send a user a "Server Notice"
+# asking them to consent to the privacy policy. The 'server_notices' section
+# must also be configured for this to work. Notices will *not* be sent to
+# guest users unless 'send_server_notice_to_guests' is set to true.
+# 'block_events_error', if set, will block any attempts to send events
+# until the user consents to the privacy policy. The value of the setting is
+# used as the text of the error.
+# 'require_at_registration', if enabled, will add a step to the registration
+# process, similar to how captcha works. Users will be required to accept the
+# policy before their account is created.
+# 'policy_name' is the display name of the policy users will see when registering
+# for an account. Has no effect unless `require_at_registration` is enabled.
+# Defaults to "Privacy Policy".
+# template_dir: res/templates/privacy
+# version: 1.0
+# server_notice_content:
+# msgtype: m.text
+# body: >-
+# To continue using this homeserver you must review and agree to the
+# terms and conditions at %(consent_uri)s
+# send_server_notice_to_guests: True
+# block_events_error: >-
+# To continue using this homeserver you must review and agree to the
+# terms and conditions at %(consent_uri)s
+# require_at_registration: False
+# policy_name: Privacy Policy
+# Server Notices room configuration
+# Uncomment this section to enable a room which can be used to send notices
+# from the server to users. It is a special room which cannot be left; notices
+# come from a special "notices" user id.
+# If you uncomment this section, you *must* define the system_mxid_localpart
+# setting, which defines the id of the user which will be used to send the
+# notices.
+# It's also possible to override the room name, the display name of the
+# "notices" user, and the avatar for the user.
+# system_mxid_localpart: notices
+# system_mxid_display_name: "Server Notices"
+# system_mxid_avatar_url: "mxc://server.com/oumMVlgDnLYFaPVkExemNVVZ"
+# room_name: "Server Notices"
+# The `alias_creation` option controls who's allowed to create aliases
+# on this server.
+# The format of this option is a list of rules that contain globs that
+# match against user_id, room_id and the new alias (fully qualified with
+# server name). The action in the first rule that matches is taken,
+# which can currently either be "allow" or "deny".
+# Missing user_id/room_id/alias fields default to "*".
+# If no rules match the request is denied. An empty list means no one
+# can create aliases.
+# Options for the rules include:
+# user_id: Matches against the creator of the alias
+# alias: Matches against the alias being created
+# room_id: Matches against the room ID the alias is being pointed at
+# action: Whether to "allow" or "deny" the request if the rule matches
+# The default is:
+# - user_id: "*"
+# alias: "*"
+# room_id: "*"
+# action: allow
+# The `room_list_publication_rules` option controls who can publish and
+# which rooms can be published in the public room list.
+# The format of this option is the same as that for
+# `alias_creation_rules`.
+# If the room has one or more aliases associated with it, only one of
+# the aliases needs to match the alias rule. If there are no aliases
+# then only rules with `alias: *` match.
+# If no rules match the request is denied. An empty list means no one
+# can publish rooms.
+# Options for the rules include:
+# user_id: Matches agaisnt the creator of the alias
+# room_id: Matches against the room ID being published
+# alias: Matches against any current local or canonical aliases
+# associated with the room
+# action: Whether to "allow" or "deny" the request if the rule matches
+# The default is:
+# - user_id: "*"
+# alias: "*"
+# room_id: "*"
+# action: allow