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4 files changed, 0 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/docs/server-server/protocol-format.rst b/docs/server-server/protocol-format.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2838253ab7..0000000000
--- a/docs/server-server/protocol-format.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Required keys:
-============ =================== ===============================================
-    Key            Type                         Description
-============ =================== ===============================================
-origin       String              DNS name of homeserver making this transaction.
-ts           Integer             Timestamp in milliseconds on originating 
-                                 homeserver when this transaction started.
-previous_ids List of Strings     List of transactions that were sent immediately
-                                 prior to this transaction.
-pdus         List of Objects     List of updates contained in this transaction.
-============ =================== ===============================================
-Required keys:
-============ ================== ================================================
-    Key            Type                         Description
-============ ================== ================================================
-context      String             Event context identifier
-origin       String             DNS name of homeserver that created this PDU.
-pdu_id       String             Unique identifier for PDU within the context for
-                                the originating homeserver.
-ts           Integer            Timestamp in milliseconds on originating 
-                                homeserver when this PDU was created.
-pdu_type     String             PDU event type.
-prev_pdus    List of Pairs      The originating homeserver and PDU ids of the
-             of Strings         most recent PDUs the homeserver was aware of for
-                                this context when it made this PDU.
-depth        Integer            The maximum depth of the previous PDUs plus one.
-============ ================== ================================================
-Keys for state updates:
-================== ============ ================================================
-    Key               Type                      Description
-================== ============ ================================================
-is_state           Boolean      True if this PDU is updating state.
-state_key          String       Optional key identifying the updated state within
-                                the context.
-power_level        Integer      The asserted power level of the user performing
-                                the update.
-min_update         Integer      The required power level needed to replace this
-                                update.
-prev_state_id      String       The homeserver of the update this replaces
-prev_state_origin  String       The PDU id of the update this replaces.
-user               String       The user updating the state.
-================== ============ ================================================
diff --git a/docs/server-server/signing.rst b/docs/server-server/signing.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index dae10f121b..0000000000
--- a/docs/server-server/signing.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-Signing JSON
-JSON is signed by encoding the JSON object without ``signatures`` or ``meta``
-keys using a canonical encoding. The JSON bytes are then signed using the
-signature algorithm and the signature encoded using base64 with the padding
-stripped. The resulting base64 signature is added to an object under the
-*signing key identifier* which is added to the ``signatures`` object under the
-name of the server signing it which is added back to the original JSON object
-along with the ``meta`` object.
-The *signing key identifier* is the concatenation of the *signing algorithm*
-and a *key version*. The *signing algorithm* identifies the algorithm used to
-sign the JSON. The currently support value for *signing algorithm* is
-``ed25519`` as implemented by NACL ( The *key version*
-is used to distinguish between different signing keys used by the same entity.
-The ``meta`` object and the ``signatures`` object are not covered by the
-signature. Therefore intermediate servers can add metadata such as time stamps
-and additional signatures.
-  {
-     "name": "",
-     "signing_keys": {
-       "ed25519:1": "XSl0kuyvrXNj6A+7/tkrB9sxSbRi08Of5uRhxOqZtEQ"
-     },
-     "meta": {
-        "retrieved_ts_ms": 922834800000
-     },
-     "signatures": {
-        "": {
-           "ed25519:1": "s76RUgajp8w172am0zQb/iPTHsRnb4SkrzGoeCOSFfcBY2V/1c8QfrmdXHpvnc2jK5BD1WiJIxiMW95fMjK7Bw"
-        }
-     }
-  }
-  def sign_json(json_object, signing_key, signing_name):
-      signatures = json_object.pop("signatures", {})
-      meta = json_object.pop("meta", None)
-      signed = signing_key.sign(encode_canonical_json(json_object))
-      signature_base64 = encode_base64(signed.signature)
-      key_id = "%s:%s" % (signing_key.alg, signing_key.version)
-      signatures.setdefault(sigature_name, {})[key_id] = signature_base64
-      json_object["signatures"] = signatures
-      if meta is not None:
-          json_object["meta"] = meta
-      return json_object
-Checking for a Signature
-To check if an entity has signed a JSON object a server does the following
-1. Checks if the ``signatures`` object contains an entry with the name of the
-   entity. If the entry is missing then the check fails.
-2. Removes any *signing key identifiers* from the entry with algorithms it
-   doesn't understand. If there are no *signing key identifiers* left then the
-   check fails.
-3. Looks up *verification keys* for the remaining *signing key identifiers*
-   either from a local cache or by consulting a trusted key server. If it
-   cannot find a *verification key* then the check fails.
-4. Decodes the base64 encoded signature bytes. If base64 decoding fails then
-   the check fails.
-5. Checks the signature bytes using the *verification key*. If this fails then
-   the check fails. Otherwise the check succeeds.
-Canonical JSON
-The canonical JSON encoding for a value is the shortest UTF-8 JSON encoding
-with dictionary keys lexicographically sorted by unicode codepoint. Numbers in
-the JSON value must be integers in the range [-(2**53)+1, (2**53)-1].
- import json
- def canonical_json(value):
-     return json.dumps(
-         value,
-         ensure_ascii=False,
-         separators=(',',':'),
-         sort_keys=True,
-     ).encode("UTF-8")
-Adapted from the grammar in removing
-insignificant whitespace, fractions, exponents and redundant character escapes
- value     = false / null / true / object / array / number / string
- false     = %x66.61.6c.73.65
- null      = %x6e.75.6c.6c
- true      = %x74.72.75.65
- object    = %x7B [ member *( %x2C member ) ] %7D
- member    = string %x3A value
- array     = %x5B [ value *( %x2C value ) ] %5B
- number    = [ %x2D ] int
- int       = %x30 / ( %x31-39 *digit )
- digit     = %x30-39
- string    = %x22 *char %x22
- char      = unescaped / %x5C escaped
- unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
- escaped   = %x22 ; "    quotation mark  U+0022
-           / %x5C ; \    reverse solidus U+005C
-           / %x62 ; b    backspace       U+0008
-           / %x66 ; f    form feed       U+000C
-           / %x6E ; n    line feed       U+000A
-           / %x72 ; r    carriage return U+000D
-           / %x74 ; t    tab             U+0009
-           / %x75.30.30.30 (%x30-37 / %x62 / %x65-66) ; u000X
-           / %x75.30.30.31 (%x30-39 / %x61-66)        ; u001X
-Signing Events
-Signing events is a more complicated process since servers can choose to redact
-non-essential event contents. Before signing the event it is encoded as
-Canonical JSON and hashed using SHA-256. The resulting hash is then stored
-in the event JSON in a ``hash`` object under a ``sha256`` key. Then all
-non-essential keys are stripped from the event object, and the resulting object
-which included the ``hash`` key is signed using the JSON signing algorithm.
-Servers can then transmit the entire event or the event with the non-essential
-keys removed. Receiving servers can then check the entire event if it is
-present by computing the SHA-256 of the event excluding the ``hash`` object, or
-by using the ``hash`` object included in the event if keys have been redacted.
-New hash functions can be introduced by adding additional keys to the ``hash``
-object. Since the ``hash`` object cannot be redacted a server shouldn't allow
-too many hashes to be listed, otherwise a server might embed illict data within
-the ``hash`` object. For similar reasons a server shouldn't allow hash values
-that are too long.
-[[TODO(markjh): We might want to specify a maximum number of keys for the
-``hash`` and we might want to specify the maximum output size of a hash]]
-[[TODO(markjh) We might want to allow the server to omit the output of well
-known hash functions like SHA-256 when none of the keys have been redacted]]
diff --git a/docs/server-server/specification.rst b/docs/server-server/specification.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 17cffafdd4..0000000000
--- a/docs/server-server/specification.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-Matrix Server-to-Server API
-A description of the protocol used to communicate between Matrix home servers;
-also known as Federation.
-The server-server API is a mechanism by which two home servers can exchange
-Matrix event messages, both as a real-time push of current events, and as a
-historic fetching mechanism to synchronise past history for clients to view. It
-uses HTTP connections between each pair of servers involved as the underlying
-transport. Messages are exchanged between servers in real-time by active pushing
-from each server's HTTP client into the server of the other. Queries to fetch
-historic data for the purpose of back-filling scrollback buffers and the like
-can also be performed.
-  { Matrix clients }                              { Matrix clients }
-     ^          |                                    ^          |
-     |  events  |                                    |  events  |
-     |          V                                    |          V
- +------------------+                            +------------------+
- |                  |---------( HTTP )---------->|                  |
- |   Home Server    |                            |   Home Server    |
- |                  |<--------( HTTP )-----------|                  |
- +------------------+                            +------------------+
-There are three main kinds of communication that occur between home servers:
- * Queries
-   These are single request/response interactions between a given pair of
-   servers, initiated by one side sending an HTTP request to obtain some
-   information, and responded by the other. They are not persisted and contain
-   no long-term significant history. They simply request a snapshot state at the
-   instant the query is made.
- * EDUs - Ephemeral Data Units
-   These are notifications of events that are pushed from one home server to
-   another. They are not persisted and contain no long-term significant history,
-   nor does the receiving home server have to reply to them.
- * PDUs - Persisted Data Units
-   These are notifications of events that are broadcast from one home server to
-   any others that are interested in the same "context" (namely, a Room ID).
-   They are persisted to long-term storage and form the record of history for
-   that context.
-Where Queries are presented directly across the HTTP connection as GET requests
-to specific URLs, EDUs and PDUs are further wrapped in an envelope called a
-Transaction, which is transferred from the origin to the destination home server
-using a PUT request.
-Transactions and EDUs/PDUs
-The transfer of EDUs and PDUs between home servers is performed by an exchange
-of Transaction messages, which are encoded as JSON objects with a dict as the
-top-level element, passed over an HTTP PUT request. A Transaction is meaningful
-only to the pair of home servers that exchanged it; they are not globally-
-Each transaction has an opaque ID and timestamp (UNIX epoch time in
-milliseconds) generated by its origin server, an origin and destination server
-name, a list of "previous IDs", and a list of PDUs - the actual message payload
-that the Transaction carries.
- {"transaction_id":"916d630ea616342b42e98a3be0b74113",
-  "ts":1404835423000,
-  "origin":"red",
-  "destination":"blue",
-  "prev_ids":["e1da392e61898be4d2009b9fecce5325"],
-  "pdus":[...],
-  "edus":[...]}
-The "previous IDs" field will contain a list of previous transaction IDs that
-the origin server has sent to this destination. Its purpose is to act as a
-sequence checking mechanism - the destination server can check whether it has
-successfully received that Transaction, or ask for a retransmission if not.
-The "pdus" field of a transaction is a list, containing zero or more PDUs.[*]
-Each PDU is itself a dict containing a number of keys, the exact details of
-which will vary depending on the type of PDU. Similarly, the "edus" field is
-another list containing the EDUs. This key may be entirely absent if there are
-no EDUs to transfer.
-(* Normally the PDU list will be non-empty, but the server should cope with
-receiving an "empty" transaction, as this is useful for informing peers of other
-transaction IDs they should be aware of. This effectively acts as a push
-mechanism to encourage peers to continue to replicate content.)
-All PDUs have an ID, a context, a declaration of their type, a list of other PDU
-IDs that have been seen recently on that context (regardless of which origin
-sent them), and a nested content field containing the actual event content.
-[[TODO(paul): Update this structure so that 'pdu_id' is a two-element
-[origin,ref] pair like the prev_pdus are]]
- {"pdu_id":"a4ecee13e2accdadf56c1025af232176",
-  "context":"",
-  "origin":"green",
-  "ts":1404838188000,
-  "pdu_type":"m.text",
-  "prev_pdus":[["blue","99d16afbc857975916f1d73e49e52b65"]],
-  "content":...
-  "is_state":false}
-In contrast to the transaction layer, it is important to note that the prev_pdus
-field of a PDU refers to PDUs that any origin server has sent, rather than
-previous IDs that this origin has sent. This list may refer to other PDUs sent
-by the same origin as the current one, or other origins.
-Because of the distributed nature of participants in a Matrix conversation, it
-is impossible to establish a globally-consistent total ordering on the events.
-However, by annotating each outbound PDU at its origin with IDs of other PDUs it
-has received, a partial ordering can be constructed allowing causallity
-relationships to be preserved. A client can then display these messages to the
-end-user in some order consistent with their content and ensure that no message
-that is semantically in reply of an earlier one is ever displayed before it.
-PDUs fall into two main categories: those that deliver Events, and those that
-synchronise State. For PDUs that relate to State synchronisation, additional
-keys exist to support this:
- {...,
-  "is_state":true,
-  "state_key":TODO
-  "power_level":TODO
-  "prev_state_id":TODO
-  "prev_state_origin":TODO}
-[[TODO(paul): At this point we should probably have a long description of how
-State management works, with descriptions of clobbering rules, power levels, etc
-etc... But some of that detail is rather up-in-the-air, on the whiteboard, and
-so on. This part needs refining. And writing in its own document as the details
-relate to the server/system as a whole, not specifically to server-server
-EDUs, by comparison to PDUs, do not have an ID, a context, or a list of
-"previous" IDs. The only mandatory fields for these are the type, origin and
-destination home server names, and the actual nested content.
- {"edu_type":"m.presence",
-  "origin":"blue",
-  "destination":"orange",
-  "content":...}
-Protocol URLs
-All these URLs are namespaced within a prefix of 
-  /_matrix/federation/v1/...
-For active pushing of messages representing live activity "as it happens":
-  PUT .../send/:transaction_id/
-    Body: JSON encoding of a single Transaction
-    Response: [[TODO(paul): I don't actually understand what
-    ReplicationLayer.on_transaction() is doing here, so I'm not sure what the
-    response ought to be]]
-  The transaction_id path argument will override any ID given in the JSON body.
-  The destination name will be set to that of the receiving server itself. Each
-  embedded PDU in the transaction body will be processed.
-To fetch a particular PDU:
-  GET .../pdu/:origin/:pdu_id/
-    Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction containing one PDU
-  Retrieves a given PDU from the server. The response will contain a single new
-  Transaction, inside which will be the requested PDU.
-To fetch all the state of a given context:
-  GET .../state/:context/
-    Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction containing multiple PDUs
-  Retrieves a snapshot of the entire current state of the given context. The
-  response will contain a single Transaction, inside which will be a list of
-  PDUs that encode the state.
-To backfill events on a given context:
-  GET .../backfill/:context/
-    Query args: v, limit
-    Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction containing multiple PDUs
-  Retrieves a sliding-window history of previous PDUs that occurred on the
-  given context. Starting from the PDU ID(s) given in the "v" argument, the
-  PDUs that preceeded it are retrieved, up to a total number given by the
-  "limit" argument. These are then returned in a new Transaction containing all
-  off the PDUs.
-To stream events all the events:
-  GET .../pull/
-    Query args: origin, v
-  Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction consisting of multiple PDUs
-  Retrieves all of the transactions later than any version given by the "v"
-  arguments. [[TODO(paul): I'm not sure what the "origin" argument does because
-  I think at some point in the code it's got swapped around.]]
-To make a query:
-  GET .../query/:query_type
-    Query args: as specified by the individual query types
-  Response: JSON encoding of a response object
-  Performs a single query request on the receiving home server. The Query Type
-  part of the path specifies the kind of query being made, and its query
-  arguments have a meaning specific to that kind of query. The response is a
-  JSON-encoded object whose meaning also depends on the kind of query.
diff --git a/docs/server-server/versioning.rst b/docs/server-server/versioning.rst
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index ffda60633f..0000000000
--- a/docs/server-server/versioning.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Versioning is, like, hard for backfilling backwards because of the number of Home Servers involved.
-The way we solve this is by doing versioning as an acyclic directed graph of PDUs. For backfilling purposes, this is done on a per context basis. 
-When we send a PDU we include all PDUs that have been received for that context that hasn't been subsequently listed in a later PDU. The trivial case is a simple list of PDUs, e.g. A <- B <- C. However, if two servers send out a PDU at the same to, both B and C would point at A - a later PDU would then list both B and C.
-Problems with opaque version strings:
-    - How do you do clustering without mandating that a cluster can only have one transaction in flight to a given remote home server at a time. 
-      If you have multiple transactions sent at once, then you might drop one transaction, receive another with a version that is later than the dropped transaction and which point ARGH WE LOST A TRANSACTION.
-    - How do you do backfilling? A version string defines a point in a stream w.r.t. a single home server, not a point in the context.
-We only need to store the ends of the directed graph, we DO NOT need to do the whole one table of nodes and one of edges.