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+Synapse v1.0 will require valid TLS certificates for communication between
+servers (port `8448` by default) in addition to those that are client-facing
+(port `443`). If you do not already have a valid certificate for your domain,
+the easiest way to get one is with Synapse's new ACME support, which will use
+the ACME protocol to provision a certificate automatically. Synapse v0.99.0+
+will provision server-to-server certificates automatically for you for free
+through [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) if you tell it to.
+In the case that your `server_name` config variable is the same as
+the hostname that the client connects to, then the same certificate can be
+used between client and federation ports without issue.
+For a sample configuration, please inspect the new ACME section in the example
+generated config by running the `generate-config` executable. For example:
+You will need to provide Let's Encrypt (or another ACME provider) access to
+your Synapse ACME challenge responder on port 80, at the domain of your
+homeserver. This requires you to either change the port of the ACME listener
+provided by Synapse to a high port and reverse proxy to it, or use a tool
+like `authbind` to allow Synapse to listen on port 80 without root access.
+(Do not run Synapse with root permissions!) Detailed instructions are
+available under "ACME setup" below.
+If you are already using self-signed certificates, you will need to back up
+or delete them (files `example.com.tls.crt` and `example.com.tls.key` in
+Synapse's root directory), Synapse's ACME implementation will not overwrite
+You may wish to use alternate methods such as Certbot to obtain a certificate
+from Let's Encrypt, depending on your server configuration. Of course, if you
+already have a valid certificate for your homeserver's domain, that can be
+placed in Synapse's config directory without the need for any ACME setup.
+## ACME setup
+The main steps for enabling ACME support in short summary are:
+1. Allow Synapse to listen on port 80 with authbind, or forward it from a reverse-proxy.
+1. Set `acme:enabled` to `true` in homeserver.yaml.
+1. Move your old certificates (files `example.com.tls.crt` and `example.com.tls.key` out of the way if they currently exist at the paths specified in `homeserver.yaml`.
+1. Restart Synapse
+Detailed instructions for each step are provided below.
+### Listening on port 80
+In order for Synapse to complete the ACME challenge to provision a
+certificate, it needs access to port 80. Typically listening on port 80 is
+only granted to applications running as root. There are thus two solutions to
+this problem.
+#### Using a reverse proxy
+A reverse proxy such as Apache or nginx allows a single process (the web
+server) to listen on port 80 and proxy traffic to the appropriate program
+running on your server. It is the recommended method for setting up ACME as
+it allows you to use your existing webserver while also allowing Synapse to
+provision certificates as needed.
+For nginx users, add the following line to your existing `server` block:
+location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
+ proxy_pass http://localhost:8009/;
+For Apache, add the following to your existing webserver config::
+ProxyPass /.well-known/acme-challenge http://localhost:8009/.well-known/acme-challenge
+Make sure to restart/reload your webserver after making changes.
+#### Authbind
+`authbind` allows a program which does not run as root to bind to
+low-numbered ports in a controlled way. The setup is simpler, but requires a
+webserver not to already be running on port 80. **This includes every time
+Synapse renews a certificate**, which may be cumbersome if you usually run a
+web server on port 80. Nevertheless, if you're sure port 80 is not being used
+for any other purpose then all that is necessary is the following:
+Install `authbind`. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:
+sudo apt-get install authbind
+Allow `authbind` to bind port 80:
+sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
+sudo chmod 777 /etc/authbind/byport/80
+When Synapse is started, use the following syntax::
+authbind --deep <synapse start command>
+### Config file editing
+Once Synapse is able to listen on port 80 for ACME challenge
+requests, it must be told to perform ACME provisioning by setting `enabled`
+to true under the `acme` section in `homeserver.yaml`:
+ enabled: true
+### Starting synapse
+Ensure that the certificate paths specified in `homeserver.yaml` (`tls_certificate_path` and `tls_private_key_path`) do not currently point to any files. Synapse will not provision certificates if files exist, as it does not want to overwrite existing certificates.
+Finally, start/restart Synapse.
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+# MSC 1711 Certificates FAQ
+The goal of Synapse 0.99.0 is to act as a stepping stone to Synapse 1.0.0. It
+supports the r0.1 release of the server to server specification, but is
+compatible with both the legacy Matrix federation behaviour (pre-r0.1) as well
+as post-r0.1 behaviour, in order to allow for a smooth upgrade across the
+The most important thing to know is that Synapse 1.0.0 will require a valid TLS
+certificate on federation endpoints. Self signed certificates will not be
+Synapse 0.99.0 makes it easy to configure TLS certificates and will
+interoperate with both >= 1.0.0 servers as well as existing servers yet to
+**It is critical that all admins upgrade to 0.99.0 and configure a valid TLS
+certificate.** Admins will have 1 month to do so, after which 1.0.0 will be
+released and those servers without a valid certificate will not longer be able
+to federate with >= 1.0.0 servers.
+Full details on how to carry out this configuration change is given
+[below](#configuring-certificates-for-compatibility-with-synapse-100). A
+timeline and some frequently asked questions are also given below.
+For more details and context on the release of the r0.1 Server/Server API and
+imminent Matrix 1.0 release, you can also see our
+[main talk from FOSDEM 2019](https://matrix.org/blog/2019/02/04/matrix-at-fosdem-2019/).
+## Contents
+* Timeline
+* Configuring certificates for compatibility with Synapse 1.0
+* FAQ
+ * Synapse 0.99.0 has just been released, what do I need to do right now?
+ * How do I upgrade?
+ * What will happen if I do not set up a valid federation certificate
+ immediately?
+ * What will happen if I do nothing at all?
+ * When do I need a SRV record or .well-known URI?
+ * Can I still use an SRV record?
+ * I have created a .well-known URI. Do I still need an SRV record?
+ * It used to work just fine, why are you breaking everything?
+ * Can I manage my own certificates rather than having Synapse renew
+ certificates itself?
+ * Do you still recommend against using a reverse-proxy on the federation port?
+ * Do I still need to give my TLS certificates to Synapse if I am using a
+ reverse-proxy?
+ * Do I need the same certificate for the client and federation port?
+ * How do I tell Synapse to reload my keys/certificates after I replace them?
+## Timeline
+**5th Feb 2019 - Synapse 0.99.0 is released.**
+All server admins are encouraged to upgrade.
+- provides support for ACME to make setting up Let's Encrypt certs easy, as
+ well as .well-known support.
+- does not enforce that a valid CA cert is present on the federation API, but
+ rather makes it easy to set one up.
+- provides support for .well-known
+Admins should upgrade and configure a valid CA cert. Homeservers that require a
+.well-known entry (see below), should retain their SRV record and use it
+alongside their .well-known record.
+**>= 5th March 2019 - Synapse 1.0.0 is released**
+1.0.0 will land no sooner than 1 month after 0.99.0, leaving server admins one
+month after 5th February to upgrade to 0.99.0 and deploy their certificates. In
+accordance with the the [S2S spec](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/server_server/r0.1.0.html)
+1.0.0 will enforce certificate validity. This means that any homeserver without a
+valid certificate after this point will no longer be able to federate with
+1.0.0 servers.
+## Configuring certificates for compatibility with Synapse 1.0.0
+### If you do not currently have an SRV record
+In this case, your `server_name` points to the host where your Synapse is
+running. There is no need to create a `.well-known` URI or an SRV record, but
+you will need to give Synapse a valid, signed, certificate.
+The easiest way to do that is with Synapse's built-in ACME (Let's Encrypt)
+support. Full details are in [ACME.md](./ACME.md) but, in a nutshell:
+ 1. Allow Synapse to listen on port 80 with `authbind`, or forward it from a
+ reverse proxy.
+ 2. Enable acme support in `homeserver.yaml`.
+ 3. Move your old certificates out of the way.
+ 4. Restart Synapse.
+### If you do have an SRV record currently
+If you are using an SRV record, your matrix domain (`server_name`) may not
+point to the same host that your Synapse is running on (the 'target
+domain'). (If it does, you can follow the recommendation above; otherwise, read
+Let's assume that your `server_name` is `example.com`, and your Synapse is
+hosted at a target domain of `customer.example.net`. Currently you should have
+an SRV record which looks like:
+_matrix._tcp.example.com. IN SRV 10 5 443 customer.example.net.
+In this situation, you have two choices for how to proceed:
+#### Option 1: give Synapse a certificate for your matrix domain
+Synapse 1.0 will expect your server to present a TLS certificate for your
+`server_name` (`example.com` in the above example). You can achieve this by
+doing one of the following:
+ * Acquire a certificate for the `server_name` yourself (for example, using
+ `certbot`), and give it and the key to Synapse via `tls_certificate_path`
+ and `tls_private_key_path`, or:
+ * Use Synapse's [ACME support](./ACME.md), and forward port 80 on the
+ `server_name` domain to your Synapse instance, or:
+ * Set up a reverse-proxy on port 8448 on the `server_name` domain, which
+ forwards to Synapse. Once it is set up, you can remove the SRV record.
+#### Option 2: add a .well-known file to delegate your matrix traffic
+This will allow you to keep Synapse on a separate domain, without having to
+give it a certificate for the matrix domain.
+You can do this with a `.well-known` file as follows:
+ 1. Keep the SRV record in place - it is needed for backwards compatibility
+ with Synapse 0.34 and earlier.
+ 2. Give synapse a certificate corresponding to the target domain
+ (`customer.example.net` in the above example). Currently Synapse's ACME
+ support [does not support
+ this](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4552), so you will have
+ to acquire a certificate yourself and give it to Synapse via
+ `tls_certificate_path` and `tls_private_key_path`.
+ 3. Restart Synapse to ensure the new certificate is loaded.
+ 4. Arrange for a `.well-known` file at
+ `https://<server_name>/.well-known/matrix/server` with contents:
+ ```json
+ {"m.server": "<target domain>:<port>"}
+ ```
+ In the above example, `https://example.com/.well-known/matrix/server`
+ should have the contents:
+ ```json
+ {"m.server": "customer.example.net:443"}
+ ```
+## FAQ
+### Synapse 0.99.0 has just been released, what do I need to do right now?
+Upgrade as soon as you can in preparation for Synapse 1.0.0.
+### How do I upgrade?
+Follow the upgrade notes here [UPGRADE.rst](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/UPGRADE.rst)
+### What will happen if I do not set up a valid federation certificate immediately?
+Nothing initially, but once 1.0.0 is in the wild it will not be possible to
+federate with 1.0.0 servers.
+### What will happen if I do nothing at all?
+If the admin takes no action at all, and remains on a Synapse < 0.99.0 then the
+homeserver will be unable to federate with those who have implemented
+.well-known. Then, as above, once the month upgrade window has expired the
+homeserver will not be able to federate with any Synapse >= 1.0.0
+### When do I need a SRV record or .well-known URI?
+If your homeserver listens on the default federation port (8448), and your
+server_name points to the host that your homeserver runs on, you do not need an
+SRV record or .well-known/matrix/server URI.\
+For instance, if you registered example.com and pointed its DNS A record at a
+fresh Upcloud VPS or similar, you could install Synapse 0.99 on that host,
+giving it a server_name of example.com, and it would automatically generate a
+valid TLS certificate for you via Let's Encrypt and no SRV record or
+.well-known URI would be needed.
+This is the common case, although you can add an SRV record or
+.well-known/matrix/server URI for completeness if you wish.
+**However**, if your server does not listen on port 8448, or if your server_name
+does not point to the host that your homeserver runs on, you will need to let
+other servers know how to find it.
+The easiest way to do this is with a .well-known/matrix/server URI on the
+webroot of the domain to advertise your server. For instance, if you ran
+"matrixhosting.com" and you were hosting a Matrix server for `example.com`, you
+would ask `example.com` to create a file at
+`https://example.com/.well-known/matrix/server` with contents:
+{"m.server": "example.matrixhosting.com:8448"}
+...which would tell servers trying to connect to example.com to instead connect
+to example.matrixhosting.com on port 8448. You would then configure Synapse
+with a server_name of "example.com", but generate a TLS certificate for
+As an alternative, you can still use an SRV DNS record for the delegation, but
+this will require you to have a certificate for the matrix domain (example.com
+in this example). See "Can I still use an SRV record?".
+### Can I still use an SRV record?
+Firstly, if you didn't need an SRV record before (because your server is
+listening on port 8448 of your server_name), you certainly don't need one now:
+the defaults are still the same.
+If you previously had an SRV record, you can keep using it provided you are
+able to give Synapse a TLS certificate corresponding to your server name. For
+example, suppose you had the following SRV record, which directs matrix traffic
+for example.com to matrix.example.com:443:
+_matrix._tcp.example.com. IN SRV 10 5 443 matrix.example.com
+In this case, Synapse must be given a certificate for example.com - or be
+configured to acquire one from Let's Encrypt.
+If you are unable to give Synapse a certificate for your server_name, you will
+also need to use a .well-known URI instead. However, see also "I have created a
+.well-known URI. Do I still need an SRV record?".
+### I have created a .well-known URI. Do I still need an SRV record?
+As of Synapse 0.99, Synapse will first check for the existence of a .well-known
+URL and follow any delegation it suggests. It will only then check for the
+existence of an SRV record.
+That means that the SRV record will often be redundant. However, you should
+remember that there may still be older versions of Synapse in the federation
+which do not understand .well-known URIs, so if you removed your SRV record you
+would no longer be able to federate with them.
+It is therefore best to leave the SRV record in place for now. Synapse 0.34 and
+earlier will follow the SRV record (and not care about the invalid
+certificate). Synapse 0.99 and later will follow the .well-known URI, with the
+correct certificate chain.
+### It used to work just fine, why are you breaking everything?
+We have always wanted Matrix servers to be as easy to set up as possible, and
+so back when we started federation in 2014 we didn't want admins to have to go
+through the cumbersome process of buying a valid TLS certificate to run a
+server. This was before Let's Encrypt came along and made getting a free and
+valid TLS certificate straightforward. So instead, we adopted a system based on
+[Perspectives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergence_(SSL)): an approach
+where you check a set of "notary servers" (in practice, homeservers) to vouch
+for the validity of a certificate rather than having it signed by a CA. As long
+as enough different notaries agree on the certificate's validity, then it is
+However, in practice this has never worked properly. Most people only use the
+default notary server (matrix.org), leading to inadvertent centralisation which
+we want to eliminate. Meanwhile, we never implemented the full consensus
+algorithm to query the servers participating in a room to determine consensus
+on whether a given certificate is valid. This is fiddly to get right
+(especially in face of sybil attacks), and we found ourselves questioning
+whether it was worth the effort to finish the work and commit to maintaining a
+secure certificate validation system as opposed to focusing on core Matrix
+Meanwhile, Let's Encrypt came along in 2016, and put the final nail in the
+coffin of the Perspectives project (which was already pretty dead). So, the
+Spec Core Team decided that a better approach would be to mandate valid TLS
+certificates for federation alongside the rest of the Web. More details can be
+found in
+This results in a breaking change, which is disruptive, but absolutely critical
+for the security model. However, the existence of Let's Encrypt as a trivial
+way to replace the old self-signed certificates with valid CA-signed ones helps
+smooth things over massively, especially as Synapse can now automate Let's
+Encrypt certificate generation if needed.
+### Can I manage my own certificates rather than having Synapse renew certificates itself?
+Yes, you are welcome to manage your certificates yourself. Synapse will only
+attempt to obtain certificates from Let's Encrypt if you configure it to do
+so.The only requirement is that there is a valid TLS cert present for
+federation end points.
+### Do you still recommend against using a reverse-proxy on the federation port?
+We no longer actively recommend against using a reverse proxy. Many admins will
+find it easier to direct federation traffic to a reverse-proxy and manage their
+own TLS certificates, and this is a supported configuration.
+### Do I still need to give my TLS certificates to Synapse if I am using a reverse proxy?
+Practically speaking, this is no longer necessary.
+If you are using a reverse-proxy for all of your TLS traffic, then you can set
+`no_tls: True`. In that case, the only reason Synapse needs the certificate is
+to populate a legacy 'tls_fingerprints' field in the federation API. This is
+ignored by Synapse 0.99.0 and later, and the only time pre-0.99 Synapses will
+check it is when attempting to fetch the server keys - and generally this is
+delegated via `matrix.org`, which is on 0.99.0.
+However, there is a bug in Synapse 0.99.0
+[4554](<https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4554>) which prevents
+Synapse from starting if you do not give it a TLS certificate. To work around
+this, you can give it any TLS certificate at all. This will be fixed soon.
+### Do I need the same certificate for the client and federation port?
+No. There is nothing stopping you doing so, particularly if you are using a
+reverse-proxy. However, Synapse will use the same certificate on any ports
+where TLS is configured.
+### How do I tell Synapse to reload my keys/certificates after I replace them?
+Synapse will reload the keys and certificates when it receives a SIGHUP - for
+example kill -HUP $(cat homeserver.pid). Alternatively, simply restart Synapse,
+though this will result in downtime while it restarts.