diff --git a/docs/turn-howto.rst b/docs/turn-howto.rst
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-How to enable VoIP relaying on your Home Server with TURN
-The synapse Matrix Home Server supports integration with TURN server via the
-(http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-uberti-behave-turn-rest-00). This allows
-the Home Server to generate credentials that are valid for use on the TURN
-server through the use of a secret shared between the Home Server and the
-TURN server.
-This document describes how to install coturn
-(https://github.com/coturn/coturn) which also supports the TURN REST API,
-and integrate it with synapse.
-coturn Setup
-You may be able to setup coturn via your package manager, or set it up manually using the usual ``configure, make, make install`` process.
- 1. Check out coturn::
- git clone https://github.com/coturn/coturn.git coturn
- cd coturn
- 2. Configure it::
- ./configure
- You may need to install ``libevent2``: if so, you should do so
- in the way recommended by your operating system.
- You can ignore warnings about lack of database support: a
- database is unnecessary for this purpose.
- 3. Build and install it::
- make
- make install
- 4. Create or edit the config file in ``/etc/turnserver.conf``. The relevant
- lines, with example values, are::
- use-auth-secret
- static-auth-secret=[your secret key here]
- realm=turn.myserver.org
- See turnserver.conf for explanations of the options.
- One way to generate the static-auth-secret is with pwgen::
- pwgen -s 64 1
- 5. Consider your security settings. TURN lets users request a relay
- which will connect to arbitrary IP addresses and ports. At the least
- we recommend::
- # VoIP traffic is all UDP. There is no reason to let users connect to arbitrary TCP endpoints via the relay.
- no-tcp-relay
- # don't let the relay ever try to connect to private IP address ranges within your network (if any)
- # given the turn server is likely behind your firewall, remember to include any privileged public IPs too.
- denied-peer-ip=
- denied-peer-ip=
- denied-peer-ip=
- # special case the turn server itself so that client->TURN->TURN->client flows work
- allowed-peer-ip=
- # consider whether you want to limit the quota of relayed streams per user (or total) to avoid risk of DoS.
- user-quota=12 # 4 streams per video call, so 12 streams = 3 simultaneous relayed calls per user.
- total-quota=1200
- Ideally coturn should refuse to relay traffic which isn't SRTP;
- see https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/2009
- 6. Ensure your firewall allows traffic into the TURN server on
- the ports you've configured it to listen on (remember to allow
- both TCP and UDP TURN traffic)
- 7. If you've configured coturn to support TLS/DTLS, generate or
- import your private key and certificate.
- 8. Start the turn server::
- bin/turnserver -o
-synapse Setup
-Your home server configuration file needs the following extra keys:
- 1. "turn_uris": This needs to be a yaml list
- of public-facing URIs for your TURN server to be given out
- to your clients. Add separate entries for each transport your
- TURN server supports.
- 2. "turn_shared_secret": This is the secret shared between your Home
- server and your TURN server, so you should set it to the same
- string you used in turnserver.conf.
- 3. "turn_user_lifetime": This is the amount of time credentials
- generated by your Home Server are valid for (in milliseconds).
- Shorter times offer less potential for abuse at the expense
- of increased traffic between web clients and your home server
- to refresh credentials. The TURN REST API specification recommends
- one day (86400000).
- 4. "turn_allow_guests": Whether to allow guest users to use the TURN
- server. This is enabled by default, as otherwise VoIP will not
- work reliably for guests. However, it does introduce a security risk
- as it lets guests connect to arbitrary endpoints without having gone
- through a CAPTCHA or similar to register a real account.
-As an example, here is the relevant section of the config file for
- turn_uris: [ "turn:turn.matrix.org:3478?transport=udp", "turn:turn.matrix.org:3478?transport=tcp" ]
- turn_shared_secret: n0t4ctuAllymatr1Xd0TorgSshar3d5ecret4obvIousreAsons
- turn_user_lifetime: 86400000
- turn_allow_guests: True
-Now, restart synapse::
- cd /where/you/run/synapse
- ./synctl restart
-...and your Home Server now supports VoIP relaying!